Chapter 455 A Different Life

At eight in the morning, Sharon slowly opened her eyes.

Her blue eyes looked at the gap filled with cloth on the "roof" in a daze, and after a while, she looked away silently.

The place where Sharon lived was an abandoned carriage. Because it was relatively intact, she occupied it by force.

The place where she sleeps is the seat of the carriage. This seat is about half a meter wide and less than two meters long. When Sharon sleeps, she spreads a mattress on this seat and curls up to rest on it. At other times, she takes the mattress down as a cushion. Use the seat as a table.

The carriage is very small, not enough for Sharon to stand up straight.

Lift up the countertop of the seat, and there is a small cabinet underneath.But Sharon didn't want to put anything in it, because it was dark and damp and would breed many disgusting bugs.

So she nailed a wooden board on the wall of the small carriage to store her clothes—she now only has two sets of clothes, two simple coarse dresses, and a white apron.Everyone has only two sets of clothes to change and wash, and a set of standard personal items. The members of the Rose School of thought who come here must abide by the creed of "temperance and economy" while working.

Sequence 5s like them have almost inexhaustible strength and only need to eat very little food, so they are quite popular labor forces.Maric was arrested and joined the engineering team when he first arrived. After participating in a series of basic construction work, he built a small wooden house for himself. It's rough as hell, but at least it has a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

Sharon didn't take part in such jobs as digging, plowing, tilling, draining sewage, and welding pipes. She chose to work in the mill.

During the first half month of construction by the engineering team, the mill in the village needed manpower, but after the project came to an end, the two-person working system could resume in the mill, and Sharon was no longer needed.

Because the village itself is not big, neither the bakery nor the mill needs workers.All that's left is the work in the fields, either by going to the sheds and tending the cows, horses, pigs, or other livestock on the farm.

These tasks are still a bit too much for Sharon, far below her psychological expectations.

She can endure the busyness of the mill without touching the ground, or the boring work of pushing the mill with only hard work, but it is difficult for her to convince herself to clean up piles of livestock manure every day, and carry a large amount of disgusting smell. hay and swill.

Just passing by these places, she felt like she was going to faint.

So she refused, unwilling to participate in the farm, and also unwilling to go to the field. In the end, she used the opportunity of building a house to exchange for a job of keeping accounts and copying materials, and the old village head was even stricter on her.

When she was working in a busy mill, she had no time to miss her teacher, but now that she was free, the teacher began to appear in her dreams from time to time, just like the past and the life in the North Continent.

Sharon stood up quietly, brushed off the dust from her hair and body, poured water from her kettle, and finished washing outside the carriage.

Then she returned to the carriage, ironed the skirt she was going to wear today with a hot water bottle, put on the apron, locked the door, and went to the home of the hired villager who entrusted her to copy the bills and letters.

Sharon can write well and is proficient in multiple languages. She was stunned to calculate the accounts of all the small traders in the village. Write simple numbers and symbols, without the concept of "clear order", and don't even remember the date.At the very beginning, Sharon had to keep accounts with the help of these villagers, and for this she had to endure the inexplicable anger of those rude and dull villagers. As time went by, Sharon felt that her temper and patience became better .

When she sent back the neatly written and beautiful new account book, she would of course be praised, but she had heard many compliments since she was a child, and she didn't think more of the compliments from the country people in her heart. sense of identity.

It has been a full month, and Maric has become familiar with the neighbors around her, but she still looks like an outsider.

The person who entrusted her is already waiting at home, and the other party will get up early to feed the chickens and weave.Now that Sharon is here, the family has just finished breakfast and has a short break.

"Just give me the content to be copied." Sharon said succinctly.

"Okay, what I want to copy is a letter written by my eldest son."

This family is considered good in the village, with tables, chairs and furniture. The hostess of the farmer carefully took out a book from a wooden box, and took out a few yellowed and discolored papers from the book, and handed them all to the village. Sharon.

Sharon nodded, and then came outside the door with her backing board and chair.

"Can you write a bit like him?" The hostess poked her head out of the door.

It is not difficult for Extraordinary to control muscles and imitate handwriting. Sharon did not speak, but still just nodded and copied seriously.


Probably because of Sharon's young age, the hostess was more concerned about her, and shouted again before leaving home:
"Have you had breakfast yet? I have tortillas at home."

Sharon thought about it and shook her head.

