Chapter 422 Resurrection
In the Republic of Intis, the capital of Trier, a director of an intelligence agency is arranging tasks for his subordinates.

Suddenly, his eyes were blurred, and a voice seemed to come from far away:

"Orville ... Dylan ... Orville ... Dylan ..."

As a Extraordinary who joined the Intis External Security Bureau as a member of the Secret Order, Antoine was not the first to encounter similar things.

In some scenes in the past, every time he was promoted, he would hear the ravings of "Honakis...Freguera...Honakis...Freguera..." and almost lost control several times.

What is different from the past is that the content of the whispers seems to have changed this time.

When the raving subsided and what he saw returned to normal, Antoine frowned slightly, and said silently to himself:
"My mental state has been very stable recently, and I haven't taken any potions. I'm trying to get promoted. How could I hear the whispers of the hidden existence?"

"This seems to be somewhat different from the previous ones..."

"What does Orville stand for? I lack enough information to decipher it at all..."

"Dilan, Dilan, um, the high-level members of the meeting mentioned that our mysterious and terrifying leader once hid an ancient castle called Dilan..."

"Hiss, I can't help trembling when I think of that existence. Although he has returned to normal in the past two years, the horror legends and physical damage he left before are enough to make people have nightmares for a lifetime..."

Antoine calmed down, temporarily suppressed his doubts, and continued to arrange tasks for his subordinates.

A few minutes later, he walked out of his office, and after seeing the oncoming "Hunter" colleague in the corridor, he suddenly had an idea——

"After confirming the degree of danger, if it is much beyond my ability, I can directly report it to 'War Red'!"

"The legion will act together, so that I can not only safely get more information, some clue fees, but also without taking risks."


"The main thing I want to protect is Klein Moretti, not Baoyuanbao. Besides, I can't protect that thing."

"Don't say that Klein lost Origin Castle, as long as he still has a breath, he will be under the protection of the God of War, and he will be one of the saints of the Red War. Even if he loses his breath and becomes a necromancer, it is still a war The red ghost!"

Medici immediately expressed his attitude.

Edward nodded without too much surprise: "I see."

Seeing him, there was no other reaction, and the war angel began to speculate on the purpose of the Outer God——it seems that he really just came to watch the show? ——And after witnessing everything, Medici slowly removed the prayer screen, without looking in that direction again.

There is nothing to look at anymore, his ending has been settled, if someone still calls him by that honorific name, and someone writes a letter with his tone, then it must be a fraud, a mockery from Amon's body.

Medici's clenched fists did not loosen for a long time. He seemed to be in a bad mood, or he was in a very bad mood, but it did not affect his ability to judge the status quo and organize his language.He cursed a few words in his mouth, then ignored the demon standing not far away, and began to organize the documents on the table by himself, making himself look like he had something to do.

Edward scanned the documents on the table and noticed the words "Witch Sect".

He probably guessed that Medici might be planning to attack the Witch Sect, collect information, and try to snatch a "conqueror" Extraordinary characteristic from the Witches' hands that was traded to Augustus, the former royal family of Loen.

This sequence one is that Medici is in addition to "conqueror characteristics belonging to the royal family of Feysac Einhorn" and "the uniqueness of the red priest placed in the underground sealing room of the Thunder Church on Pasu Island 0-01" The only element of godhood that can be seen and touched.

If Medici wants to go further, he will definitely attack it, provided that this characteristic has not been accommodated by the "Primary Witch".

"The uniqueness of the red priest seems to be contaminated by the city of disasters. If you deal with the remnants of the pollution, you will die once. If you touch the city of disasters again, I'm afraid you will be controlled by the city of disasters."

Edward kindly reminded:
"It's really interesting. Except for Klein and the real creator, everyone else has to go through dangerous pollution if they want to control the source quality. You are qualified to contact the city of disasters only after you become a god, but the uniqueness has been polluted, and you can't Become a god."

"You don't need to remind me, I have my own things to do."

Medici waved his hand, not showing any kindness towards the True God of Dual Path.

The sunshine in Trier is quite good today, but it also makes people dazzled after prolonged exposure. Medici felt a little irritable. He brushed aside the information in his hand, and asked the devil angrily:

"You can see the future, haven't you tried to change it?"

"—Ah, I'm not the type who likes to change the future."

Edward thought for a while, and said in a nostalgic tone: "It seems that someone asked me this question a long time ago. In fact, fate is not a predetermined process for me, but an interesting one full of various possibilities. Stories, I am just watching your stories, sometimes I will guide the plot to the place I am interested in, but I will not change, your ending is still your own."

