Chapter 457 Amon Welcomes You

In the end, Klein didn't really go to divination, but asked God.

The reason is simple, he dare not.

"By the way, Klein, what is your real purpose for wanting to become the Lord of Mysteries?" Outer God asked whatever came to mind, very casually, "I don't think you seem to be the type of savior, why do you want to do it?" Such a thankless thing?"

The sun hangs quietly in the sky, casting light and heat on the ground.

Klein didn't intend to talk endlessly about this unknown god, so he said vaguely:

"For strength."

"What is the purpose of gaining power?"

"To protect those who want to protect, to do more things I want to do..." Klein originally planned to say more, but he stopped his desire to confide in time, "That's all, most people That’s what you want to gain power for.”

Outer God nodded in agreement: "But after gaining power, how much you can do is the difference between everyone."

Klein didn't answer.

"Some people have such thoughts when they are weak. When they become strong, even a little stronger, all kinds of thoughts in their hearts begin to emerge... If you are a caterpillar, then moving from a tree Going to another tree may not be possible even if you run out of life, but when you simplify it into a butterfly, you only need to flap your wings and fly for a moment to move this distance... It’s really interesting, human beings don’t have this kind of leap in the level of life , and will not produce changes in appearance and race, but still be able to present different personalities at different stages."

The Lord of Withering said a few words to himself.

Of course He knew why Klein wanted to gain power, and He was interested in Klein precisely because of his wish.

But the words "giving humans the power to choose" sound too far-fetched, and in His eyes, it is no different from saving the world.Even to a certain extent, this is even more difficult than saving the earth, but Klein has not realized it yet. ——Also, Klein is not the type of person who likes to save the world, but he can say such words, not to mention himself, even God finds it very interesting.

Isn't it normal for human beings to change their thinking according to the environment in different periods and stages?

Klein didn't hear any problems. Instead, he was convinced that this unknown god was definitely not a human being through this passage.

He asked, "Do you love the human beings on Earth?"

With no family here, no one you love, no real kin, how strong is your racial identity?
"...not because of love."

Klein replied calmly.

This question made him feel a little inexplicable, but it also resonated with him to a certain extent.

It is precisely because the people he cares about are no longer in the current world, and because he has the qualifications to touch powerful forces, he will expand his vision and try to help all human beings on the earth.

The Lord of Withering frowned. He didn't expect this answer, but he was soon relieved. After all, it is unrealistic to expect an old human who has just come to the current world for a year and a half to have any sense of belonging to the new world.

"In this case, can you guarantee that the human beings you have helped will have a better life than before?"

This—how can I guarantee it?
There are so many people in the world, who can guarantee that they have the ability to make everyone's life better?No, but if you think about it carefully, it's not impossible. Wouldn't you help Silver City and Moon City to live better than before?To improve people's lives, the first step is to liberate productivity.The life of the people in the East District is no better than that of Moon City before, but as long as they have food, they can find jobs and have more chances of surviving...

Klein thought seriously for a few seconds: "I will try my best to do this."

Hey, this is not the same as I thought?
Outer God felt a little puzzled. He thought that Klein, whose ambition was comparable to the ancient sun god, should be able to nod confidently and proudly. Then he realized that he seemed to have misunderstood Klein's behavioral logic—if Klein wasn't He made such a decision because of his sense of identity with human beings, or his love for the earth, so what are his inner factors?
After a period of weird silence, when Klein was thinking about whether he said something wrong, he suddenly asked again:
"If, I mean if."

——If what drives him is not his love for human beings and the earth, it similar to the mentality of "everything is coming", "I can only become a secret anyway, since this is the case, why not do more good things" mentality ?

"Klein, you don't seem to have a reason to 'must do this', so if there is a candidate who is acceptable in terms of character and morality, at least not inferior to you, and who is also competing for the Lord of Mysteries, What would you do, would you give up?"


"Why did you hint to him the plan of the demon of knowledge?"

Edward, who had watched their exchange, didn't quite approve of the behavior of the other self. Although it was no secret in the starry sky, on Earth, there were no more than one person and god who knew about it.

Although the demon of knowledge may not do this, and the gods on earth may not stop it, he still feels that it is better to conceal similar things.

"I find it interesting."

Edward covered his face: "I annoy you the most, do you know this attitude?"

"I know, but you don't have my authority. It's normal for you to not understand my thoughts, just like I don't understand some of your thoughts."

Half body didn't think there was anything wrong with his behavior at all, instead he replied plausibly:

"Klein is a very interesting person. The underlying logic of his thinking and behavior is actually 'just go with the situation'. Now he has a big dream, and he has made a lot of efforts for this dream, but part of the motivation to realize his dream is Driven by fate, I'm just curious, if Klein loses the idea of ​​'I have to be' to a certain extent, what will happen to him."