Time passed slowly, and when it was almost noon, the hostess who came back from the field saw that Sharon was still writing seriously at the door, so she couldn't help but leaned over to take a look. She compared the bill with her son's family letter, and passed It took a few minutes before he clicked his tongue in admiration:

"Girl, although I can't read, your handwriting is much prettier than my son's."

Sharon responded to the compliment: "Thank you."

"Girl, can you teach my little son to write?" the hostess asked again, with longing in her voice, "there is no teacher in the village, and the town is too far away, so I can't afford the daily tuition..."

Sharron didn't make a sound. She temporarily stopped copying, and looked up at the dark and red-skinned hostess. Behind the hostess stood a child who was about seven or eight years old, barefoot, with his feet tied up and rolled up. My trouser legs are covered in mud, just like everyone else here.

Knowledge and writing are indeed the easiest way to cross classes... So, teach the children here to write?
Sharon suddenly realized that this incident might be part of her credit. At the same time, compared with working on the farm or working in the fields, it was easier and more dignified, and it met her requirements for work and life.

But she didn't agree, she decided to ask the village chief first.

"I will consider it." Sharon said softly.


The next day, before noon, another group of Moon City residents, led by a priest named Duke, came to Gehrman Sparrow's bonfire, listened to his preaching, shared mushrooms with him, and waited for purification .

This team is completely opposite to the previous one, without Amon.

"Amon probably started mitosis inside Moon City." Outer God grabbed some poisonous mushrooms to play with, and looked at Klein, "Why don't you go in earlier, aren't you going to save the people of Moon City? There are no living people left."

"...As long as Amon wants to torture me, there will be no living people yesterday." Klein said calmly, "Compared with 'parasitic', 'secret puppetization' may be more deadly, I will find a way."

"Oh." Outer God said, "He will invite you to Moon City soon, so get ready."

Klein was startled: "Divination?"


After a Moon City resident was baptized and burst into tears, Klein looked around and asked casually:

"The Sun God asked you to stay here, and pay attention to whether anyone comes out of the fog?"

"Yes." Duke, who was cured of his edema all over his body, knew that the high priest had mentioned this matter to the envoy in front of him, so he replied quite frankly.

Klein nodded lightly, and asked another question following the topic:
"What will you do if you really find someone walking out of the fog?"

Duke didn't hesitate, and said bluntly:

"Immediately recite the honorable name of the Great Sun God, and report this matter... to Him..."

As he spoke, his tone became very low, and in the end, he couldn't even speak, because the sun god, the creator, did not respond more than 2000 years ago, even though Moon City held the most complete ceremony again and again. , Repeatedly recited the honored name, but did not get any feedback.In the end, He finally responded to them, but told them to change their faith and follow the "fool".

"Other than this?" Klein asked sharply.

This is not only the revelation of spiritual intuition, but also the result of reasoning to a certain extent-obviously, the ancient sun god and the creator of the City of Silver would not fail to consider a problem, a possibility, that is, the person who walked out of the gray mist was very careful. , very cautious, don't like to be watched, don't like to be monitored, after discovering the Moon City patrol team, they tend to use their extraordinary ability to influence their minds, making them forget what they have seen him, and don't remember to recite his honorable name .

Faced with this situation, the ancient sun god should have made certain arrangements.

Of course, this is not absolute. If Amon's father can accurately predict that the person walking out of the gray mist is a novice, then there is no need to say too much in the oracle.

However, considering that the ancient Sun God and the Creator of the City of Silver even predicted that he would come out of the gray fog, Klein was skeptical about the above possibility.

Duke thought for a while, hesitated and said:
"Greeting the man and telling him a word."

Klein immediately lifted his spirits, but asked calmly on the surface:

"What word?"

Duke moved his lips a few times, as if imitating pronunciation, and then he said in a strange tone:

...Klein's mind froze for a second, and then he had a strange doubt: Chernobyl?What Chernobyl?

Immediately afterwards, he immediately realized: Are there relics of the old era nearby?And still Chernobyl?

Kingdom of Loen, East Chester County, in a woodland.

Farmers from nearby villages gather here to pick the strange mushrooms that are covered with roots, rotten wood, and bushes.

According to the kingdom's laws, this woodland and everything that grows in it should belong to its owner, Miss Audrey Hall, but the continuation of the war, the collection of grain, and the high taxes and fees have made the farmers no longer care about offending them. Law, that is something that needs to be considered only after survival, and the more people involved, the more courageous they will naturally become.

