Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 53 Yangzhou South Tradition

Chapter 53 Yangzhou South Tradition

Nothing happened overnight, and in the early morning of the second day, under the leadership of Taoist Gu, Mi Luo met with all the monks who came to participate in the sacrificial meeting.

In addition to Qingshuiweng seen yesterday, Daoren Gu highlighted the cultivators Zhang Daoren from Changchun Temple in Qinghe County, Guan Qingxuan from Taihe Temple in Hanshan County, and Fei Ruhu from Bailu Temple in Raoping County. , and Yuye, the Sanxiu Gong of Raoping County.

These four are all monks in the Yuye Realm. Among them, Taoist Zhang, as a monk of Changchun Temple, is also the uncle of Taoist Gu according to his seniority. A twilight, obviously not far from the deadline.

Guan Qingxuan is a middle-aged man with a strong figure and powerful martial arts. If he hadn't had a clear vitality and obvious traces of immortality, Mi Luo would have thought that he was a martial artist, not a Taoist.

Fei Ruhu is a Kun Guan wearing a blue Taoist robe, with elegant demeanor, black hair and white skin, she looks like a young girl in cardamom age.But her mature temperament makes her more like a beautiful woman who has experienced hardships.

The last Gong Yuye is a handsome young man in a pink robe holding a peach blossom fan.His temperament is calm, and he is obviously dressed in pink, but it gives him the feeling of wearing dark clothes.Moreover, the handsome face, also because of this temperament, looks a lot older.

After Mi Luo saluted with several people one by one, he was ushered into his seat by Taoist Gu.

As soon as he sat down, Daoist Gu said, "Today, Daoist Mi Luo has also arrived, so five days later, during the ceremony of inviting the gods, I will ask the Daoist brother to cut off the statue and the energy mechanism of the earth veins, send it into the treasure ship, and then go to the treasure ship together." Daoist Gongyu together, guarding the statue, toured Qinghe County. What do you think, Brother Daoist?"

"Let him come with me?"

Before Mi Luo expressed his position, Gong Yuye, who heard the words, couldn't help but speak.

In his eyes, Mi Luo was really too young.

Although Gong Yuye looks young, judging from his temperament, he knows that it is just a special way of practice.

In fact, as a casual cultivator, Gong Yuye is not much younger than Qingshuiweng. He has participated in the Changqing Jiaohui several times and helped carry the statue, not once or twice.

Gong Yuye knew very well that it was not easy to carry the god statue. Apart from testing the monk's ability to find the energy veins, there was also a certain requirement for the monk's own magic power. The most important thing was that after inviting the gods, when touring the county, he also needed to pay attention to the direction of the ground veins. Checking for leaks and filling vacancies consumes a lot of energy.

In the past, Taoist Zhang was the one who moved and protected the statue with him.

But it is such an old cultivator whose mana is still higher than him, every time the funeral is over, he is out of breath and mentally exhausted.

At this time, Gong Yuye was inevitably a little worried about changing to a newcomer.

Not wanting Fei Ruhu, he smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Gongyu, don't underestimate Brother Mi Luo, he is different from me and Brother Gu, he is an inner disciple of Miaoyou Sect. What he has learned and his abilities are all in our hands." Above. The most important thing is that the Pregnancy Qi Realm came out to sit on one side, and it is a new Taoist temple. Obviously, Brother Mi Luo should have gathered the companion treasure."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was stunned for a moment.

The treasure of accompanying life is the product of Hanxia's innate spirituality, which was manifested by the emperor's great wish.

Although most of the time, the accompanying treasure is regarded as a special natal magic weapon, or a tool specifically for the illusory realm.

But in fact, the condensed treasure of accompanying life also means that the spirit of the monk has been sublimated with the help of the emperor's wish.

Compared with the general monks of the same realm, the monks who have the companion treasure, whether it is spiritual perception or the degree of concentration of the soul, are much higher.

Therefore, Mi Luo's ability to find Qi veins and observe Earth veins is beyond doubt.

The only thing to worry about is his eyesight and adaptability.

Gong Yuye was silent for a moment, and then said: "This Evergreen Jiao Festival is a grand event that the residents of a place have been waiting for for many years. Just in case, can Fellow Daoist Mi Luo show a thing or two?"

Mi Luo came here this time to get close to the mystery of the rituals of the Jiaohui, and since he had already said this, he naturally couldn't refuse, so he got up and walked around Gong Yuye twice.


Mi Luo cupped his hands and sat back to his original position.

The people around fell into silence again.

Mi Luo took a few simple steps, but easily locked Gong Yuye's whole body energy.

Even if this kind of lock is very weak, it will break at the touch of a touch, and it was completed without Gong Yuye's precautions.

