Medici raised his leg to kick.

After thinking for two seconds, she put her foot down and knocked on the door twice.

"Come in," said the man inside.

Medici opened the door and went in, and quickly walked to the only desk in the big office: "Master, the matter is over."

The True Creator temporarily stopped what he was thinking, and asked, "Rasha is concealed enough?"

Medici nodded: "I have checked, the island is very hidden, it is not on the map, and the corresponding area in the spirit world is also covered by me, and the island itself is completely wasteland, without any precious resources or signs of life, you can rest assured use."

"it is good."

Medici asked again: "Now that you are promoted to Angel, you should be able to remotely control the Eastern Continent, right?"

"Just Sequence Two is not enough, but after becoming Sequence Two, the connection between me and the crazy body of Land Abandoned by God will be further strengthened. I have obtained part of the authority and gradually replaced her. Naturally, her madness It will gradually transfer to me." The True Creator said, "The raving that has been suppressed for the most part will gradually recover, but I will not repeat the same mistakes."

"The promotion of Sequence Two is a matter of course, the real difficulty is Sequence One, and becoming a god..."

The red angel comforted:

"Don't be nervous, there's no 'Rose of Redemption' to box with you this time, it's a bit unreasonable to be crazy, right?"

The True Creator feels comforted:

"If I go crazy again, I'm afraid you don't even want to live now."

Medici smiled nonchalantly, probably because she didn't know that in terms of death and lying corpses, only "Reaper" Salinger, or her son who was better off dead than dead, could have more experience than her. Rich, so she thinks that her Lord doesn't have to worry about the small problem of her dying again (could you forget that I am not alive yet? The body I use now is made by craftsmen!), and even feels directly and considerately. To dispel the other party's uneasiness, "You still want to kill me, a three-in-one evil spirit of Sequence Two?" Of course, Red Angel Medici has always been a warm-hearted and considerate person, and she said kindly:
"You are right."

The real creator was a little surprised, when did Medici learn to accept it?

But she didn't take this sentence to heart, opened the drawer, and took out a small bottle.

There is some silver liquid in the glass bottle the size of an adult's knuckle. Just by looking at it, complex and profound circles containing endless mysteries immediately appear in the mind. Connected into a silver-white giant snake.

"Oh! This is—"

Medici immediately recognized the owner of the blood, and said with a raised tone, "Is the big snake born?"

Even for immortal mythical creatures, 2000 years is long enough and boring enough.

Although the natural mythical creatures are considered to have no human nature, they undoubtedly also have the life instinct of joy, anger, sorrow and joy. Although Medici will not feel lonely because he cannot see the real Creator and other people, but because of Glad to see you again after so many years.

"Ouroreus has been born."

The True Creator put the vial containing the umbilical cord blood of the "Mercury Snake" on the table, and spoke to Medici:
"There are three drops of blood in it, Medici, I will give them to you."

"What for me?"

"The moment I become an angel, I will take over part of the authority of the ontology, and the ravings of the ontology will immediately reach my ears." The true Creator has long been prepared to say his thoughts, "Crazy is to me It should be commonplace, but now I have enjoyed the luxury of rationality for too long, and it is difficult to resist the ravings from the true God himself."

"Therefore, I need you to guard me, and find the right time to use 'good luck' and 'restart' to get me out of madness and regain my balance."

Medici pressed his hand on the table, paused in the air for two seconds, then grabbed the bottle, and laughed jokingly:

"What a pity, it would be nice if it could be made into a charm."

Since making a spell requires the power of a high-ranking person, the higher the status, the better, but the spirituality obtained by praying to the "true creator" is undoubtedly a polluted spirituality with crazy ravings, and it is used by the Lord whose mental state is unstable during the promotion process , is premeditated murder.

"You think there is no redemption rose, but it's actually hard to say."

The True Creator shook his head: "The Church of the Storm has repeatedly searched and seized members of the Aurora Society on the sea, Rorsted Islands, and the coastal parts of Backlund recently. The reason is that the previous melee between the envoy D and the spies of Feysac and the Church increased the search. "

Medici was thoughtful: "I remember seeing the base of the Aurora Society blow up just after I got out of trouble. You mean that the night and the storm may have noticed your existence and began to doubt the relationship between you and your body?"

"Heh, the weak are always dispatched in groups, trying to use numbers to bring some courage... But if those traitors have really noticed, then you shouldn't just give me three drops of blood, you should kill the big snake bring!"

"It's just speculation."

The real creator said: "I used a little trick to temporarily make the night and the storm think that I was a special god-falling vessel, and I have arranged some people to perform the pretentious god-falling ceremony as before, and act at the same time on the day of my promotion. "

"Sequence Two is going to be like this. I can hardly imagine how you will live in Sequence One."

"After passing this difficulty, the rest will be much easier. After becoming an angel, I can also try to reshape your body." The real creator said, "The reason why it is so troublesome is because I don't want another "abandoned by God" to appear in the outside world. land' nothing more."

