Chapter 249

Monday, Tarot Club.

Klein, who had already returned to Backlund, was quickly overwhelmed by the overhead required to play a rich man.

According to the list reported by the butler, in addition to the house with an annual rent of several hundred pounds, maintaining the status of a rich man also requires a personal servant, two first-class maids in charge of the bedroom, two second-class maids in charge of the living room, Two valets for reception, one pantry-maid, one kitchen-maid, two wash-maids, and two menial men.

Besides these, a cook, two gardeners, two coachmen, or a coachman, a coachman's assistant, and if necessary, a page, a handyman, a house nurse, and a cook's assistant.

There are also carriages, after which you must own two, a four-wheeled sedan, about 300 pounds, and a two-wheeled, about 100 pounds...

In addition, there are wine cellars, manors, hunting grounds, occasional dances, and even horses and necessary pets that reflect their status. Ryan also had bouts of scalp tingling.

He has already decided to hire Mr. Walter as the butler, and all expenses are on the line.

More than 3000 pounds is difficult to maintain the "Dawn Dantès" rich person, not to mention the [-] pounds of gold coins paid by Miss Messenger.

Therefore, he even looked forward to the arrival of the Tarot Club, so as to escape from reality for a short time, and quickly sold the magical item "Lucky Scale" obtained from Senor and other items that were not very helpful, so as to supplement his family .

It would be great if I could take away the 4 pound bounty from "Admiral of Blood"... Klein sighed, it's a pity that what "Gehrman Sparrow" did in Bayam was really appalling. , Let him show his face in front of the sea and "Sea King".

Even if you find an insignificant passer-by to receive the reward, it will also attract the attention of the military, Bayam, and the Church of the Storm.

Gehrman Sparrow's bounty is even higher than Senor's!

Therefore, no matter how reluctant he was, Klein could only choose to give up the 4 pounds.

Three in the afternoon.

Above the gray mist, inside the palace with a towering dome.

"The Fool" Klein glanced at the "sun" that was pulled in in advance and the "world" that was pre-realized, pinched a little bit to spread spirituality, and touched to represent "justice", "hanged man", "magician", " Moon" and the crimson stars of "The Hermit".

Rays of light rose up, and relatively vague figures appeared on both sides of the long bronze table.

"Justice" Audrey, who had just returned to the castle from the forest farm, had already changed into a dress with layers of lace on the cuffs and round pearls pressed on them.

She stood up lightly and skillfully, raised her skirt slightly, and saluted:
"Good afternoon, Mister Fool~"

Klein's mood improved a lot, he nodded with a smile, and responded to the other party.

At the same time, he couldn't help but secretly sighed:
"A newly promoted rich man spends so much money. How much does a nobleman like Miss Justice usually spend..."

At the same time, he noticed that Ms. "The Hermit" had the intention to speak, and speculated that the other party might have retrieved some of the Roselle diaries that Bernadette once owned through her own means.

He cast a glance, and Cattleya immediately manifested a yellow-brown diary, watching it fall into Mister Fool's hands in a manner of traveling through the spirit world.

Klein lowered his head pretending to be casual, and was a little surprised to find that there was no corresponding date at the very beginning of this page of the diary.

"It's beyond my expectation. The history of the Quaternary Era revealed by Mister 'Gate' is getting more and more interesting. This unlucky guy who was trapped in a storm and lost in the dark depths told me that the 'Dark Emperor' died once , revived again."

"And even if all the nine mausoleums are destroyed, as long as the order established by the 'Dark Emperor' remains to some extent, he can be resurrected strangely, and only when a new 'Dark Emperor' is born can he be wiped out completely , will never appear again."

"...'Uniqueness' is separated from the owner, the conceptualization is abstracted, the 'Black Emperor' fused with 'uniqueness' reappears in the 'Star Realm', and the three copies of Sequence 1 Extraordinary Characteristics automatically return to their emperors, this is another No god can reverse the unstoppable order."

"In this way, the 'Blood Emperor' and 'Night Emperor' who are both sequence 1 'Prince Killing Order' of this pathway will be quite embarrassing, and they may fall down instantly and regress to Sequence 2." Mister 'Gate' said, At that time, the 'Lord of Storms' and 'Goddess of the Night' chose the 'Emperor of the Night' and helped him turn to a similar extraordinary path, that is, the path of the 'Judger'. This split."

"And the 'Blood Emperor' Arista Tudor, who was driven to a desperate situation, made a crazy decision, that is, to switch to a non-similar extraordinary path, at the cost of losing his mind and becoming a lunatic, and forcibly promoted to a true god. "

"I have to say that this decision is full of irrational colors, and it is almost impossible to realize it, but Mister 'Gate' told me that Arista Tudor succeeded in the end, and the craziest true god was born!"

Crazy... Turning to a non-adjacent path... Potion and uniqueness... Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck Klein's mind.

It suddenly occurred to him that just yesterday, he used his secret puppet Senor to go to the mysterious Fourth Epoch ruins with evil spirits together with Sharon in the form of a resentful soul!
There were originally three armchairs, each of which restrained a lifeless figure...

