Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 43 Immortal Dao is the 9th grade

Chapter 43

Qian Zhiwen felt strange, but he didn't know that Mi Luo in Puming Mountain was also puzzled.

At the beginning, Mi Luo had no problems entering Puming Mountain, but when he activated the formation, with the cooperation of Qian Zhiwen, he purified the spiritual resources in the surrounding world.

In the surrounding fields, the residents of Lu'an County were grateful for their concentrated vows, which actually caused a change in his companion treasure.

The treasure scroll opened automatically, and two lines of illusory text appeared on it.

At the same time, the precious mirror flew out, reflecting the surroundings and absorbing energy.

Slowly, the first column of text condensed into shape.

【Immortal Road · From the Ninth Grade Puming Fragrant Rock Temple Lord】

Xiangyan Temple is the name of the Taoist temple on Puming Mountain, and it was created by Qian Zhiwen in conjunction with the Miao Youzong formation.

According to the original situation, after the Miao You Zong Formation generated the rays of light, it should lead the clouds and mist to droop, as if the clouds and smoke surrounded Puming, and finally converged on a rock.

In the future, an incense burner will be laid here to burn incense and pray for blessings, so that the sandalwood will overflow, and the mist and sandalwood will reflect each other, which is also in line with the name of Xiangyan.

For this reason, when Qian Zhiwen took up his pen to write Xiangyan Temple, he specially left a little spirit and charm in it.

At this moment, it is reflected by the precious mirror, and part of the breath is reflected.

Mi Luo's eyes stopped on the [From the Nine Ranks of Puming Xiangyan Temple Lord], and two columns of words automatically appeared beside it, which were "Fate with the Tao" and "Xiangyan Temple Lord".

Among them, [Fate with the Tao] is no different from the original [Cong Jiupin Miao You Taoist], while the introduction of the other [Xiangyan Guanzhu] is somewhat interesting.

[Owner of Xiangyan Temple] A guest in Puming Mountain, the owner of Xiangyan Temple.In the Xiangyan Temple of Puming Mountain, the prestige and the power of spells, rituals, and talismans are slightly improved, the ability to learn and teach spells, rituals, and talismans is slightly improved, and the gas accumulation of buildings inside the Xiangyan Temple is greatly improved Sha ability.After leaving Puming Mountain, the effect will gradually weaken according to the distance away. The farther the distance is, the stronger the reduction will be until it disappears completely.

Seeing the gradually condensed ability, Mi Luo looked at another column of text.

Surrounding this column of words, there is a faint wish power, which was provided by the residents of the previous fields, weak but pure.

Mi Luo looked at the indistinct words, as well as the number of immortal officials he had accumulated for a month, thought for a while, and took out his seal of guarding immortal officials.

He first contacted Qian Zhiwen with his official seal, and exchanged meritorious deeds for some of his strength.

Then the official seal was placed on the treasure scroll, and wisps of white mist were extracted from Lu'an County by the official seal and injected into it.

Looking at the merits that are constantly disappearing, and a little bit of solid words.

Mi Luo couldn't help feeling a little regretful, he should have reduced his expenses a month ago.

But this idea was soon cut off by him. In fact, his expenditure in the past month was not much, and most of it was used to decorate Puming Mountain and purchase talisman materials.

Without these expenses, there would be no changes today.

Today is a failure, but also a good attempt.

Mi Luo, who relaxed his mind, looked at the little solid words, and no longer had too much emotional fluctuations. Instead, he first blessed himself with the power of [From the Ninth Grade Puming Xiangyan Temple Master] to increase the intensity of the vision. Changes, and more subtle vibrations of the land veins of Lu'an County, cleanse the surrounding turbidity, and reduce some embryos of mud demons, grass demons, and water demons.

It was also at this time that the second column of text also condensed into shape.

[Immortal Dao · Ninth Grade Puming Xiangyan Temple Master Mi Luo Daochang]

There are three abilities on the side, the first one is the same as [Cong Ninth Rank Puming Xiangyan Guanzhu] and [Cong Ninth Rank Miao You Taoist] [Fate with Tao].

The other two items are [Puming Shanren] and [Xiangyan Miluo].

[Puming Mountain Man] Living in the mountains, he is light in body and mind.A very small increase in temperament and strength of character and practice speed, and a small decrease in the chance of becoming obsessed. Practicing in Puming Mountain, you can get a small increase on the original basis.

