Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 323 Yan Demon King

Chapter 323 Yan Demon King

"Good come!"

A ray of clear light appeared in the eyes of the great master, and with a flick of his long sleeves, the clear light surged upwards, and a picture of "The Picture of the Fairies in Laoshan Mountain" emerged in the clear light. Emerging, Xiaguang surged from each body, connecting into one piece, blocking in front of him.

But that shadow seems vain, but in fact it is solid and true, easily breaking through the light curtain constructed by "The Picture of the Immortals of Laoshan Mountain" and piercing through the defense of the great master.

When the shadow fell on the light curtain, the great master knew it was not good. He swayed and avoided the attack, but the chest of the Taoist robe was torn off, revealing a small piece of white skin.

But in the next second, his chest suddenly opened, revealing a bloody hole, and the grand master looked at the black bone hand in the void in amazement.


The Yinshan Ghost King who controlled the bone hand didn't say much, and fell down again. At this time, Mi Luo finally arrived at the moment when he saw the bone hand, but he knew it was not good.

In Mi Luo's eyes, the bone hand was the product of a large amount of primordial demon energy blocked by the divine skeleton after the fall of a high-ranking god in the Taixuan territory, and then crystallized under the pressure of Hanxia's earth atmosphere.

This kind of thing, even if Mi Luo saw it, he would stay away, not to mention the creatures in the illusory realm like the Grand Master.

After all, this illusory realm has been restarted many times, and its essence has tended to be illusory, while the bone hand is close to reality.

Contrasting reality with reality, breaking illusion with reality, it can be said that this bone hand naturally restrains all kinds of magical powers in this illusory realm.

Mi Luo hurriedly raised his hand and emitted a red light, hitting the bone hand and knocking it into the air.

Immediately, Mi Luo stepped forward to take back the red jade needle with dim brilliance, looked at the pale grand master who seemed to be about to say something, reached out to hold his shoulder, and pulled him aside: "Please rest here, senior. I will dispel this demon, and then I will tell you a thing or two."

As he said that, Mi Luo stretched out his hand a little, and the clouds dispersed, turning into layers of veils and falling down, protecting the great master, and then he himself watched the bone hand return to the Yinshan Ghost King, and walked with him from the shadows. The protruding bones fit together.

Obviously, this bone hand is the arm of the Yinshan Ghost King.

"Ghosts and gods? No, divine bones? Not right. You are like a ghost but not a ghost, like a god but not a god. You have the aura of divine power, but you are attached to the divine bones. What exactly are you?"

There was obvious surprise in Miro's eyes.

Like Mi Luo, the Ghost King of Yin Mountain was also quite surprised. He looked Mi Luo up and down and said, "You are also an outsider. Interesting, this time more than one outsider entered. It really is the end of the world. The portal is hard to see."

During the words, the shadows dispersed, and countless grievances entangled, turning into a huge palm surrounded by ghosts. The palm seemed to be a gathering of drowned people, and the messenger was a mixture of dead souls and silt.

With the appearance of this big hand, Mi Luo felt that the surrounding space became a bit viscous, and the texture of the Laoshan mountain rocks controlled by it became a bit strange. Stepping on it was like stepping on rotten internal organs, sticky And stench.

Seeing this scene, Mi Luo stretched out his hand to make a formula, and a ray of clear light rose up, cooperating with the phantom of the goddess falling from the void to purify the surroundings. Under Shadow Town.

The Ghost King of Yinshan Mountain didn't care, he just squeezed a mountain seal with his big hands like mud, and gently pressed it on the phantom of Huashan Mountain.

When the two collided, there was a brief stagnation at first, and then the phantom of Huashan quickly disintegrated, turning into flying ash and disappearing. [Huashan Erlang] and many magic soldiers were blown away by the remaining power of the big hand, and some of them even disintegrated in mid-air Disappeared as fly ash.

But Mi Luo also took this opportunity to let [Na Zha, the Vigorous Ghost King] appear behind the Yinshan Ghost King, revealing his three-headed and eight-armed appearance, holding various magical weapons to attack.

Whether it is the ghost king of Yinshan Mountain or the grand master, when they saw [Na Zha, the powerful ghost king], they couldn't help but exclaimed: "His Royal Highness, the third prince?"

