Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 333 North Heaven Gate

Chapter 333 North Heaven Gate

The light of the sky is faint and pure, the moment it passes through the light, Mi Luo feels a sense of coolness covering himself.

The bottom-up process is like a change in harmony with the heaven and the earth. The most refined and pure vitality constantly washes over one's body.

But Mi Luo still remembered the essence he saw in the skylight, golden lamps emerged from the top, filtering the falling vitality.

Seeing this scene, the Grand Master and Master Taiyi all started to block the erosion of vitality, but Taoist Yiyuan was a little confused, and he couldn't help slowing down the absorption of vitality.

Seeing this, the great master wanted to persuade one or two, but he opened his mouth and finally fell silent.

And this moment of delay, Mi Luo had brought the three of them to another void, where the wreckage of a collapsed gate stood.

The gate as a whole is made of a kind of dark-colored fairy jade. It can be seen that the shape of the gate in the complete period is somewhat similar to the archway in the world, showing a structure of four pillars, three rooms, and three floors.

At this moment, two of the four pillars are broken, the verandah is dilapidated, covered with scorching marks, glazed tiles are scattered all over the place, and the basalt stone carvings under the stone pillars are also broken. Flying Alice, with the exquisite appearance of hollow flower ridges.

Looking at the wreckage again, although the material used looks soft, it gives people a heavy and hard feeling. There are thousands of stars emerging in the auspicious atmosphere, and it seems that there are stars turning in the breath, making people confused. .

The great master looked at the plaque leaning against the door. Its color was like purple-blue glass, painted with gold lacquer, and the three characters Beitianmen were written in the ancient seal script. It is fragile, so it attracts the power of the stars, disrupts the direction, and sends the real martial god to sit here, I don't want the Beitianmen to be so broken."

Although the words were quite emotional, the fear in the great master's heart rose to the extreme.

Before Tianting disappeared, Grand Master, as one of the most Yangshen cultivators in the world, also used the convenience of his teacher and Immortal Dao to enter Tianting twice to observe. It was not like this at that time.

Now, in less than half a year, there are only broken walls and ruins left in the heavenly court. In addition to sighing and sighing, it is even more frightening.

What happened to Heaven?
"Let's go!"

Compared to the three native monks who were in complicated moods, Mi Luo frowned, but still kept his senses and called the three of them to enter.

Stepping on the auspicious clouds and auspicious qi condensed to form the cloud road, the four of Mi Luo saw the immeasurable clear qi in the surrounding void turning into dense and rolling, but at this time, these clear qi did not have the slightest agility or dust, on the contrary, they carried a An inexplicable silence and terror.

Taoist Yiyuan just took a look, and felt that his mana was difficult to operate. His complexion changed slightly, and he wanted to retreat outside the gate of heaven, when he saw the layers of dense clouds suddenly dissipate, revealing a statue wearing dark silver armor and holding a halberd , long spears, bone soldiers with long knives, bows and arrows.

The bones on this soldier's body are crystal clear, resembling the legendary jade bones, but unfortunately there are dark spots and even black cracks in many places, making them look a little more terrifying and hideous.

Standing in the center of the many soldiers is a deity with disheveled hair, wearing rotten black clothes, holding a broken sword in one hand, and an incomplete treasure flag in the other, with turtle and snake bones under his feet.

The god left only a layer of skin to cover the skull of the skeleton, slowly turned around, stared at Yiyuan with empty eye sockets, opened and closed his mouth slightly, although there was no sound, but Milo knew what he meant: "There is no decree of the emperor of heaven, Do not descend to earth!"

"True Martial God?" Master Taiyi, Yiyuan Taoist, and Grand Master all changed their expressions. They all showed expressions of disbelief when they looked at the real Martial God who had turned into a divine skeleton.

But Shenjun didn't respond to their address, but simply repeated the previous words.

Daoist Yiyuan didn't dare to try to leave, and slowly returned to his original position. Seeing this, Shenjun turned his head and stared outside Beitianmen, and the surrounding atmosphere also gathered.

Helpless, Mi Luo and the others had no choice but to continue inward. They first found a place to help Taoist Yiyuan stabilize his breath.

After careful examination, Master Taiyi slowly said: "Fellow Daoist One Yuan should have received such an obvious influence because I received too many baptisms when I traveled through the sky, and my breath was in harmony with the heavenly court. To quickly get rid of this state in a short period of time, only the higher-level name bestowed by the emperor can do it."

Hearing this, Mi Luo shook his head and said: "I'm afraid a purely high-ranking name won't work. The previous baptism has already affected the foundation of one yuan. If you want to suppress it quickly, the only way to deeply integrate the name with its foundation. My influence is more than that of the Heavenly Court region."

"At this time, I don't care so much, and I ask the emperor to be merciful."

The one-yuan Taoist also knew that what Mi Luo said was true, after bowing to express his request, Mi Luo did not refuse, he took out the name [Shinto·Zheng Qipin Weather God], looked at the other side and said: "This is the highest person I have. One of several names, after you integrate it into your body, not only can you quickly solve your own problems, but you can also strengthen your control over the way of wind, rain and astronomy, but it will be relatively more restricted, which is equivalent to your Yang God Dao Fruit Direction I opened up some control."

"In addition, you can also choose to refine the name you have and integrate it into your own foundation. In this way, you only need to give up your name in the future to get rid of my influence."

"I also ask the emperor to give me a high-ranking name."

Taoist Yiyuan did not hesitate to choose the name [Shinto·Zheng Qipin Weather God], and integrated it into his own foundation.

The clear light surged above the head of Taoist Yiyuan, turning into an acre of cloud light, among which three green lotuses bloomed with faint auspicious energy, but as the name entered the body, strands of black energy gradually emerged from the green lotus, Instead of auspicious energy, it surrounds Qinglian.

"It really is the primordial desolate ancient devil energy..." Mi Luo stretched out his hand a little, and a ray of clear light hung down, turning into five streams of light and blending into the cloud light, arousing the cloud energy to circulate, like waves, washing over the green lotus again and again, dispelling the The black air was swept away.

On the contrary, the principles of Taoism belonging to the [God of Weather] are also inscribed on the green lotus, allowing Mi Luo to naturally perceive some of the principles of Taoism practiced by a one-yuan Taoist.

This process would have been very difficult, after all, Mi Luo's cultivation was not comparable to that of a one-yuan Taoist.

But Taoist Yiyuan couldn't help himself to cooperate actively, which allowed Mi Luo to suppress the primordial desolate ancient demonic energy contaminated by the other party without expending much strength.

After doing all this, Mi Luo and his entourage continued to move forward, passing through dilapidated or even completely damaged palaces, feeling the increasingly strong decayed atmosphere around them, and walked step by step into the legendary core of the Heavenly Court - Lingxiao Palace.

ps: The setting of Beitianmen belongs to the Yiqi Demon Reformation, just take a look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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