Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 375 Entering the Sky City

Chapter 375 Entering the Sky City

Regardless of the fact that the Lord of Jianmu is quite well-known within Hanxia, ​​there is no conclusion within Hanxia about the birth time of this god.

Speaking of it, it is also a matter of geographical location. The land of Hanxia is similar to a nasturtium leaf, while the northern continent is inclined to a crescent moon, and the two ends are respectively connected to the land of Hanxia and the western continent.

The ancient kingdom of the north, which has been fighting against Hanxia for many years, occupies a position that is biased towards the east of the northern continent, while the original territory of the Lord of Jianmu is in the middle of the "Crescent Moon".

This also led to the fact that when the belief of the Lord of Jianmu occupied the mainstream of the ancient northern country, his status was already quite lofty. He had been a true god for a while, and it was very difficult to calculate the relevant information. As a result, Hanxia still couldn't figure out its specific origin.

Moreover, when the two of them were thinking, Miro brought up another possibility that they hadn't paid much attention to before.

"Speaking of which, most of the power of purification lies in the western land. Besides, only water and the moon will occupy certain related attributes."

"To be precise, the authority to purify is the authority that was gradually derived after the illusory realm and I fought with the outside world. Before that, I did not have the authority to purify on the land of Hanxia. It was just a concept of purification later. It continues to expand, and incorporates part of the authority of water and the sun, which is more comprehensive and softer than the similar authority of slaying demons, killing evil, and expelling filth in the past. Only then has it gradually spread in my Hanxia. Speaking of it, the past of the ancient northern country , it seems that there is a legend that Taiyin holds power similar to purification..."

As a person in the divine way, Master Xuanshuang naturally knows the process of the birth and birth of many powers. When he opened his mouth to explain, he also understood Mi Luo's meaning.

The head of Beichen Xianmen, who also has enough understanding of the north, also understood Mi Luo's meaning: "Since the authority of purification is related to the authority of Taiyin, it may not be that the Lord of Taiyin did not leave relevant treasures behind. Protect a small piece of land and provide some help for the growth of Jianmu. I have to say that although your guess is a bit bold, it is indeed possible, and in this way, it can also explain why the Lord of Jianmu is now in charge of the sun authority."

"Just based on this calculation, is the master of Jianmu the successor left behind by the former master of Taiyin?"

When Master Xuanshuang whispered softly, his complexion was not very good-looking, and the head of the Beichen Immortal Sect with the image of a beautiful woman pressed his eyebrows again. If this guess is true, then Hanxia's existing star system must be severely impacted, and it represents Han Xia may have a tough battle to fight in the future.

'It seems that the catastrophe will begin in the future, and the problems Youzhou will face may still be higher than those in Yangzhou and Jingzhou. '

Looking at the two seniors, Mi Luo also had his own thoughts in his heart.

It's as if knowing the secret of Hanxia's future doom, and starting the layout of all aspects.

Mi Luo, who also saw some future possibilities, was not as extreme as Dao Tianji, but some preparations were still indispensable.

For example, when he came to Youzhou to study this time, Mi Luo not only perfected his own star system, but also studied the practice systems other than Hanxia. It is best to analyze the corresponding names to facilitate targeted research.

It's just that I didn't expect to encounter such a thing when I first came to Youzhou.

This discovery undoubtedly broke Mi Luo's idea of ​​targeted countermeasures in advance.

This is Mi Luo's perception of the three thousand kalpas he experienced in the last illusory realm.After reaching a certain level of cultivation, whether it is the divine way or the immortal way, it will become more and more perfect, and the inherent weaknesses will gradually be eliminated.

For example, the dependence of incense gods on beliefs, and the dependence of immortal monks on vitality and environment can be dealt with from the beginning of refining the gods and returning to the void, and they can gradually get rid of them after refining the void and joining the Tao.

At the same time, the two will gradually have more flexible attunement, and even the ability to create things.

'For the monks who refine the emptiness and join the Tao, they are already a part of the Tao. Even if I analyze the existing northern system, it is only an interpretation of the external manifestations of their Tao, and has no effect on its essence. ...'

When Mi Luo lowered his head to think, the head of Beichen Immortal Sect suddenly said: "No matter what, this news must be announced to the prefects of Youzhou State Mu and prefects, and we also need to contact the Yang family and Haoran Mansion. .”

"It's natural." Daoist Xuanshuang nodded, then glanced at Mi Luo, and said to the head of Beichen Immortal Sect: "As for Mi Luo, I'll leave it to you, Ximing."

"Although he came earlier, Miao Youzong had already made an agreement with me, so I will naturally take good care of him."

