The carriage drove out of the west district, headed south at the fork in the road, and soon arrived at a military base.

Klein, led by Colonel Calvin's handwriting and the lieutenant officer, entered smoothly, and came to a square paved with rammed earth, where a huge monster combining dark blue and pure white was parked.

This airship is tens of meters long, with strong and light alloy skeletons protruding from the top of the body, spreading and crisscrossing, supporting the airtight and waterproof fabric with airbags, and the machine gun ports, bomb openings and Artillery muzzle.At this time, the humming sound of the high-phlogiston steam engine has not yet sounded, and the corresponding blades have not rotated, and everything is very quiet.

Klein handed over the documents and identification to the officer guarding the gangway, and after getting permission, he carried his suitcase and boarded the airship step by step.

This place is like a cabin, divided into three floors, with complex mechanical devices and warehouses for storing goods on the top, and a hall where buffets and dances can be held in the middle. The surroundings of the hall and the passages leading to the upper and lower floors are There are lounges one by one, as for the bottom floor, there are machine gun rooms, ammunition rooms, artillery positions, and soldiers' rooms.

Passing by the guards with rifles, Klein found the corresponding lounge according to what the officer told him just now, and put his luggage next to a sofa-like seat.

At the same time, he recalled the reply of the Aurora Order in his mind:
"...The Aurora Order's warehouse just happens to have one in stock for the 'trick monster' you want. If you have no objection, I will transport it to Backlund's factory stronghold, and you can take it when you come back .”

Cool.Klein thought to himself.

One of the main materials, "Deceitful Monsters", came just like that. The only thing Klein needed to collect by himself was "Spirit World Predator".

According to the existing information, this is a creature living in the depths of the spirit world, and it needs to be planned slowly.

Another reply is from Ms. D:

"...I accept your entrustment, Mr. X, please send me a message when you arrive at the port, and I will go there immediately to meet you."

"Our cooperation period is one week. After you send all the items, I will leave after you return to the safe area."

Klein and Ms. D have negotiated the terms. If there is a clue, the transaction is successful. If you bring the real thing, you will be very grateful.

On the "Hermit" side, he also notified the approximate locations of the "Sun God Bird" and "Holy Shining Stone" in the ruins of the God War, so that the deal between the three of them was basically finalized.

Klein only needs to arrive at the Southern Continent step by step, work as a courier step by step, and then return.

This made him feel very relaxed. With the help of the Aurora Society and the news from the Dark Saint to "War Red", the danger of going to the Southern Continent has been minimized, and it has almost become a trip.He picked up the glass of water on the table, walked to the window, and looked at the scenery outside.

Frankly speaking, although he knows a little bit about everything, he only knows a little bit, so he doesn't understand what the design principle of this latest airship is, how high it can fly, and how bumpy it is in mid-air.

This made him a little apprehensive. Before setting off, he did a divination above the gray mist, and got the revelation that he could reach his destination relatively smoothly.

It seems that there are seat belts. The airship industry in this world has a history of many years, and there is relatively enough experience in all aspects... Klein was about to withdraw his gaze from looking outside, admiring the layout of the room and the candlelight behind the hard glass cover , suddenly saw a group of people approaching the airship numbered "1345".

These people include men and women, basically wearing black thin trench coats, red gloves, and carrying suitcases of different sizes. There is only one, wearing a mysterious psychic robe, and wearing blue eye shadow and blush , it was Daly Simone.

And behind this lady, walking behind is Leonard Mitchell with black hair and blue eyes.

Without anyone else noticing, Leonard's footsteps suddenly slowed down. Immediately, he raised his head and looked at the second floor of the airship.

His eyes then reflected Dwayne Dantès, who was wearing a formal suit and a bow tie, with white sideburns and deep blue eyes.

The gentleman stood behind a window, showed a warm smile, and raised the cup in his hand.


"Get the Sun God Bird and the Holy Radiance Stone as soon as possible..."

Under the night, Cattleya silently recited these two nouns in her heart, and recalled the clues given to her by "The World" in the previous Tarot meeting, and secretly made up her mind.

To find the murderer, to avenge the queen... You can't stand still, you can't be decadent, you can't give up on yourself, you must work hard... Even if you can't do it yourself, rely on the power of other people, the Tarot Society and even the church, as long as you can make it happen. It is acceptable to kill the "Queen of Mysteries" and the culprit who destroyed the "Emerald City"!
"The blood of mythical creatures" is right in front of you, even if you only have a chance, try it!

Cattleya's heartbeat accelerated slightly, and to this day, she still feels extremely sad when thinking of the death of that motherly woman.

From then on, the spell that summoned the "messenger that belongs exclusively to Bernadette Gustave" no longer had any effect.

From then on, the letters written by myself will never have a recipient again.

From then on, the gate of the "Emerald City" will never be opened again, and there will never be a figure waiting there who seems to never leave...

