Chapter 420 The God of Fraud and Fraud
City of Silver, the top of the round tower.

After properly sealing all the Extraordinary items, Derrick Berg waited for a while, but failed to wait for Mister Fool to respond.

The hints on the negative effect of the sealed item given by "The Fool" and the corresponding sealing suggestions are quite useful, and the City of Silver placed them smoothly with almost no loss.The City of Silver should also keep these Extraordinary items well. They can be used when necessary, but they cannot be damaged, and they cannot be used for promotion. They must wait for Mister Fool's family members to take them away.

Derrick was not surprised.

And as the price for this help, the "Fool" promised that one of Colin Iliad's wishes could be fulfilled—except for helping them leave the Land Abandoned by God—this additional condition made Colin Iliad and Dale Kedu felt a little uneasy, not knowing whether it meant "unnecessary" or "impossible".

But now, "The Fool"'s non-response made him a little flustered. He didn't understand what it meant, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

This has never been the case.

Mister Fool is in a state of being unable to answer prayers?However, He sent all the items of Mr. "World" here, which should mean that Mr. "World" will come here... Is this the reason for not responding temporarily? Mister Fool is talking to Mister World?Before Derrick calmed down the restlessness and tension in his heart, he suddenly felt his heart beat faster. He opened his eyes slightly, and saw that the gray mist like a tide gradually became thinner and receded.

Derrick raised his head in a daze, and saw seven ribbon-like rays of light hanging in the sky in the endlessly distant heights, like the legendary "rainbow".

The gray fog gradually receded and returned to the sky.After a brief shock, fear and sorrow filled Derrick's heart like a tide, almost drowning him.Derrick suddenly felt hot in his eye sockets, had difficulty breathing, and almost felt dizzy.

It's no wonder that he would have such a big reaction, because a similar situation is recorded in the textbook of the City of Silver:

The Creator, who normally responded to believers, suddenly stopped responding one day, and after more than 1000 years, he did not answer any prayers, and the great Lord abandoned this land!
After a few seconds of silence, Derrick stood up, returned to the room where the chief was, smiled, and said to Colin Iliad:

"Chief! Mister Fool responded to me. Since the matter has been completed, all we need to do is wait for his next instruction."

"Just wait for the next instruction?...I see." "Demon Hunter" Colin frowned slightly and then relaxed it. He didn't think it was too strange. After all, it is impossible for the gods to always have time to pay attention to human affairs. .

And it has been a year since Derrick Berg received the oracle from The Fool, so he definitely wouldn’t falsify this kind of thing.

Derrick resisted the instinctive reaction of scratching the back of his head, maintaining a seamless and cheerful smile and tone.He didn't add anything, because he knew that in front of Colin Iliad, the more he said and the more he added, the more he would be found to be wrong.

"Anything else?"


The gray-haired Colin Iliad stared at him for a few seconds, but didn't notice any surprises, nodded and said:
"Okay, you go back first."

Derrick nodded, and left the round tower without any abnormality, walked through the city and streets without any abnormality, and returned to the house he lived in.It wasn't until he closed the door and lay on the bed that Derrick slowly let out a breath.

His palms were covered with sweat, his eyes were flustered, and he was at a loss, but there was no fear or despair.

Soon, his eyes became firm again.


Late at night, Leonard arrived on the street where the "River and Sea Church" was located.

In order not to attract the attention of others, Leonard chose to stand low-key under a dim street light. From his perspective, he could see the "punishers" busy, and the "punisher" he was familiar with The senior deacon seemed to be on patrol as well, and didn't appear here.

Leonard looked at it for a while, but didn't see the familiar face, so he withdrew his gaze and whispered into the air:

"Old man, I tried it just now, but I couldn't summon Klein's messenger!"

"Where did that crippled angel go?"

Pales Zarathustra did not answer immediately, and it took half a minute before his voice appeared in Leonard's mind:

"Use your brain."

