"Ahead is the furthest base for Moon City to explore."

This stronghold has entered the angel's field of vision, and Klein saw it through the sharing of the soul link.I saw that in the distance, there were a few huge and flexible roofs stretched between a few weathered walls and broken stone pillars. In the corners, tents were set up against the walls. Several tents were connected together to form a roughly A small camp of about ten people.

It's morning now, and it's still a little short of lunch time. The team doesn't seem to continue to explore.

There are four people guarding the stronghold, two people are standing guard, two people are making a fire with the dead branches and weeds they have collected, and the water in the pot that has just been set up has not been heated yet.There was also a small cloth bag beside them, as if they were preparing to cook when the hunting team came back.

The huge monster's limbs were placed in the corner of the camp, covered with a cloth that was probably used to waterproof, embalm and prevent the smell from escaping.

Klein saw the woman who was about to cook stand up, use her deformed left arm to pull out the knife hanging from her waist, and slowly cut off a piece of edible meat from the monster with weird tumors and muscle structure , blood slowly flowed out from the wound like viscous black-red oil, Klein frowned, as if he could imagine the pungent stench, but the Moon City team didn't show any abnormalities.

Immediately afterwards, the slightly deformed woman took out a dried mushroom from the cloth pocket at her waist.

Klein's expression became unnatural for a moment.

The female Extraordinary inserted the dried mushroom into the black monster flesh in her hand.

In a blink of an eye, the shriveled white mushroom gradually filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and thin black lines continued to climb up the canopy along the root of the mushroom, gradually dyeing the layers of hyphae and caps into a strange color. Deep black.

At the same time, the blackness on the monster's flesh seemed to be less.

"That seems to be..." Seeing this, Hermes finally found the source of familiarity, and looked at Klein and Medici beside him, "The mushroom whose growth law and growth logic has been changed, this is the one named Frank Lee The work of the young man?"

The corner of Klein's mouth twitched, and he nodded: "That's right."

Hermes smiled when he heard the words, and even adjusted his expression and collar to show his respect for Frank's works:
"Frank is a very thoughtful young man. The yield of his improved wheat seeds is very high. Although it can only last for three generations, the increase of about 40.00% is beyond the reach of people. Together with his plant-based pork, he is also actively working in Intis. The earth is glowing and glowing. Our people have only just accepted the existence of the extraordinary world this year, and these wonderful and fancy mushrooms are a bit difficult to accept, but these two are okay."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Klein, then at Medici, and asked in a curious tone:

"Speaking of which, I have always had a doubt. Frank is a sailor belonging to the 'Star Pirates', and the leader of this pirate group is a member of the Church of the Hidden Sage, the God of Knowledge and Mysteries..."

"I have gotten along with him privately because of some cooperation projects between churches. He is a simple and enthusiastic child who will give ten times or even a hundred times the affirmation of others' kindness and affirmation. However, he said that he is not a 'fool' He is not a believer of the Creator, nor a believer of the God of Mystery. He insists that he is only a child of his mother. He believes that life is precious and the harvest is pleasing, so he helps others... How did such a special person be "fooled"? 'The favored person selected, and is responsible for providing material support to the Eastern Continent?"

Uh, because the favored Gehrman Sparrow of "The Fool" praised Frank before he realized Frank's shocking thoughts, so he and Frank established trust and friendship smoothly during the following journey... …

Klein originally wanted to sneak a glance at Medici to see if the other party was gloatingly waiting for him to lie or pretend he didn't hear, and then decide whether to tell the truth based on Medici's expression and attitude, but on second thought, standing next to him This is the angel of the "audience" path. Although there is only one sequence missing, her "small expressions" and "micro movements" in Hermes' eyes are no different from shining the spotlight and using the loudspeaker to broadcast her inner voice. Shout out... Klein cleared his throat and smiled at Hermes:
"It's because of Mr. Frank's conviction."

"He, uh, his beliefs are firm, which makes his thoughts and behaviors a bit unique compared to other people..." Klein wanted to say something sensational, but after thinking about it, he decided. View Frank with total inclusion and approval.

After all, if the great inventor hadn't provided the "Fool" with such safe, hygienic and multi-functional mushrooms, how could the "Fool" who has no money and no power boast about saving the city of Silver?

Do you buy food?