"I'm also surprised that he will help Klein, um, but it's not very surprising."

"I guess, his purpose of helping Klein is to 'prevent Amon from getting Sefirah Castle'. He doesn't want to be a part of the Lord of Mysteries. He wants to keep his fragile self, so he took the initiative to take risks. Some kind of meaning On the face of it, his ideas are unbelievably fragile."

Edward said slowly, there was a white cloud moving slowly in the sky in the distance, and he suddenly looked at Medici:
"Do you really want him back?"

Medici did not immediately respond to this statement.

want to?Do you want that little clone who can make some lame jokes with me, write letters to myself and the Lord, and tease Amon in a childish tone compared to Amon himself?Although that kid has hundreds of years of experience, he has only just started on the road of exploring the world. He has just learned what he likes and what he wants... Medici thought about it for a while, and felt that he probably wanted to Yes, even if someone else was standing in front of him instead of a demon, he would feel that he really wanted him back.

Medici tapped the table slowly with his hands. At first, he was really interested in asking the devil how to get him back, but after a few tens of seconds, he thought of the means the other party might use.

——In short, it will not be a very normal method.

It is probably to remove all the memories of this avatar, and then use human body refining or other methods to shape a body, and then stuff his memory into it, and make a joint that will be discussed for several years in the Mother Earth Church. Things that are against human rights.

"Forget it, I'm not interested."

Medici was no longer interested, and he was a little curious about one more thing, so he asked casually:

"Then does he have another future?"

When asked about this, Edward's expression suddenly became serious, and he said in a slow and sure tone:


"Since his end is doomed and his journey is over, I don't mind telling you the future I see."

Medici frowned, turned half a circle in Edward's direction and sat upright.He folded his hands and raised his chin: "I would like to hear more about it."

"In the ending I saw, which is also what I expected, he will make the right choice at every point to preserve himself, such as choosing to erase his memory after meeting Klein for the first time and turning a blind eye. When he is about to be discovered, he will stand on the sidelines and not participate. In short, in the end, he will complete the promotion ceremony of the "Ancient Scholar" as an individual, as "Amon", and become a "Master of Miracles". He left the earth with him and went to the starry sky to find the miracle and the world he wanted."

"It sounds quite romantic."

Medici twitched his lips, and one of the details made him think of Klein, then of the City of Silver, and finally of the real Creator: "I remember that the promotion ceremony of ancient scholars is to bring a piece of lost history back to the current era , what did he do?"

"Let the history of the Amon family in the fourth era return to reality, and then he captured a group of clones to play the Amon family with himself."

Edward shrugged, and was a little amused at the development of this possibility:
"In order to achieve this consciousness, he specially captured a lot of clones, and also obtained the extraordinary characteristics of 'Master Puppet', and donated a lot of money to archaeological institutions and research institutes to promote the project... In short, he succeeded, after all, he is also A part of a natural high-sequence mythical creature, as long as a ceremony can be justified, he successfully became Him, and exchanged his death for the miracle of breaking away from the Amon group, and gained freedom."

It is so true, you seem to have seen all this with your own eyes... Medici was a little dazed when he heard it, and the kid took off Amon's monocle, the only sex symbol, and threw it away in his mind. Those standard classical wizard robes look like they are wearing their favorite clothes.

He will have his own honorable name, instead of just calling Amon and he will respond. He may also have his own name... He seems to like collecting shiny things, and he will definitely prepare a lot for himself by then Accessories, which look like a shiny jewelry rack, use mischievous miracles to lure people around to make wishes to Him, and make wishes come true in a way that makes people laugh and cry.

Immediately afterwards, he shook his head and sneered, remembering that the protagonist of this unhappened story was already dead.

A false miracle.

This magnificent future was stillborn like this, like his favorite monocle, shattered in the sun.

Edward asked, "Are you feeling sorry for him?"

Medici snorted with his nose, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared:

"Yes, what's your opinion?"

"He should already be happy about your behavior." Edward shrugged, "Because you are just mourning for him."


it hurts!

Head hurts!
The grotesque dream full of whispers quickly shattered, and Klein's dark sleep was suddenly broken by the severe pain from his head, as if he had been hit hard with a stick, no, it was more like being pierced into his temple by a sharp object and accompanied by There was agitation... No, the vague memory before death slowly appeared, he remembered, he heard a gunshot before, he should have been shot from behind, and he was shot in the head!

Hiss... In a daze, Klein wanted to turn over, cover his head, and sit up, but he couldn't move his hands and feet at all, and he seemed to lose control of his body.