"Can't you tell me directly? How could I know these things..." Leonard muttered to himself, thinking hard, "It has something to do with the assassination of King George III? I remember that Klein was very dissatisfied with his style .”

George III's death has brought about extreme hectic activity, and he was given five hours off today after being on duty all night.

Of course, as the captain of the "Red Gloves", he knows more about some aspects than the reporters. Leonard is absolutely sure that George III is dead, and the eldest prince is about to inherit the Crown of Balam and the Crown of Loen, but he did not expect that The final decision turned out to be that Pope Gad II, the god of thunder, temporarily acted as the crown-the political and church leaders became the same person, and the country seemed to be heading in an unpredictable direction.

Pales snorted, without denying it.

Those who can hold a god ceremony, no matter how low they are, are still Sequence 1 angels, and Klein can actually directly participate in things of this level... Thinking that he was near the church, Leonard looked around and covered his mouth with one hand , lowered his voice: "Could it be that Mister Fool suffered some damage by destroying the ritual of a being who is about to become a god? Klein is also in danger because of this?"

"How can I, an old and weak angel, know about 'The Fool'? But I have a little guess about your former colleague..."

Pales muttered a few words, and said slowly:

"This should have involved the 'Origin Castle' competition."

"The change of 'Origin Castle' attracted Zaratul, how could Amon not notice?"

"He may have fallen into Amon's hands."

Leonard's expression changed drastically. He stepped back for a while again, hid in the darkness, quietly recited the Fool's honorable name, and asked Klein's recent situation.

After talking about Klein, Leonard finished praying and waited for Mister Fool's response.

However, nearly a quarter of an hour passed, and he still didn't get any feedback.

"..." Leonard's spirit tensed up uncontrollably, and he asked in a worried voice, "Old man, is there any way you can help? Isn't Amon your biggest enemy?"

That kind of help may be limited, but it should be able to fish Klein out of this vortex.

Pales Zarathustra laughed when he heard this, and said with obvious self-mockery:
"Are you expecting too much from me?"

"Indeed, if Amon gets 'Origin Castle', I will definitely die in his hands, and I may not even be able to escape this winter, and if 'Origin Castle' stays with 'The Fool', I may still have a chance in the future live."

"But am I, an old guy who has just recovered the strength of Sequence 2, capable of interfering in this level of fighting?"

"Even if you use the 'reappear yesterday' charm, what can you do in just two or three seconds? Yes, yes, it may help that 'fool' distort the situation at a critical moment, but I can't even deal with them right now." If you don’t know where the battle is going, how can you seize the opportunity?”

Leonard was silenced by the old man's series of words. He immediately lowered his head, raised his hands, pressed the sides of his head, and whispered to himself:
"Could it be that I can only watch like this..."

"No, there is one more thing you can do." Pallez said, "Did you see the church ahead that belonged to the God of Thunder? Go in, stay there, don't expose me, Amon can't kill me for a day, just don't kill me for a day." May become a true god."


"Source quality? There are many different types?"

Klein, who forcibly captured Amon, thought about the information Amon provided, and felt a little unbelievable.

There are actually many kinds of things like "Origin Castle", and there are many more!
Inside "Origin Castle", Klein in the dream felt something, as if he saw that hidden in the gray mist, the crimson star representing the "sun" expanded rapidly and then shrank suddenly, repeating this process constantly, Circle after circle of light containing the sound of prayers swayed out.

And not far from here, the crimson star representing "Magician" is still in a similar state because "The Fool" has never responded, and the halos, ripples, and shocks created by the two are gradually intertwined and superimposed. become more intense.

In the dream, these prayer calls seemed to become very far away. Listening carefully, the illusory and layered prayers in my ears became noisier, more chaotic, and louder than before.

However, Klein could tell that the prayers came from a woman and a man, and he could vaguely grasp certain content: the woman seemed to mention "thank you" and "angel protection", while the man spoke in Giant language, the key words It's like a ceremony.

