Chapter 347
When Mi Luo was thinking, the gods and immortals were not idle. They traveled to and from all over the world to suppress the evil energy and save the common people.

But the devilish energy is so weird that even immortals cannot completely suppress it, and even after a long time, they will be affected.

At the beginning, some low-level immortal gods acted more and more extreme. Slowly, some mid-level and high-level gods couldn't help but kill the fallen creatures again and again.

In order to cope with this situation, the gods selected the two most suitable existences from among the many immortal Buddha guardians, blessed them, and asked them to deal with some difficult areas.

It's just that over time, this approach also seems to have problems.

In the void, a deity with a naked upper body, looking like a teenager, with red lotus ribbons wrapped around his arms, a long gun in his hand, a gold ring on his wrist, and a fire wheel under his feet, looked at The city below.

He dropped the spear in his hand, pierced into the center of the city, and pierced a boy holding a takraw ball to the ground.

Then, he stretched out one hand, and the real fire rose up, turning into a fire lotus.

With the opening and closing of the lotus petals, the aura of destruction and silence continued to spread.

The young god raised his hand, placed the lotus in front of him, and blew gently.

The lotus petals withered and turned into flames that descended from the sky, covering the entire city. Wherever the flames passed, every figure was annihilated in flying ash.

In the private house, a middle-aged man in common clothes saw the fire, shouted the word "mother", rushed to the next room, and saw the elderly woman collapsed inch by inch in front of him.

On the other hand, he couldn't even utter a mournful cry, and his body quickly dried up, turning into fine dust and scattered around.

Sitting in the alley, an old Taoist man with a goatee who was telling fortunes suddenly jumped up and tied the long flag on the side to the ground. A thin clear light rose to protect the people around him. resist the burning of the real fire.

The people who fell to the ground at the side, looked at the crowd outside who were still shouting and walking just now, after they were turned into fly ash, they all showed expressions of fear.

But in the next second, the flames rose above the long banner, and the old Taoist looked up at the sky, sighed, and then disappeared into flying ashes.

In a sword hall in the city, at the moment when the flames fell, a swordsman put his sword on his body, turned into a sword light and soared into the sky, pointing directly at the young god.

But the god didn't even look at it, allowing the sword light to vaporize in the flames.

When the dust was scattered, the god threw out the golden ring on his wrist, suspended in mid-air and spun around, collecting all the dust and smoke trying to leave the city.

At this time, a ray of Buddha's light suddenly appeared on a small statue of a Bodhisattva in the city, and then the phantom of a Bodhisattva wearing white clothes and holding a clean bottle appeared in midair. Said: "Namo Amitabha Buddha! The living beings here are only contaminated with a little devilish energy. Why did the third prince put his hands on it?"

"Contaminated with a little devilish energy? Guan Zizai, are you blinded by the compassion in your heart, or is it affected by the devilish energy to affect your priesthood? Let's take a look again, are they really just contaminated with a little devilish energy?"

Nezha raised his head, and the original smart eyes in the eye sockets were replaced by two illusory orbs, in which a little good fortune flowed, as well as the blessings of many gods, overlapping together, endowing Nezha with the ability to observe the reality of everything.

And one of the cores of building this ability is to observe the Buddha's light at ease.

At this moment, Nezha uses his eyes as a medium to let Guan Zizai see everything he sees.

In the city below, instead of countless mortals suffering in purgatory, there are skeletons struggling in the flames.

The people in this city have long since died, and the seemingly ordinary scene before was just the last madness of a young man.

Guan Zizai's eyes fell on the center of the city. A skinny young man who had been pierced by a spear raised his head. There was a takraw ball beside him, and he stretched out his hands, facing Nezha and Guan Zizai respectively.

"Why? Why? You didn't come when everyone was crazy, but now everyone is fine, you want to stop me! Why? Since you want to stop me, feel my pain!"

As he spoke, the boy's five fingers began to shrink.

pain!Severe pain!The pain stemming from spiritual distortion, this kind of pain is still above the body and spirit, enough for an ordinary person to be tortured by intense pain at the moment of suffering, and continuously degenerate into a terrifying monster.

But neither Guan Zizai nor Nezha showed any expression.

Guan Zizai looked at the child, and said sadly: "Do you know that what you have endured is also what the people in the city have endured?"

"What do you mean?"

"You want to revive them because you violate the laws of nature with your own thoughts, which is an impact on the inherent order of heaven and earth. Therefore, they are revived, but they are not recognized by heaven and earth, and they have to bear the same burden as you every moment. You're not saving them with all that you've endured."

Guan Zizai's voice was peaceful with a touch of pity, but the boy below was unwilling to admit it. Seeing this, Nezha said in a low voice: "Why should the Bodhisattva talk to him more? As for this kind of core, it's fine if it is destroyed."

Guan Zizai shook his head: "The third prince, please be merciful."

"The Bodhisattva knows what he's talking about? Do you still remember how the Stove King died?"

"The poor monk naturally knows, but there are people here who enshrine to me, but I didn't realize it back then. Now let me bear their suffering!"

