Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 326 The Rat God Calls for Help

Chapter 326 The Rat God Calls for Help
Three words are the rules, and twelve taels are kindness.

The actions of that doctor back then made Mi Luo very emotional. He had found a relatively perfect balance between personal and industry.

It can be regarded as a guide for those who come later, so although the doctor's medical skills are average, the two true biographies of Wanhua Valley still left a spiritual echo, which increases his karma with Wanhua Valley and facilitates his extradition in the future.

Similarly, for the boss in front of him, it is a rule to collect Yin Qi, and it is kindness to save the dead.

However, rather than asking about the boss's practice method, Mi Luo at this moment wants to know more about the calamity that Shi Zhongyu and Li Yiqi are talking about.

Facing Mi Luo's inquiry, the boss just said cheerfully: "I don't think your cultivation is superficial, why don't you figure it out yourself?"

"Since someone already knows the specific reason here, why should I waste time?"

The boss then turned his head, looked at Mi Luo, and said in surprise: "I thought that the disciples of the great master were all old-fashioned people, but I didn't expect you to be such a lazy guy."

Seeing that the other party regards himself as a disciple of the great master, Mi Luo did not refute, but continued to ask what the disaster demon in this place was.

The boss shook his head with a smirk and said, "It's as if Fairy Gu Yue, Fairy Ding Yin, and those guys from Mount Emei didn't tell the girl and kid just now, and I won't tell you either."

As he said that, the boss just continued to make food and ignored Mi Luo.

After Mi Luo left, he slowly raised his head, his face was a little ugly, and he looked towards the city not far away: "What is going to happen here? Not only the Emei faction is intervening, but Laoshan also intends to interfere. Could it be that I miscalculated in advance?" ?”

During the speech, the boss raised his hand and sent a portion of food to the lonely souls and wild ghosts. After saving them, he took back the treasure banner.

And under this treasure banner, there is a huge light tree hidden, with strands of silk and satin tied with yin energy hanging from it, on which are written names, some of the names are the same as those that flashed past on the previous treasure banner. The names are exactly the same.

A large number of silks and satins are hung all over the branches of the light wood, which looks like a huge flower umbrella and a canopy from a distance.

The boss stretched out his hand, and Guangmu restrained himself, turned into a whisk and landed in his hand, and walked slowly towards the city.

On the other side, Mi Luo came to a mountain top to watch the fate of this place.

In the past, Mi Luo observed Qi in the illusory realm, mostly with the help of the ability of the accompanying treasure, or the ability corresponding to the name to wait and see.

But it's different now. Miro's own ability to look at the breath, the ability of the accompanying baby's mirror, and the ability to correspond to the name are perfectly combined, allowing Miro to observe the change of breath here from multiple angles.

And this is the result of living with the great master for several months and accepting the influence of his philosophy of humanity and immortality.

This way of thinking has greatly improved Mi Luo's "movement space" in this illusory world.

'Well, there are evil spirits in the city? '

Mi Luo glanced at the direction of the city. Although the size of this city was much larger than the city he encountered at the beginning after entering the Illusory Realm, the interior layout and the distribution of auras were still very similar.

There is a gathering of spiritual light above the city, and there is a little filth rising in the dark corners, but overall it is not strong.

The east of the city is centered on the Town God's Temple, covered by a piece of divine light, and the south and north of the city have Buddha light and clear light rising respectively.

But under the divine light of the City God, there was another obscure black air.

Mi Luo sized it up for a while, but didn't see any blood energy in the black air, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He turned to look at its place, swept his eyes back and forth, and suddenly he discovered that under the light of the city god, there was still A very obscure divine light.


A ray of moonlight came out, and [December Immortal] took shape, gathered together, and fell on the edge of the divine light.

A fat mouse lying in a burrow instantly jumped up, seeing the [Moon Immortal] surrounded by moonlight, which seemed to be one, but was actually in December, and immediately showed a surprised expression.

"In today's world, is there anyone who can become a Moon Immortal?"

Mi Luo smiled and said: "Why not, you are a rat god, why hide here?"

The big mouse's eyeballs rolled around, as if it wanted to find a place to escape, but it looked around, but found that there was no place to escape because of the moonlight all around.

It tried to escape from the ground, but it just made a move and returned to the original place. The Mouse God looked at [Moon Immortal] even more frightened, and couldn't help crying, and said: "Look at you, although you have not yet become a Yang God, It can be regarded as a Taoist fairy if you cultivate the Taiyin method into the Zhouguang technique, so why bother with me, a little mouse?"