Ceremony, giant language... This is the side of the little "sun"... The City of Silver has already preserved my sealed item, and is waiting for my response?I don't have time right now, so I may have to talk about other things later... The woman may be Miss "Magician", um, it should be Miss Fors, I just gave her all the paper angels in one go, raving in the full moon It can last as long as it can last... Klein twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Amon at the end of the long table with a calm expression, frowned and said:

"What exactly is source quality? Origin Castle is also a part of source quality? So how many source qualities exist?"

Amon squeezed the monocle, and before he answered, Klein had already made a guess.

He looked at the long bronze table in front of him and the gray fog in the distance, and asked Amon uncertainly: "Origin Castle, corresponding to 'Seer', 'Stealer' and 'Apprentice', and these three paths are adjacent way."

"Among the 22 known pathways on this planet, there are 'pharmacists' and 'cultivators', 'prisoners' and 'criminals', 'intellectuals' and 'peepers', 'witches' and ' "Hunter", and "Shepherd" with five adjacent paths...Since Origin Castle corresponds to three adjacent paths, does that prove that after grouping these paths, they each occupy a source of quality?" Klein said from Amon got the answer from his expression, and became more determined, "In other words, there should be nine source qualities on the earth?"

"No, is it nine or eight?" Klein thought of the "destiny" without adjacent pathways.

Amon seems to have relaxed, and nodded happily: "You are very sensitive, that's right, the 'fate' pathway also has a corresponding source quality, which is said to be a key, and there is an incomplete one that does not have a corresponding pathway... So, for us, nine."

"Then why do I only see Origin Castle now?"

Klein frowned and looked around, with a look of inquiry in his eyes: "If you can easily find me, it means that the gods and angels in other ways must also be able to find the corresponding source quality. Have they already found it or not? ?”

So far, Klein's spiritual perception has not issued an early warning. This knowledge is still safe and has not exceeded the acceptable range.

He finally asked the question he wanted to know the most, and at the same time, he was ready to suggest himself and forget it when he left:

"What exactly is source quality?"

"The source quality is the element of becoming the old days."

Amon squeezed the frame of the mirror and said with a smile:

"I can give you some information and reveal to you some other source quality information, of course, only the name."

"I won't give you anything other than Origin Castle." Klein repeated this sentence for the fourth time. Every time Amon made a suggestion, he would repeat this sentence. This time, he successfully watched There was a smile that almost cracked on Amon's face.

"...I know, you don't have to say so many times."

Amon took a deep breath and restrained himself: "The Hanged Man should have told you, 'Chaos Sea', and Medici, Medici may not tell you his dark history, but I I can tell you that He once tried to contain the 'City of Disaster' and failed, and was polluted by the reverse, and was almost contained by the reverse... Do you understand? This also has a chance of failure."

"So, your luck is very good, you can completely control 'Origin Castle'. And my luck is also very good, I can steal your complete control over Origin Castle to the greatest extent, so that I can also easily Take full control of Origin Castle."

Amon seemed to deliberately avoid a detail, but Klein was not deceived by him. He understood what Amon said, and he understood it completely!
Source quality is not dead!
Klein's eyes widened slightly, and he immediately thought of his deduction a long time ago——

"Origin Castle" is the inactivated "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun", "Lord of Mysteries!"

Now, this inference was confirmed by him from Amon's mouth!

And Amon's expression was very indifferent, and he and Klein observed each other. He was not sure whether the real creator had told Klein about the relationship between the "Lord of Mysteries" and Origin Castle, but after thinking about it carefully, at least an angel would be required to listen to this knowledge. Probably, Klein is only at Sequence 3 now, and the real Creator has gone to the Eastern Continent again. He definitely doesn't know about it—the corner of Amon's mouth raised slightly.

Klein thought: "The true Creator never told me about the Chaos Sea. Why do you think He told me? What did He do that made you notice..." Klein said abruptly, "It's the Eastern Continent. , right? The Chaos Sea is related to the Eastern Continent?"

