Chapter 416 Escape

Klein's scalp and his entire back were numb, and he was even numb from fear.

At the same time, another thunderstorm rumbled in the sky, and the white light of lightning and the sound of increasingly violent rain enveloped the whole world. The children who were awakened by the thunderstorm did not dare to cry, but stared and trembled.

Tonight is a thunderstorm night.

The thunder covered all the sounds, and the words that suddenly appeared in his ears just now seemed to be his auditory hallucinations.

But he heard it clearly!Because he won't forget that man's voice—that demon!Frightening Edward Vaughan!

Is he not dead? !
The point is, why does He keep targeting himself? !He is from the path of the devil, there is no need to snatch Origin Castle!

Could it be some other reason?Because he was resurrected again, it aroused his interest and made him want to kill himself completely?
Lightning illuminated Backlund's night. Klein slowly stood up straight, his throat rolled, he looked up at the sky, and then at the surrounding environment. The rain and fear made him feel cold from head to toe. It was so thorough that his heart almost stopped beating—his villa was cut open extremely smoothly, and the cut in the wall was slightly curved, and the height was from his shoulders to his chin.

The most important thing is that this attack did not trigger Klein's spiritual warning at all. It was because his spiritual warning was too late to respond, or it was far beyond his ability.

What do you mean by letting me go?Get out of the house?Get out of Backlund?Will everyone around me suffer?
Klein, who was drenched all over his body, suddenly had a great understanding, and his slight rejection of the God of Thunder was swept away.In the next second, he jumped into the fog of history, as proficiently and quickly as countless predecessors on his own path.

He still didn't forget to run wildly all the way with his secret puppet, Qonas, while the "winner" Enyuni was left in the villa—although it is not known whether the "winner" would still be effective in this situation, but in the villa And other ordinary people!A little luck is better than nothing!
On the way to escape, Klein held Qonas who had turned into a meat ball in one hand, and magically pulled out a thousand paper cranes from his pocket with the other.This time, the thousand paper cranes burned at an unprecedentedly fast speed. They burned into a small fireball. Almost as soon as they were ignited, they burned from the head to the two paper-folded wings. It was very intuitive for Klein to "see" When the "good luck" passed by quickly, he could even imagine that Will might be crying, but Klein didn't dare to think about it, and didn't dare to guess what would happen to him after the thousand paper cranes were burned!
But now, he completely gave up thinking, let the countless random thoughts that popped up in an instant fill his brain, and ran forward following the aggregation.

He wants to go to Zaratul!

Will is a real angel who "can feel the change of fate". If the current situation makes him feel that his life is in danger, then Will may directly refuse his visit. If Pallez is not here, the red angel will attract both parties. Hatred, Miss Messenger is probably not qualified to intervene in the current situation, and Zaratul, who has been hiding and observing secretly, has become the only escape method he can think of now.

Although Zaratul's aggressiveness has weakened slightly during this period, he will still try to catch himself persistently.

When Zaratul wanted to catch himself, Klein always had a strange feeling—that is, invisible tentacles stretched out from the terrifying darkness and fog, or they were chasing his whereabouts, or trying to Prejudging, intercepting in advance, silent and cold, once you are entangled by them, the result will be disastrous.

But at this moment, Klein felt endless yearning and kindness for this old Sequence One hidden around him, and couldn't wait to share this horror with Zaratul. Perhaps this is the mystic connection of the fortune tellers. .

Klein went in the opposite direction, turned his attack, closed his eyes, followed the spiritual guidance, and chased after those tempting tentacles!

He galloped forward following his own spiritual guidance, sometimes hiding in the fog of history, and sometimes coming to the real world, but when he had the idea of ​​going to the spiritual world, he would always feel the coldness that penetrated into the marrow of his bones, as if a pair of eyes were tightly closed. Follow behind him.

"Can't go to the spirit world... He is looking at me!"

Klein pricked up his ears, carefully distinguishing the sound of thunder and rain in his ears, trying to find some guidance similar to "roll east" and "roll outside the city", but unfortunately there was nothing, "sailor" passed the high-ranking person The shocking sense of oppression and fear that came with him made him tremble with fear several times.

Spirituality had already pictured Backlund on a rainy night in his mind. There was no one on the street, only lightning lighting up the whole world irregularly.

He was walking through Jorwood, the rain pattering down the low side of the street.

Ahead is the Tussock River.Suddenly, the running Klein stopped abruptly—his brain didn't let him do it, and he didn't look directly at the road ahead, but a streetlight in front of him suddenly tilted strangely, and he instinctively braked. Stop!
Until the moment he stopped, Klein's brain hadn't turned the corner yet. He, a Sequence 3 saint who can physically resist city defense artillery, why should he be afraid of fallen lampposts?
Then, he understood.

