Chapter 453 Want to cooperate?
Outer God fell into deep doubts.

Even Edward, who watched this scene from the shared thinking, was silent. The experience and wisdom accumulated in countless years of traveling in the stars were somewhat useless in front of this sentence, because this was the first time he encountered it.

"Wait a minute."

He divided his mind between "I was mistaken for Amon because my acting skills were too good or too bad" and "What do you think about preaching the gods like this, what does God say?" Think about it, and ask Klein back like a blessed soul:

"You think I'm Amon?"

Immediately afterwards, He had a great realization:
"If I admit that I am Amon, then you will naturally be wary of me, but even if I don't admit that I am Amon, as the 'God of Deceit', you will never believe it. Anyway, in your heart, I am Amon Meng, the more you tell, the more you will be convinced, right?"

Klein's expression told him that was the case.

Outer God was excited, and the expressions on his face also became colorful, and even his facial features were a little messed up.

Human imagination and judgment are really interesting... He was muttering in his heart while manually calming himself down.He stretched out his hand to smooth the cracked corners of his mouth, and pulled back his raised eyebrows... This whole set of movements seemed weird and terrifying to Klein, and it made him frown. But who can be sure that this is not a new scam that got the weirder "Amon" of Origin Castle?
"I'm not Amon... Well, even if I say that, you won't believe it, so forget it."

After a few seconds, he regained control of his emotions, but couldn't help but sighed again: "I don't mind if you warn me with the attitude of being vigilant against Amon, but you have to know one thing - at present, At least for now, I won't be against you, but Amon really will."

Klein looked at him with complicated eyes, from which he saw suspicion, surprise, and nothing to say.

"...I can even give you some information."

At this moment, the Outer God somewhat understood the inner meaning of the behavior of human beings "rolling their eyes", but He still couldn't control his eyes and eyelids so easily and meticulously, so he had to give up: "The small team just now was all killed by Amon Shen All the parasitic ones, including the high priest who led them, have already been influenced by Amon in their subconscious minds, and they originally planned to do something to you."

After speaking, he spread his hands and stood where he was, waiting for Klein to judge for himself.

Amon who will disclose information between each other? this true or false?According to my exploration, three of the nine people in the team just had a normal salivation reaction when faced with food. Could it be that those three were also made under control?

No, if this sentence is not entirely true, then there are too many possibilities... He probably wants me to create a chain of suspicion, trust no one, and eventually lose trust in Yuecheng under certain circumstances, right?But if he wants to destroy Yuecheng, there is no need for him to do so. Or, apart from making fun of me, seeing the breakdown of trust between me and Yuecheng is also something that makes Amon feel happy?

Klein, who didn't have Sefirah Castle and couldn't use divination to judge the correctness of this sentence, took a deep look at him after a brief silence.

He then stretched out his right hand, gently squeezed it, and dragged out the self he was a quarter of an hour ago in front of Him.

After looking at his own historical projection, Klein's body quickly disappeared, entered the fog of history, and ran all the way to the ancient giant king's court, hiding in the forest frozen in the dusk.

His historical pore image stood up, snapped his fingers, and flashed towards the destination in the rising crimson flames.

The Outer God watched this series of operations intently, and after seeing Klein's figure completely disappear from his face, and even the mystic connection disappeared, he couldn't help admiring:
"The Lord of Mysteries is somewhat distasteful for his reasons."

He understands the historical projection. It is a force from history, but it is different from him.

And Klein's disappearance is the most mysterious in his view, there is no trace at all.The spiritual perception was not triggered, and he couldn't find where he went. Even if he used "open the door", he didn't know where to open it. He had to wait or use divination.

When chasing and killing Klein before, as long as the opponent entered the fog of history, Edward would lose his direction, and then had some ordinary friendly fights with the God of Thunder to pass the time.But at that time, Klein was also being chased in a panic, and he didn't plan his route carefully at all.

What's more, with the speed difference between them, even if they lose their target, they will be caught up again in a few seconds.

