Chapter 236

Just looking directly at the two drops of blood, the bodies of Colin Iliad and the other two immediately began to mutate. Their bodies swelled rapidly, their expressions twisted, and their muscles and swollen limbs began to tear their clothes.

Especially the chief, he began to uncontrollably reveal the mythical creature form of a giant, his skin turned blue, and his two eyes began to move in the middle, as if to become a vertical eye emitting the light of the morning light.

Just at this moment, a silver ring once again enveloped the small basement.

After the light disappeared, everything returned to normal. The warrior was still a warrior, not mutated into a giant, and the clothes on his body showed no signs of damage.

The silver-gray-haired baby rubbed his eyes, then fell back into sleep peacefully, and the blood on the swaddle disappeared.

Derrick held him in a daze, feeling that the cold and terrifying snake had turned back into a soft and harmless child.

He was convinced that he had indeed received the call from Mr. "Fool" just now, and even his spiritual world had already outlined the sky with seven bright and pure brilliance, the towering and eternal buildings, and the silver-white giant transformed into "Angel of Destiny" The snake wrapped around his body, and he seemed to be looking there when he raised his head. The lower jaw was just above Derrick's head, which reminded Derrick of the twisted Amon.

Then, he saw a silver-white halo appear, and felt something sticky and heavy around him shatter.

Consciousness returned to the body, and Derrick's senses of the surroundings quickly recovered.

He opened his eyes, and saw in front of him was a candle that was burning to the bottom, and the candle core was holding a small ball of flame that was swaying by the wind.

Immediately afterwards, he found that the "chief" had stood beside him at some point, and the tall Heim and Joshua, who was wearing red gloves, were two steps behind guardedly.

How long have they been looking at me like this... Derrick found a reason in an instant, but he was still a little guilty and nervous.

Although the miracle of the "Angel of Destiny" had benefited the City of Silver, and the chief's physical condition had returned to the state it was about 30 years ago, Colin was still an old man over a hundred years old.

There was no expression on his face with heavy nasolabial folds. Looking at Derrick Berg, he asked in his usual voice:
"What happened to you just now?"

Derrick didn't answer right away, it would appear that he had made up his speech a long time ago, he deliberately paused for a few seconds according to the little trick taught by "The Hanged Man", and said intermittently as he recalled and described:

"When I entered the basement, I saw the altar. I suspected it was the altar. I tried to distinguish the words and symbols left on it, and I recognized three names, among which was 'Angel of Destiny' (considering that the Angel of Destiny is by his side, Dai Rick didn’t say his name)… At this time, the light of the lantern went out, and when I looked back, Heim and Joshua were gone too. I made a light source, walked out of the basement to check, and found that the same thing happened outside. , is also afternoon town, but candles are still lit in many houses there, as if, as if there are still human beings living..."

"I dare not leave this house, go back to the basement, and try to do what I have done before, uh, chief, in that afternoon in the town, the words on the altar were very complete, there are three kinds, one is The giant language, one is the dragon language, and the other is unknown to me, but the meanings of the first two expressions are the same, they are the titles and names of the three angels, and 'Rose of Redemption'..."

"And then, I saw the silver ring, and I came back here."

What he said was all the truth, even very complete, but he concealed the details of praying to Mister Fool.

When they heard the "silver ring", Heim and Joshua subconsciously looked at the child in Derrick's arms.Colin nodded lightly, walked to the altar, and tried all the attempts Derrick had described, but he didn't disappear out of thin air, and remained where he was.

"It seems that the remaining power has completed its mission." The "demon hunter" whispered to himself.

I don't even need to make up reasons... Derrick thought a little ashamedly.

Colin thought for a while, then looked sideways at Derrick:
"What are the titles of Medici and Saslier?"

"The red angel and the dark angel." Derrick didn't hide anything.

Colin nodded slightly as if thinking:
"In the few classics, the 'Red Angel' is mentioned, but there is no specific name. As for the 'Dark Angel' Saslier, it has completely disappeared in the long history."

Derrick was about to ask the remaining King of Angels what else he had, when he suddenly saw the candlelight at the entrance of the basement dimmed, as if shadows were pouring in from outside.

"Get out of here first." "Demon Hunter" Colin also noticed something, and said cautiously.


After looking at the "Angel of Destiny" on the Origin Castle, Klein miraculously did not have any nervousness.

"Probably because of the real Creator. When I thought about it, I was about to see the Creator, and I subconsciously felt that his angel was nothing to be afraid of... He seemed to be persistent in wanting to talk to me, but I am the only one for a god. The value is Origin Castle, and I am the incidental..."