The street lamp tilted a little out of nowhere, but did not fall down completely. It was inserted obliquely on the side of the road in the shape of a Leaning Tower of Pisa. However, the Tussock River in front of him suddenly surged, and the river surged like a sea in a storm. There was a huge wave that shouldn't be in a normal river in the city, shaking several small wooden boats in the distance up and down.

Klein paused for a moment, turned around and ran another way without opening his eyes.

Behind him, the lightning became more violent, and the water of the Tussock River turned into a strange black-red color. Bridges are corroding rapidly!

Countless thin blood lines rushed towards Klein like a swarm of snakes, and caught up with the fleeing ancient scholar in the blink of an eye.

The thunder paused for half a second before catching up. The lightning shattered the roof of a nearby building, and a large number of rocks crashed down, blocking between the highly corrosive blood line and Klein. It was a little early, and Klein was almost buried in it.

The stone made a loud noise that shook the sky, but no one shouted, and Backlund was still completely silent.

"You don't have to save him if you don't want to." Edward teased, "Why do you have to go against your own instinct, tyrant?"

His answer was a reformed and purified light directed at the weak point.

Klein managed to maintain his balance after a violent earthquake. He ran forward desperately. Every time he took a step, he could feel the devil chasing behind him getting closer to him, which symbolized The blood of sin and filth!
He kept running, but at the same time, he could only pray to the "God of Thunder" to give him a little more strength to stop the demon behind him. After all, this is the only one who can still rescue him.

The stones and a part of the blood line canceled each other out, and a large hand that seemed to be completely made of dark red blood protruded from the Tussock River, grabbed two huge stones from the bridge lightly, and threw them directly in the direction where Klein was. past!

There was a sound of wind from behind. Klein was just about to avoid the huge hidden weapon when the nightgown on his body suddenly tightened, strangling him tightly. The loose pajama pants and shoes and socks on his legs also turned into Leaving the cage and restraint, Klein lost his balance and fell forward on the spot.Originally, even if the nightgown was full of rainwater, it would not weigh much to a demigod, but at this moment Klein was firmly pressed to the ground, as if his body was pressed against two mountains, and he couldn't even move a single finger. There are even shallow human-shaped dents on the ground!

Klein's brain spun rapidly, and he hit the ground heavily, throwing something out.

"Amon!" He suddenly shouted at the top of his voice.

Klein began to miss Amon crazily in his heart. If he knew Amon's honorable name, he would have already repeated it hundreds of times in this situation, and he would have to take a look here even if he annoyed Amon to death!Only by doing whatever he can, will he have a chance to survive!

"Amon! Amon! Angel of Time!"

In the dark rainy night, this voice echoed over Backlund, reminding Klein of Zaratul's crows.

His neckline tightened suddenly, with the determination to strangle him to death.

Klein's face suddenly turned purple—this seemed to be more than just physical suffocation!After becoming a demigod, he can survive for a long time even without the need for air and food, but Klein felt shortness of breath the moment he was choked, his heartbeat slowed down, and his brain stopped working quickly due to insufficient blood supply. It took less than a second. In less time, he was about to be strangled to death!
At the same time, a halo appeared in his right eye, which seemed to be condensed into a monocle.

But the monocle didn't even have an outline, and suddenly turned into spiritual light spots and shattered.

Two boulders slammed into the immobile Klein like a meteorite, but then, in a corner not illuminated by lightning, a palm-sized meat ball quickly stretched and grew into Klein's appearance, sticking to it. Run away from the wall.

At the critical moment, he and his Secret Puppet exchanged positions.

He gets rid of the clothes that are going to kill him, and at the same time realizes that the demon still has the "prisoner" pathway ability!And Secret Puppet Qonas had already been smashed into a fleshy pulp by those two boulders instead of him, and was slowly deriving Extraordinary characteristics.

Just as Klein felt relieved, his left knee suddenly felt a sharp pain, and he almost fell to his knees uncontrollably.

An inconspicuous boulder fell from the block, shattering his knee from behind like a heavy-caliber bullet and lodged in it.

The severe pain went straight to his brain, and Klein cut off the pain-sensing nerve of his left leg without hesitation, roughly repaired it, and continued to run forward with a limp, into the fog of history.

"I'm aiming at the back of my heart."

He seemed to hear someone muttering.

The picture in the fog of history receded rapidly, and the collapsed mausoleum flashed from the corner of Klein's eyes. Suddenly, he felt something, and ran towards the piece of history, towards one of the mausoleums that attracted him. middle!