But being able to accomplish all this in such a short period of time shows Mi Luo's vision and grasp of vitality.

Gong Yuye got up, cupped his hands and apologized to Mi Luo, and said: "The ability of Daoist Mi Luo is beyond doubt. In comparison, it is my ability that is insufficient. This time please God, it is better to let Daoist Zhang and Mi Luo Daoist together?"

Hearing this suggestion, Fei Ruhu and the others fell silent.

They all know that asking God is hard work, but there are also many benefits.

Whether it is the perspective shared by the gods during the invitation to the gods, or the feedback from the rituals after the ritual ceremony, it is of great benefit to the monks.

Especially at the end of the Evergreen Ritual Meeting, the act of introducing the power of will into the Ivy Vine can even trigger the Ivy Vine's inspirational feedback, which can make up for the life lost by the monk to a certain extent.

If it is said that Gong Yuye spoke earlier because he was worried about Mi Luo's lack of ability, then what he said now is obviously for Zhang Daoren's consideration.

After all, Mi Luo has already proved his ability, Zhang Daoren only needs to check for omissions and make up for the vacancies, and then make up for them afterwards, and maybe he can live for another two years.

"Don't be like this. I know my body best. Now that the end is approaching, it is not because of the exhaustion of the early years of energy, but because I entered the Tao too late, and the remaining innate energy is insufficient. To put it bluntly, it is the innate longevity compared with the There are fewer monks in the realm, and it is not that the essence of the ivy can replenish it. If you want to prolong your life, apart from Ningzhen, there are only a few methods that can increase your longevity."

Zhang Laodao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke out, then looked at Guan Qingxuan and Qingshui Weng beside him and said, "This time, I will trouble the two fellow Taoists to guard the periphery of the ceremony together with me."

Hearing this, Guan Qingxuan has no objection.

He is very clear that although all the people present are related to Miao Youzong, there is also a difference between closeness and estrangement among them.

The founder of the Changchun Temple is still alive, so Taoist Gu and Taoist Zhang are naturally considered members of the Miaoyou sect.

They happily paved the way for Mi Luo, allowing him to get as much benefit as possible from this evergreen sacrificial ceremony.

Fei Ruhu's White Deer Temple was built by the inner monks of Miaoyouzong who returned to their hometown. Although it has been a long time ago and has been completely independent, it is no longer the lower court of Miaoyouzong, but the incense and friendship between the two parties are still very strong, and they are naturally willing to help.

As for Gong Yuye, to be able to practice as a casual cultivator to this point, obviously he had some adventures in his early years.

Looking at his connection with the Changchun temple, it is not difficult to guess the source of the adventure, probably related to that Lu Changchun.

The Temple of Supreme Harmony where Guan Qingxuan was located was able to be built in the past because of Miao Youzong's support.

Therefore, Guan Qingxuan came here this time to maintain the friendship between the two parties, and did not intend to gain any benefits.

Qingshuiweng also had similar thoughts, but compared to Guan Qingxuan, he was not as obvious as he was, and said with a light smile: "Originally, Quanting County is not stable this year, and I was worried that Guan Qingxuan and myself would not be able to make it through. , with the help of the old cultivator, it can be said to be foolproof. It’s just that I have to wait for the protection work to start at three o’clock at Yinshi, and I have been busy until Xushi that day, and it has been like this for several days. Maybe the old cultivator can bear it?”

Mi Luo was a little strange: "Three quarters at Yin time? Isn't it always at three quarters at Mao time to invite gods? Why do you have to start preparations at three quarters at Yin time?"

Zhang Daoren heard the words and said with a smile: "This is a custom in the south of Yangzhou. Qinghe County is in the south of Yangzhou, and further down is the coastal generation. The people here, you let Maoshi get up, do some housework, or pick up someone, he Eighty percent of them are too lazy to get up."

"But if you tell them to greet the gods at Maoshi, they can wait for you in the dojo at Yinshi, and some people will even go to set up the dojo in groups after the time when the yin energy is the most serious at Zishi. Quanting County is not very stable, there have been more than a dozen cases of missing children and pregnant women, and every household is not allowed to go out too early. Otherwise, the guard work is [-] hours, and there is no spare moment."

Speaking of this, Taoist Zhang thought of something, and said: "Although your discipline is more authentic than mine, there are still differences in subtleties. In the past two days, you will walk around with me first, and I will tell you the key points. point."

After speaking, Zhang Daoren got up and walked out.

Knowing his good intentions, Mi Luo left with the Taoist. Along the way, Zhang Taoist also confessed all his gains over the years.

New book for collection, monthly pass, follow-up reading, recommendation!
(End of this chapter)

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