Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 370 Patrol

Chapter 370 Patrol
'I don't know if the monks in Youzhou have discovered the problem here. '

Mi Luo murmured inwardly, looked at the two mutated spirits in his hand, continued to analyze, and obtained the names of two genuine eighth grades from them.

【Spiritual Monster · Positive Eighth Grade Mud Charm】, 【Spiritual Monster · True Eighth Grade Grass】, under each of the two names there is a variant name [Spiritual Monster · True Eighth Grade Divine Favor Mud Charm] and 【Spiritual Monster · True Eighth Grade Divine Grass】.

'God's favor?For these spirits, it is indeed a divine favor, but for Han Xia...'

Miro sighed softly, and turned his head to look north.

The ancient northern country is a very special country.

In ancient times, they believed in the Lord of the Nether and the Lord of the Yin.

It was only later that these two ancient gods fell into a battle. The collapse of Taoism and legal principles brought about by the fall of the high-level gods directly brought the already harsh living environment of the Northland to the bottom.

In order to survive, most of the creatures in the ancient northern country evolved a series of abilities to strengthen their own vitality.

This has led to a large number of practitioners in their nation. The ratio of ordinary people to practitioners is close to one to ten, that is, one mortal and ten monks.

Of course, ninety-nine percent of these monks are fighters similar to military generals and humane martial arts, and they spend their whole lives in the realm equivalent to self-cultivation and foundation building.

Talents in magic are even rarer to the point of horror, because the fall of the Lord of the Nether and the Lord of the Yin, who were in charge of the mysterious, magic, and secret powers, severely impacted the relevant principles and laws in the entire north.

Tens of thousands of years ago, there were no sorcerer cultivators who practiced independently in the north. Even now, with the influence of the illusory realm, the few cultivators of the sorcerer system are mostly prophets who eat talent, and sorcerers who rely on blood. And the priests and priests who rely on the gods are first-rate.

The number of cultivators who rely purely on their own practice and master the ability to cast spells in the ancient northern country is less than a fraction of that of warriors.

On the whole, the ancient northern country is a country that has taken physical training to the extreme, and is relatively poor in magic skills and creativity.

But at this moment, Mi Luo analyzed the description of "creation of alien gods" from a spirit whose life structure is very consistent with the characteristics of Hanxia's native creatures, which means that a new god has been born in the ancient northern country.

'And this new god is very likely to hold the authority on the side of life, and even the side of nature.There will be a lot of pressure on the North in the future...'

Mi Luo's eyes became more and more dignified. These words were not necessary. As far as he knew, among the well-known generals of the ancient northern country who attacked Hanxia in the past, there had never been a master of physical skills or a master of weapons who could be called a monster.

Their well-trained bodies, coupled with special legendary destiny, domain bonuses, or treasure protection, are far more lethal on the battlefield than monks in the Hanxia Faxiang Realm, or even the Tianyi Realm monks. The only flaw is the ability to protect themselves. and lack of battery life.

In the past, because the land of the ancient northern country was useless for Hanshan, the battle with it was mostly a war of attrition, until the other party consumed the excess population and the logistics could not support it.

But now, if the other party really has the protection of a god in charge of life or natural authority, they will be able to fight steadily, and even erode the border of Youzhou step by step.

As for why they did not choose to restore the original land, this point is recorded in Hanxia's ancient book.

In the early years, Hanxia also invaded the ancient northern kingdom, but the remaining power after the fall of the two ancient gods erodes the creatures living on it all the time. Even if the divine power of the emperor is invited, it can only be transformed for a short time, and it is impossible to build a long-term stable base.

This is also one of the important reasons why Youzhou focused on defense later.

Mi Luo put away the two monsters and was about to leave when a roar suddenly sounded in the distance, and the surrounding Taoism fluctuated, and the movement of the vitality of the world came to a standstill, obviously affected by the other party's roar.

'The battle cry of Manxiu? '

Mi Luo's complexion changed slightly. Manxiu is one of the most common names Han Xia gave to the people who practiced in the ancient northern country. They have abilities such as [Battle Roar] and [War Intent]. In a state of berserk, it strengthens the will and qi and blood, and then uses the [Battle Cry] formed by the spiritual power similar to martial arts will mixed with blood qi to shake the surrounding vitality and interfere with normal monks' spellcasting. It is considered an extreme product of martial arts.

Therefore, Mi Luo didn't even think about it, and fled directly into the void.

Fighting Manxiu at close range is something no fool would do.

But just as he stepped forward with his front foot, a dull, violent sound with metal and iron clanging echoed in the void, interrupting Mi Luo's rhythm.

The propagation speed of this sound has surpassed the normal sound wave. At the same time, the moment the sound sounded, Mi Luo's spiritual sense alerted him. He made a wrong step, and in the next second, a blazing fire burst out from his side.

Looking at the flames passing by the corner of his eyes, Mi Luo saw that it was an arrow piercing through the air from afar.