[Xiangyan Miluo] The Lord of Xiangyan, the priest of Miluo.Within Lu'an County, the prestige and the power of spells, rituals, and talismans will be slightly improved, the ability to learn and teach spells, rituals, and talismans will be slightly improved, and the Fengshui ability of Xiangyan Temple's internal buildings will be slightly improved.In the Xiangyan Temple of Puming Mountain, a small bonus can be obtained on the original basis.After leaving Lu'an County, according to the distance, the effect will gradually weaken. The farther the distance is, the stronger the reduction will be until it disappears completely.

Compared with the [Puming Xiangyan Guanzhu] blessed on Miluo, this [Ninth Grade Puming Xiangyan Guanzhu Mi Luo Daochang] is similar to the joint strengthening of [Puming Xiangyan Guanzhu] and [Miaoyoudaoren] Version.

Using it to bless himself, Mi Luo immediately felt that his control over spells and rituals had improved considerably.

And the opening ceremony at this time is itself a scientific ritual.

Mi Luo, who has been promoted, cooperates with his body to turn the boat, and pushes the changes that were beyond Qian Zhiwen's expectations to a new height.

"This is……"

Qian Zhiwen in Lu'an County felt that with Puming Mountain as the center, the vitality of the surrounding tens of miles of land converged in the direction of Puming Mountain and merged into the sunlight. Combined with the vitality of the earth veins, it turned into a little bit of aura, scattered all over Lu'an County.

Seeing this, Yun An also stretched out his hand to feel the brilliance a little bit.

As soon as his fingers came into contact with the aura, he felt a soft breath blending into his body, which slightly increased his qi and blood.

Yun'an looked around. On the edge of the square, many lotus flowers were also slowly blooming under the brilliance. The faint fragrance of lotus made the square in Lu'an County seem to wash away the lead, revealing the unique and elegant essence of the inner water town. .

Qian Zhiwen withdrew his fingers, gently kneaded the place where the brilliance was touched just now with his fingertips, looked at Yun An and said, "It seems that our Daoist Mi Luo has gained a lot of benefits, why don't you and I go together have a look?"

"Naturally." Yun An nodded, then stood in front to clear the way.

The residents of Lu'an County on the other side were also very excited. If at the beginning, Miluo's driving a crane into Puming brought them visual shock, then the light spot that fell just now was a kind of spiritual sustenance.

Therefore, these residents dragged their families and planned to go with Qian Zhiwen.

Sensing this, Qian Zhiwen hurriedly stopped, and after discussing with the residents, he selected more than a dozen representatives from various streets and alleys in Lu'an County to go to Puming Mountain with him to visit Miluo.

As soon as they arrived at the foot of Puming Mountain, Qian Zhiwen and Yun An noticed something strange again.

Looking at the faintly shimmering Taiji diagram on the square, Qian Zhiwen asked a little strangely: "Is the original Qi gathering effect of this square so good?"

Although Yun'an's ability to perceive external vitality was slightly stronger than Qian Zhiwen's, but these subtle changes were also difficult to determine, so he turned to look at Taoist Yuan Qing beside him.

This Yuanqing Taoist is the head of the Curse Court under the Lu'an County Religion Department. He has practiced for a hundred years and is a monk in the pregnant atmosphere.Regardless of the divine channeling method or the purity of mana, they are all above Zhen Miyun, the deputy envoy of the Curse Court.

He looked up and down the surrounding Qi machines, opened his Dharma Eyes to look at the Qi veins, thought for a moment, and responded cautiously: "My lord, according to our original design, the Qi gathering effect produced by Xiangyan Temple should be [-] to [-]% worse than what it is now. Most of the errors are in Miaoyouzong's formation. However, the change at this moment, to me, is not like the formation forcibly changing the movement of breath, and is closer to the natural change of vitality around Puming Mountain."

"Natural change?"

Qian Zhiwen repeated in a soft voice, glanced at Taoist Yuan Qing, and then at the crowded Lu'an County residents who were gathering behind him, feeling a little disappointed. Seeing this, Yun'an smiled and said, "Whether it's a natural change or a forced change, I'll see Mi Luo later, won't it be clear?"

"Forget it, everyone go up the mountain with me."

As Qian Zhiwen said, he led the crowd towards Xiangyan Temple along the newly built mountain road.

New book for collection, monthly pass, follow-up reading, recommendation!
 Yiqi's no-responsibility memorandum: [Fated with the Dao] Manna does not moisten the grass without roots, and the Dao does not cross the people.A very small increase in the understanding of Taoism, a small increase in the speed of the cultivation of the immortal way, and it is easier to master the magical powers with the concept of the immortal way.

(End of this chapter)

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