"Where did you come from? I'm just curious, why did you come here? As far as I know, you lived in the Northland in your early years. With the prosperity of the southeast, you became a land of fish and rice, and then settled in the southeast. You seldom move." .Why is it here now?"

Hearing this, the Mouse God immediately changed his attitude. Little Claw Chow patted his chest and said, "So you were just curious about why I came here! You should have said it earlier! I thought you were here to trouble me. Are you I don’t know, I haven’t been able to eat or sleep well during this time, lest I be captured and killed that day, or be scared to death by outsiders.”

During the speech, the Mouse God even put on a heartbroken face, making Mi Luo a little bit dumbfounded.

Although the mouse god is a mouse, he has long since broken away from the habit of mice. In a real fight, the ordinary monks in the mysterious light realm, that is, the Yin god monks in this world are by no means his opponents.

As for the monks of the Yang God who are equivalent to the Faxiang Realm, they must be bound to the Rat God.

After all, the Rat God is first-class, similar to the Frog God and the Locust God. They are both gods and demons, and they are closely related to human nature but contradictory. A ring of doom derived from it.

Therefore, it is difficult for the Rat God to become a Yang God, but he has the ability to be almost immortal, and it also has a very disgusting ability. Once its current physical body dies, its divinity and will will be dispersed between heaven and earth. Inside the mouse, and then set off a rat plague, so that it can be revived.

Therefore, in the special situation of losing contact with the heavens and disappearing from the underworld, the status of the Rat God has risen sharply, and many monks even sheltered it intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, once something goes wrong with this guy, it can easily cause a devastating blow to people's livelihood.

Combined with the possibility of disasters appearing here, Mi Luo looked a little dignified and said, "Someone wants to kill you? Who is so bold?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't hide here. I would have been lying in a big family's granary, eating, drinking and having fun. But I dare not, Elvis Presley, Sparrow God and Frog God are all dead."

When the last sentence was spoken, real fear appeared in the eyes of the mouse god.

"That person not only wants to attack you, but also intends to attack the locust god? In this way, the opponent is targeting the imperial court!"

Hearing Mi Luo's words, the Mouse God nodded and said, "I think so too. Everything in the world is mutually restrained. I was restrained by the Elvis and the Snake God, and the Locust God was restrained by the Sparrow God and the Frog God. But now Elvis is inexplicable. Dead, the snake god disappeared, the sparrow god lost his body, and the frog god was even worse, as if his consciousness had been severely injured. When the locust god and I found out, we hurriedly found a place to hide, lest we be found."

"After all, one of the responsibilities of the Locust God and I is to speed up the collapse of the dragon energy when the world is in turmoil, so as to facilitate the breeding of new dragons. But both the Locust God and I can only let go, and have no ability to take back. Once a disaster occurs, now we can only It can be controlled with the help of Elvis Presley, Snake God, Sparrow God and Frog God. But these four guys are dead, missing, and alive. They need years of cultivation, and they are powerless to stop them. Once a disaster is caused, it will inevitably sweep the world. For many years. The locust god and I only wanted to be free, and didn't want to completely turn into a fierce god, let alone be manipulated by others, so naturally we could only hide."

Hearing the mouse god's answer, Miro nodded, but he was a little curious: "Why did you tell me this?"

"Because you have the possibility of surviving!"

The Mouse God looked at Mi Luo in the image of [Moon Immortal], and said quietly: "I am a part of the disaster of the world, I can feel that our world is dying, and I am very clear that my accident this time will cause harm to the declining world An irreparable loss. I may not even be able to wake up again, so I dare not show up, but just now, I felt a very faint ray of life in you."

The streamer in the mouse god's eyes turned, looking at Mi Luo, obviously using some kind of supernatural power to observe: "Unfortunately, my short-sightedness can't detect your reality, I can only perceive the possibility of me living in you, so I am willing to help You are also willing to give everything for you, just ask you to save this world where I live."

The words of the Mouse God made Mi Luo a little surprised: "You don't ask me to save you?"

"If the world doesn't exist, I'm just a dead mouse, a walking corpse. If the world survives, I will return one day."

Mi Luo looked at the mouse god's eyes, and said softly: "The purpose of my coming here is for this purpose. Although the rescue method may be different from what you imagined, it can ensure the peace of many souls after all."