"I don't know what happened to little 'Sun', but in the next Tarot meeting, he will definitely share the details of this exploration with everyone."

He sighed, leaned back on the high-backed chair, and tapped the edge of the long bronze table with his fingers.

"I originally decided to delay this matter as much as possible, at least until after revenge on Ince Zangwill."

"A few years should be very short for the gods. Why is he so anxious? Is it always like this?"

"Well, anyway, it's already... I really should think about what will happen after the revenge is over, just as a hope for myself."

Klein smiled wryly, the part that belonged to Zhou Mingrui was aching, but he has also recognized the reality for a long time, the passage of time and the movement of the world will not be changed by his personal will.

If it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist; if it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist.

I have cried and cried, and I have to accept it if I don’t accept it, not to mention there are too many things that have not been done.

When he first came to this world, he naively felt that "Although it was a bit sudden, he was also the chosen child of time travel", but it was not until he saw the map and heard those words and the truth that Klein realized that he was indeed a heaven. The Chosen One, who was chosen and thrown into this strange world, the true Creator is also the Chosen One, but with even worse luck.

"Looking back now, the 'Ashes of Saint Selina' at that time was the legacy of Saint Selena's Extraordinary characteristics, which means that 'Corpse Collector' and 'Sleepless' are adjacent pathways. It has been so long, because S Zangwill must have become a demigod by now..."

Klein laughed at himself, and then comforted himself.

"I am now at Sequence 5, and I am only short of digesting and potion formulas to cross the threshold of demigod. I can completely catch up with Ince Zangwill, as long as I also reach demigod, with the help of Sefirah Castle and me The item on it must be able to kill him!"

"At that time, after my long-cherished wish for revenge is over, I will also be a saint, ha ha."

"Becoming a saint, I have a long life, and I have enough strength to protect myself. Well, I won't be bothered by money anymore. If the real creator wants Origin Castle, then it's not impossible to give it to him. Find There is a reason to end the Tarot Society, or I can continue to play the role of "The Fool" and communicate with them. I can spend my long life with Melissa and Benson. After they pass away, travel to other parts of the world... There are too many things to do, although..."

He shook his head and didn't say any more.

I still don't know the name of the potion in Sequence 4 and Sequence 3 of "Seer", but I only know that the name of Sequence 2 is "Master of Miracles".Klein thought about it for a while, and then left Origin Castle.

Cattleya will definitely pay attention to herself silently, it is somewhat strange to stay in the bathroom all the time.

Just as he was wondering if it was time for dinner, he was about to take out his gold-cased pocket watch and press it to have a look, when his eyes suddenly became dark and his fingers could hardly be seen.

It's night again...the interval is very irregular...if you encounter a monster, the two sides are fighting fiercely, and it gets dark, what should you do?Monsters are also living beings, so they should also sleep, otherwise they will most likely disappear in the night... Hehe, both of them lie down at the same time, sleep, wake up and continue?Klein, who was in a more relaxed mood after being successfully promoted, complained a few words, and walked quickly to bed.

Just laying down, he suddenly thought of a question:
"The night here is very dangerous. If the creatures don't fall asleep, they will disappear and disappear completely."

"'Land Abandoned by God', including the darkness in the City of Silver, is also very dangerous. If human beings do not have light to disperse the darkness, they may disappear and disappear completely in five seconds."

"It's very similar... Is there a certain relationship between this?"

Klein shook his head, and with the help of meditation, entered the dreamland.

In the dream, he once again came to the living room filled with twilight light, and the huge bookshelf still contained the eye-catching "Bible" and many other books.

This time Klein didn't touch the "Bible", and picked a few other travel notes and miscellaneous notes to read.

Not long after, Leo Master also arrived as scheduled and sat in the same position as last time.

"I have already left the pilgrimage road, and I also saw the ship you were on, with a 'Rose Bishop' on it." He said, "I found that he seemed not to have experienced the baptism of the Lord's holy words, which in this sea area, Not a good thing."

"Although the Lord is much more merciful now and no longer uses holy words that are almost dead to screen believers, this is also the reason why many newcomers are not mentally strong enough."

The meaning of this sentence is... Klein thought for a while: "This sea is filled with the ravings of the real Creator?"

"Yeah." Leo Master nodded, "So, I chose to give him some help."

Cattleya's sealed item for isolating ravings is not as effective as she imagined?Klein's pupils shrunk. If this sea area has been hiding the ravings of the real creator, then after such a long time, if Heath Doyle has not gone crazy and turned into a monster, he has completely become a member of the "Aurora Society" Like a lunatic who believes in the true Creator crazily!

The so-called "giving some help" is nothing more than allowing Heath Doyle to bear these ravings and become a true believer in the Creator... Klein has complicated feelings, but he has no reason to blame the other party.

