Chapter 265 Does the young man play cards?

[Puppet Master - Klein]'s "Chanis Gate Infiltration Plan" has officially started!
[Magic Mirror - Arrodes] activated the skill, "Dawn Dantès' Phantom" has been assembled.

[Puppet Master - Klein] Successfully disguised as a cleaning servant of the Church of Evernight!

[Puppet Master - Klein] successfully disguised as the old guard of Chanis Gate!
[Puppet Master - Klein] I met Leonard Mitchell, "Pales Zoroaster's Pendant" in Chanis Gate!
"Pales Zarathustra" chose to remain silent, because he found that Klein's disguise was beyond Leonard's ability, and exposing the other party would expose his own existence.Therefore, "Leonard Mitchell" did not notice that the old guard in front of him was pretending to be an acquaintance.

[Secret Puppet Master - Klein] successfully entered the Chanis Gate.

[Master of Puppet - Klein] He felt the call of "Note of the Antigonus Family", and he approached the note.

【Angel of Hidden 0-17】appeared.

[Secret Puppet Master - Klein] was hidden.

Klein fell out of this world.


In short, after omitting nearly [-] words of the process of stealing notes, Klein was sent to Mount Hornakis where the red moon shines.

The first thing that catches his eyes is the surrounding mist and the deep and cold night, and not far away, there is a small town.

The most conspicuous building in the town is a very old-style steeple church. It is black all over, without a bell tower, and there are one black crow after another hovering around the top.

There are many buildings scattered around the church, there are ordinary two-story houses, there are simple wooden houses, there are bakeries with hanging signs, and there are gray and white mills powered by waterwheels, but there are no pedestrians, and they seem to be in peace. fell asleep at night.

As a "Seer", Klein immediately felt that this town was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before!
After a brief recollection, he remembered what this represented.

This is the source of danger at night in the ruins of God War!
After entering the easternmost area of ​​the Sunya Sea, when night falls, if anyone does not sleep or enter the dream world, when the sky lights up and noon comes, they will be found to have disappeared without a sound. Ryan once woke up from a dream by the "Saint of Black", and saw such a mysterious and strange foggy town in the distance of the sea, in a place shrouded in quiet night!

There is a huge danger hidden in this small town, Klein didn't dare to be careless, and quickly began to check his own situation.

He took out the "Squirming Hunger" and put it on his left hand. He was slightly relieved after confirming that it could still be used.

Klein immediately herded Louis Wayne, but the "Traveler's Gate" did not appear.He used his spirituality to try to travel through the spiritual world, but found that he was still in place, but his body became transparent.

The reality and spirit world here seem to be completely isolated!

In such a situation, Klein was not too surprised, because the people who disappeared in the "Ruins of God's War" have never been found. If they can be combined with the spirit world, the missing people who are good at communicating with spirits will definitely not disappear silently .

Then, he took four steps backwards, preparing to use Origin Castle to break the blockade.

But this time, after he silently recited the four lines of Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun's honorable name, there was no gray fog in front of his eyes, and his spirituality did not rise!

Klein's pupils shrank, and he suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

All along, he has always been inseparable from the help of Yuanbao to get out of danger. Now, this last hole card cannot be used!
Phew, it feels like the cheating has been blocked... Klein relieved his tense emotions by complaining.

Based on his own knowledge of mysticism, he preliminarily suspected that the foggy town in front of him was probably related to the true god, because only in this way could he explain the problem of not being able to enter above the gray fog.

This place is closely related to the dark night, and I was "sent" in only after encountering high-level church officials... Is it a "prison" built by the goddess herself?It is possible that He is the "Mother of Secrets", and maybe he can directly turn people and things into a "secret" state, so that people in the real world will never be able to find them... Klein thought carefully for a while, and decisively decided to enter the foggy town to explore , because the most likely way to hide is there.

He examined himself, then took out the "Admiral of Blood" who was in a bad state, let him walk in front, and slowly entered the small town in the distance.


In the town, the doors of many houses are still open, as if they are welcoming guests from foreign lands. With the help of the marionette's sight, Klein saw half-gnawed white bread and glasses filled with red wine on the tables inside. , Messy silver knives and forks...

It looked like someone was having dinner, but no one was there, and the owners of the different houses seemed to have suddenly evaporated from their lives.

Evaporation... Such a word suddenly appeared in Klein's mind, and he hurriedly asked Senior to turn his gaze to the gray-white mill.

In the mill, the wind-powered stone mill was still turning silently, but no flour came out, and a lot was spilled on the ground.

The small town is quiet, and you can hear a needle falling. Although the stone mill and windmill and waterwheel are turning, there is strangely no wind.

The red moon is still hidden in the clouds, but the gray-black clouds are moving slowly.

Klein roughly estimated the moving speed of the clouds. This is an area closely related to the Evernight Goddess. The red moon is also a symbol of the Goddess. There is no moonlight now. Perhaps we should pay attention to what will happen to the town after the moon appears. Variety.

He walked forward along the most spacious road in the town, followed his secret puppet far away, and looked at this town that seemed to be at a standstill at a certain moment in daily life with the help of Senor's eyes .

