Ourolius digested it silently for a while, then turned to ask Medici about the death mark:

"Can you sense Him? Are you dead?"

"What kind of existence do you think you are now?"

Death Mark's face showed a confused and complicated expression. It seemed that it had also been asked this question by Ourolius, and it felt briefly unsure about itself: "... No matter when, I and I His connection has never been disconnected. Orochi, I did die once, but He brought me back to life. What I can be sure of is that I am Medici, and so is He."

"You think you are?"


"...Do you think He is too?"

"Yes." Death Mark couldn't help but emphasize, "If I didn't appear conscious, Medici would only have him."

There was silence.

Ourowelius understood Medici's anxiety that he wanted to explain clearly now and thought he had explained it very clearly, but he didn't know why he couldn't understand it. However, he really didn't understand it very well, and he hoped that he didn't understand it well. Understand what's going on.

Just at this moment, a gray mist appeared in front of Ourolius's eyes.

It was as if endless gray mist surged out from behind him and rushed forward like a wave. The front seemed to open a curtain, and a vague but awe-inspiring existence sitting on a high-backed chair appeared in Wu. In front of Lolius. The symbol of the Ring of Fate quickly began to fade after the arrival of the gray fog. This sight and the fear of the outer god had already proved the identity of the visitor.

He also didn't expect that the tentative prayer to Source Castle just now would be answered so quickly. I didn’t even expect that Klein Moretti would actually become the “Lord of Mysteries” on Origin Castle… It felt like a world away, even though this was an expectation personally acknowledged by the Lord, even though Ourolius respected and respected the true Creator. Pious, but also aware of the dangers of competing for the old position.

Klein raised his hand and stuffed the Miracle Master characteristics that he wanted to escape back into his body. He just responded and didn't know what image he presented. After all, he was also hiding carefully now.

After maliciously leading Lilith to God, the two of them suddenly fell in love, their eyes met, and they struggled together, with only each other in their eyes. God looked like he wanted to scold Gui, but unfortunately he didn't have a chance. Lilith seemed to be emotionally stable, but after tolerating repeated attacks and seals from God, a rebellious child, this loving mother also sighed at the disobedient child and planned to crush God bit by bit. With the authority, he put this child together in his body and gave birth to it again.

They fought fiercely, but God was better. He found a way to move the battlefield to Calderon, which was the kingdom of God for the visionaries. It was far away from the earth and close to the sun, so the impact was minimized.

Klein was quietly trying to smuggle back to the spirit world from the star world, but found that Chike actually left the star world with 0-01 - just as his heart skipped a beat, he received Qiguang's report.

So he immediately sent a friendly message from the Source Castle, expressed his identity, and asked Ourolius:

"The guy who just crossed the spiritual world, Qi Guang said that he is Medici, the God of War. Have you ever had contact with him?"

Suddenly, a sense of crisis came, and Klein hurriedly flashed to a location hundreds of kilometers away. He saw the sun in the astral world falling directly without warning, hitting the spot where he was hiding just now.

The earth that was still a shadow in the star realm was burned to ashes, and terrifying high temperatures and a huge flame tornado erupted from the center of the landing point. However, before the flames here were extinguished, Klein discovered that there was another sun hanging in the sky. Like an eye, searching for Klein's location.

"Fortunately, I helped the Demon of Knowledge to open your eyes..."

Klein chuckled silently, finally found the weak junction between the astral world and the spiritual world, and slipped away quietly.

Looking at the mysterious and majestic figure in the gray mist in front of him, Ourolius put away his lament about the uncertainty of fate and hesitated for two seconds:

"Not yet, but He said He is Medici."

Klein repeated doubtfully: "He said He is..."

The moment he said these words, the "sign of destiny" had a vague feeling. Klein vaguely felt that this matter had something to do with him, but it did not develop according to his own ideas, and there was an out-of-control situation. accident.

He can feel this way, so it must be more complicated and confusing in the eyes of Ourolyus.

It doesn't matter, even if it's not Medici, I can still make him become Medici... It doesn't matter if I don't have the authority to "deceive", I just need to use the power of Source Castle to deceive, but this can only last until he contacts Before the complete City of Scourge.


Klein suddenly remembered what he had done before, and quickly told Ourolius: "Before, in order to save Medici's life, I found a way to bind the Red Priest Card to his soul according to my spiritual guidance, and Delivered into His hands..."