Impossible, because the Eastern Continent cannot grow food, nor can it breed meat, and the residents are all half giants with an average height of about two meters.This is definitely a huge expense if you think about it with your toes, Klein can only choose to give priority to ensuring his own food and clothing.

If you choose material assistance, you will have already bought out the rich man.

After all, Mr. Dawn Dantès does not have any big business or wealth in the Southern Continent. His assets can maintain the operation of his mansion and manor, plus some necessary charitable and social expenditures. Give some support to the survivors of a distant continent.

That's why Frank's appearance and help are particularly important. It can even be said that he played a decisive role in the conversion process of Silver City and Moon City, and the help given to "The Fool" even surpassed that of the real Creator.

Because people in the Eastern Continent pay more attention to reality, illusory beliefs and promises can only be regarded as spiritual sustenance, while tangible food is the real salvation.Therefore, after the promise, the "Fool"'s salvation came just right, which made the people of these two cities see hope, the future and light, and felt that they could trust "The Fool", and did not feel that this was the Creator's second Abandoned.

If there is no Frank's mushroom, even if the true creator asks believers to convert, the probability of believers converting will be very low.

Klein felt that he had to thank Frank.

Once he changed his way of thinking and looked at Frank from the perspective of a "friend" or even a "good brother", Klein understood more and more the people in the Eastern Continent's pursuit and recognition of Frank, and felt that it is not wrong to make him an angel of abundance... or Check it out!
"...all in all, that's it."

Klein's face changed a few times, but he still praised Frank as objectively as possible: "He has a lot of ideas, and he truly implements the will to praise life and harvest, but some of his ideas are really... difficult. Accepted by the public."

Let Frank continue to advance... Although it will not destroy the world, there will definitely be some disturbing things.

"Yes." Hermes nodded approvingly, "He needs more restrictions and more standardized test rules."

But Frank is truly creative, and it would be a pity to limit his development just because of some "unsafe" ideas.

Just when Hermes and Klein fell into a tacit silence, Medici seemed to finally realize who the creator of the mushrooms they were discussing was. He looked at the mushrooms and asked in surprise:

"This kid still has mushrooms? How many other products do I not know?"

And mushrooms?What does this mean?How much did Frank supply to the Aurora Society?No no no, besides these multifunctional mushrooms, and pork that grows from plants, what else did he invent?
Startled, Klein suddenly felt uneasy, and the admiration and recognition he had just raised for Frank was severely suppressed once again.

However, Medici didn't linger on this topic. When they were discussing Frank, the color of the pure black meat in the hands of the female guards of Moon City had already become much lighter, as if the deep-rooted toxins in the meat had been taken away by that The mushrooms were pulled out.Afterwards, the woman carefully twisted out some mushroom powder with warm purifying power from another pocket, sprinkled it in the boiling water, and finally broke the meat into small pieces and put it in it.

Klein silently glanced at the mushroom powder that obviously carried the purification power of the "sun" path.

"They are preparing lunch, and people will inevitably relax a little during the meal. In order to prevent any accidents, I will go to their dreams to check the situation and ask for some information."

Hermes then looked at Medici: "Your Highness Red Angel, please pay attention to my situation at all times, once I put on the monocle..."

Medici nodded, with a more serious expression than before:
"Since we set foot on the Eastern Continent, we have already entered the attention of the big snake. Good luck favors you and me, so you should be careful."

Klein's heart suddenly rose again, and he silently prayed for Hermes.

After about ten minutes, a small team slowly approached this stronghold in the distance. The people who came were wearing clothes made of animal skins, presumably they were people going out from this stronghold.The bodies of these people also have deformities and mutations of varying severity, but they are still within the scope of human beings.They carried some monster meat and dried plants by hand or on their shoulders, and quickly entered the stronghold.

After being busy for a while, they began to eat and change shifts. The people who stayed just now went to stand guard on the outskirts of the stronghold.

Hermes nodded towards Klein and Medici, the pupils in his eyes quietly narrowed, and he looked at a person in the distant stronghold.

The man with a thin body and a slender waist, like a funnel, lost his eyes for a moment, and then yawned, as if he had naturally dozed off in the midday sun after eating and drinking.

Hermes easily entered his ocean of dreams, and saw a sun-shrouded land and a city-state that was gradually becoming prosperous.


