Chapter 298 Bad news

"came back?"

The crimson light faded, and just as Leonard took the indoor scenery into his eyes, the old voice of the parasite rang in his ears.

"came back."

He answered calmly, and lit the gas lamp in the house. There was an inexplicable feeling of home in this cold room, as if someone was really waiting for him in the room, and would say "you come back" when he opened the door and came back. up".

Leonard pinched the center of his brows, his vision was bright, and he felt a little more relaxed:
"Old man, tell me, is there a possibility that Ince Zangwill is just an unlucky postman, and 0-08 is actually given to a certain customer by the church?"

Pallez didn't speak for a long time: "...How did you come up with these in your mind? You also used rhetoric. Tell me, how long have you been grinding these two sentences in your mind?"

Sure enough... Leonard, who verified his thoughts, asked further:
"Is it for that...angel who can't name it? You told me that 0-08 will attract someone!"

In his mind, the old voice was silent for several seconds, and finally asked suspiciously: "How did you connect these things together? What happened while I was sleeping?"


In the evening, dark clouds piled up in Backlund, and light rain began to fall.

Audrey withdrew her gaze from the rainy scene outside the carriage window, glanced at the personal maid Anne, and communicated silently with Susie who was squatting beside her.

She said with eyes, expressions and inconspicuous body movements:
Since that day, Annie's attitude has been a little strange.

Susie shook her tail, raised her paw, lay down on the ground and sniffed in Anne's direction, combined with the changes in the color of the etheric body and mental body, she expressed her meaning:
Don't worry too much, you've healed her heart and the malicious outbursts are long over.

Audrey nodded slightly, watching the carriage drive into Hall's luxurious mansion and stop in front of the sheltered entrance hall.

Since joining the "Luen Charity and Student Fund", she spends less and less time at home during the day, and is always busy in the foundation. Recently, she has to deal with more affairs than usual.Mr. Dawn Dantès seemed to have just returned yesterday. Although Alfred was a little anxious and didn't know what was going on, she couldn't be so presumptuous to ask his parents to visit him, let alone the Hall family was not the only one entrusted.

The carriage stopped at the predetermined place, and Anne helped Audrey get out of the carriage.In the foyer, the maids who had already been prepared helped the dusty young lady change her shoes with damp soles and toes, and her dusty coat.

After a new look, Audrey turned around in the dressing mirror, and her fingers brushed the pearls woven into patterns in the cuffs, feeling an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

But if the expensive accessories are missing from the noble lady's clothes, the maids and servants around will be held accountable.Just when she was thinking about where to take a pearl from where it would be the least noticeable, the head maid of the mother came over in a hurry, she used her eyes to signal the dressing maids around to take a few steps back, and then said to Audrey in a low voice :
"Miss, Master and Madam invite you to go."


A bad premonition suddenly surged in Audrey's heart. Combined with the return of Mr. Dwayne Dantès, Audrey suddenly had an extremely bad guess.But before she could get ready, the elderly head maid had already turned around.

Audrey had no choice but to lift her skirt and follow, the sound of her footsteps was faster than her own heartbeat.Even Susie was disturbed by the inexplicably heavy atmosphere, her ears drooped and stuck to the sides of her head.

The three people and one dog were silent all the way, and the servants could only hear the sound of the collision of their heels against the ground echoing on the clean ground.

When she arrived at the door of the study, Audrey keenly heard the sound of sobbing. Her hands clenched the hem of her skirt, and the fingers that knocked on the door trembled uncontrollably.

"Come in." Behind the heavy wooden door came the father's voice, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

Audrey raised her head slightly, and took a light breath.

The Countess' head maid silently stepped forward, reached out and pressed the doorknob, and made a very solemn gesture of invitation.

Audrey clasped her hands tightly, and the role of "audience" was unknowingly released.She walked into the study slowly, and the head maid closed the door of the living room outside, stopping Susie who wanted to follow in, leaving the members of Hall's family alone.

In the study, her mother, the beautiful countess, was sitting on the sofa, wiping her tears gently with a handkerchief.Her demeanor was still elegant and decent, but she seemed to have cried, her eyes were red, and the tears were slowly and incessantly falling from the corners of the eyes.

Her father and elder brother remained silent, one sitting and the other standing.Earl Hall stood by the window with his back to them, leaving only his daughter a back view. Only when Audrey entered the door did he turn his face slightly and nodded to her.Hibbert sat alone on the sofa opposite his mother, holding a torn piece of paper in his hand, his expression and body movements showed fear and confusion.

Audrey suddenly felt that her heart seemed to be empty all of a sudden, and tears almost fell directly.

As soon as her eyes touched the blood-stained piece of paper in Hibbert's hand, she quickly moved away as if she had been scalded.She had already guessed what happened, and she had already had such the worst thought one night, but she still had great fear of the imminent sentencing.