Seeing Ourolius and Klein start praying and communicating, although the outer gods could not hear the message from Source Castle, they could guess what they were talking about just by looking at Ourolius's soliloquy.

Seeing that Ouroleus's attention seemed to have shifted to the guy outside, the Outer God also had an idea. In this case, he might as well take away the two death marks himself.

Judging from their appearance, they should be thinking about how to get close to the current natural disaster of destruction. In this case, he stepped aside as if nothing had happened, quietly stretched out his black hands, and quickly stuffed the death mark back into the river of eternal darkness. He wandered around the edge of the River of Eternal Darkness for a while as if nothing had happened, pretending to look at the scenery, then developed the death mark back into a photo and held it in his hand.

One is connected to the River of Eternal Darkness, and the other is affiliated with the current City of Disaster. Medici's identity is no longer important, but the connection with the source of matter is the most important.

He was not in a hurry to stuff this symbolic record back into his favorites, but tried to use its mystical connection to explore the river of eternal darkness to see if he could touch something out.

The mystical connection is like an invisible thin thread, a force similar but different from the extraordinary aggregation properties, attracting the souls in the river and other spiritual imprints to come closer.

He looked into the illusory river water and could see the numb souls without consciousness approaching his position, as if they were placing their hands on the glass fish tank and the fish inside began to gather here. The outer gods looked at these dead souls casually: This is a hunter, that is also a hunter, there is a witch here, and the hunter there looks like an angel... After the endless cycle of hunters and witches, suddenly, the eternal darkness A pair of eyes burning with pale flames appeared in the depths of the river.

Those eyes looked angrily at the "fishing" guy above. In the chaotic darkness, one could vaguely see that the carrier of those eyes was an extremely huge river beast. The occasionally exposed claws and scales carried unparalleled power. . He is not a witch or a hunter, but he is the soul in this river that is most closely connected with the River of Eternal Darkness, so much so that he has become a part of the river.

"It seems you are Salinger."

He laughed, and raised the corners of his mouth: "Why are you looking at me so angrily? It was my half who let you out and then tricked you, not me. Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its own owner. You'd better go to Him, He can fight better than me." More than that, I am just a weak auxiliary who has to survive in the narrow gap. If you insist on coming to me...then I will eat you together with the River of Eternal Darkness!"

"I have been searching for the symbol of death and eternal sleep - unfortunately now is not the time. This universe is far from the end. God and mystery can live in harmony on a small planet... Well, it seems like this The universe may soon be over."

The corners of his mouth were split to the base of his ears, and he looked into the eyes in the river, revealing his neat white teeth.


Ouroleus finished his prayers thoughtfully, and happened to see the alien god wandering around with nothing to do.

Seeing Ourolius looking over, he strolled over.


Ourolius briefly explained the situation. The Outer God, who was quietly eating popcorn and listening to the prayers, immediately understood the situation. He immediately spoke:

"I understand. Before, Klein took action to preserve Medici's will, and also sent out the blasphemous card with a very strong symbol - after all, that thing can only be used as a symbol - which is equivalent to the direction of Mystery himself. He chose the candidate of 'Red Priest', probably because of this, the natural disaster of destruction did not destroy Medici's spirit just like that, so he went with the flow and launched super fusion with him?"

"Please don't mix old era game vocabulary when explaining." "Hey, as long as you can understand."


"From the current point of view, it is probably because of the direction of the 'Beacon of Destiny' that Medici has become the best candidate for the Red Priest."

"Because of Klein?"

The Outer God smiled: "I'm not speaking ill of Him!"

"Just because of this, the City of Disaster just used him to control the Red Priest's Uniqueness. After all, this is also a ready-made candidate for the Uniqueness brand. In addition, Medici has been in contact with the source of matter, and although his resume It’s expired, but it can still be regarded as shining in the earth. Apart from the original witch, you can’t find anything better for the time being, right? So this is not something that is unacceptable to Him.”

"Although the death mark is proof of death, since Medici's spirit is still alive, it can still feel alive."

Ourolius had nothing to say:

"Isn't this method of living just spiritual suturing?"

Just mental stitching in reverse.