Derrick finished his prayers according to the daily routine, and sat down in the first row of the chapel, allowing his spirituality and mood to gradually calm down.

Today's Silver City is still the same as before, people hunt, patrol, live normally, receive rationed mushrooms and meat, pray, train, rest... Nothing has changed in any way, Derrick feels that there is no change in all of this, He loves such a peaceful life with little surprises and happiness. At the same time, he also hopes that everyone's life will be better, and even better.

"If only Mom and Dad were still alive...if only they hadn't been hurt that day..."

He exhaled lightly, closed his eyes, and the endless regret in his heart surfaced again.

No one bothered him, and the church was always silent except for the sound of everyone breathing and whispering prayers.

Derrick stayed for a while, then walked out lightly.It was already noon, and he was going to the training ground to watch his friends practice duels. By the way, he went to the place to collect food. He wanted to eat fish-flavored mushrooms today.A few big mushrooms, a few big apples, some meat that has been cleaned of toxins, half a black-faced grass bread with some crispy dum fruit, is the most common hearty meal in the City of Silver today.

He came to the training ground with discounted greetings from familiar people all the way. As soon as he arrived, he saw that the friends who had come with him had finished the morning training and were walking shoulder to shoulder in the direction of the food distribution office. When Derrick came over, they nodded friendly.

"Good afternoon, our envoy."

The soldier who was half a head taller than Derrick smiled and lightly tapped his shoulder: "What are you going to do later?"

Derrick was punched lightly and hard, and he slapped it back with a smile:

"After a while, I may have to go out to explore again. I will go to the training ground first, and then go back to eat something. I will come to train in the afternoon!"

The friend suddenly laughed heartily, and walked away with his shoulders hooked while laughing:

"Okay! Then we'll wait for you!"

Derrick waved at their backs and continued to walk around the training ground. Suddenly, he felt a sight staring at him from among the crowd. He immediately looked towards where the sight came from, and saw silver Uno, with gray hair and blue eyes, stood outside the crowd.

This one-year-old child is already more than one meter tall, and the child who looks like he is seven or eight years old is looking at him quietly.

Uno always stayed by his parents' side so obediently that the City of Silver couldn't tell whether the child was an "Angel of Destiny" or a real child, but there was no doubt that this child had the power and authority of an Angel of Destiny , and can also use blessings.

Therefore, most of the time, people also regard him as a high-ranking person—but after all, he is also a child who has grown up in the whole city, and he is always silent, so it is difficult for people to completely treat him as a mysterious "" Angel of Destiny".


Derrick didn't think about how to address him for a moment, but he still bowed to him habitually.

But what made him strange was that Wu Nuo just looked at him like this, seemed to have something to say, and seemed to be just in a daze, just looking at him or a certain point behind him blankly.

Derrick was completely puzzled. He turned around tentatively and took a few steps. Seeing that Wu Nuo was still standing there without changing his expression or orientation, he was convinced that he just happened to be standing on Wu Nuo's place. Where Nuo was looking, it wasn't Uno looking at him.

He walked away quickly, but he didn't realize that his feet made a bend at some point, changed direction, and walked towards the round tower.

Wu Nuo still stood firmly on the spot, his eyes were slightly closed, as if he was in a daze, or looking at something.

In the eyes of the "Angel of Destiny", the fate of at least one-third of the people in the entire Silver City has been closely connected with a certain great existence that is high above the spirit world, while the other two-thirds of the people don't know anything about it , Still living a peaceful, happy daily life.

And Ulorius watched all this calmly, thinking about whether to save or not.

Of course there is a price to be paid to save them, everything in fate has to be exchanged at equal value, and the price is undoubtedly to make Shi Angel unhappy.

"If they didn't still believe in my father, the City of Silver would be a relic now. I originally thought so, but now it seems that they have also abandoned my father. Human beings are always so good at treachery." ——He Having said that.

"The same goes for you, Ourorius, you and Medici, and Leodero...you too, I won't let you go, but not yet."—He said the same.

After all, this is no longer the Lord's people, but an anchor entrusted to the "fool" by the Lord.

After a while, he looked up into the distance, and vaguely saw a little flame burning towards the distance, approaching another city with many survivors.

There, some people also fell into the hands of Amon.


At this time, someone was on the way while walking and playing.

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