Medici had already put the small bottle in his pocket and lit himself a cigarette: "Then I wish you all the best."

With the appearance of Reinette Tinekerr, the tide of battle has reversed.

The sneak attacker was pulled out from the darkness by a powerful messenger. He is a brown-black old man with thinning white hair and deep wrinkles. His facial features are very characteristic of the Southern Continent. Cole couldn't help but twitch his brows, and then opened his mouth without hesitation, as if he wanted to give the other party the ultimate curse brewed in the long silence.

A head in Reinette Tinekerr's hand also opened its mouth, letting out a silent scream, and nothing happened.

He failed in one blow, knowing that he would definitely not be able to beat the "Highland Princess" who still survived death, and Jax immediately turned his head and looked at Klein. As long as he killed the relatively weak Klein, Reinette Tinekerr will leave the material world because of the loss of the medium, and his mission will be completed!
However, in front of a higher sequence of the same path, he did not have any advantage, and the possession of resentful souls was easily resolved, and he was even injured.

After falling into the wind, Jakes quickly changed his approach—two people came, Senior was already 20 meters away from the target, and he only needed to continue to find a way to hold Reinette Tinekerr and wait Senor just kill the opponent!
During the gaps between several confrontations, Jakes struggled more and more. He walked into the spirit world and took out the item that was bestowed in prayer before. It was a piece of dead wood that was twisted and weird like an arm. The slender and dry forks looked like countless fingers. Wrapped with white cloth.

He stabbed the weird branch into his chest without hesitation.

Seeing this situation, the other two heads that Reinette Tinekerr was holding were also separated from her palms, and together with the previous ones, they flew towards Jax at the same time, at a speed almost instantaneous.

But Jacks has already begun to change.

His body surface turned black, and his skin aged rapidly. It seemed that decades had passed in an instant. His hair, eyebrows, etc. all withered and withered, falling down, and his limbs became thinner and longer, becoming a thin and long strange shadow.

In just one second, Jakes seemed to be assimilated by taking a branch, and became a monster whose skin texture was like bark!

His facial features, such as nose, mouth and ears, quickly disappeared, and his face became rough and flat, with no change in emotion. Only his two eyes moved to the center of the face, as if they were going to gather together to fill in the gaps. One just appeared in the diagonal seam of the forehead, condensing into a brand new visual organ.

His skin, his arms, and the appearance of his new organs all carried indescribable mystery and horror. Klein just glanced at it, and his body, which had just recovered from the cold, was itchy to the extreme. There were patches of erythema composed of fine particles.

His eyes were undoubtedly stinging unbearably, and he instinctively closed them tightly, squeezing out tears.

When he calmed down a little with meditation, he opened his eyes again, and found that Miss Messenger and the demigod of the Rose School of thought had disappeared.

However, Klein's spiritual intuition told him that the two were still nearby, engaged in fierce battles sometimes outside the spirit world, whether it was the falling leaves, the shaking of weeds, the crawling of insects, or the running of wild animals, all represented Confrontation again and again.

At the same time, Klein quickly noticed that a figure with a hidden aura was getting closer and closer to him through the battle just now, but he couldn't hide the thread of the spirit body even though he hid his aura.He quickly adjusted his state immediately, "Death Knell" was ready to go, and was ready to throw out the "Tinder" glove contaminated by the real creator at any time.


Jakes struggled to maintain the confrontation. Even with the use of items, he still felt extremely strenuous in the face of the dead but not stiff leader of the Temperance Faction, the former angel. He could only barely hold the opponent back, hoping that Senor could Get the goal out of the way as soon as possible.

They are constantly chasing, confronting, manipulating the creatures of the spirit world or facing each other with curses, but they often end up being slightly inferior to themselves. Reinette Tinekerr took his attack without much effort Offset, even to spare.

During the battle in the spirit world, Jakes glanced at the real world, but was horrified to find that Senor had fallen into a disadvantage!
He even had to give Senor some help when he was alone, preventing the target from assisting Reinette to attack him after the opponent was killed.

But even so, he still watched Senor's movements become more and more sluggish and paused strangely, and the final attack was easily resolved by the opponent, and half of the neck was shot off by the target, and he fell to the ground unconsciously. life and death.

The defeat of "Admiral of Blood" became the last straw that crushed Jakes. Reinette Tinekerr, who was pressing on every step of the way, made his heart gradually slide into the abyss. The punishments of the leaders who came were extremely gentle.

"...the Son of God of the Rose School of Thought, His Highness the Great 'Abominable' Sierra!"

"I implore you to come! I implore you to give the traitor Reinette Tinekerr divine punishment!"

Jax almost yelled this sentence in a growling voice, and brought the enemy's name. He was sure that this name could make "Abominable" immediately respond to prayers and pay attention to the situation here.

Compared to Renette, the goal of Sequence Five is quite unimportant.