The person who would hold her hand through the long corridor is dead, the mother who would let her sit on her lap and slowly teach the occult knowledge is gone, she will let her go indifferently, and occasionally write with concern There are no more contact persons.

no more...

With hot eyes, Cattleya quickly reached out and pressed the center of her eyebrows, raised her head, and looked at the crimson full moon in the sky.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door behind her, and she immediately adjusted herself and said in her usual steady voice:

"who is it?"

"It's me, Frank, Captain." A familiar voice came from behind the door.

"Come in."

Frank opened the door and came in, scratched his head, and smiled honestly: "Captain, I heard from the first mate that you are preparing the formula materials?"

The captain "Admiral of the Stars" is a Sequence 5, which is the consensus of everyone on board.

And since returning from the ruins of the God War, the captain seemed to have swept away the previous calm and calm, and began to become active. Therefore, the crew speculated whether it was because they lost too many crew members after encountering the "Undead King". want to go further.

The first mate made a guess, and the captain didn't deny it.

Now it's the turn of the crew to be surprised. As long as the captain takes one step further, he will be a "half-human, half-god" who has acquired the divine nature!It is enough to leave a name on the scriptures of any church, and to be able to have the existence of a church named after her!

Cattleya didn't know the purpose of the other party's visit, but nodded slightly: "Yes."

Frank rubbed his hands and asked, "Captain, I have some income recently... Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Cattleya was taken aback.

She said with some doubts: "No, I have already collected the main materials and most of the auxiliary materials. Frank, why do you say these?"

While speaking, she suddenly noticed that there seemed to be many people watching secretly outside the door of the captain's room.

Frank was still rubbing his hands: "Captain, you have been very busy for the past two months, running around with the 'Future', accepting some commissions, and busy training new crew members... You look too Tired..." His eyes glanced back, hinting to the captain that the group of companions who were eavesdropping outside, "So everyone recommended me to ask, we are a pirate group, although we usually rely mainly on your reputation, captain ...Uh, I'm here to ask on behalf of everyone, is there anything...you can help..."

Cattleya looked at Frank in astonishment, and then at the eavesdropping crew outside—she never thought that she could feel so much care from the crew, and suddenly felt at a loss, Cattleya had to clear her throat , seriously said:
"I have received everyone's kindness."

"At this stage, I don't need everyone's financial assistance."

"Ah—" the crew members outside the captain sighed in disappointment.

"But, thank you, I am very happy." Cattleya said again, "I would like to buy everyone a drink, who would like to?"

The chattering outside suddenly disappeared without a trace, and then Nina shouted loudly: "Long live the captain!"


"Thank you Captain!"

"The last time we had a drink was last week!"

Amidst the cheers one after another, the navigator Otolov quietly approached and said in a low voice:

"'Undead King' Agaritu's recent route is a bit strange. He and the 'Death' seem to be unconsciously approaching the southeast coast of Loen, and there—according to our people, there have been continuous demon-related incidents recently. The church is blocking news and investigating the incident."

Cattleya calmed down in the jubilant atmosphere, and asked in a low voice:
"Extraordinary characteristic aggregation?"

Autolov nodded: "It should be....We can't keep up, and it will attract Agaritu's attention."

"No, it doesn't matter, he is a devil, he must be able to feel the malice from me." Cattleya said slowly, "Fortunately, I have been using psychological sealed items as hints to myself, to minimize my Malice. There must be a lot of people who crazily hate him and wish him to die. Since he has not appeared near the 'Future' for two months, it means that he has already left my affairs behind."

"It's a shame to survive the contempt of a powerful enemy...but I will seize this opportunity."

"Her Majesty's death, he must be related."

She will never forget that day.

Death brushed her shoulders, and once again she was protected by her mother, and the queen died in her place.

Cattleya turned her head naturally, smiled, and ordered the crew to bring up the two bottles of Sonia blood wine, one bottle of Nebos, and three barrels of Liranzi replenished in the cabin, and have a drink on the deck.Then her expression turned slightly cold, and she said to Autolov:
"I want to know the truth, and I want him to die."

Her voice was inaudible.

Trainor squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, then bent down, fished out a raccoon cat from his shadow, and asked while stroking the cat:

"Which Augustus is here?"

Riel's ears trembled, and he relaxed his limbs in satisfaction:

"It's Prince Sunia, Grove Augustus. He's been in the mayor's mansion recently, and has extraordinary interest and enthusiasm for a sealed item. Well, that sealed item is like a lamp."

"It's not the Duchess, that's right, Georgina's fief is in the interior of Loen, and it's a waste of time and money to send troops here. But Prince Sunia's residence is very close to here, and Behrens City is a large port city, with the Church of the Storm and It is also very convenient for the Sunya garrison to come to support from the sea."

Treynor turned to ask his temporarily assigned subordinate, Riel in his hand was like a stretched sea cucumber:

"What is the recent internal transfer of the Jagged Cross?"