Through the instant explosion just now, Mi Luo clearly sensed that the powerful aura contained on the arrow was not flame, but by some means, the vitality was forcibly condensed in the arrow with blood energy, producing an effect similar to flame.

In fact, the flame that erupted when the arrow hit the ground was the explosion caused by the conflict between its rich blood and vitality, under the influence of Neri's strange spiritual power.

The spiritual power inside the arrow is very strange, so that wherever it goes, it is like a raging fire sweeping through the sky, burning everything that can be burned.

'Is it a brutal cultivator who specializes in bows and arrows? '

Mi Luo turned his head to look at the direction where the arrow came from, which was the direction where the battle roar sounded just now, and suddenly realized that he might have encountered an elite patrol team from the ancient northern country.

'According to the records, the normal elite patrol team in the ancient northern country generally consists of two monks who specialize in weapons or melee combat, one who specializes in long-range weapons, one who specializes in physical and defense, and one monk who has the ability to cast spells.Moreover, among the elite patrol team, there must be a legend who is equivalent to Xuanguang or Faxiang Realm. Judging from the battle cry just now, the leader of the legend should be a brutal cultivator in the Faxiang Realm...'

With a firm mind, Mi Luo stretched out his hand, and the vitality gathered around him, and the wonderful realm slowly unfolded, and then the guardian gods emerged one by one.

At the same time, the phantoms of gods such as [Desolate God], [Mountain God], [Jingzhu], [Door God], and [Land God] appeared one after another, connecting the ground and building a defense system, followed by [God of Fortune], [God of Misfortune], [God of Misfortune], [ Dao Shen] first-class is also hidden in the void.

Rays of divine light emerged, covering the surroundings layer by layer, creating an environment conducive to Mi Luo.

"Don't think about it!"

A low heck sounded, and it was transmitted to Mi Luo's ears after his spiritual sense was greatly improved. He looked at an arrow with a blazing flame that was shot again.

Raising his hand and clapping, a ray of divine light appeared in the void, twisting up and down, it was twisting the flaming arrow that was a little bit more powerful than the first arrow into pieces, and the strands of flames had not yet dispersed. , that is, being assimilated by the surrounding divine light and blending into the phantom of a [Stove God].

While smashing the rocket with one hand to fill the [Kitchen God], Mi Luo's vacant arm was not idle, holding the brush Bi He, which had already given birth to spirituality and could be a magic weapon at any time, sketched runes one after another in the air, and connected them in series. The divine light, which forms an array and hides the changes in the surrounding space, is derived from the essence of Mira's wonderful precious light.

"Break it for me!"

Under the roar that resounded through the void, a burly figure jumped out of the void, holding a double-edged battle ax in his hand, and swung it violently, the vitality within hundreds of meters around was instantly repelled, leaving only the stern broken The sound of howling in the air.

【Na Zha Ju Fa Luo】emerged from the void, and the blade and battle ax condensed with vitality, Taoism, and divine power in his hands collided, and they were instantly broken. With the appearance of the ghost king, he waved many weapons and once again met the opponent's offensive.

After revealing this aspect, the characteristics of the unity of Buddha and spirit, as well as the convenience of dealing with many weapons in series, turned into [Na Zha Ju Faluo] of [Very Ghost King Na Zha], and successfully stopped the opponent.

It's just that whether it's the Vajra Pestle, the Evil Slaying Sword, the Demon Slashing Knife, or the Nine-section Copper Whip, they can only take the next move under the opponent's battle axe.

After a fight, half of [Na Zha Ju Fa Luo's] weapon was broken.

As for the demon-binding rope, eight-petal hydrangea and long spear, they are only suitable for sneak attacks and interference. Once they come into direct contact, they will be cut off.

Therefore, [Na Zha Gu Fa Luo] could only fight while retreating, pulling the opponent again and again to prevent him from getting close to Mira.

The visitor also saw what [Na Zha Ju Fa Luo] was thinking, he was furious in his heart, stepped on the air, and fell vigorously on the ground to form deep footprints one by one. combat ability.

However, the teammate has not yet arrived at this time. Although [Na Zha Ju Fa Luo] is at a disadvantage, he is not powerless to fight back, especially the weapons in his hand, each with supernatural powers, and the posture of the powerful ghost king is even more powerful. The breath made Man Xiu very afraid.

He glanced at the more and more perfect runes around Mi Luo, his eyes widened, the muscles in his throat contracted and wriggled, and in the next second, a dull and deafening roar resembling a thunderstorm above the nine heavens came out of his mouth.


Accompanied by the roar, Manxiu's muscles all over his body swelled violently, and the metal accessories on his body, which were already incessant, were also twisted and deformed, making a piercing sound of gold and iron rubbing against each other.Visible qi and blood soared into the sky, turning into blood-colored flames, burning the surrounding vitality, and the tomahawk swung like a steel storm, forming an invisible vortex, stirring everything around it into it.