Saying that, twelve spiritual lights appeared in the beautiful woman's body, and one of them fell down, transforming into a white-clothed girl, walking towards the east, while signaling Mi Luo to follow with her eyes.

Mi Luo, who followed the woman forward, looked at her back and said softly, "Ruyue?"

"You see it?"

The girl laughed, looked back at Mi Luo and said, "I am Er Yue in the Tai Yin incarnation of my cultivation, which is also the moon in your mouth. Speaking of which, the aura on your body is also very interesting, it seems that there are also traces of December. The surname of the main body is Wang, and the name of Dao is Ximing, you can call me Wang Ximing, and you can also call me Wang Ruyue."

Hearing this, Mi Luo didn't reply immediately, but silently paid attention to a name on the treasure scroll [Shin Dao/Immortal Dao Cong Qipin Ruyue Xian], and a phantom of a woman whose aura was similar to that of Wang Ruyue in front of her appeared in the next second.

Wang Ximing looked at the phantom behind Mi Luo, and couldn't help stretching out a hand. There was a faint moonlight on the fingertips, reflecting each other with the power of [Ru Yuexian]. Mi Luo could feel that the other party's moonlight was not pure Lunar moonlight, but the moonlight that has been purified and screened, corresponds to February in December. The most important thing is the moonlight information contained in it, which is obviously more perfect than Miro's, and it fits with Hanxia's principles of Taoism .

The moonlight on [Ru Yuexian] who was stimulated, reflected with the brilliance of Wang Ximing's fingertips, constantly perfecting his own aura, getting closer to Hanxia and the surrounding environment little by little.

"Although I've heard about it, I'm still a little surprised to see it!"

Wang Ximing looked at the change of [Ru Yuexian], then looked at Mi Luo and said, "If I read correctly, this phantom can not only play the role of a Dharma protector, but also enhance your compatibility with the way of Taiyin. degree."

"Senior's eyes are like torches."

Mi Luo didn't choose to be called by his name, but chose the more suitable word "senior". Wang Ximing didn't care when he heard the words, but there was obvious envy in his eyes: "That's great, the main body was trying to improve itself back then. It took a lot of effort to connect with the stars."

After finishing speaking, Wang Ximing shook his head again, and said: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, originally I should let you directly stay in Ziwei Palace to practice and learn the fundamental method of stars, but your accompanying treasure should be the same. A lot of basic information is needed. Let me give you two options. One is to stay in Ziwei Palace to observe the theory of Zhoutian and stars. According to the rules, you can observe freely, but I will not give you any explanation; One is to start from Tianshiyuan to learn the basic method of stars, and then enter Taiweiyuan to learn a method of true inheritance, and finally be like my disciples, pass the test, and then enter Ziweiyuan to learn. equal rights."

As soon as these words came out, Mi Luo was stunned for a moment, a little unable to understand the preferential treatment Wang Ximing gave, especially the last sentence, enjoying the same rights as disciples in the sect.If what Wang Ximing said is true, Mi Luo may even have the opportunity to learn the fundamental classics of Beichen Xianmen.

Seemingly seeing Mi Luo's surprise, Wang Ximing didn't hide it: "For me, Beichen, the more people in the world who recognize Zhou Tian Xing Dou and the more people who learn the method of stars, the more stable Zhou Tian will be. Like you, The more talents who can perfectly record the changes of astrology, the better. Besides, the future of me, Beichen, is also very blurred, so I have to keep some behind..."

Hearing this, Mi Luo bowed his head to indicate that he chose the second one.

Mi Luo, who walked out of Ziwei Palace, walked down slowly

The layout of the Beichen Xianmen is arranged according to the constellations in the sky, and roughly can be divided into five palaces, east, west, north, south, middle, and middle palace.

Like the two grand sights that Mi Luo saw when he entered the Beichen Immortal Gate before.

The dazzling soul hangs to the pole of the sky, and all the lights are arched towards Ziwei, which is the central palace as the core.

The dragon and tortoise carry the tiger and sparrow, and the sun and the moon turn to the stars, so they are more inclined to the four palaces of southeast, northwest and north.

Therefore, when Dan Miluo walked out of Ziwei Palace, he could vaguely see thousands of stars seem to be pulled by a force in the dark, intertwined with each other, turning into endless colorful streamers, building bridges, and letting them go. Into the city wall.

Tianshiyuan, also known as Tianfu, Great Wall, and Tianshi, has 22 stars in it, eleven stars in the east and eleven stars in the west. In terms of star fate, it governs princes and kings, weighs and gathers people.According to the layout of the middle palace, the location is exactly within the inner palaces of Di, Fang, Xin, Wei, Ji, and Dou.

As soon as Mi Luo walked into it, he felt that the power of Dongfang Qisu was continuously gathering towards him.