The subordinate hurriedly said: "Because of the arrival of the demigod from Loen's side, Lord Tony Twain was also ordered to go to the Southern Continent. Now only His Highness Lei Meng is stationed in Intis in the Northern Continent."

"Called Tang En here? What are you doing here? Haven't fought yet!"

Trainor frowned:
"The Church of Death hasn't said yet. According to the usual practice, Prince Grove must come here to negotiate a bargain first. The negotiation breaks down and then continue to fight. Now that the negotiation table has not been set yet, Medici plans to take Bei Bei directly. Lance copied it? Want to directly declare war on Ruen? I know he is in a hurry, but can you take it easy, where is the specific location of his order to Dunn?"


The subordinate said with some embarrassment:

"Well, Lord Tang En's order is to go to the Loen colony... that is, our side, but not Behrens, but the central region. Because Lord Tang En is from Intis, it is not easy to go to the highland colony of Intis Action. If you don't mind, you can apply to be transferred to the Colony of Intis after Lord Tang En arrives and Port Behrens is captured."

Medici... I heard your plan even in the outskirts of the city!
Trainor Intis Noble Vaughan frowned, his cat-stroking techniques gradually became simpler and rougher, he paced back and forth twice, and asked again:

"What is the Church of the Eternal Sun's opinion on the previous loss in the awakening of the God of Death?"

"The church in our country only lost one colonial city, which is not too serious. Although the parliament and the church complained a lot at first, the bribes from the Balam Empire were in place, and the price of gold was slightly adjusted back. Now the church in our country has no other reaction , just secretly supporting Ruen."

"After the arrival of Prince Grove, what changes have taken place in Sonia's coastal defense and army mobilization?"

"Uh..." The subordinate hurriedly opened another file bag, "Sonia's navy has indeed been mobilized, and it seems that it is conducting a military exercise, but our spies have not yet obtained specific information..."

"Have countries such as Fusac, Lunburg, and Feneport increased their investment in civil resistance organizations and churches in the Southern Continent?"

Sweat began to appear on the subordinate's forehead, and the sea cucumber coiled around Trainor's arm, flicking its tail unhurriedly, and yawned.

"Yes, yes, my lord, the latest information was updated three days ago. The Church of the God of War has increased its investment in the Southern Continent army, followed by Renburg, and Fenepot has withdrawn funding for the tribe. There are many people The position is vacillating, except for Katami, which was directly captured because of angering the Church of Death, many warlords headed by Mesangyes are still waiting between the Balam Empire and the Loen Kingdom..." He hurriedly read.

"very good."

"Next, let's get the intelligence community spies going and get that information passed on by whatever means," Trainor said.

The subordinate hurriedly picked up the pen: "Yes!"

Trainor said calmly: "Prince Grove intends to counterattack the Balam Empire in Port Behrens. The Church of Storms stationed in the Sunya Sea has cooperated with the military and has frequently transferred personnel. According to reliable sources, 'Sea King' Ian Kottman will come under cover with the army."

The subordinates were shocked by the opening lightning strike: "But..."

There is no such reliable news at all!
"Article two."

Regardless of his thoughts, Treynor continued: "Lenburg hopes to gain further favor from the Southern Continental Army Lords, and intends to increase support for the first warlord, Mesa Yez, and gain greater benefits through his tacit agreement with the Church of Death. May Sanyes is about to send troops to occupy the territories of other warlords."

The subordinate's mouth opened slightly, and his hand was still writing blankly.

"Third, Intis is worried about the status quo of the Loen colony. The rabbit is dead and the fox is sad. In order to prevent Behrens' Loen garrison from being completely defeated, the Eternal Sun Church may send troops to help."

"Article [-]... The Fusac Empire intends to retake the highland colony that originally belonged to it. The gateway to the Sunya Sea and the Laos Harbor of the Fusac Empire have already assembled the troops of the Church of God of War."

The subordinates wrote down the information that at least [-]% of these items were false, and heard His Excellency the Holy One ask him:
"Can you tell whose ears each message should be conveyed to?"

The subordinate hurriedly nodded: "Yes! Yes!"

"That's it. Let Turing make me a cup of coffee."

Holding the sea cucumber in his arms, Traynor returned to his usual leisurely appearance, staggered out of the room, lay on the high-end recliner on the balcony, and began to bask in the warm sun of the Southern Continent and pass the extra time.

Riel flicked his tail: "Are you ready to act?"

"Medic is sick, use this method to force me to do it."

He put on his sunglasses and continued to tease the cat: "It's impossible to lead troops. I'm too lazy to fight. Hey, I'm looking forward to Prince Loen's negotiation methods and conditions. I didn't even have the chance to meet Augustus." prince."

"It's just right that Tang En is here. I will give him this honor."


Cool down, it's cold.

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