As its qi and blood rolled more and more, indistinctly, dots of golden light emerged from the blood qi. This was the blessing brought by the northern barbarian cultivators to sacrifice to their ancestors. It was similar to the blessing of divine power, allowing them to stay in a state of rage for a longer period of time. .

"Extreme qi and blood, coupled with a certain amount of willingness to draw, combined with a seemingly disorderly fighting style, turned all his weaknesses into traps to lure the enemy into deep, worthy of tens of thousands of years of inheritance. The ancient northern country for a long time.Unfortunately, it's too late...'

Mi Luo looked at the wild cultivator like a meat grinder, surrounded by layers of mystic lights, overlapping the void, as long as the opponent couldn't cut through all the void at once, he couldn't get close to Mi Luo.

At the same time, within the influence range of Miao Youjing, the powers of [Positive seventh-rank God Demon Test], [Positive Seventh-rank Realm Demon Test] and [From Seventh-rank Yin Demon Test] are constantly changing, stimulating wildness, violence, killing, and anger in Manxiu's body. Let the power of courage, courage, glory, etc. in it decline.

And in front of Miro, [Shinto·Zhao Hui Zhaohou Li Erlang], together with [Shinto·Zheng sixth rank Dongfang Canglong Qisu Xingguan] and [Shinto·Cong sixth rank Beitian Xuanwu General] held weapons, Silently wait for the opponent to enter the attack range.

"Rake, don't get close, he is a god monk, his kingdom of God on earth has been established, you can't hurt him!"

Accompanied by a pleasant voice, Manxiu, who had been caught in an extreme rage, regained his eyesight, followed the spiritual light hanging down from the other party, and escaped from the range of Mi Luo's mysterious light.

During the period, it was not that Miro didn't want to stop him, but first three rockets detonated his vitality, and then a battle ax similar to Lake split open Xuanguang, smashing the surrounding land into dust, Miro still chose to stop, see Lead the opponent back to the team.

"I didn't expect that there is an elite patrol team mainly based on music cultivation in your country!"

Mi Luo looked at the person, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

The opponent's party, including the rejoining Lake, has a total of five people. The configuration is the same as Milo knows. Two specialize in weapons or close combat, one specialize in long-range weapons, and one specialize in body and defense. And a monk with the ability to cast spells.

But different from what Mi Luo guessed in advance, the opponent's team leader is not the one who uttered the battle cry earlier, but the Yinxiu who has the ability to cast spells.

Although this Yin Xiu has the characteristics of the ancient northern country, not only is he tall, but also has an extremely strong body. He is wearing a loose robe, which makes him feel like tights, and his full muscles support the fabric. .

If it wasn't for his face, which could barely be called handsome, with a hint of bookish air, Mi Luo would have suspected that what the other party was holding was not a harp, but a broadsword.

"I didn't expect that I would meet god monks here. Speaking of which, aren't all your god monks in Hanxia similar to totems and can only be confined to one place? Like you, who can freely build a divine kingdom on the ground, It’s also the first time I’ve seen it.”

The man gently plucked the harp in his hand, and a second movement sounded instantly, repairing the damage his partner had suffered earlier, demonstrating his powerful ability.

Mi Luo frowned: "Legendary Destiny?"

"I was lucky. Before becoming a legend, I visited the music field, so when I gathered my destiny, I got a little bonus."

When Mi Luo heard this, his vigilance continued to rise.

Domain, Destiny and Noble Phantasm are the main features of the cultivation world outside of Hanxia. For those who don’t have the accompanying treasure, in order to stabilize their own state, most of them will combine their own experience and legend after stepping into the legend corresponding to the realm of Immortal Refining Qi and Transforming God. , to condense one's own domain, destiny and treasure, and build one's own path foundation, which can also be said to be the foundation for building future Shinto authority.

What needs to be noted here is that, just like there are two pieces of Miluo's accompanying treasure at the same time, after the monks other than Hanxia step into the legend, the domain, destiny and treasure that can be mastered can coexist, and even some geniuses can Get in touch with the power of the field in advance.

As far as the ancient northern kingdom is concerned, in the records of Hanxia, ​​the most talented barbaric cultivator explored the four fields of fighting, killing, courage and death before becoming a legend, and each mastered part of the power .

After its breakthrough, it immediately condensed the legendary Destiny [Unyielding Death Fight], which belongs to the barbarian cultivator.

This is a special destiny that can only be activated at the moment of death. It is a combination of will, body and concept. The specific upper limit of endurance is unknown. To get rid of all the influences on the concept of self-injury, death and destruction, some special moments are the stunt of changing one from the next.

And the Yin Xiu in front of him, with the condensed legendary destiny, obviously has the ability to play quickly, and even strengthen the performance effect, making Yin Xiu's originally slow casting spells become extremely fast. This is a great enhancement, and it also represents Mi Luo unfavorable situation.

Just in case, Mi Luo had a thought, and several phantoms of celestial maidens appeared behind him.

ps: I don’t know how you feel about this setting. If you don’t like it, I will try to write as little as possible in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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