It is suspected that the three Extraordinary at the top of the "Hunter" pathway died there at the same time, and there may be Medici with "uniqueness" among them, so that Extraordinary people are constantly being attracted, including the heir of the Pound family, and the "Red Priest" card.

So who exactly performed this terrifying ritual in that mysterious ruin?

Sacrificing three Sequence [-] angels, seeking the throne of God?

Combined with this page of the diary, the blurry figure in Klein's mind suddenly became clear. There is no doubt that the Consul Alista Tudor should have been the sequence one of the "Dark Emperor" pathway. Priests" are not adjacent!

Under the threat of death, the consul chose to kill the three "hunters" in Sequence One, and was promoted to the true god "red priest"!And succeeded, became a crazy true god!

The amount of information is huge... It is indeed the diary that Bernadette has collected... Wait, finally crazy?crazy……

Could it be... no way... Roselle's situation at that time was very similar to that of "Blood Emperor" Arista Tudor. The original path had been cut off, and the adjacent path was blocked by someone or something. It was not that easy. Climbing...Could it be, could it be that, under tremendous pressure, he made the same irrational decision as the "Blood Emperor", trying to switch to a non-adjacent path?

In this way, the madness in his later years was really losing his mind, rather than being splashed with dirty water. No wonder Bernadette Gustav turned his back on him, hated him, and tried to find the truth...

Hehe, I really underestimated this fellow and "predecessor". I always thought he was cosplaying Napoleon and Caesar to entertain himself. It turned out that he was preparing for the "Dark Emperor"... No, his diary at that time , I have also read a few pages, my thinking is clear, my emotions are normal, and I can even communicate deeply with a certain noble lady, a certain noble lady...

Well, he might not have made the final decision at that time, but was he consciously leaving a way out?
There is a high probability that the "Civil Code" was not intended by Russell. As a usurper, promulgating new laws is an inevitable choice. Among the objects available for reference, the "Civil Code" is relatively the most in line with social conditions and history. process of...

The subsequent behavior of proclaiming the emperor should be something that Bernadette found incomprehensible and a little difficult to accept... As Roselle's most beloved child, she may have noticed a certain abnormality before her father proclaimed the emperor... Klein couldn't help thinking about it When he opened it, he seemed to see the heavy history hidden in the depths of the mist turning a page full of blood and rust in front of him.

This made him even more curious about the trigger of Roselle's madness.

The newly born Church of Death was busy dealing with those two silent cities, and the meeting ended soon, and everyone had their own busy schedules.

And under their propaganda, people from the Southern Continent who couldn't survive and fished in troubled waters continued to flock to these three cities, which brought huge challenges to the city's security. "For Pathway Extraordinary, managing so many people is not difficult.

You never know whether the people walking in front of you are good or bad, just as it is difficult for you to tell whether the police officers and church members who maintain law and order and arrest criminals on the streets of Balam are living or dead.

"I will not consider relocating my children from the Northern Continent for the time being, because the Southern Continent does not have enough places to accommodate them, and the money in my hands can only support some people, otherwise the responsible people do not need to wear multiple jobs to earn money. funds."

"But I'm always ready."

"What's Siea's attitude? If he has reached a balance between the two roles, how will he deal with the crazy subordinates of the indulgent faction and the rebels who have become terrorists?"

After the simple cooperation meeting with the Church of Death was over, Richard chased him out, asking non-stop.

Edward reluctantly replied, "Let it be."

"After a long period of indulgence, some people will always forget that the real self may not be so indulgent, and the same is true after a long period of restraint."

"For them who have already become accustomed to it, even if the correct method is in front of them, they may not be able to do it."

Richard breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that He is willing to announce the results of this experiment to everyone."

"Actually, you are the first prisoner to try to achieve a balance. It is not advisable to blindly restrain without breaking out, and it is also not advisable to blindly indulge without being suppressed. The method used by Si'ah is to refer to the simple and crude version that you completed later. But it's enough."

A smile appeared on the corner of the Temperance Angel's mouth: "If He is willing to put shackles on the indulgent faction, I will help."

Edward scoffed:
"There's no need for Siua to change the acting method in the school to win you over. Your influence in the temperance school is even worse than that of Reinette Tinekerr. If you want to participate, you'd better do it You have to hide it."

"They really thought that the former leader of the rebel army would become an angel of temperance because he was afraid of being beaten. They would nest in small places in the north and south continents to do charity, and they would really think that the orphans and old people raised by you are your anchors."

"Of course, you are just an angel, and they don't need to do anything to your anchor."

The anchor owned by the Angel of Temperance is unknown. From the perspective of the church, Richard Ernst has at least 100 million anchors in the North Continent, including charity hospitals, workhouses, and orphanages. His subordinates and those saved by him people.These can be counted through the number of people rescued by the Ernst Foundation, and the number will fluctuate with the amount of funding received each year. It is relatively easy to estimate, but it is at least worth one or two large cities, and the anchor of the Southern Continent is completely a unknown.