Starlight rose, and the phantoms of the seven star officials appeared and disappeared by Mi Luo's side like guards.

At the same time, under the blessing of starlight, Mi Luo's spiritual sense was also greatly strengthened, and he could sense that an old man was approaching him.

This old man has a strong aura, under the seemingly withered and yellow skin, there are faint stars shining, and there are even strands of stars hidden in the acupuncture points all over his body, reflecting each other with the surrounding starry sky, just like him and Beichenxian. The void inside the door blends into one.

In the slightly dim eyes, the light of the sun and the moon flowed respectively, and between the movement and the stillness, there was even more starlight, which made his aura look extremely strong. Obviously, this is a senior who has stepped into the realm of Tianyi .

Mi Luo stepped forward to salute, but the old man didn't care. He just looked Mi Luo up and down, frowned slightly, and waved his hand. Thousands of stars surrounded Mi Luo, and the stars twinkled, arousing all the information about the stars in Mi Luo's breath. method.

The more he looked, the more the old man frowned, and finally he couldn't help screaming: "Violence, violence! How did you get into the Miao Youzong with your talent? If you were in my Beichen Xianmen, you wouldn't even need it!" By guiding the star to determine one's destiny, one can cultivate the power of the North Star and forge Ziwei's dharma appearance, how can one enter Miao Youzong!"

As he said that, the old man couldn't help scratching his somewhat messy hair, Mi Luo stared at him dumbfounded.

At this time, a ray of starlight fell, revealing another old Taoist, he looked at the old man in front of Mi Luo, coughed twice and said: "Tian Ji, you are enough, the head has already said, from now on, Mi Luo enjoys the benefits of our Beichen Immortal Sect disciples, so instead of tangling about his inheritance here, you might as well think about where he should start to learn."

Saying that, the old Taoist nodded to Mi Luo, and said: "I am Ming Tang who is in charge of Tai Wei Yuan, if Tian Ji does this again in the future, you can come to me directly, anyway he will..."

"Enough!" Taoist Mingtang hadn't finished speaking when Taoist Tianji interrupted: "I just regretted that Mi Luo couldn't enter my Beichen Immortal Gate. Why are you joining in the fun with Mingtang? Why don't you have leisure time?" Prepare more star data, deduce some star charts, and let the disciples study hard. You don’t even look at it, when was the last time the star charts were made, and Hanxia’s illusory realm has become more and more integrated in the past few years. Many, the positions of some stars have been affected..."

Taoist Tianji took out scrolls of star charts from the void while running on Mingtang openly and secretly, and handed them to Mi Luo, "Look at these star charts first, and see which one you think is the closest."

Mi Luo took the star map, read it carefully for a while, and found that these star maps are the orbits of some stars.

Interestingly, the star map in Mi Luo's hands includes the southern seven constellations, the northern seven constellations, the western seven constellations, and even Tianshiyuan and Taiweiyuan, but there is no information about the eastern seven constellations, and even the corresponding star officials in the eastern seven constellations , such as Pingdao, Tiantian, Jinxian, Zhou Ding, Pingxing, Kulou, etc., there is no corresponding information.

Obviously, Taoist Tianji in front of him wanted to see Mi Luo's compatibility with the power of other stars besides the strong compatibility with the Eastern Seven Constellations.

Similarly, Taoist Tianji's actions revealed that he didn't know the true ability of Mi Luo's companion treasure.

Therefore, when Mi Luo picked up a star map, mapped and analyzed them one by one, and derived each corresponding name in the treasure scroll, Taoist Tianji couldn't help but screamed again: "My emperor! ! Was the disciple who observed the astrology and the fate of the stars blind? How could such a disciple who was born for the heavens and the stars go to Miao Youzong!"

This time, Taoist Mingtang did not refute very rarely. He looked at the faintly shining star maps floating in front of Mi Luo, and fell into silence.

The radiance of the star chart means that Mi Luo is connected with the star corresponding to the star chart, and is suitable for practicing the method of this star.

Now, all the star maps taken out by Taoist Tianji are shining, and with the phantom of [Eastern Canglong Qisu Star Official] beside him, Taoist Mingtang can't help but have the idea of ​​blinding the disciples who observed the astrology and star destiny back then.

'Let such a disciple go to Miao Youzong, his eyes are just for decoration! '

ps: The star officials in the article refer to the stars within the range of 28 constellations. For example, the spica contains eleven star officials, namely Jiao, Pingdao, Tiantian, Jinxian, Zhouding, Tianmen, Pingxing, Kulou, Zhu .

 Four thousand words are connected together, today is only one update, and now we owe two updates.

(End of this chapter)

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