Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 313 Seven Evil Beasts

Chapter 313 Seven Evil Beasts

Yulin County is located in Guilin Mansion, Jingzhou. This mansion is named after its lush mountains and forests. Yulin County itself also has the reputation of nine forests and eighteen peaks, five rivers and one river.

Most of the river systems in Jingzhou in the south are directly connected with the Honghe River.

Therefore, Mi Luo, who got on the Honghe River boat, only needed to go down the river and change the course slightly during the period, and he could enter the range of Yulin County all the way to the outside of Yunhua Forest.

At this moment, the sky above Yunhualin has been covered by a layer of brilliant clouds, and the layers of light curtains are like layers of light veils falling down.

Among them, there are also magic prohibitions constructed by fairy talismans, divine patterns, and cloud talismans, which flicker brightly and darkly in the void with the swaying of the veil.From a distance, it looks like a bright galaxy falling from the void, separating Yunhualin from Hanxia land.

Mi Luo stood outside Yun Hualin, but felt that Yun Hualin was in another world. Mi Luo, who was good at the method of spirit realm, instantly understood that Yun Hualin was pulled into the spirit realm.

Observing the structure of the upper method ban, Mi Luo saw that besides the obvious Jiayimu god ban, there are also some immortal Yin-Yang and five-element theories, which seem to adjust the changes between the law bans, but in fact they hide the numerous law bans. Those one after another originated from Yun Changkong's Taiqingkong Mingbao forbidden.

According to the method Yun Changkong taught in the past, he lowered a ray of light onto the forbidden law, and after a while, a ray of light came out from the void, ready to engulf him in it.

But as soon as the light came on here, there was a burst of ridicule in the distance.

"It can be regarded as letting the ancestor seize the opportunity, let me keep it!"

Accompanied by a sarcasm, a mysterious light with seven colors rose up, cut off the clear light, and stopped Mi Luo.

At the same time, the mysterious light spread out, turning into four blurred figures, only highlighting certain features of the figure appeared in the void, launching an offensive against Mi Luo.

The offensive of these four figures is also not unusual.

The first one is full of snake hair dancing wildly, each snake's head is facing Mi Luo, and in the position of the snake's eyes, there are pairs of special eyes, reflecting different scenes.

The second one swelled and looked like a giant. His thick palms kept hitting his body, making his flesh and blood tremble and making various noises.

The third person was dripping with blood, and most of his muscles were rotten. A large amount of pale green, blood red, pitch black, and dark brown blood flowed on the surface of the muscles, and a strong and foul smell spread throughout the void.

The last one is a mass of gray mist covered with human skin. The mist enters and exits from the seven orifices and pores of the human skin, driving the human skin to fly up and down, constantly deforming.

""Seven Fiends' Curse of Conquering the Gods"? Patriarch of the Seven Fiends!"

Mi Luo's complexion changed slightly, and he could already see that although the four figures in front of him were strange, their foundations were still based on the four evil spirits of color, sound, taste, and touch in the "Seven Demons of God's Conquerment", and they were obviously corresponding evil objects.

Looking at its aura again, the person who came was not a monk in the Mysterious Light Realm, but a Condensed Dharma Aspect Realm.

Based on this point, it is normal to guess that the person is the ancestor of Qisha.

The phantom of the precious mirror appeared in Mi Luo's pupils, and he was careful and vigilant for the possible appearance of evil things condensed by the three evils of form, truth and reason.

Also through the mirror's reflection, Mi Luo found that the moment the four evil spirits appeared, they all had a little more aura, as if they were about to condense his name.

At the same time, the appearance of the four evil spirits is also transformed into that of Mi Luo.

'Xing Sha and Zhen Sha? '

Mi Luo frowned, and immediately guessed that Xing Sha and Zhen Sha had already made a move.

The so-called Xingsha refers to the appearance or form, and the true evil refers to the essence or real name. He stretched out his hand, and the mist rose to cover his breath, and then pointed to the sword formula, swiping in the air, cutting off the connection.


The Patriarch Qisha noticed the change, made a surprised sound, and then looked at Mi Luo: "Interesting, you, a junior in the Xuanguang Realm, can cut off the connection between yourself and Qi while being absorbed by the form and the true god. It can be said that you have some ability to contact. But unfortunately, you still underestimated the ancestor's great [defense] method!"

Saying that, the Patriarch Qisha stretched out his hand to grab it, and the three mysterious and four evil gods emitted light from his hand, like a colorful curtain covering the sky, covering Mira.

Mi Luo took two steps back, his long sleeves fluttering, one hand stretched out from the sleeve, the index finger and middle finger together, lightly pointing towards the void, a flash of spiritual light emanated from the fingertips.