In the extremely oppressive atmosphere, she stood there helplessly.

Not only her, even Hibbert was a little at a loss. He looked up at his younger sister who had just grown up, and for a moment didn't know how to tell her the news.He murmured his lips a few times, finally gritted his teeth, and waved to Audrey.

In the silent atmosphere, Audrey walked over slowly.


Her elder brother was still a little hesitant, hesitating whether to present the cruelest and bloodiest side of the tragedy to his innocent and lovely younger sister who had limited understanding of the outside world: "You can choose, to watch or not to watch..."

Audrey clasped her hands together: "Is there a part for me?"

Hibbert nodded silently, and reminded again: "You don't need to read other content."

"Is this brought back by Mr. Dwayne Dantès?" She tried to keep her voice as steady as possible.

Hibbert and Earl Hall, who had turned around but remained silent, looked at each other, and said slowly:

"No, not really."

"If Dawn Dantès stayed there, he might not be able to come back."

Then, he glanced at his mother who was still sobbing softly, hesitated for a while, and began to polish the truth:

"A tragic battle broke out in Behrens. Some officers and soldiers boarded a ship at the port and wanted to retreat to the mainland... But they were plundered by pirates during the return voyage. Although they repelled the opponent, they also suffered heavy losses. ...Alfred...he protected his companion and fought bravely to the last moment, but unfortunately he couldn't make it to the shore for rescue..."

"Where is he now?"

Hibbert pursed his lips and said in a low voice: "He suffered a lot of torture before his death and endured great pain."

Audrey didn't speak any more. She took the piece of paper from her brother and held it carefully, her fingers intentionally avoiding the part that had been soaked in blood and turning black.

"Dear Audrey, how have you been recently?"

"Hehe, the new year's social season has begun, and our Miss Hall is still the most beautiful and shining gem in Backlund."

This sentence should have been written in May. From then until now, communication between the north and south continents has not been restored... Audrey burst into tears. Hibbert handed over a handkerchief and pulled his sister to sit beside her. Down.

"Sometimes funny things happen in the military..."

"The food here is really weird. The flavor of Behrens' food is influenced by Feneport and Loen, and because of the warm climate, he is good at making marinated seafood...they always add a lot of spices... ..."

In the letter, Alfred talked about the customs of the Southern Continent and many interesting things that happened in the team in a relaxed and cheerful tone. He probably hoped that this letter could make his family feel at ease with him, but he didn't want to use this way back home.

"Audrey, do you know?"

"I've never wanted to see you so see your faces, to hear your voices..."

There were deep creases on the letter paper, and places that seemed to be scratched by bullets. Blood overlapped and covered many writings.

"...Forgive me, Audrey, I shouldn't have said this to you, but I really can't bear it anymore."

"We were attacked tonight, and I haven't slept a wink for days and nights, and the will to go home sustains my last conviction. But, but, dear sister, I don't think I may last until then."

"It's very painful, every day is very painful, praying doesn't save our souls, every night someone quietly swallows their own guns, we have to confiscate guns to stop this waste of ammunition, suicide is not effectively curbed. "

"I feel like I can't go back, Audrey."

Turning to the reverse side of the paper, the handwriting became more and more chaotic, as if it was written on some uneven places.

"I have received your things and I am very happy, and when I read your letters, I feel as if I am back in the normal world...Mr. Dawn Dantès handed them over to me properly, But I don't want him to be here any longer...he has the good news that we seem to have a chance, maybe our last chance."

"I want to go back, Audrey, I want to go back to your side."

"Someone leaked the news, and there was a mutiny in the army... that gap was sealed."

"Haha, in fact, few people escaped at all. Is this really the only gap, or is it a trick used by the enemy to make our internal chaos?"

"I'm in pain, Audrey, I can't go back."

"God, why are we here? We repeat meaningless actions. We take wealth from others and we are taken from wealth. We take lives from others and we are taken from life. Why do we Want to stay here?"

"How I long to see you again..."

"I can not go back."

After interacting with the nobles for an afternoon, and spending a lot of exchanging greetings and inquiries, Mr. Dwayne Dantès returned to his residence after finishing the invitation to the last dinner.

It was getting late, and after taking a shower, Klein restrained his thoughts, lay down on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep little by little without resorting to meditation.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly opened his eyes and realized that someone had entered the house at 160 Berklund Street!
Here we go again... Klein couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

On the second day after returning to Backlund, he was awakened again in the middle of the night.

He appeared in the dream in the image of Dwayne Dantès wearing a nightgown, with a lot of thoughts, he left the bed, put on his slippers, straightened his nightgown, walked to the easy chair, sat down slowly and said:

"Please come in."

The door of the master bedroom opened silently, a footstep approached slowly, and a young man with black hair and green eyes appeared outside the door.