Is there no one here?

Klein looked around vigilantly. He was ready to fight, but he didn't see a living person.

Where did all the missing people go?
The houses and streets were clean, and there were traces of food being eaten, but there were no corpses or blood.

No, there was a bloodstain.

Senor stopped suddenly.

Directly in front of him, on the clean ground was this large sticky dark red bloodstain, almost filling the entire street horizontally.

The bloodstain was very fresh, without any trace of drying up. Senior took a step forward, and the bloodstain immediately burst into tiny bubbles, surging like life.

The dark red camouflage faded away, the blood stains turned bright red as if they had just been spilled, and dark shadows appeared everywhere on the surface, as if countless monsters were sealed underneath, awakened by fresh life at this moment, scrambling to get out.

The ground was obviously flat, but the bloodstain slowly extended towards Senor.

A few meters away, Secret Puppet Senor's body immediately changed. Strange bumps appeared on his head and shoulder blades on his back, as if something was about to come out from under the skin.

His limbs and arms began to swell, his knee joints turned backward strangely, and the color of his skin darkened rapidly.

What's more, Klein suddenly felt the thread of the spiritual body in his hand start to shake, and a new personality prototype seemed to be born in the body of this secret puppet, and it began to fight for Senor's control!
In just two seconds, the image of "Admiral of Blood" has undergone an unimaginable change. If it weren't for the facial features still there, Klein could hardly believe that this is his secret puppet!
Klein was horrified, and he hurriedly made the "Admiral of Blood" retreat, but the bloodstain seemed to have found Senor's position, and a line of blood quickly spread to follow him.

Senor's mutation became more and more serious, and Klein gradually saw the appearance of the other party after the mutation——


At this moment, the surrounding world suddenly lit up, and the dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated, and the clear brilliance of the red moon sprinkled all over the earth.

Klein saw the somewhat out-of-control Senior Secret Puppet remain motionless for a moment, and then, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis from all directions piercing his temple like needles!
Before he had time to think, he immediately took back the motionless Senor, then lunged and rolled to hide in the nearest house.

In the next moment, many residents suddenly appeared in this deserted town. They seemed to be drilled out of the ground, walking naturally in the streets and alleys, greeting each other, discussing that today they only buy bread, Still a bit extravagant, come with 1 pound of beef.

The foggy town suddenly became alive!

However, the vague figures did not try to enter the houses on both sides. They seemed to have been walking back and forth on the street, and the sound they made was hard to believe that they were talking, which was closer to the low roar of wild animals .

"Can not Go Out!"

Klein couldn't imagine what the situation outside was like now. He only knew that the small town had suddenly become extremely dangerous.

What would happen if I took a step slower just now?He didn't dare to think about it.

The dark curtains were closed tightly, and the vague silhouettes walked back and forth like shadow puppets.

Klein released Senior again, and once again controlled it with the thread of the spirit body.However, the mutations that have already occurred have not disappeared. It is estimated that Senor will not be able to recognize himself even if he is alive now and looks in the mirror.

"A demon was injured in the misty town? He left bloodstains, and because he was very strong, the traces remained, and he would be polluted just by getting close..."

The devil is the "criminal" pathway, which is just adjacent to Senor's "prisoner", so why does it mutate so quickly?

Klein suddenly thought of someone.

"Edward Vaughn seems... After being reported by me, he disappeared immediately."

He couldn't believe it, but felt that it was reasonable, and felt that the possibility of his guessing being right was very high.

Klein felt horrified for a moment: "Could it be that he is still staying here? No, it's impossible. Senior is just walking in the town so brightly. It is impossible for an angel to be invisible. If he wanted to do something, I would have already died!"

"He's not here, or he's dead!"

Klein lifted his spirits. Under the current special circumstances, he hoped that the answer was the former, because it represented an opportunity to go out.

The "shadow play" outside is still going on, and I don't know when the red moon will be covered next time.

Klein waited patiently for a while. Seeing that the people in the town were still repeating their daily routines, he couldn't help but start thinking about other means.

He examined the extraordinary abilities of himself and the magical item one by one, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he found a way.

This method originated from the "opening the door" of the most useless "traveler" he thought at the beginning!
Under normal circumstances, this extraordinary ability is completely covered by "teleportation", but in this mysterious and strange foggy town, it is more useful to use the special ability of the spirit world!
Klein didn't act in a hurry. He took out the gold coin that "Wraith" Senor originally lived in, and used divination to inquire about his own spirituality, and got the answer that he should "pass through the wall".

However, since he could not directly obtain symbolic revelation from the spiritual world, he could only choose to believe in himself, and immediately walked to the wall that was shared with the house next door, and pressed his hands on it.

Without a sound, Klein penetrated the stone wall and entered the next door.

When passing by the pool of blood, Klein saw many figures around him living and talking normally, even though there was no one on the other side.


The crow on the top of the church overlooks the whole town.

In the night church in the center of the town, under the gaze of countless hanging corpses, Zaratul, who closed his eyes and was asleep, felt a light footstep approaching him.

He opened his eyes, which were dark.