"But where did he go? Did he hide in the history? Is it the historical fog that only the 'Seer' can find?...The most interesting performance of this authority is in the hands of the 'King of Time and Space', 'Gate' The path has been unfavorable on the vertical axis of dimension and space, and it has not let go of the horizontal axis of time and space... The symbol of the pillar is really ridiculously strong."

Being able to stand side by side with "omnipotent", the list of titles alone is already scary enough, not to mention the actual manifestation of authority.

After standing still and chatting with himself, he was sure that Edward would not think of a way for himself.So he resigned himself to strengthening his legs, and then ran towards the place where the "God of Wishes" Cottal had appeared, as the high priest of Nim had said.

"Never choose Sequence 5 next time."

He who was forced to run after Cottard and fell apart several times let out a deep sigh.

"Sigh, but on the premise that you can't have divinity and stealth action, Sequence 5 is already the best choice, otherwise my divinity will cover the divinity of the original container, and it will be too easy to be discovered..."


When the deep pit turned into a hill was close at hand, Klein (historical projection) stopped, and cautiously stretched out his right palm again, dragging the past secret puppet, Qonas Kilgor, out of the void.

The facial muscles of this "Fallen Earl" in the shape of a tough guy squirmed, and quickly turned into another Gehrman Sparrow.

He and Gehrman Sparrow looked at each other, and suddenly reached out and pressed his forehead, muttering:

"Why does the secret puppet have to change?"

"There's no one else here..."

"You can't develop obsessive-compulsive disorder..."

A few seconds later, the secret puppet projection walked towards the deep pit not far away, step by step, carrying the animal skin lantern emitting a dim yellow light.

While the light was floating, Klein saw the target spot clearly, and found that it was actually not deep, and the gap between the bottom and the ground was no more than two meters. Of course, if compared with the original hill, this change is indeed big enough.

Inside the "deep pit", the soil is smooth, with a few stones sandwiched between it, and there are many mutated and distorted plants of indistinguishable varieties growing around it, which does not look much different from other places.

After observing for a while, Klein, who had quietly turned on the "spiritual vision" and "spiritual body thread" vision, slowly entered the "deep pit", preparing to go around every place worthy of re-examination according to the planned route.

As he walked, he frowned slightly and let out a "huh".

He found that there was a certain sluggishness in the rotation of his thoughts, but it didn't affect his thinking!
It's like the state when you just woke up after sleeping too much, your head is stuffy, and your thinking is not active enough.

This is a situation that occasionally happens to a person. Extraordinary people of other paths may not be able to detect it, but as a demigod of the "Seer" path, Klein can clearly feel the abnormality.

If it goes deeper, it will be close to the reaction brought about by the "Master of Secret Puppet" manipulating the "spiritual body thread"... The influence left by the dark demon wolf Kotal?No, if it was left unintentionally by him, it means that he showed a complete form of mythical creature at that time, and the investigation team of Moon City would have collapsed and lost control one by one... If he left it on purpose, what is the point of doing so?To tell others that He was here?Klein walked around suspiciously, but found nothing unusual.

After thinking about it, he subconsciously wanted to take four steps backwards, then ascend into Origin Castle, and perform a divination at the position of "The Fool"!
This is his method of solving crimes that has always been invincible.

Klein clenched his fists, held the animal skin lantern, walked around unwillingly, and then slowly backed away.

Although this weakened version of "Secret Puppetization" would not really affect his physical condition, it still somewhat slowed down his thinking.

He retreated to a safe distance outside the pit, sat on a rock and began to think about countermeasures.But no matter what, he couldn't figure out what happened at that time, which made an angel-level Cong God do all kinds of unreasonable actions.

After a few minutes, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him.Klein looked back in astonishment, and the "Amon" with a strange behavior pattern ran towards him from a distance with a speed far exceeding the limit of human beings.

And it also exceeded the limit of the human body—Klein clearly saw the opponent's knee suddenly split from the middle as he ran!Then the other party quickly sat down on the spot and began to mend it. Somehow, he sewed up the knee again!

After patching, the thing stood up and continued to run towards where he was! this really Amon?It really doesn't seem like it?
Klein's scalp felt numb, as if he had witnessed a live broadcast of a horror film.Just like that, he watched the other party running towards him with a shocked expression, as if he saw the other party he was preaching.

