Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 360 3 Prince

Chapter 360 The Third Prince

Fairy Guyue, who was outside the thunder, looked at the strange flames and felt that her whole body was a little hot, so she couldn't help being startled, and said the word "karma fire".

"Kammic fire is evil karma that harms the body like fire, so it is called karmic fire, not a simple flame."

Different from Guyue, Master Zunsheng is a first-class Buddhist virtuous man. Many classics are naturally clear in his chest. He pointed out that the methods used by the young demon god are different from normal karmic fire. He said: "This fire should be in hell. The fire of hell evolved from the negative emotions of resentment, fear, pain, and greed stripped from the human heart, or the anger of the world of mortals. Although in some classics, it is regarded as part of the fire of karma, the two are not the same. Yehuo, the first thing to burn is the corpse of Marshal Zhongtan."

Master Zunsheng's words were also heard by Mi Luo in the heavenly realm, and he knew that what Zunsheng said was true.

Buddhism may have the orthodox Karmic Fire Method or Karmic Wind Method, but both of them are strictly prohibited in Hanxia. Once discovered, the real king who will subdue the demons will go there, and the emperor will do it himself.

After all, karmic fire and karmic wind are the products of the accumulation and destruction of all things in the world. For them, there are two best fuels.

One is the causal cycle from generation to generation, the unfavorable karma accumulated by retribution, and the other is the product after the collapse of the existing order.

To put it a little more clearly, the chaotic demonic energy that is now spreading outside the land of Hanxia and in some of the too illusory territory is the best kinetic energy of Karma Fire and Karma Wind.

Once these two supernatural powers are activated, it is like sparks falling into a pyre.

Except for a very small number of individuals who can survive, most of the living beings will be burned to death by the karmic fire, or will be backlashed by the karma accumulated in the past in the karmic wind. Blowing, it will also return to its original state, and then suffer endless pain until the karmic wind dissipates, and at that time, it is also the time when his soul flies away.

Therefore, he knew very well that the flame burning below was not karmic fire, but some kind of strange supernatural power derived from the young demon god's own characteristics.

Although this flame is not as suitable for the current situation as Karma Fire, it has the ability to kill low-level monks, but it is also very troublesome. If it is left alone, there is a chance to pollute the entire world again and make the creatures in it degenerate and demonized.

Therefore, Miro can only constantly mobilize the power of the heavens to generate more thunder, and before completely annihilating them, Miro can only choose to forcibly suppress them.

However, compared to the past, the young demon god obviously has more supernatural powers, and has developed a certain spirituality. Seeing that the thunder net in the sky focuses on restraining flames, he intends to step on the lotus and escape from the void.

But just as he left, another young god appeared in mid-air.

He has a handsome face, is dressed luxuriously and wears gemstones. He raises his hands and feet with a faint fragrance of lotus flowers. He holds a long halberd in his hand. There is a light of wisdom flowing between his brows, and there seem to be many auspicious gods around him.

This god is exactly [Nazha Kuvala]. During the three thousand kalpas, he has obtained a little Buddha-nature of Shakya Tathagata. He has been promoted from the sixth rank to the sixth rank, and there is one more [ The ability to enshrine Buddha bones.

In Buddhism, there is a Buddha's bone relic, which is the Buddha's body. When you see the Tathagata's relic, you will see the Tathagata's teachings. And enshrining the Buddha's bone also has many excellent merits, which can eliminate disasters, increase wisdom and blessings, and support other gods. elephant.

However, for the young god, [Nazha Kuvalo] attracted him like a spell.

The instinct of being a demon god told him that by devouring the god in front of him, he could wait for a certain completion and move towards a higher realm.

"Kill... eat...you..."

The bloody red light silk flew out, turned into a blood-colored long river and fell, the bone chain and human intestines fell from the waist, and turned into countless ropes spreading out. Go to [Na Zha Ju Faluo] to change the various moves that may be performed, the nine-section spine whip is raised, ready to shoot at any time, and the eight heart-eating hydrangea has been thrown, rolling up the surrounding flames, cutting off [Na Zha Ju Faluo] retreat.

In the end, the Bone Snake Flame Spear, as the main force of the killing, directly confronted [Nazha Kuvalo].