It seems that my body has not fully repaired... Wait a minute, am I thinking with my brain now?But I can't control my body, maybe my brain hasn't been repaired yet... It's kind of scary... If I open my eyes now, can I see the spirit worm wriggling on my body and slowly merging Together, they become skin and flesh and blood... Klein closed his eyes tightly, and he complained in confusion.

Although the experience of death and resurrection is equally rich, the previous resurrection is similar to waking up from sleep. The body will feel tired, and consciousness will slowly emerge without much discomfort.

When he was resurrected for the first time, he pushed open the coffin lid, and he could still see that his heart was slowly repairing itself.

I am now at Sequence Three, and my whole body is basically composed of spirit worms. Can the speed of recovery be faster?Klein thought nonsensically, and worked hard to concentrate in order to completely get rid of the shackles of darkness and hallucinations.

However, now his state is like when he is half asleep and half awake in the middle of the night, his will is always erratic like smoke, difficult to control and difficult to restrain.Klein tried his best to meditate, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't help his thoughts diverging and distracting thoughts emerged.

Hey, I have a terrible headache. The gunshots came from behind. Is the back of my head still alive?
Forget it, my brain should be...well, my eyes can't be opened...Have the eyes not been repaired yet?

He felt that he had been dead for a long time, and he seemed to be gradually able to feel the existence of his limbs. The throbbing pain after another made Klein accumulate illusory power bit by bit.Finally, he straightened his back and opened his eyes vigorously, and completely got rid of the half-asleep and half-awake state.

His vision was blurred at first, and then he saw a piece of dark red and snow white.

As far as he could see, Klein squinted his eyes, and it took a full ten seconds to realize that he was actually still lying on the snow.

It is now approaching winter, and the Ruen-Feysac border is still snowing, his body has been covered with a thick layer of white snow, and blood scattered everywhere can be vaguely seen under the surrounding snow, already under the snow It solidified into dark red, like a flower that bloomed out of season, and the center was where his head was after he fell down.

What time is it now?How many days have I been dead?By the way, the Tarot Society...

Klein's eyes widened, and he suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly.

After dying once, he has already forgotten it. He has successfully made Origin Castle disappear from his body and passed it on to Amon. Now there is no Tarot Society, and in the future—maybe there will be no future, but Klein hopes There is still a day to reconvene.

"Even if not, I still have to notify everyone... I seem to have notified you? Don't pray, don't respond... By the way, there are also Silver City and Moon City... the land abandoned by the gods... I should go to the land abandoned by the gods now." Prepare for the promotion ceremony of Sequence Three..."

Klein struggled to control his body, muttering to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

He has a terrible headache now, and he has almost no energy in his body, and he can hardly concentrate.Klein's mind was filled with countless fragmented images, and he had to speak out to clarify his plans and thoughts.

"Hey, can you still stand up? Really alive!"

Klein suddenly felt that he was pulled violently. There was a person very close to him, but he never noticed it!
Alarm bells were ringing in Klein's heart. He looked up suddenly, and saw a flame-like bright red in the pale world composed of white sky and white snow. He immediately felt unable to move his eyes away, even a little glaring.

"It's unbelievable, Origin Castle can revive you early? I don't know what effect the city of disaster will have..."

Medici muttered a few words, and casually picked up Klein as if he was carrying something. Regardless of Klein's thoughts, he said directly to himself: "Come on, come back with me, the secret order just happens to be short of people. , you are already at Sequence Three, hurry up and report to the intelligence department."

Klein opened his mouth, froze for two seconds, and spoke with difficulty:
"...I don't have Origin Castle anymore."

"The true creator values ​​me only because of Origin Castle, you don't need to follow the true creator's request to protect me anymore."

"It's just that there is no Origin Castle anymore, I was shocked, I thought you were not Klein Moretti." Medici clicked his tongue, "Stop talking nonsense, you made a mistake, the Lord wants you to live , I don’t want Origin Castle to live, I also want you to live, so hurry up and follow me.”

"I'm listening."

Edward said: "Just leave? I still have something to look for him."

Medici sneered, patted Klein on the shoulder, and pulled him back:
"Did you see the soul link? This is an internal matter of our War Red, so don't get involved with the demon king."

"It doesn't matter what you say." Edward shook his head, "What does it have to do with you if I have something to do with him?"

Just as Medici was about to speak, Klein took the initiative to walk out from behind him. His Adam's apple rolled, and he looked directly at the demon who had taken his life twice with a calm and generous look. Try to keep your voice steady:
"I'm right here, what do you want from me?"


Daily coding mood: I don’t want to code
(End of this chapter)

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