He saw a young man—according to the brilliance of spirituality, it should be a "Master Puppet"—standing in front of him, looking at himself vigilantly, and also at the pile of interesting things placed at his feet. Old days board games.

At the feet of this young "Puppet Master", in the dark shadow, there is a black and white eye that is as clear as a stick figure.

It seems that because this place is isolated from the outside world, the eyes just turn around at a slightly rigid time, looking at the surrounding situation.

"Finally another 'Seer' has come here..."

The young man on the opposite side stood still a few steps away, and asked without showing any timidity:

"why would you say so?"

"Do you want to escape from here?" He seemed to know nothing, so Zaratul avoided answering, "I can tell you how."

The young man was not moved, and immediately asked:

"Then why are you still here?"

Zaratul smiled: "Because I'm already dead."

Occasionally digesting the "Crafting Mage" is beneficial to physical and mental health, but the young "Secret Puppet Master" was frightened and fell into silence.

Zaratul stared at the eyes in the shadow of "Master Puppet", hummed and laughed twice:
"It seems that that one has finally picked out his own candidate..."

He looked at the bewildered visitor, and said in a low and ambiguous voice:

"Young man, it seems we all need some help from each other."

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the large collection of board games in his hand. He glanced at the other party with a proud look of "You must have never seen the crystallization of entertainment culture in these ancient times", and said with a low laugh:
"You come here, you won't be able to leave in a while, come and pass the time with me, an old man."

Edward took a sip of his homemade milk tea, skimmed the milk cap with a spoon, and looked at the person across the table with disgust.

"What are you still doing here?"

Richard looked left and right, intending to touch the sterling silver spoon away, and said with a smile, "Have you heard a story recently? A group of mental illness suddenly broke out in a small rural town in East Balam, and the patients would Dancing like crazy in red shoes until you die of exhaustion."


"This kind of mass mental illness seems to have appeared frequently since last month. Once you start dancing, you can't use any means to stop it. Even if you lose consciousness halfway, you will continue to dance after waking up until you are exhausted. This epidemic started It happened in a small rural town, and later spread to the city, and was once suspected by the church to be a ritual or experiment performed by members of a psychological alchemist."

"It feels like a story I've heard before." Richard said, "Even the red shoes are exactly the same. Is this a mysterious reappearance?"

Edward took another sip of milk tea: "It's hard to solve?"

"It's not difficult. If there is no demigod to help deal with it, in theory, you only need to confine the epidemic to a certain range and wait for all the patients inside to die of exhaustion." Richard sighed, "I planned to help, but I didn't expect I'm already a wanted man."

"But the incident is a bit strange. No matter how you circle the area, the 'red shoes' are constantly spreading outwards. Later, the church realized that the source was still there, and then captured a pair of wooden feet wearing red dancing shoes. Now it is A first-level sealed item of the Church of the Storm."

After finishing speaking, seeing that Edward didn't respond, Richard poured himself a cup of milk tea, sighed and said:

"The Church of the North Continent has already started to seal down my institution, restricting the foundation's power!"

"I just transferred all the people in the Rorsted Islands. Now at least 10 people in the North Continent have lost their homes and hospitals. Only at this time will those guys react quickly."

Richard rubbed his hands: "Teacher, is it convenient for the Rose School to borrow some people? Is there anyone who is not crazy enough? I want to take a trip to the North Continent. Anyway, they won't give me money this year. I am immoral. I To rob people."

"Why don't you go to the Church of Death for help?"

Edward said: "The roaming of the spirit world and the teleportation of the gate of the underworld are much easier to use."

"The church of Death is tight on the front line, and the rear needs to be governed. After occupying one and a half counties, there are no extra manpower."

Richard spread his hands: "It will probably be a period of time to fight, but it's okay to continue fighting. After all, the 'War Angel' of the Aurora Society has already joined the battle. It depends on what the emperor of the Balam Empire thinks."

"Can I borrow it?"

"You can go and ask who is willing to help you."

"Thank you very much. By the way, where have you been lately?"


"Are you going to be promoted?"

"I'm waiting."

"Oh. Traynor has been complaining to me recently that 'War Angel' forced him to go to training and fighting guerrillas, and asked me if I could jump ship to my place. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Yes, if he wants to." Edward didn't change his face, "My agreement with the real creator is unbreakable..."

"Then I'll go back and ask him."

Richard asked again: "Have you let your family members move around recently? There are frequent traces of demon activity along the coast of the Northern Continent, and—they are very simple and crude traces. The local church has invested a lot of force to hunt them down, but There is always no gain, and the murderer always slips away because of various coincidences."


Edward, who has been staying near the abyss for a long time now and relies on prayers to understand the outside world, frowned slightly. Although the current demon family members are all under his control, it is not impossible for a single demon to commit crimes.But, coincidence?
A quill appeared in his mind, and a stickman holding a pen with "Sequence 4" written on his head.

"...What the hell is the writer doing?"


Northern Continent: I am not guilty.

Richard: I'm a barbarian.

Klein: I Chao, You Wang, O Rich Man, Fly O Chess, isn’t this also a fellow?
The true story of Klein when he entered the town: one eye suddenly went black

(End of this chapter)

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