After half a minute, the other party ran in front of him.


Then he stopped the car suddenly in a posture that was completely inconsistent with the inertia and mechanics, and greeted him indifferently:
"You run really fast. Your historical fog also has a displacement function? are the historical projection just now."

Klein was expressionless, but looked at the other party with a hellish look.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly discovered another suspicious point—that is, this "Amon" running at such a high speed was not breathing at all, and had no heartbeat—he suddenly understood why the opponent's footsteps sounded "extremely light".

This might not really be Amon... Amon doesn't seem to have a precedent of parasitizing dead creatures... But if this is not Amon, then what is he?Why follow me?
Klein's suspicions grew more and more, and he finally turned around halfway, out of sight and out of mind.

This is an obvious "rejection" signal in human communication. If Edward, who is proficient in anthropology, sees that Klein doesn't want to talk to him, then he will follow human etiquette and shut up politely, unless he wants to intentionally tell others Find something unpleasant.

Not so with his half, and the god of possibility generally doesn't care what creatures other than his students think.After all, there are only "students" and "other life forms" in His world, and sometimes he doesn't even care about the lives of the students for the sake of assessment, let alone put them in the corner of his mind after being transferred to the bottom of the box for 400 years. Take a look at the bound volume of "Essays on Human Etiquette".

Therefore, he glanced at the deep pit, leaned over to feel the sluggish thinking, then stepped back, turned around and asked Klein:
"Do you already know what happened?"

Klein had nothing to say, and shook his head without looking at him.

"In this way, it seems that because the 'God of Wishes' has a higher status than you, you can't get it out of divination."

Reminiscent of the beautiful past when Klein blatantly predicted Edward and was captured by the other party that night, the Withering Lord looked at Klein with some ridicule in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. In order to dig out the truth most efficiently, he directly asked road:

"Then you want to know?"

Klein paused, stood up, and turned around to leave.

He really wants to know what happened on the day of his "time travel", and he can even say that he can't wait, but he also doesn't intend to answer this question at all. Questions and unclear gifts in the mysterious world cannot be easily agreed.

"You really don't want to know?"

Looking at the back of Klein leaving slowly, the Outer God couldn't help asking again:
"As I said, I don't intend to do anything to you. On the contrary, I am also very curious about what happened on a certain day in June... Well, it should be June, right? According to the records of the Blackthorn Security Company, you are Those who were admitted as civilian workers in June or July were the local extraordinary team of the Church of Evernight, if you hadn’t encountered some extraordinary event, it would be impossible to attract them…”

He flipped through Edward's records and said a few words to himself:
"What the hell happened back then? Well, Tingen still had 0-08 at that time, and the Antigonus Note that was accidentally lost... the Antigonus Note? Is it? The possibility of becoming a "Seer", could it be that you were already polluted by the "Half Fool" and became a half "Seer" at that time, that's why you were included in the observation by the Church of Evernight? No, that's not right, Antioch Cornus himself didn't find Origin Castle, how could you..."

Klein's eyes widened slightly, and he tried his best to control his heartbeat and restrain his urge to turn around.

"To tell you the truth, I met Kotal, the God of Wishes, in the Eastern Continent. It's a pity that I didn't catch up with him."

The God of Possibilities saw Klein's vacillation. He was convinced that his words had an effect. Klein originally had the possibility of cooperating with him, and all he had to do was to guide the other party to agree, so it was natural for him to actively throw out information. It is the most sincere choice.

He imitated the tone of his half body, and said in a seductive tone:
"Klein, I know you don't trust me, but it doesn't matter to me at all."

"But I, like you, are people who want to find out the truth at that time."

"'God of Wishes' Cottal has a strange item on his body, it is a magical potion of the 'Seer' pathway Sequence One, but it seems that he has not fully controlled it, and because of the special circumstances of the land abandoned by gods, he cannot Tolerate, and even now contending with this 'potion' - it means that he is not the one who should get this potion, right?"

"Then who do you think should have gotten it?"

Hearing these words, Klein couldn't hold back anymore, turned around and spoke in disbelief.

"Sequence One's potion?"


good night!

(End of this chapter)

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