Amon was about to applaud Klein's wisdom:

"That's right, the Chaos Sea is in the depths of the Eastern Continent—my father came out of there, so he is the same person as you."

He's just like me...

Klein sighed softly——From the current point of view, it seems that Amon is not sure that he is from the same old days as the ancient sun god, and Klein will not take the initiative to expose it, but there is no guarantee that he will realize this later a little.

Before Klein could respond, Amon said to himself:

"The 'Chaos Sea' is very large, almost filling the center of the earth and submerging the upper layer. It is also the only 'source quality' that is both real and illusory, and has a direct entrance in the real world. The others are not completely illusory. Somewhere there is absolute truth, side by side with reality."

The Chaos Sea symbolizes God, and God's spirit is more active, much more spiritual than the Lord of Mysteries—Amon didn't say anything.

"I found a very interesting thing inside. The first 'blasphemy slab' should have been conceived there, but it was pulled by some force and left the ground before it was complete."

"My father may have browsed the 'blasphemy slate' at first, so when he fell, he let his remnants condense into a second 'blasphemy slate'."

Is this the origin of the two "blasphemy slabs"?No wonder the ancient Sun God was so powerful in the late Second Epoch... Klein vaguely seemed to understand something, and subconsciously asked:
"What's the difference between the two 'Slates of Blasphemy'?"

Amon adjusted the position of the crystal monocle and said:

"The second 'blasphemy slate' has changed some sequence names and added some content.

"Those contents contain secrets beyond the sequence."

"Beyond Sequence?" Klein's pupils widened slightly, only to feel that a long-standing guess of his had been preliminarily confirmed, and his guess about things like source quality became clear, "There are other ranks above Sequence 0. exist?"

On Origin Castle, he didn't feel the danger, but he guessed that this thing should not be what he can hear now - otherwise the real creator had told him!Amon told himself these things, did he want himself to blew himself up after leaving Origin Castle?
Amon smiled and said:

"Almost, but that description isn't accurate enough."

"I like to call that level 'Above the Sequence', and some true gods name it in other ways, some call it 'Old Days', some call it 'Outer God', and some refer to it by 'starry sky' .”

"Starry sky"... As soon as Klein heard this term, his spiritual intuition began to frantically warn.

Almost at the same time, he heard Amon stretch out his hand with a smile, pointed to the sky, and said:
"Beyond this planet, there are several 'Old Ones' waiting around. They are waiting for the moment when the barrier disappears, and they are waiting for the banquet to come in and divide the path and source quality of this planet. Blue Star, or the Earth, is a Small crab cages, we are their food."

"And the source quality can make the gods become 'Old Days'."

"Origin Castle that you have is one of the most powerful in the source quality, which can make you the strongest 'Old Day', Lord of Mysteries..."

Amon's voice seemed to have some kind of magic quality. He called the "Lord of Mysteries" on Origin Castle in a language with extraordinary power. Under the deliberate influence of this king of angels, the world in the dream suddenly began to collapse into large pieces of gray fog.Klein raised his eyebrows, and immediately left the dream divination and returned to the real Origin Castle.

As soon as he woke up from the dream, Klein clearly felt that he had digested a lot of "Ancient Scholar" potions in this dream and learned a lot of incredible knowledge. Then, he saw a figure at the end of the long table start to condense , The next moment, Amon wearing a soft pointed hat, a monocle, and a classic magician's robe was reflected in his eyes. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with indescribable joy.

His eyes suddenly widened.

Klein's mind suddenly exploded, and all his thoughts were occupied by the crazy ravings from Amon:

"I really want to be the new owner of 'Origin Castle', but I don't want to bear that heavy fate and burden..."

"Let me tell you the truth, the demon chasing and killing you is actually not a demon, but one of the old days beyond the sky. Because of this, he is especially afraid of you who own Origin Castle, because he thinks that you will become the master of mysteries... ...oh, who knows?"

