Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 62: The Directory Works Miracles

Chapter 62: The Directory Works Miracles

"The "Hundred Medicines to Mend the Sky" he practiced is a special skill that collects hundreds of elixir to make up for his own congenital deficiencies. In theory, it can be similar to the transformation of the fetus in the 36 paths of Tiangang, so that he can achieve A degree of perfection."

"Since he turned into a child and lived in Qinghe County for 30 years, he really shrunk his body, so his physical fitness has not yet fully recovered. Don't think about going head-to-head with the magic patterns on his body and beating his body to death. hole!"

Mi Luo raised a point at the side, and the red deer sneered and went up to Fei Ruhu.

But Fei Ruhu didn't follow what Mi Luo said, but swept across with the antler staff, aiming at the red deer's waist.

The red deer was already prepared and raised his hand to stop it.

The moment the two touched, Chilu stared at Fei Ruhu and said: "You guys are still not good enough! Do you think I will fall for it?"

"Who told you that we want to fight you?"

Fei Ruhu and Chilu looked at each other, and suddenly laughed, which completely refuted what he said earlier, and made Chilu stunned again.

In the next second, a rope made of talismans flew out from Fei Ruhu's sleeve, and it went down the antler staff, directly binding the red deer.

"This is?"

A red light emerged from the red deer, constantly corroding the rope, arousing the talismans weaved in it, emitting a faint aura.

At the same time, streaks of golden light fluttered and trembled around the red deer, and simple copper coins stood in all directions, while a slender red thread passed through the holes in the middle of the copper coins, forming a simple formation.

"Suppress!" Mi Luo made a formula with both hands, and pressed down violently.

The copper coins trembled violently, causing the red deer to bend its knees slightly.

"Kneel down for me!"

Fei Ruhu didn't take the opportunity to attack, but inserted the antler staff into the formation, becoming an important node in it, instead of Miluo to suppress the red deer.

Compared with Miro, it is obvious that Fei Ruhu's mana is stronger. Under the antler staff, the red deer's knees were completely bent, half kneeling on the ground, he looked at Miro who was leaving, and said with a smile: "I see, you just want to save people. ! Naturally, you don’t need to entangle me, but who can you save?”

"This is the blood lake, the formation is complete, and the law prohibits itself. If you want to take them out, it is equivalent to..."

Chilu's smile froze on his face, he watched Mi Luo break through the dirty light, and paper butterflies flew out of his sleeves, sticking to those women and children.

Afterwards, the women who were restrained by the spell cast by Chilu and should not be able to move got up one after another and walked outside.

"How dare you use the method of summoning spirits on them, injecting external spirituality into them, you will not be afraid of hurting their souls..."

Before Chilu finished speaking, he stared at the paper butterflies released by Miro, as if he saw something that horrified him.

On the other side, Qingshuiweng and Heiyidingeng wanted to stop them, but were stopped by their respective opponents.

"Where do you want to go?" Guan Qingxuan held a mace and knocked on Qingshui Weng's door.

Qing Shui Weng dared not be careless, this Guan Qingxuan was born with supernatural power and good martial arts skills. Although he was seriously injured, he couldn't dance the mace like an embroidery needle, but there were some shadows of stick and spear skills in between. Still no problem.

In addition, this mace is taking a heavy route, and it will not feel good to be bumped casually.

Facing the piercing sound of piercing through the air, Qingshuiweng had no choice but to return to defense. The watery light emerged, and he flicked his long sleeves, deflecting the mace to the side, but was enveloped in peach blossom clouds, unable to move his hands free.

Hei Yi Ding Geng on the other side was even worse. Gu Taoist relied on the convenience of the magic weapon in his hand to throw out the Xiaguang and Hongguang one by one. Whenever Hei Yi Ding Geng showed any traces, he even blasted an area Chaos.

After finally finding some gaps in Gu Taoist's attack, there will be a series of slender chains suddenly attacking him in the dark, as a guide, so that Gu Taoist is on guard.

Once or twice, Hei Yi Ding Geng didn't pay attention, and the more times, he naturally noticed that those chains came from a phantom ghost behind Taoist Gu, and he also understood why Mi Luo was able to detect his traces in the first place.

It was when he went in and out of the gap between yin and yang that the ghost messenger noticed something was wrong.

'It's really troublesome. '

Hei Yi Ding Geng tried to attack the ghost several times, but was blocked by Taoist Gu, and he could only keep wandering and retreating.

Taking the paper butterfly as the center, writing the name "Xiangyan Daotong", and then attaching the paper butterfly to the women to control them is one of the results of Mi Luo's three years of experimentation in the Xiangyan Temple.

However, at that time, he used [Extradition Envoy] and [Ecstasy Envoy] to cooperate with the method of paper figurines to drive them to do some simple cleaning work.

This time, under the name of [Xiangyan Daoist], it was the first time to influence outsiders.

If he hadn't successfully tried to bless Fei Ruhu and others with [Xiangyan Taoist] when he entered, he would not have done so.

As for the resistance to the blood lake, we have to mention the [Xiangyan Daotong] written by Mi Luo on the paper butterfly, or the first feature of all the [Xiandao] series [Fate with Tao].

As the saying goes, "the nectar does not moisten the grass without roots, and the road does not cross the people."

Since [you have a predestined relationship with Tao], you can naturally receive the grace of heaven and avoid some legal prohibitions formed through scientific rituals or arrangements.

However, this method is not without flaws. At this moment, the woman who is bent over by the paper butterfly has no magic power, and her vitality is also a little poor due to being controlled by others for a few days. Unbearable.

Although Chilu didn't see the mystery of it, he also noticed it, thinking that Mi Luo's price for doing so was not small, even if his mana was stronger than ordinary people, it was almost reaching its limit at this time.

He began to urge the lines on his body continuously, absorbing more power of the blood lake, trying to break free from the restraints.

As the blood boiled, the antler stick in Fei Ruhu's hand was gradually stained with blood spots, and the copper coins shaking around and the red thread passing through the square hole were also stained with some rusty color.

"Open it for me!"

With the power of the blood lake, he forcibly broke through the red deer suppressed by Qian Qianjian and Fei Ruhu, and stretched out his hand to grab Mi Luo.

Fei Ruhu tried his best to help, but he couldn't move because of the previous backlash.

Gu Daoren and the others were also slightly distracted by surprise.

Qingshuiweng's side is alright, Gong Yuye and Guan Qingxuan cooperate with each other and can handle it.

Gu Daoren was almost beheaded by Hei Yi Ding Geng who seized the opportunity.

It was the [Hunting Envoy] and the [Extradition Envoy] who fought one after the other to gain a little time to avoid it.

But [Hunting Envoy] and [Extradition Envoy] were also beheaded by Hei Yi Ding Geng.

Mi Luo also seemed to have been hit hard, and his body was shaken, but when the red deer appeared beside him and he raised his head, his complexion was very rosy, and there was no problem at all.

"not good!"

The red deer immediately knew something was wrong, and wanted to retreat, and a whirlwind surged around him, sweeping towards the red deer.

ps: In the last update, Yi Qi is gone.The rest is between seven and nine in the evening.I hope you can support us a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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