"This is enough!"

The big mouse showed a smile, flicked its long tail, and then made a gesture of prostration, expressing its submission to Miro.

A ray of spiritual light blessed Mi Luo's body in the dark, but it was the personality and part of the origin presented by the mouse god.

Mi Luo sent it into the treasure scroll and turned it into the name of [Shinto Ninth Grade Rat God], and promoted [Shinto From Eighth Grade Disaster God] to the original eighth grade, and condensed the variant [Disaster God· Rodents].

The name was entered in the treasure scroll, and the mouse god immediately felt it. When it looked at Mi Luo again, it immediately saw Mi Luo's deity behind [Moon Immortal], and also saw the faintly visible deity in the divine light. film.

Somehow, the Rat God even heard some people's prayers for Mi Luo.

The Rat God, who had kept his five-body prostration to the ground, fell to his knees devoutly: "I beseech Emperor Miluo to bless you!"

Hearing this familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar name, Mi Luo's eyes showed a trace of complicated emotions. He pulled the mouse god up and asked, "I came here because I heard that there will be a calamity near here. Do you know the reason?" ?”

"Is it a disaster?"

After the Rat God got up, his attitude towards Miro changed drastically. He said over and over again: "If there is no accident, I am the most likely to become a disaster here, followed by the painted skin ghost of the Wang family in the city. The painted skin ghost is It is the wronged soul of the Yin-Yang Dharma King who sat down. He was born with a pure Yin body, but he died in the Yin and Yin places. He was also trained by the Yin-Yang Dharma King with Yin and evil methods. The master of the Wang family who lives here now has an extremely Yang body. The most yin and evil soul combined with the extremely yang male corpse, if sacrificed properly, you can get a special corpse demon, which can barely be regarded as a calamity demon. Other than that..."

The Rat God thought for a long time, and said softly, "I'm afraid there are only Taoists in green robes who live in the Yin Mountains in the north."

"Green-robed Taoist?"

Standing in the mountains, Mi Luo looked around and looked to the north, only to see wisps of yin energy and no traces of practitioners, and the mouse god also explained: "The green-robed Taoist was originally a monk of the Kunlun sect, but later he didn't know Why did he practice some magic at the same time, and finally betrayed Kunlun and formed his own line. A few years ago, I watched his aura from afar, and it seemed to have some connection with the underworld. Moreover, the magic that this person practices is related to Gu poison , once the fire escapes, it is easy to degenerate into a plague-type calamity."

"I see."

Mi Luo nodded, and asked about the background of the boss he met earlier.

"He! He is a branch of the Zhang family in Longhushan. He has outstanding talents and is still above the current generation of Tianshi Zhang. It is a pity that his father is not a celestial master of the previous generation, so he has no chance with the throne of Longhushan Tianshi. Later, he went to compete for the state Master, unfortunately lost under the hands of the Yin-Yang Dharma King. Later, I got a volume of Hell Inheritance Law from somewhere, and began to accumulate Yin Virtue everywhere. In the early years, I was a bit forceful, but in recent years, it has become more peaceful, and the achievement of Yang God is probably the same as these two years."

Compared with the early years of practicing in Kunlun, the living environment rarely had green robes with rats appearing first-class, and the rat god was obviously very familiar with that boss.

Mi Luo also saw a major role of the mouse god from it. As the ancestor of the world's mice, it is a know-it-all on another level. He asked about the origin of the Yin-Yang Dharma King.

"The origin of this person is a bit strange. He should have come out of the underworld, but I don't know why he is valued by several Buddhist bald donkeys, and he keeps teaching him many secret methods of Buddhism, and even guarantees him, stopping the queen Master Yi's temptation. Although he has promoted the prosperity of Buddhism after becoming a national teacher, he has also done a lot of nasty things, and the painted skin ghosts in the city are only a small part of his crimes."

Mi Luo nodded, and asked another question that suddenly occurred to him.

"Do you know the treasures left by the gods in the past, and the final whereabouts of many gods?"

As soon as the words came out, the Mouse God was silent for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "The gods have left no treasures, or there were treasures left, but they were all used up. As for the whereabouts of the gods, I probably know, they basically They are all in the Heavenly Court, but now all the passages to the Heavenly Court are closed, if you want to go to heaven, you can only go up from Kunlun Mountain with the light of the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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