Even the rebels occasionally read a few words about Temperance Angel, after all, that was their former leader and had the most brilliant record.

As an angel, there are quite a few of these.

However, both Edward and Richard knew very well that the stable state of the Temperance Angel does not rely on anchors, but their own beliefs.

"You told me that 'Mr. Gate' Bethel has been exiled in a distant place for thousands of years, and there are no believers in 'Mister' in the world now except for the Abraham family, so according to our logic, He should have Just go crazy or surrender to the enemy."

"Since 'Mr. Door' can fight against madness and pollution with his own will and belief, then I may not be unable to do so."

It's just to reduce some unnecessary emotions and purify one's beliefs and wishes.

"I'm an ill-bred southerner, a short-sighted, ungrateful wild wolf, without bait and meat to feed, I would want to bite the meat of the person who fed me, isn't that normal? "

Richard teased himself disapprovingly, and then started to plan beads: "I see, thank you for reminding me. Is there anything else I can do for the teacher recently?"


"It's a pity, it's hard to find a job these days." Richard asked again, "Master, where did the lamp you are holding go?"

"Send it away."

Seeing that Edward began to be perfunctory, Richard also changed the subject with a wink:

"Is the current pale emperor really the god of death?"

Edward nodded.

Richard looked up at the murals on the high dome, full of emotion: "Just last year, I had quarreled with him because of political differences, and had business dealings with him. In a blink of an eye, he is no longer in this world. up."

"When Shia was alive, she had already racked her brains to deal with the Church of the Seven Gods, and the remaining energy was spent on recapturing Aldera, which took half a year. After Death returned, he took back the other two within a day. Cities, silence the churches of the Northern Continent."

"Is this the difference in power? Or is this the difference between humans and gods?"

"Under such a gap, I even think that human beings are just ants, and gods are human beings. In ancient and modern battles, no matter how ants bite you to death, no matter how advanced civilization and technology are, as long as people step on it, they will die." Nothing."

"Living in such a world is really powerless to the point of rage."

After all, this was in Emperor Balam's palace. Richard didn't say these words too loudly, nor did he let the people around him notice his emotions. After a long silence, he couldn't help asking:

"What's Balam thinking at the moment?"

War is closely related to everyone, and Richard must also prepare in advance.

Edward said casually: "The targets of Balam's declaration of war are Ruen and Intis. Considering the adjacent paths, Death chose Ruen."

"This made Fusac choose to wait and see while being vigilant."

"Didn't the investigation of last year's Great Smog in Backlund yield a result?"

"There are results."

Edward walked out of the gate of the palace, came to the imperial aisle, and took out a small scroll from his pocket like magic:

"Fusac's spies have investigated the truth about the great smog... After all, the emperor of the neighboring country may want to become a god, and the high-level officials of Fusac are of course extremely vigilant. They have now determined that the 'big smog' incident is almost a reckless one. Well, the royal family directed and acted on their own, and the three major churches also put pressure on George III afterwards, and George III did give up huge benefits to the church, so it doesn't matter who the real culprit is."

Richard sneered: "I've seen a lot of similar things. Everyone's life has a price tag. If I have enough bargaining chips, I really want to ask them all to die too."

"You have."

"Sorry, suicide is not considered."

"You didn't agree just because your life was not sold at the expected price. If the condition I offered was to wipe out all the Seven Gods, you would definitely agree very readily."

"But I'm not worth the price." Richard replied with a very high EQ.And if you could do it, you probably would have done it long ago.

Edward didn't say any more, he unfolded the small scroll, and read: "The Feysac Empire has basically confirmed that the Loen Royal Family and the Witch Sect have reached some kind of cooperation, but the rewards are so high that the Witches are willing to keep it a secret. They The captured human traffickers and slave traders basically identified the witch, and there was only one witch to identify George III."

"What else does the original witch need?" Richard thought, "Is the hunter's sequence one or uniqueness?"

"Maybe." Edward put down the note and looked ahead, "Fusac's current meaning is very interesting. On the one hand, they hope that the Balam Empire will declare war first to attract Loen's firepower for them. The Balam Empire is also the most suitable .Then they took the opportunity to pour the dirty water of the truth about the smog on them, and declared war on humanitarian grounds. I think this is the best, but there is another strong resistance in Feysac that prevents all this. They will be jointly rejected by the North Continent if they come out, but they still want to take the first step."

"It's weird. It's also very meaningful."

Richard is not sensitive to these things, not to mention that he knows that "War Angel" is still in the Aurora Society - every mechanical container ordered with a high price is a blessing from him personally - "so the current situation is... ...?"

Edward smiled heartily.

"There are still many places in the Southern Continent that need to be recovered, and it is not necessarily necessary to rush to the Northern Continent immediately after declaring war."

"So I suggest that Death declares war immediately."

"Just tomorrow."


Richard: Good!
(End of this chapter)

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