"Good come!"

The young deity waved a halberd in his hand, held the bone snake flame spear, and among the auspicious gods around him, more than a dozen celestial maidens flew out, attracting the clean energy of the nine heavens and maintaining a clean environment around them.

At the same time, a door opened in the void, [Northern Heaven Xuanwu General] stood in the void, in the underworld, and [Ksitigarbha] and [True Lord Taiyi] raised their heads at the same time.

Among the three immortal gods and Buddhas, although [Northern Xuanwu General] is only from the sixth rank, and his personality is one level lower than that of [Na Zha Ju Fa Luo], he has part of the consciousness of [Zhen Wu Shen Jun], and he restarts again and again. However, the fighting power is better than that of [Nazha Kuvalo].

Secondly, although [Ksitigarbha] and [Taiyi Zhenjun] are the same as [Na Zha Ju Fa Luo], they are only the names of the sixth rank, and they are still illusory names that rely on this world to maintain most of their power, but one of them has a green lotus. Blessing, one has the protection of relics, and the ability is also slightly better than [Nazha Kuvala].

The three of them looked at the young demon god at the same time, which became an important node for Mi Luo to mobilize the power of heaven and earth and exert coercion.

Continuous vibrations and roars could not help appearing in the void, and the dark clouds surrounding the sky were gradually stained with a little divine light, fairy light, and Buddha light, turning into auspicious clouds, and rapidly expanding at an unimaginable speed.

In the infinite vision, all the thunder gods and wind gods did not stop, and started to stir up the thunder one after another.

"Good guy..."

Dao Tianji looked at the scene in front of him, dropped the pen and paper in his hand on the ground, and the expression on the white cloth was completely dull and stupid.

"Two monks from the Heaven and Earth Realm Immortal Buddha here, a Yangshen deity and a phantom deity who is between the Yangshen and Yuanshen and has a direct connection with the young demon god, plus the help of the gods of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. , the gods of the mountains, rivers and lands of the world cooperate. This situation, even I in the heyday is a dead word, where did this monster come from. Let me come just in case? 'He' really didn't offend the other party, and wanted to let him Take it out on me?"

Dao Tianji took two steps back, carefully covering his aura, for fear that Mi Luo would find his traces.

But after taking two steps back, Dao Tianji discovered another problem: "That's not right! These gods were obviously summoned by him, even if there are blessings and maintenance similar to gods, the existence of these phantoms of gods is itself a kind of oppression. This guy hasn't achieved the Dharma yet, so how can he maintain such a huge number. Logically speaking, ordinary monks in the Xuanguang state are exhausted enough to maintain the status of the Emperor of Heaven. He has also cultivated some kind of magical power to balance the status of Emperor of Heaven and the status of Emperor of Heaven. The relationship between the summoned objects, or is it a gifted talent, which itself has the talent to sort out yin and yang and regulate the principles of law?"

Unlike Dao Tianji, who was both fearful and curious, the eyes of Zun Sheng, Gu Yue and Ye Yin who were watching were full of horror.

The three of them were all monks in the Yangshen Realm, which were rare at that time, so they naturally communicated with Taoist Yiyuan and Master Taiyi.

But now, the righteous gods of Leibu above Nine Heavens are at least Yinshen realm, and the surrounding mountain gods and earth gods are probably at the level of concluding Jindan. In addition, there are two first-class Yang gods and two first-class primordial gods.

This kind of power is enough to push the world horizontally once.

Ye Yin murmured silently in his heart, he looked at the [Northern Xuanwu General] above, his sword heart trembled slightly, and he was excited, he was eager to fight with the opponent, but he had the strength to fear the opponent.

As for the two of them in the underworld, their aura was even stronger, like a vast ocean with no end in sight, so he didn't even have the courage to draw his sword.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Taiyi Saving the Suffering have already done their work, and the body of Marshal Zhongtan should be able to be recovered.But having said that, who is the young god above who fought against the Marshal of Zhongtan, the two sides seem to be somewhat similar...'

Ye Yin muttered inwardly, the young demon god suddenly opened his mouth on the left side of his head: "Sex..."