But soon, the Grand Master saw that something was wrong, and the Yinshan Ghost King was even more shocked, exclaiming: "This is impossible, the third prince is obviously dead, I watched him fall into the sky fire... no, you have a strong ghostly aura, The divinity is dim, could it be that the remnant soul and remnant body of the Third Prince are resurrected?"

While avoiding the attack of the magical weapon above the eight arms, the Yinshan Ghost King said: "Your Highness, the third prince, you have also walked from life to death, from death to life, you should know that this world is still hopeless, why don't you help me?" Work together to reshape the universe and jump out of this void bubble?"

【Strong Ghost King Nazha】did not speak, just kept attacking, the Yinshan Ghost King gradually lost his patience when he saw this, and sarcastically said: "I invite you because of your great reputation in the past and the special status of your half-god and half-ghost body at this moment." Situation, do you really think that you are supernaturally powerful, the third prince who subdue demons and subdue demons?"

As he said that, the Yinshan Ghost King combined his hands, and huge palms stretched out from both sides, trapping [Na Zha, the Vigorous Ghost King].

"It's just a yin god, what kind of waves do you want to find out?"

After finishing speaking, the Yinshan Ghost King pressed his hands inward, squeezing inward with heavy and obscure divine power, trying to completely destroy [Nazha, the Strong Ghost King].

It was also at this time that a ray of Buddha's light rose [Very Ghost King Na Zha] and turned into [Na Zha Ju Fa Luo]. 】.

But before the Yinshan Ghost King could react, a phantom of a pagoda slowly fell down, trapping him and [Nazha Juvalo] in it.

Seeing the Buddha's light condensed on the shadows of the surrounding pagodas, and a looming Buddha statue in the light, the Yinshan Ghost King's face changed drastically, and he looked around and said, "Golden Relic Linglong Pagoda? King Tota is back too?"

After the words fell, before he had time to say more, the shadow was cut off by [Na Zha Ju Fa Luo], revealing his complete appearance.

It was a divine skeleton that had condensed a large amount of primordial demonic energy and crystallized under the pressure of Hanxia's earth atmosphere. Apart from the strong aura of destruction, it also carried a certain aura of death and a faint Buddha's light.

Therefore, when facing the attack of the pagoda Buddha's light and [Nazhaguvara], the divine skeleton still had a certain ability to resist, and was not suppressed immediately, but stared at Mira, opened and closed the lower jaw of the skull and said: "It's you Is it the power of yours? I remembered that all of you outsiders have a special treasure, so you summoned His Highness the Third Prince with the help of your own treasure?"

Mi Luo didn't reply, but manipulated [Nazha Kuvalo] to suppress the demonized skeleton again.

He just summoned a treasure mirror to reflect the divine skeleton, and analyzed the principles of Taoism. The ghost king of Yinshan laughed loudly when he saw this: "Sure enough, did you use this ability to condense the abilities of the third prince and the king of Tuota? It's really amazing. , since you want it, I will give it to you..."

As he said that, the Ghost King of Yinshan let go of the restrictions on himself, allowing a large amount of Dao principles to overflow, mixed with the primordial devil energy of the ancient times and the earth energy of Hanxia, ​​and charged in all directions.

But the ghost king of the Yin Mountain who left is not clear. For Mi Luo, the power without limit is better to analyze.

And those primordial demon energy that had passed through Hanxia's pulse and been imprisoned by the gods for many years was not a big problem for Mi Luo.

He analyzed the disintegrated power one by one, suppressed the primordial demonic energy of the remote ancient times, and collected the energy of Hanxia's land energy for combing. The nine-rank name that Mi Luo acquired in the early days has undergone qualitative changes and has been promoted to [Shinto/Mingdao·Zhengbapin Baiwuchang] and [Shindao/Mingdao·Zhengbapin Heiwuchang].

Moreover, the two also derived two names from the eighth rank [Mingdao/Shindao Zhengbapin Niu Tau] and [Mingdao/Shindao Zhengbapin Horse Noodle].

Finally, a new name appeared on the treasure scroll [Xu/Shin Dao/Ming Dao/Demon Dao · Cong Liupin Yan Mo Wang], silently revealing the origin of the skeleton of the Yinshan Ghost King.

ps: Let me briefly talk about the difference between [Shinto / Mingdao] and [Mingdao / Shendao]. The former is mainly based on Shinto, and the latter is mainly based on Mingdao. In short, this type of name prefix is ​​generally determined by order.

(End of this chapter)

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