After Guan Zizai finished speaking, he clasped his hands together, and a six-character mantra appeared behind him, and at the same time, the image of the Tathagata emerged. He spread his five fingers, and took the city below out of his hands. Those skeletons struggling in the flames also returned to normal, and fell into reincarnation under the guidance of the Buddha's light.

Nezha looked at everything in front of him and said in a low voice, "What's the use of doing this? It's just a waste of more energy."

During the speech, Nezha smoothly solved the horse-headed evil spirit that Guan Zi cut out the magic pattern from the Tathagata's dharma face behind him.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zizai smiled softly, "But third prince, you also agree with my approach. Otherwise, you would have stopped me and killed them in advance. Rather than cutting off the root cause, you hope they can reincarnate."

"So what can we hope for? As long as we don't find a new foothold for a day, we will have no peace for a day. Today you and I survived, and in the future..."

Before Nezha could finish speaking, he saw a ray of sky in the east rising into the sky, turning into a thin mist and covering the sky. Afterwards, both Nezha and Guan Zizai felt the Dharma principles above the sky, and once again condensed a little .

"Has another god passed away?"

Guan Zizai clasped his hands together, Nezha bowed his head and remained silent.

After all the anomalous catastrophes, Nezha turned around for nine days and entered the Lingxiao Palace.

Every time he takes a step, there will be a divine light, auspicious light, fairy light, or Buddha light falling from the side, washing Nezha's body and purifying the evil spirit that may be contaminated on him.

Under the brilliance, one after another lotus phantoms appeared on the surface of Nezha's body. On almost every lotus, there were gods, immortals, and Buddhas sitting in it.

The number of them is even higher than the existing gods, immortals, and Buddhas in the Lingxiao Palace. As for the reason, it is because only half of the people who originally sat on the lotus platforms and thrones on the left and right sides of Mira are left.

In the other half of the positions, there is only a divine light left, or an artifact that condenses authority and legal principles.

Taking a glance, Nezha stared at the newly vacated throne and was stunned.

"Nezha, the giant spirit god had to make a sacrifice to suppress the demonized evildoer. He chose to return his authority and origin to the heavens before he died, and at the same time suppressed that evil obstacle with his own divine body. I hope For a moment, you go down with Dou Victory Buddha, smash the body left by the Giant Spirit God, purify the evildoers below, and prevent the demonic energy from polluting the body of the Giant Spirit God."

Mi Luo's tired voice came slowly, and most of the gods, immortals and Buddhas sitting beside him also looked not very good-looking, obviously exhausted.

"Follow His Majesty's decree!"

After finishing speaking, Nezha sat back in his seat, slowly swallowing the fresh air and vow power purified by Miluo.

After a while, a monkey in golden armor with thick hair and a thunderous face came in. He had a golden stick on his shoulder and put his hands on both sides of the stick. Like Zha, it is blessed by dao dao divine light, auspicious light, fairy light, or Buddha light.

The difference is that Nezha was stimulated by the brilliance, which produced a phantom of a lotus flower, and what appeared on Wukong's body were stone statues. A huge boulder.

The stones are densely carved with the appearances of the gods in the Lingxiao Palace in the past, and some of the Buddhist Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Tathagata stone carvings that have been invisible in the Lingxiao Palace are all inlaid with a relic.

After waiting for a while, Wukong jumped down from his seat again, looked at Miro with a stiff face and said, "Old Emperor of Heaven, when I checked the upper seal earlier, I saw a mass of dark things blocking the way. I see that you haven't broken through several times, why don't you let Nezha and I go out to clear it?"

"Your Majesty, please allow me to go with you!"

At the same time Wukong spoke, a handsome young man in silver armor who was sitting next to Nezha also came out, asking for orders to kill the evil spirits.

Before Miluo could speak, Shakya Tathagata said slowly: "Erlang God, you can see the nine heavens above and the nine secluded worlds below your eyes. It's not trivial, but you can't observe things beyond the sky. That's not just after the collapse of one world , the product of distorted order, but the mourning of countless heavens and earth. Nezha and Wukong, one is a spirit bead with a lotus body, the other is a natural stone monkey, and has the protection of Buddha relics, you can try it, you better forget it!"

Tathagata's words made Erlang God clenched the weapon in his hand, and turned to ask to deal with the giant spirit god.

The ancient god on the left opened his mouth slowly: "God Erlang, you should know that your eyes, when necessary, are my chance..."

"Since you are willing to take on part of it, I'll leave it to you!"

Mi Luo interrupted the words of the ancient god, raised his hand and let down a breath of fresh air, covering Erlang God's brows and eyes, and said softly: "But I hope you remember that what you are carrying now is not only your own glory, but also ours. One hope. Now we really can't bear to toss..."

Nezha next to him wanted to speak, but was stopped by Wukong, and Erlang Shen bowed after a moment of silence, "I will obey Your Majesty's edict!"

After finishing speaking, he slowly withdrew from the Lingxiao Palace, and went to destroy the traces left by the Giant Spirit God.

 There is another update, it will be later, so let's watch it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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