Immediately after the opening of the skull on the right: "Kong..."

As the words fell, the shape of the young demon god changed, and he escaped into the void. Under the siege of many parties, the bloody red silk silk left behind was directly torn apart and turned into blood mist that filled the sky and slowly dispersed, covering part of the sight of this place. , followed by a third sound: "Se..."

The young demon god reappeared, and behind [Nazha Jufaluo], bone chains and human intestines spread out, trapping him, and the Ghost Flame Yinhun Sword and Jiuyoutian Demon Knife dropped down.

In this regard, Mi Luo was not surprised at all. He who manipulated [Nazha Juvalo], semi-automatic [Ksitigarbha] and [True Lord Taiyi] guessed the opponent's method the moment the young demon god spoke.

The Buddha bone relic originated from Sakyamuni Tathagata was raised high, and the faint Buddha light rose out, like a stone falling into the water, ripples rippled in the void, and the places it passed seriously disturbed The power of the young demon god.


This time, the three songs were spoken at the same time, and the young demon god escaped into the void again, but in the next second, [Ksitigarbha] suddenly put his hands together, and circles of Buddha light rose from the ruins of the Yin world, allowing Gu Yue and others to see the Yin world. It has collapsed, leaving only the scene of the sea of ​​blood and the suppression and maintenance of [Ksitigarbha] and [True Lord Taiyi].

The Buddha's light twirled, sorting out life and death, and at the same time stabilizing the two phases of form and space, forcing the young demon god out again.

This time, [General Beitian Xuanwu] took the opportunity to wave the flag in his hand, covering the void and making it fall into darkness, temporarily confusing the eyes of the young demon god.

At the same time, [Ksitigarbha] and [True Lord Taiyi] got up and appeared beside the young demon god one after the other.

[Ksitigarbha] stretched out his hand, and the relic of Shakya Tathagata in the hand of [Na Zha Gu Fa Luo] fell down, and he stretched out his finger, and touched the forehead of the young demon god, and a flower appeared in the hand of [Taiyi Zhenjun] The holy Qinglian raised her hand and pressed it into the back of the young demon god.

One front and one back, the two origins of one immortal and one Buddha were injected into it, causing the young demon god's complexion to change suddenly. There was a little agility in his eyes, but it was the spirituality left by Nezha from the past.

"kill me……"

He looked at [Nazha Jufaluo] above, and said in a low voice: "Your power is very similar to mine, kill me and inherit my power, you are the Marshal of Zhongtan, the third prince of Nezha..."

"There's no need for that."

[True Lord Taiyi] who had lost Qinglian's support fell into Mi Luo's control again. He stood behind the young God of War and said softly: "It's just a name. If it is temporarily lost, in exchange for the marshal's spiritual return and reincarnation, I think I earn more."

"Impossible, I can feel how terrifying the devilish energy in my body is... kill me now... kill me... you will save the world... it will... be light..."

Nezha's spirituality was once again backlashed by the demonic energy. The lotus flower in the back of his heart was stained with spots, and the relic between his eyebrows was stained with pollution. It is inlaid on the green lotus pod that blends into it from the back heart.

The faint Buddha's light and the pure fairy spirit protect a dim soul.

Afterwards, Mira looked at the dim name [Nazha Juvaro] on the treasure scroll, chuckled, and shook the treasure scroll. The name was so brilliant that it became dim and almost translucent. The product will also fall from the sixth product.

On the other hand, the young demon god in the human world exudes a strange brilliance, and in the faint lotus fragrance, the green lotus breaks open from his back. [True Lord Taiyi] takes it back, and cooperates with [Ksitigarbha] in front of the young demon god. A cloud of Sanskrit mantras were left on the chest and back, followed by thunder nets from the five directions above the nine heavens, and only the ground nets were set up in the four directions. In front of Miro.

Along with the young demon god, there was also a green lotus inlaid with the phantom of the relic.

ps: The settings of Karma Wind and Karma Fire have been modified from the actual Buddhist scriptures, just take a look.

 This chapter is not very divided, so I will post it together. By the way, I will mention Miro's Dao body again. This thing that was pointed out at the beginning has been of great assistance to Miro so far.

(End of this chapter)

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