Because for the "Saint of Black", it is natural for the "Secret Prayer" to become a believer in the true Creator.As far as I am concerned, without the help of Leo Master, Heath Doyle would quietly mutate and go crazy, and with Bishop Rose's weird and terrifying flesh and blood magic, the entire "Future" might have quietly disappeared one day. The whole army was wiped out!
It seems that the team of the Aurora Society is very close to us... Tell the "Admiral of the Stars" about this matter, and let her judge how to deal with it... Klein sighed and looked at Leomaster again.

The other party's black eyes stared at Klein, as if he was ready to answer the question.

Klein pondered for a moment and asked:

"Why did the ancient Sun God become the current 'True Creator'?"

Leomaster's expression changed slightly. He couldn't lie in his dream, but he could choose whether to answer this question.He was silent for a long time, and just when Klein felt that the other party was going to skip this question, the "Saint of Black" answered slowly:
"The kings have rebelled against the Lord."


"The kings rebelled against the Lord..."

In the town in the afternoon, the same words were also uttered by a kneeling clergyman, and they exploded in the ears of Colin Iliad and Derrick Berg like thunder.

"Almighty Lord, I repent,... for tempting Saslier, the kings frequently come to plot in the palace belonging to the dusk."

"The people in this town have changed at some point. They set up secret altars, hold strange rituals, and do various things that you don't allow."

"I discovered all this, but it was too late, corruption, blood, darkness, decay, killing, filth and shadows have flowed and flooded this land."

"A huge disaster will start from here!"

Outside the ruins of the battle of gods.

The "Death" as dark as a tombstone is still stationed here. Edward strolled back to the southern continent again, as if he was going to do a small business with the "Pale Queen", which involved the success of the "Wishing Lamp" and the Djinn's plan. conduct.

Therefore, he was left outside, still shouldering the duty of waiting for a rabbit, sailing back and forth at several exits of the ruins of the god war, robbing passing ships, capturing some new sailors and materials, and waiting for the "future" to leave the ruins of the god war .

The weather was fine and the sea was calm, and a voice suddenly appeared in the minds of Agaritu and "Death".

"The ship of the members of the Aurora Society carried by the 'Black Saint' is not far away. As long as I still have the identity of the 'Messenger of the True Creator', it is impossible for Leomaster to watch me in distress. There is no need to hide this time ... If he is willing to help me, Admiral Star, Anderson Hood, and the "Future" people, there is a good chance to destroy the fleet of the "Undead King"! The food for "Squirming Hunger" has been found! Secret I have found my candidate!"

Agarito: ?
"Death number":!

A certain person's malice was too obvious, and he even listed a very feasible plan, so his thoughts were completely discovered by the malicious perception of the two demons.

"The 'Black Saint' came out?"

Agaritu didn't need to think about who the malice came from, so he was a little surprised: "He has completed the 'trial' he said now? And he is not far from the 'Future'?"

Such a coincidental time, such a coincidental place, he would not believe that there was no "bad luck".

Going one step further, he has to wonder if some writer is secretly adding to his troubles.

"Is there really an Adam on board..." he wondered silently.

I took a trip on the pilgrimage road before and took a look at the murals of Ouroreus, and then I have been plagued by bad luck so far, and I have to do something unexpected.He could see Klein but couldn't touch him. For the first time, Bernadette stepped in to make him escape. Now that Bernadette is gone, the "Saint of Black" who had been out of touch for several months on the pilgrimage just happened to appear again. When he came out, Klein was still invisible, not to mention that this kid had even started to dare to hunt him in reverse!

One Saint, one Aurora Order team, and three Sequence Fives can really cause him a lot of trouble.

"Death" asked cautiously: "Do you want to fight?"

Agaritu replied: "He has the sealed item of Sailor Passing Sequence 3 in his hand. The negative effect is to suck the blood of the surrounding creatures. I can hold the saint and others. Are you sure you can win a 'Sea King' at sea?" ?”

Hearing this side effect, the "faceless doll" who was eager to try also lowered his head.

"Death" answered honestly: "No."

"That's it, I can't beat it, don't waste time." Agaritu said, "I'm not lucky, withdraw, let him worry."

After receiving this order, the "Death" immediately turned around and moved away from this side at an unprecedented speed.

Run, run... On the "Future", seeing this scene, Klein was momentarily stunned.

Soon, the "Death" disappeared from his sight.

This is running too fast... I just had an idea... Klein was unable to regain his senses for a while as he looked at the undulating sea.


Agarito: I can't beat it, I'm not sure.slip.

Edward: Huh?
(End of this chapter)

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