"After all, even if Amon is really kept secret, the earth will not explode immediately, and human beings will not be extinct on the spot, will they?"

"Okay." Edward didn't bother to argue with himself, anyway, it was impossible to tell the difference, "Then what would he say."

"His answer is quite interesting, a little more interesting than I thought."

Half body cleared his throat, and began to imitate Klein's tone:
"He first asked me who this person was. He probably thought it was Palles, or Zaratul, or Kotal from the Eastern Continent, but he didn't think about Bethel Abraham... After all, the door has been facing each other Talking about his descendants, normal people will think that he is crazy."

"If you really want to say it, I think Pallez Zarathustra is actually a very good choice. You see, all his family members were killed by Amon, and he himself was driven to death. No, but you can still talk calmly with a young man, isn't that enough to prove that Pallez is patient, human, and a good character?"

"Don't digress."

"Okay. In short, he didn't guess who might be competing with him for the Lord of Mysteries, but he didn't think of giving up immediately."

"His answer was that even if that competitor was really better than him in all aspects, he would have to give it a try. After all, according to my description, he thought they might be able to understand each other. To make this world a better place."

Seeing that Edward fell into silence, half of his body laughed twice, teasing himself:

"Do you also find it interesting?"

"I think this is really interesting, and Klein's future promotion route is also very interesting. I am very much looking forward to his future."

Colin Iliad meditated for a while, and after stabilizing his mind, he began to walk back before dark.

When he walked not far from the city of Silver, he suddenly found that besides the torches of the patrols near the city wall, there was also a person who should not be here standing near the city gate.

Derek Berger.

Colin frowned. He knew that disaster could not be avoided. The attitude of the "Angel of Destiny" and his sudden departure had clearly proved something. Amon must have guessed in the city—he naturally did too. Well, the plan to encounter danger when returning to the city, the only surprise is that the person who appeared here turned out to be Derrick.

This is not a good sign.

Derrick Berg is the envoy who contacted "The Fool", and Colin always felt that at least he should be normal.But if the other party is driven by Amon now, wouldn't that prove that "The Fool" can't even protect his envoy now?
As for the way to expel the "Amon's clone", there are only two cases recorded in the City of Silver. One is that Colin's own brother Udel was beheaded at the bottom of the round tower after being parasitized for decades, and the clone that parasitized him was also killed. was killed, and the second was that Derrick Berg was parasitized afterwards. When he was unconscious, he started a secret agreement ceremony, prayed to the "fool", and borrowed the power of the "fool" to kill and expel Amon's clone , saved the life of the host, and then the "Angel of Destiny" drove away Amon on his body, but did not kill the "Insect of Time".

However, "Worm of Time" is of course also a creature related to the spirit world. "Demon Hunter" has mastered the method of killing spirit world creatures, but Colin Iliad has never fought with spirit world creatures , Not sure if I can get rid of only the "worm of time" smoothly.

While thinking about countermeasures, he approached the City of Silver silently, and appeared in front of the patrol team openly.

"Who... chief!"

When the captain of the patrol team noticed that someone was approaching, Colin Iliad was already ten meters away from them. He watched the captain raise his hand nervously, but he still didn't put it down immediately after seeing his face clearly. The captain asked very alertly:

"Have you found edible herbs outside?"

Colin Iliad shook his head at him, and replied in a peaceful voice: "No, earlier, some residents in the city said that they accidentally witnessed a huge monster outside the city. I went out in the morning to go out on the nearby hills and plains Look for traces of similar creatures."

The monsters wandering in the Land Abandoned by the Gods can change into the image of others, but most of them have no thinking and language ability.Hearing this answer, the patrol captain finally breathed a sigh of relief, and put down his hand that was ready to give instructions at any time:
"Welcome back, Chief."


Colin and the patrol team simply said hello, then staggered with them and walked towards Derrick Berg standing at the door.


Derrick also saw him, and showed a relieved expression: "You are finally back. I heard that you left suddenly, and I still can't let go of my heart. After all, I have seen that monster, and its eyes are higher than the city wall. A few meters..."

Colin nodded slightly, and asked seemingly unintentionally: "Is it because of this that you can't let go of your mind?"

Derrick nodded, then shook his head again: "Chief, after you left, at noon, the round tower observed a strange silver-white light appearing in the northeast, I think that light is a bit like when we explored the 'Royal Court of Giants' before. The 'Hunter in the King's Court' I met, Chief, have you already..." He lowered his voice, looked around, as if he was wary of the ears of the wall, "Have you successfully promoted?"

Colin looked at him quietly, without any emotion showing on his face.

He didn't answer, but asked instead, "What were you wary of just now?"