At that time, the mausoleum where Zaratul hid when he communicated with him!
In the material world, after the mausoleum was destroyed, Zaratul moved into an inconspicuous house in the corner of Backlund. There were some strange stories and stories in this house. Every family is trembling and cannot sleep peacefully.

At this moment, Zaratul was doing divination in the house, chatting with his secret puppets hanging on the roof, while manipulating the secret puppets to pour tea for him, while divining the auspicious day for the next attack on Klein.It is raining heavily today, but under the protection of the God of Thunder, those who understand mysticism and the believers of the God of Thunder will think that this is a good night, and Zaratul is no exception. He is leisurely killing time.

Suddenly, he moved spiritually and looked out the window.

I saw the figure of Klein Moretti suddenly appearing on the deserted street, with his eyes closed, his face pale, and he was rushing towards him with the "Abyss" and "Thunderstorm" approaching behind him!

When he saw "the abyss", the abyss greeted him.

Edward's cheerful and lively voice came to his ears: "Hey, I almost forgot about you, do you also want to compete for the Lord of Mysteries?"

And the brass eyes entwined with lightning glared at him directly, and then became entangled with the abyss. The sky frequently flashed traces that seemed to corrode and tear the sky together, and the thunder that covered up the ravings of the abyss. The two dual-path true gods are fighting each other.

Zaratul shook his hand, and his gray beard trembled.

He immediately flashed and disappeared from the spot, and jumped into the fog of history with more skillful movements than Klein. Before entering, he also stacked dozens of layers of historical projections on himself, and exchanged positions with hundreds of marionettes.

But at the moment he disappeared, Klein pounced on him, grabbed one of his tentacles, and was taken into the fog of history together.

As soon as Zaratul entered the fog of history, he rushed towards the Fourth Epoch. He turned his head and saw Klein fleeing frantically behind him. Shaking beards:

"I haven't harmed your family recently! Why did you harm me!"

Klein dared to open his eyes only in the fog of history. Although his face was pale, he was unwilling to show weakness: "You have been attacking me all the time!"

"This is a normal competition between us!" Zaratul almost blew his beard and stared. We have negotiated a conditional agreement. Why are you being chased by demons and dragging me in? !No one knows the devil's behavior style better than his old colleague!
"Do you have a way to escape?" Klein forcefully changed the subject.


After saying this, Zaratul immediately began to think——Klein might have some old or new grudges with Edward, and he has nothing to do with this demon or even the outer god. It is necessary to be unlucky with Klein!

Thinking of this, Zaratul quickly performed a simple divination in his sleeve, and got a revelation that "leaving now will encounter danger", but the danger is still within an acceptable range.

There is a chance within the acceptable range!
Zaratul immediately left the fog of history, parted ways with Klein, and headed to other cities in Loen.

Seeing Zaratul disappear suddenly, Klein couldn't help gasping, and was about to run away with all his might—suddenly, he also stopped in his tracks, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

He blinked and whispered in disbelief: "Followed?"


Zaratul broke away from the fog of history and appeared in a forest at the foot of Mount Hornacis. He was not surprised that he appeared here, because he was running aimlessly, and it was not surprising that he was attracted here by the extraordinary gathering. strangeness.

He stacked ten layers of historical projections on the spot, prepared all marionettes that could be swapped across the country, and waited for a full 15 minutes without hearing thunder or seeing anything that shouldn't appear. Zaratul's mood slowly relaxed.

Suddenly, a thunder exploded right above his head.

Zaratul became nervous again like a frightened rabbit.

But still nothing happened. When the thunder disappeared, he was about to leave when he heard a slight "click".

The gun is loaded.

Zaratul's head exploded suddenly, Edward put the muzzle close to the back of his head and shot, bone fragments and plasma splashed all over the ground.

"how come……"

Extreme fear and bewilderment froze in Zaratul's remaining eye.

These body parts belonging to the "Servant of Mysteries" twisted when they fell to the ground, turning into dying insects. They twisted their bodies frantically on the ground, resisting the filthy words of the dual-path true god level contained in the bullets :"die"!
But the gap in strength was too large, and within a few seconds, they all died one after another.

After another half a minute, a Beyonder characteristic began to condense on the ground

Edward's body became blurred, as if he was about to distort and disappear in the next moment: "With one less Sequence One, things will be much simpler."

After all, "Edward Vaughan", who was just a malicious avatar, bent down, picked up that Extraordinary characteristic, wrapped it and turned it into a wriggling black shadow, and melted into the air like it evaporated.

Immediately afterwards, his mood obviously improved.

While fighting and arguing with the God of Thunder, Edward continued to chase and kill Klein who hadn't run far.


Zaratul: Is this an acceptable loss?

(End of this chapter)

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