The brilliance is weak, just a thin line at the beginning, and then it spreads out rapidly, turning into a thin layer of cloud light and mist, scattered layer by layer, and turning into pieces of sunlight, like a thousand layers of veil flying, the three mystical and four evil spirits of the ancestors of the seven evil spirits When it falls on it, the lotus pattern on the edge of the light gauze is aroused, and layers of aura are haloed, turning into blossoming lotus flowers.

Seven layers of haze surround the lotus, which looks gorgeous.

Mi Luo's gaze was slightly focused, and he saw that with the surge of the three mystical and four evil spirits, the four evil spirits with a little bit of Mi Luo's appearance changed again, and were getting closer to his appearance.

Aware of this, Mi Luo cut off the connection of air mechanism again, stretched out his hand to touch, and in the spiritual light, the phantom of the precious mirror flew out, wrapped in mysterious light, and illuminated the surroundings, and at the same time, the Miaoyoujing unfolded, covering the surrounding void.

The power of [Shinto/Xiandao · Cong [-]th Rank Earth Demon Test] replaced [Mirror Demon Test], and with the unfolding of Miaoyoujing, it flooded all directions.

Before the Qisha ancestor condensed the magic form of the Qisha God in the early years, he had determined to surpass his ancestors and open a new lineage. As a result, some problems appeared in his practice before and after the condensed dharma form, so that the formed dharma form had certain defects.

Therefore, although the evil things he condensed with the four evil principles of color, sound, taste, and touch are powerful, he still has a lot of restraint in the face of the four abilities of [Earth Demon Test].

[Insufficient practice] Affects the operation rules of the four evil spirits, magnifies some mistakes, and increases the control ability of the ancestors of the seven evil spirits, as well as the difficulty of casting spells.

[Mind Yuan Chaos] Corrupts the mind, guides unrighteous thoughts into the heart, makes it a cluster of demons, and interferes with the connection between the evil spirits of the four evil spirits and the ancestors of the seven evil spirits.

[Enemy Law Destroys Truth] Further amplifies negative emotions and affects the cultivation method of the ancestors of the seven evil spirits, making them unable to normally control the evil things of the four evil spirits, which leads to erroneous cognition.

The final [Unrecognizable Real Name] continuously affects the individual's memory of shape and name, erodes the concept of shape and name, and causes obvious changes in the appearance of the four evil spirits, gradually turning into a decayed and gloomy old man's mental image, but It is a sign of backlash.

Patriarch Qisha was immediately affected, revealing his figure. Behind him appeared a statue resembling human skin wrapped in colorful putrid mud. In the mud, there were many tentacles full of eyes dancing up and down.

The tentacles fluttered and swallowed the four evil spirits, leaving only a little bit of evil energy to dissipate under the mirror light.

"Desolate primordial demon energy?"

The precious mirror was hanging in the air, and from it, some powers that made Mi Luo feel familiar were analyzed. He looked at the distorted Dharma image in some surprises, but after careful observation, he found that the two were different.

He said softly: "It is said that there was a problem with the ancestor's breakthrough in the realm of the law. Now it seems that you have fused part of the spiritual material that contains the original magic energy of the ancient times? But looking carefully at the state of the ancestor, it seems that you have combined the power of the earth veins. with?"

"You actually saw what my ancestor was thinking back then? Then take a look at the Seven Evil Beasts I created."

The patriarch Qisha stood in the void with a long banner in his hand. He watched Mi Luo gently shake the accompanying treasure, the Shashen banner.

Tentacles fell one by one, and as soon as the corrupted soil came into contact with the earth's energy, it immediately began to change, absorbing the evil energy of the earth's veins, and turned into strange shapes, like clay sculpture animal phantoms made of mud.

"Feng Shui beast?"

Mi Luo looked at Patriarch Qisha with some surprise. He found that this descendant of the Southern Demon Cult might have found out another practice method of "Seven Shades of God's Curse".

The so-called feng shui beasts are spirit beasts and fierce beasts bred by the auspicious and evil qi of a place.

Some of these feng shui beasts have entities, and some are close to elves.

Later, the feng shui master who practiced the method of kanyu wuqing discovered the breeding conditions of this special beast, and conducted in-depth research on it, and created a self-collected feng shui evil spirit, auspicious energy, and then combined with the rare and exotic beasts in local legends. The shape can be used as a special secret method for body protection.

And the ancestors of Qisha obviously studied the concept of this secret method, based on the control of color, sound, taste, touch, shape, truth, and reason in the "Seven Shades of Gods", and carried the legends with evil spirits, derived similar stories. Because of the existence of Feng Shui beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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