Only then did Derrick's face change, showing some real panic, and then he lowered his voice again: "Chief, I always feel that I have made some strange actions recently, but I didn't Can't remember what I did."

"Amon seems to appear in the City of Silver! I saw, I saw some people behaving strangely, as if they were plotting something... But when I approached, they would quickly unify their voices, and I sometimes You will lose the relevant memory..."

The more Derrick spoke, the more nervous he seemed to be sincerely reminding the chief that there was a problem in the city, and he also seemed to be worried that the chief would be affected.

Colin didn't say much, he nodded and walked towards the city gate: "I see."

"Okay." Derrick looked at the Chief, hesitated for a while, and then heaved a sigh of relief.He followed in the footsteps of Colin Iliad, and asked again half expectantly and half nervously, "Chief, did you successfully complete this time..."

"Failed." Colin replied bluntly, "I tried to get two 0-level sealed artifacts in the City of Silver to give me a blessing, but unfortunately, I failed, so don't ask again in the future."

Derrick froze and fell behind Colin.

After a while, he touched his right eye socket, frowned and muttered something to himself, and followed him again.


Klein carried the animal skin lantern and quickly approached Moon City.

He walked alone in the dusk of the Eastern Continent, thinking about the next countermeasures, and his shadow was stretched very long behind him.

"The second 'blasphemy slate' is most likely from the Creator of the City of Silver, and now it is in the hands of Adam...Although Amon and his brother are in charge of their own affairs and the relationship is not very good, they have cooperated in the past. I don't believe he hasn't seen that 'blasphemy slab'... In this case, he must have mastered the ritual of the 'Master of Miracles', and he can guess that I want to bring the City of Silver out of the land abandoned by gods, and he won't need it at that time Follow me too hard, just wait at the 'Giant Court'..."

"Well, we can't go according to the enemy's expectations, especially since this is a 'god of deceit' and a 'god of mischief'. I don't know how many accidents will happen because of this... If it is because of my participation, it will lead to thousands of years of chaos in the City of Silver. If hope is shattered, it will completely defeat my original intention...

"Transfer path? This is feasible. The problem with the second 'Planeswalker' is that you may hear Mister 'Gate' raving, and will suffer more gazes and pollution from the starry sky than the Sequence 2 Angels of other paths. Of course , none of this is completely unacceptable..."

"Also, Mister 'Gate' has already blocked the path of 'Apprentice' to ascend. He has at least mastered 'Uniqueness' plus two copies of Sequence 1 Extraordinary Characteristics, maybe even three copies..."

"It's not necessary to switch to 'Planeswalker', but I must make corresponding preparations. When my choices increase and Amon wants to block them, the difficulty of pre-burying traps will increase significantly. Only in this way can I be in a Become an angel under the strong oppression of the king of angels!"

"Well, don't presuppose a position, prepare for the 'Miracle Master' and the 'Planeswalker' at the same time, and decide which path to choose depending on the specific situation."

With a certain idea, Klein felt refreshed. His mind was extremely active, and soon he had a preliminary plan:

"For the time being, don't rush to ask Ms. Magician's teacher about the 'Planeswalker' potion formula and the corresponding level '0' sealed item. This will scare the Abraham family, and they will wonder if Miss 'Magician' worships something. Cthulhu, joined some bad organization..."

"In their current state, there is a high probability that they will not reply to the letter again, they will change their identities, change their residences, and cut off contact directly...

"Well, I think the head of that 'Holy One of Secrets' Botis is a very good gift, regardless of whether the Abraham Family will give it to the 'Star Worm' or not, this matter has to be put on the agenda... I hope 'justice' The lady digested the potion of 'Dreamwalker' as soon as possible, and hoped that Ms. 'Hermit' would be ready. I also hoped that the two ladies 'Magician' and 'Judgment' would improve before they acted. The only problem is, 'Holy Secret' "The author" can be regarded as my colleague now, I have shot Mr. X once, and I don't want to be the "Holy One of Secrets"..."

Thinking of this, and thinking of his friendship with the real Creator, Klein suddenly felt a little self-deprecating.

"It's all because you can't restrain your subordinates when you're crazy... It can't be my problem, right?"

He kept a fairly good mood and moved forward for a while, and soon, the tall city walls of Moon City were within sight.

At the same time, he also saw the team that was probably arranged by the high priest of Nim to welcome him.

I don't know if the high priest, who knows how to read words and expressions, realized that Klein didn't seem to like monocles very much. None of the few people who came to guide the way wore monocles, and they were not the ones who went to see him on the first day.

But just as he approached, the residents of the city in those few months raised their heads almost at the same time as if they had trained, showed almost identical smiles, and waved to him. Only one person moved a little slower, like Is not keeping up with the rhythm.

"Welcome, Your Excellency the Envoy of God!"


Klein's fairly good mood suddenly disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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