Generally speaking, weak Extraordinaries need to rely on their similarity to their seniors to obtain more recognition of their Extraordinary characteristics. However, in the process of promotion and performance, they will inevitably become more and more similar to the spiritual imprint of their seniors. In the end, their own will Some of them will be modified subtly, making the Extraordinary look like the product of the fusion of two personalities.

But now, the obviously more powerful Scourge of Destruction used Klein's "life-saving means" on Medici to reversely fuse Medici's spirit, and even made Medici believe that he was the Scourge of Destruction and also Medici, Uroliu Si really didn't expect that this could actually be reversed.

"Your Lord resisted because God would not allow Him to exist, but the natural disaster of destruction seems to temporarily allow Medici's will to rise."

"Isn't this a good thing?"

"Ourolius, from now on, you can be proud to have an old friend!"

"But sooner or later Medici's consciousness will be..."

There was a hint of "I knew it" on the outer god's face. It was not impatient or disgusted, but the smile that always hung on his face seemed to become perfunctory for a moment, and then returned to normal:

"Yes, you are more emotional, but life is not eternal."

"When I was a human being, I was afraid of the end of my lifespan. After I became a higher being, I started to be afraid of the death of consciousness. In any case, life in your earth's cultural circle really ends at the same time."

"It's a pity that he won't be able to stay in this state for long." Ourolius said with some hesitation and worry, "You also said that the natural disaster was destroyed only because Medici was designated as the 'Mark of Destiny', but if not If necessary, it only takes a moment to erode His will. What's more, Medici's current self-understanding..." It's hard to say at all.

"I suggest you ask Him directly." Outer God said, "Besides, you'd better worry about yourself."

"After all, the agreement you made with the Ring of Fate is to save Him, right? You have no past and future, only the present... You'd better confirm the situation immediately, lest your life is at risk."


Ourolius slowly left Calderon's area with complicated emotions. When his sight was no longer blocked by Calderon's broken high wall, he immediately saw the red figure standing far outside the city. .

Yes, no matter how you look at it, that's Medici.

Not to mention the face and habitual movements, even the patterns and damage on his armor were exactly the same as Ourolius remembered.

The only thing that's different is...

Ourolius came a little closer, and Medici, who was toying with the hermit crab-like "God of Death" pathway spiritual creatures on the ground with his toes, suddenly felt something, raised his head suddenly, and used an expression that was consistent with Ourolius's memory. laughed and said:

"I won!"

"That old pervert Chic didn't defeat me in the end. I became the final winner and got the power of the essence!"

Ourolius didn't speak. He looked at his unfamiliar red eyes, which looked like solidified blood, or like the evening sky reddened by flames. However, Medici has long been accustomed to the silence of his old friend, so he did not find it strange and continued to talk to himself vigorously:

"Orochi, I already know that your past and future were taken away by the Ring of Fate."

"Hmph, the Ring of Fate does not have the power of source matter. The Key of Light is sealed in the Western Continent. He has no time to take it back. When I go to the starry sky, I will directly knock the Ring of Fate that wants to eat you to the ground. , let Him return these two things to you willingly!”

The God of Destiny couldn't help but speak:

"In the symbol of the path of destiny, what has been sacrificed cannot be taken back."

He did not ask how the Medici outside knew these things, because it was no longer important.

Medici thought for a moment and didn't take it to heart: "It's easy to handle. Then I'll beat him so that he doesn't dare to end your contract. Although you only have 'now' left, no one stipulates how long 'now' is." ?”

Ourolius considered the words:

"Will you leave here soon? You told me before that if you have the chance, you must lead your army to continue fighting again."

"Are they..."

Medici paused for a few seconds, but quickly made a decision:

"They are indeed all good, but it's a pity that human lifespan is too short. Even if human beings become angels, they still have a limit to their lifespan. They are not suitable to go to the stars with me. But, Orochi, do you want to come with me? Just like before , let’s go to the stars to fight together!”

His eyes were scorching, as if magma and fire were surging in his eyes. Ouroleus had seen similar expressions in Medici, but he had never been so crazy.

After all, the Medici's victory had a goal, and the goal was to open up new lands for the Lord to preach, while He seemed to be moving forward only for victory and disaster.

"With you here, no one can stop destruction and war!"



Ouroleus wanted to refuse, but in the end, he just sighed.

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