This sentence suddenly broke Klein's thinking, and made him show a shocked and surprised expression again.

This is the real reason why Edward Vaughn hunted down this little demigod, and even started to kill the grass in Sequence 7?

The knowledge belonging to the Outer Gods and the old days once again filled his mind, making him unable to utter a word.

"I am indeed deceiving you. All the things I showed at the beginning were just to make you feel that I am afraid of being chased and killed, and I am unwilling to accept Origin Castle, but do you think that I will give up a chance to make myself stronger? ?”

"Do you think I really need to talk to you to get some information?"

"I have been in the Land Abandoned by God for more than 1000 years, and I am looking for the oldest history, the history that surpasses the first era."

"The only purpose of me talking to you and giving you information is to give you some time, to give you some historical knowledge, to help you digest the 'Ancient Scholar' potion, to let you relax your guard in this regard, and then, between you and ' When the connection between 'Origin Castle' is further deepened, seize this opportunity, take advantage of the loophole, and directly steal 'Origin Castle'."

Dangerous knowledge lingered in Klein's mind. He watched Amon stretch out his hand and waved it. The chair in Sefirah Castle that was not under his control suddenly disappeared—Amon initially grasped a part of Sefirah Castle. As the king of angels, he has the power to be infinitely close to the true god, and can even use Origin Castle itself to erase the pollution that shouldn't exist!

At the same time, the seat behind Klein suddenly collapsed into mist, the ground under his feet also collapsed, and his spiritual body suddenly fell!
He squeezed the monocle made of crystal, looked at the falling Klein, and showed a happy smile:

"Fate belongs to you, 'Origin Castle' belongs to me."

Amon turned to leave, but didn't see it—— Klein was slightly taken aback when he heard this sentence, and then showed an incredible smile.

The "destiny" of becoming the Lord of Mysteries belongs to me!


Klein woke up suddenly. He found himself standing next to the Ruen-Fusac boundary marker, and his feet were already in the territory of Fusac.

An unknown bird name was heard in the distance. Klein raised his head subconsciously and saw a hardy bird flying out of the woods. There was an obvious white eye circle on his right eye.


Amon is here, that's why I was attracted!
Klein suddenly understood. He shook his head and felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but he still clearly remembered what happened on Origin Castle.He was just about to leave here when he suddenly heard an extremely subtle sound of metal clashing.

The hair on the back of his head was gently touched by something, and Klein heard a familiar voice say in an unfamiliar tone:
"Where did Origin Castle go?"

Edward Vaughn stood behind him.

"Oh, your fate has changed..." Edward glanced at him in surprise, and suddenly said to the air, "Don't distract me now, I can see it, the future has changed, and Origin Castle has disappeared... On Amon? I saw it."

Klein heard Edward talking to himself, as if someone was talking to him.

Before he had time to think about what was going on, suddenly, there was an explosion in his ear, and then the whole world became dark.

"His odds have changed."

Edward calmly let the gun disappear, glanced at the direction of the Southern Continent casually, hesitated for a moment, closed his eyes, and opened them again.

A pair of light blue eyes looked at everything around, looked at the sky, and looked at the distant world.

The immutable world and lines suddenly extend some new possibilities that cannot be ignored, and these things gather together to move towards a new future that has not yet been woven.

His expression became a little strange, and he glanced at the headless corpse under his feet:

"The possibility of changing the world arises..."

"...appeared after his death."

Obviously, Klein can be resurrected once, although I don't know how he did it without Origin Castle.At the same time, a choice appeared - if nothing happened, then I must wait for him to be resurrected here and then kill him again.

but now……

His power and instinct are to be curious about new possibilities as they arise.

After thinking for a moment, Edward listened to the other himself whispering in his ear for a while, then turned and entered the spirit world to look for Amon's trace.

(End of this chapter)

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