They formed a small team to pick mushrooms very efficiently, and divided the mushrooms covered with gold stars or fat patterns into two parts, a small part was kept for their own consumption, and most of them were going to be sold to the grain merchants waiting outside the forest in exchange for Gold pounds, to buy necessary items such as salt and cloth.

These farmers didn't do too much. Except for the mushrooms, they only took part of the fruits on the trees, leaving enough harvest for the woodland watchers to hand in.

In just two or three hours, the farmers sold a large amount of mushrooms and fruits, packed their gold pounds, carried rations, and returned to their respective villages with smiles on their faces.

For them, everything that happened today is what they want to do, and they have also achieved their intended purpose.

The bearded grain merchant was equally happy, because these were unexpected gains, and under the current situation, he could earn a lot of money.

With his workers, he moved a large number of mushrooms and fruits to a processing point outside the city, processed them accordingly, and then put them all into the warehouse.

As a meticulous businessman, after dismissing the workers, he checked the warehouse again, and he closed the door and locked it himself until he confirmed it was correct.

At this moment, he saw a thick pile of cash on the ground, all in 10 pound denominations.

"When did I lose so much money?" The grain merchant bent down happily and picked up the stack of banknotes.

While counting the points, he suddenly remembered the origin of the money:
They are the proceeds from selling the mushroom powder, dried mushrooms and preserved fruits just now!

"It's really rich!" The bearded businessman sighed with satisfaction, turned his head and left the warehouse.

Inside the warehouse, Audrey wearing a light blue dress lifted the "psychological invisibility" and took out a black pocket.

This is the "traveler's bag" she rented from "Judgment" Xio.

Then, Audrey, who had blond hair and was simply holding her arm, easily poured bags of food into the black pocket.

After finishing all this, she took out another book with a hard copper-green case, and turned to the page with "transmission".

This is the "Leymano Travel Notes" from Forsi the Magician.

And what happened before was all secretly manipulated by Audrey.

She first gave the fast-growing mushrooms provided by Ms. "Hermit" to each animal in the woodland. With their help, she "planted" all of them in the right place, and then "affected" the farmers in the surrounding villages in large numbers, enhancing the The desire in their hearts allowed them to overcome their fear of the law, and the grain merchant and his hired workers "just happened" to pass by and found out about it.

This kind of "manipulation" of people's hearts makes people addicted, just like the master of all spirits, but Audrey didn't show a smile, but sighed softly:

"It's still not enough... It's still far behind, a lot..."

The mushrooms she got are not the type that the little "sun" said can suck the flesh and blood of monsters to grow and multiply. They need enough nutrients from the environment to grow quickly. Therefore, this woodland cannot grow a second mushroom in the short term, otherwise it will be very dangerous. May become a desert.

Staring at the empty cloth bags, Audrey's green eyes flickered, and she couldn't help thinking:
"A large amount of food is concentrated in the church, the royal family, the military, the government, the nobles and the big merchants..."

"Only relying on 'traveler's luggage', I don't know how many times I have to move it...

"People who 'manipulate' nobles, big businessmen, and the military are very dangerous, and they will be discovered if they are not careful...

"If I hadn't been able to find cheap food sold in large quantities outside of food factories, I might never have known someone with that side..."

"The environment and situation are different, and the persona that everyone wears is different. I have to pay attention to this in the future..."

Suddenly, she felt a little depressed again.

Because she knew that even if she raised a large amount of food, she would only be able to keep the disabled soldiers and children in the foundation she sheltered safe for a period of time, and it would only be enough for these people to eat for about a month. There is no other way.

"The war hasn't really..." Audrey closed her eyes, not knowing what else she could do.

She heard Ms. "The Hermit" say that the essence of the wars during this period was God's War, and it will always be God's War in the future, and the prelude to God's War is very consistent, that is, to spend a certain amount of time and strength to shake the opponent's mind. anchor.

After thinking about it, Audrey pursed her lips, and decided to start with what she could do first.

With the light on that page of notes, her figure quickly became transparent and disappeared.


"elder brother."

Clovis Montemar looked up just in time to see his sister approaching in priestly robes like a ray of sunshine walking.

The eldest son of the Marquis squinted his eyes, and showed a gentle smile to his sister:

"My dear Irena, you are the real treasure of the family."