Leonard Mitchell looked at Dawn Dantès in front of him, hesitated for a few seconds, and stayed outside the door.

He wasn't sure whether it was the "old monster from the fourth era" or the "Klein Moretti" who wanted to chat with him.

Seeing this, Klein couldn't help but feel a little funny. He wiped his face, and his image distorted like water waves. In the blink of an eye, he had turned into the cold-looking "World" Gehrman Sparrow.

Leonard heaved a sigh of relief. He walked into this dream bedroom. He didn't ask Klein Moretti why he was able to stay awake in the dream, and he didn't ask why the other party wanted to meet him in this image. Another chair appeared beside him, and he sat on it.

" did you feel about the trip to the Southern Continent?"

He held back his words for a long time.

Klein wanted to laugh, but he froze: "It's okay."

Before the atmosphere fell into awkward silence again, Klein took the initiative to ask, "Do you seem to have any troubles?"

Leonard did not answer this question directly, but asked an irrelevant thing:
"Klein, what exactly is your belief?"

Klein hesitated, and said with Gehrman Sparrow's serious expression: "The Fool."

Leonard was not surprised, so he asked again:

"I declare in advance that I didn't mean to blaspheme your beliefs, nor did I disrespect Mr. Fool. I just want to know that if one day you encounter a fatal crisis and lose a lot of things, after surviving Knowing that this was deliberately done by Mister Fool, how would you feel?"

Why did the fellow poet suddenly ask himself such a weird question... Did he have some mistrust of the Church of Evernight because of Ince Zangwill's death and Adam's matter?
Gehrman frowned, and replied without changing his face: "I will think this is a test."

If the captain and Mr. Lawrence hadn't died, I'd feel like it was a test too.But in fact, without Klein's two high-quality sun charms, it would be impossible for us to survive. The loss Tingen suffered during the descendant of the real creator would be incalculable... Leonard pursed his lips, To sharpen the question:
"Then, if Mister Fool makes some deals with other great beings, and the content of the deal acquiesces in the massacre or even destruction of his followers, you, as the favored person of 'The Fool', will you stop it or acquiesce, Or watch?"

Klein's lips tightened. He felt that if he still wanted to maintain the image of "Gehrman is a devout believer of the Fool", he should immediately stand up and denounce Leonard's nonsense as blasphemy against the "Fool". , just as devout believers scold pagans.But he didn't stand up immediately, and had already missed this opportunity.

"If I knew about it, I would do my best to minimize the disaster," he said.

"Because the will of the gods is beyond our control." Leonard was not surprised by this answer at all, "I will do the same."

Then he paused and said:

"If such a situation really happened... I mean, if so, would you continue to believe in 'The Fool'?"

Klein was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized—Leonard's faith in the Evernight Goddess has been shaken!
How should I answer this time?Should I advise you to stay or follow your own will?I don't believe in any gods, I don't know what you devout believers think... If someone I trust makes such a move, I will show my disdain for him, and I will never associate with him again.But in your world, isn't such behavior equivalent to apostasy from the church...

Klein didn't answer for half a minute.

"...Until that day, I will not be able to answer your question."

He could only say this stiffly, and then immediately changed the topic: "I have another message, maybe you will have more thoughts after listening to it."

Leonard sighed: "What is it?"

Klein thought for a while, looked into Leonard's eyes, and asked:

"Why do you think the gods want to preach?"

God loves the world.

This standard orthodox answer popped up in Leonard's mind. All the scriptures, history and myths have repeatedly emphasized all of this. Those who believe in gods will be blessed, and those who do not believe will suffer.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Klein continued to speak:
"The gods have no specific image, only emblems and scriptures as cognition."

"This kind of cognition can help the gods maintain their state, just like the anchor in the wind and waves stabilizes the hull."

What did you say... At this moment, Leonard Mitchell was genuinely stunned. If Pales Zarathustra said this sentence, he would not be surprised at all, because the other party He is always instilling fallacies and heresies such as "don't believe in the benevolence of the gods" and "just believe in their power" to himself, and even when he is the most blasphemous, he can't think of such a reason!

Is this the real reason for believers to exist?

Even at the most daring moment, Leonard was just thinking in tangled thoughts—gods raised humans, just like shepherds herd their flocks, and it was only natural to want to kill one or two to eat or give away.

It's sad, it feels insulting, but it seems to be the way it should be.

But, right now, Klein's answer gave him a new direction.

It turned out to be like this... Leonard was a little terrified, feeling as if he had heard something blasphemous, and he didn't dare to think deeply, and he didn't dare to speak.

It turned out to be so.


"How do I feel...Klein doesn't really believe in that fool?"

"But he is obviously a favored person, he is the person who can most intuitively experience the favor of the gods, it's really strange..."

(End of this chapter)

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