After his words fell, Reinette Tinekerr suddenly stopped her attacking steps and stood vigilantly at a safe distance. At the same time, another head flew up and landed on the cut surface of her neck. Her strength was once again gained. enhanced.

In the real world, following Senor's defeat, the woods also fell silent, and the two fierce battles became strangely silent.

Klein was about to step forward to replenish his gun, when the sky suddenly dimmed, and an arm stuck out!
The arm was ten meters long, covered with an old white cloth belt, and the bare fingers were as dry as a layer of skin sticking to the bone.The gaps in the cloth belt are covered with black protrusions. They may be skull heads, three-dimensional eyes, or tongues with sharp teeth. As soon as they appear, the whole forest shakes.

All the green leaves withered, all the insects froze to death, all the beasts were either paralyzed on the ground, or biting themselves madly, dripping with blood!

The premonition of danger in Klein's heart was extremely strong, he closed his eyes suddenly, threw himself on the ground in front of him, then rolled over, grabbed "Grossel's Travel Notes", and blocked it in front of his face!
The whole forest is withering, as if something that can destroy everything is about to come.

When that arm was about to be fully stretched out, a series of thick silver-white lightnings fell out of thin air, illuminating the entire mountain peak, and connected together with rattling noises, turning into a cage that only existed in myths and legends, enveloping the entire mountain. Arms like a mummy are enveloped inside.

The dark clouds in the high places gathered quickly, with eyebrows, eyes and mouth growing out, as if hiding a human face!
The huge movement just now made the "Sea King" Yan Cottman in Bayam City aware, and without hesitation, he shot from the air, and ordered the "Punishers" to activate the corresponding sealed items.

But the seal didn't have any effect, the arm stretched straight down, the bandage on the arm seemed to loosen a little in an instant, and the terrifying air wave suddenly exploded around, turning the thunder into lightning. The cage shattered to pieces.


When the cage was shattered, the palms of the hands hit the ground extremely heavily. The vegetation withered and the animals were dead. Suddenly there was a vacuum in the woods, and Jakes, who had turned into something like a slender ghost, was killed. Shocked out of this space, with his only eye closed, he fled to the back of his arms in a panic.

Reinette Tinekerr, who was also forced out of the spirit world, appeared after that, because this huge arm appeared in the spirit world at the same time, and it was even more terrifying and impossible to look directly at, so she had to come to Escape from the real world.

Her head flew up, and when the fracture of her neck squirmed and connected with the corresponding two sections, her figure swelled up, as if turning into a Gothic castle, with patterns, vines, and decorations appearing on the surface, Intertwined with mystery, evil, and the feeling of being unable to look directly.

The decay of the forest rapidly spread around the place where the hand appeared. Klein was terrified and sweating profusely. The local Senor couldn't even take care of it.

He didn't think too much about who came, because the situation had already developed to a dangerous but chaotic level.

"The one who came just now seems to be stronger than the 'Sea King'. It should be an angel. However, she didn't appear directly, but was using the spirit world to make a move to descend..."

The current situation is dangerous enough, "Sea King" may not be able to resist this angel of the Rose School of Thought, let the dangers collide with each other, maybe there will be a chance to breathe!
He took out the cigarette case from his pocket, poked his finger, dismantled the wall of spirituality, opened the lid, and shook the tinder glove contaminated by the real Creator into the air, towards the source of danger!

Immediately afterwards, Klein used "Grossel's Travel Notes" to block it, opened his eyes, and took out a copper whistle.

This is not the copper whistle of Azik, but the copper whistle of the Spiritual Cult that he got from an introductory occultist when he was in Backlund. It originated from a revived member of the Spiritual Cult.

Back then, Klein had predicted what would happen when he blew the copper whistle and sent the letter, and got a very dangerous revelation!

At this time, he intends to let the "very dangerous" collide with the "very dangerous" to create a more chaotic and more favorable situation!
Relying on Miss Messenger Reinette Tinekerr alone, it is difficult to stop the other party. I have to give them more trouble, so that they can't escape for a while. I took the opportunity to escape from the sea area where Blue Mountain Island is located!

He quickly brought the copper whistle to his mouth, and blew violently, then a skull with three dead fish eyes popped out from his sight, which had activated his spiritual vision but dared not look up, surrounded by strips of black , arthropod-like tentacles.

Without hesitation, Klein handed over a white feather left by the revived member of the Spiritual Cult to the messenger.

He didn't wait for the messenger to disappear, and immediately mustered his muscles, swung his arms, and threw it upwards, throwing the copper whistle into the air, and threw it to the source of danger.

After finishing all this, he put away the iron cigarette case, rolled again, bounced up, and went straight to the direction of the cliff. During this process, he kept his head down and kept changing positions, not daring to look at what was going on in midair. What kind of scene, dare not have any place to stay!


Klein, number one on the blacklist in the messenger world.

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