A saint who is valued by the church, a real powerful demigod, this is wealth that is more real than any gold, factories, shares, and land, and it is the real reliance of a noble family with real power for long-term stability and status.

Ms. D, Irena Montemar stopped in front of her eldest brother. She first politely expressed her gratitude to her brother for his compliment, and then exchanged a few simple greetings: "How is your life in the army recently?"

The eldest daughter of the Marquis family joined the church, and the eldest son, who had no extraordinary talent, decided to follow the normal aristocratic route. By the way, he tried to establish a good relationship with the current national military organization "War Red". Clovis recalled the army's devil training, With a wry smile:
"I feel like I did a terrible job, sister! I have to apologize for my indiscretions, the officers, I mean the real officers in 'Red War', are all real 'conspirators', more than I This dude who only understands superficial political struggles is much stronger... Now, the only thing that can maintain our family's image is my efforts to participate in military training and to show my sincerity."

Irena looked at her brother, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly: "Are you regretting becoming a hunter?"

"It's a little bit. Hunters need to go to the battlefield. I think I lack this talent...Continuing to advance through this path will not make me live longer, but will make me die more easily."

Clovis made a joke and didn't linger on this topic: "The family already owns you, I just need to maintain and develop. By the way, sister, what do you want me to do?"

"Our relative in the Loen Empire wrote me another letter."

Irena took out an envelope from her cuff: "It's from the countess of the Hall family—you know, the second son of this family is dead, otherwise the second son would have come here to be the lord of our territory in the east Now the earl has made up his mind and is going to find a way to let his daughter come to Intis and let her inherit part of the property he divided us... Do you think it is necessary to tell father about this?"

"He also knows how to let his daughter inherit some assets...that's a bit of a brain."

Clovis nodded slightly, disapprovingly: "A countess wants to come over? Are you going to ask us to make a marriage contract for her?"

"Count Hall hopes that it is best not to." Irena said, "He wants his daughter to have the opportunity to choose for herself, but the Countess implicitly mentioned that if there must be a marriage contract, she hopes to be a viscount."

"...Hehe, does a distressed countess lady who begs us to take in still expect to get a title?" Clovis joked in a sarcastic tone, "Of course, of course, in Trier, this is all possible— —As long as that lady is beautiful enough, maybe I will fall in love with her too, right? What we lack here are beautiful women, and beautiful women who want to climb to a higher place."

"But if you want to find a viscount to get engaged, it's a bit of a dream, but in my faction, there is a real viscount who is over 50 years old and lost his wife in the flood. Oh, his son is also dead. What about the Countess' chance?"

After listening to her brother's sarcasm, Irena maintained a good ladylike upbringing, and then she sighed softly:

"The lady is 19 years old."

Clovis still disagrees: "So?"

"She's a Sequence Five."

The eyes of the Marquis' eldest son suddenly widened—"Sister, she is 19 years old, younger than you, Sequence Five, you said she is already Sequence Five?"

"Yes, brother."

Seeing the expression on her brother's face, Irena couldn't help laughing: "She's very beautiful and smart, and she's still a Sequence Five—and her way is also available in our church, which is 'audience'! Brother! , You said, will she be a wild Extraordinary without a guide? If she can reach this point at this age, will there be no chance in the future to open the door of divinity and become a demigod?"

A Sequence Five with a promising future...

Worth wooing! !
Clovis coughed, and immediately corrected his attitude, showing a friendly smile.

"Forgive me for my gaffe to your friend just now, sister."

The eldest son of the Marquis has long been quite proficient in dealing with people, and he quickly changed his mind. The value of this countess in his heart quickly surpassed her father, and even the property that her father had already divided:

"When will this beautiful lady come to Trier?"

"As a trustworthy distant relative, as a distinguished guest who came from afar, it is necessary for me to greet him personally."

Irena looked at her brother's expression and suddenly smiled:

"Remember to accept your thoughts at that time, your thoughts of trying to win people over are already written on your face - she will see it, but there is nothing that can really hide from a 'mind reader' ..."

"I see."

Clovis adjusted his expression politely, and blinked at his sister: "Don't forget to say a few words for me, sister, by the way, don't let her get in touch with the old Marquis and our younger brother, or let them get in touch more Contact, so she knows who is more worthy of choice."

(End of this chapter)

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