Chapter 85

The sky is distorted, the white bull walks, and a ray of blood comes from bottom to top, converging in the void.

When the blood light was about to touch the white bull, it closed inwards, turning into thirteen or fourteen years old, wearing a blood-red gown, with long sleeves and hem corners embroidered with strange black patterns, and a purple gourd hanging around his waist. The young man looks exactly like the young novice monk from the Calabash Temple.

Looking at the white cow that came down, the little novice smiled and said, "Why are you back again? It's because you broke through and made them feel threatened, so you don't want you anymore?"

Bai Niu looked at the purple aura of merit hidden under the young man's blood, and the mixed divine light, and sighed: "In the past, Zunshen was also regarded as a god of merit, why can't he see clearly now?"

"Hanxia is vast, and it is even better than when the world is complete. Even if I go in, it is only a drop in the bucket. What storms can I cause? The reason why I came down is because I think I should come down."

Bai Niu looked at the pitch-black illusory land below the little novice, and the aura that was still struggling inside, and said with a smile: "Look, there are no sentient beings here?"

The little novice seemed to have guessed the other party's thoughts, and asked in surprise, "You want to be buried with these trash?"

"We all come from here, so why talk about trash?"

Bai Niu looked at the little novice with sad eyes, and he sighed: "Do you still remember the big wish you made back then? The wish to protect one side and protect the whole place? But the ones below are also the sentient beings we protected back then. one of them?"

"I am a god, you pray to the Buddha, to this day, how can I be the same as those trash?"

Hearing the little novice's response, Bai Niu sighed and clasped his hands together.

"Buddhism is practiced in the world, how can it come out of the world. If you leave Fan to find enlightenment, you will be covered with sawn horns."

As Bai Niu said, the Buddha's light around him became more and more pure, and the pure and holy breath made the distorted sky light and chaotic breath peaceful. Many broken souls that little monks were too lazy to absorb, or were unwilling to absorb, appeared beside Bai Niu, flying up and down.

The little novice took half a step back. He felt that what he was facing was not a white bull, but a mountain, a god, a temple, and a group of monks.

He left along the sky in horror. The white cow behind him looked at him and sighed again. In his eyes, he saw the more complicated divine light and the purer blessing on the little novice.

"That's all! That's all! After all, most people were saved."

After Bai Niu finished speaking, he walked slowly down. Every step he took, the Buddha's light on his body dimmed.

There is no auspicious radiance around the body, no brilliance of Buddha's light, just a simple white bull lying on the ground.

Countless light spots gathered and floated beside the white cow.

The last sliver of resentment and unwillingness that had surrounded the illusionary realm seemed to be calmed down, and the light spots surged up, as if they wanted to push the white bull away.

But at this moment, the illusory realm has long lost its power, and the white ox itself has long since died. The driving force just makes the body of the white ox disperse and turn into countless light spots, which, together with the surrounding aura, merge into the Hanxia land vein among.

"No! Why is the fluctuation of the earth veins so small?"

In Hanxia Dadi, Qian Zhiwen, who was waiting at the entrance, frowned slightly, and when he saw Mi Luo come out, he even showed a surprised expression.

Seeing his expression, Mi Luo immediately knew what the other party was thinking. After he told Qian Zhiwen about Bai Niu, he asked again.

"There is an evil god below who is at least in the Realm Condensation Realm. The prototype is a mountain god. He should have also practiced Buddhism to prepare people for rituals and guard against spiritual attacks. When he comes up, the first thing to do is to prevent him from being in harmony with the surrounding earth. And then let the members of the Protector Division deploy..."

Before Mi Luo finished speaking, he felt the changes in the atmosphere around him. When he turned his head, he saw Yun An leading the members of the Guardian Division to change their formation, borrowing the power of the mountains and rivers from the original, and transforming them into a movement that suppresses the mountains and rivers. , and the spirit is highly condensed, a ray of edge is vaguely gathered, and it falls on the weapon in his hand.

Mi Luo shut up instantly, walked to the rest place that had been prepared long ago, picked up the elixir and food that Qian Zhiwen asked to put here, swallowed frantically, and quickly replenished his depleted energy and mana.

During this period, Mi Luo's gaze never left the entrance.

At this time, the entrance to the Illusionary Realm has been completely distorted, vitality is constantly coming in and out, the surrounding veins are beating slightly, and the mountain stream that was originally sunken began to bulge slightly, which is obviously the remaining material in the Illusory Realm, and it has begun to merge with the veins.

Then, a ray of blood appeared at the entrance. It was just a ray at first, but immediately turned into a red mist, and the little novice tried to struggle out of it.

He first stretched out his palm, followed the vitality of the illusory realm, and entered the land of Hanxia. There was one eye and one mouth on it. When he saw the people around him, he opened and closed his mouth, and the surrounding Sanskrit sound immediately rang out.

In the next second, the sky was full of hype, and golden lights flowed in the void, and Zen singing like thunder reverberated around, wanting to seduce people's souls!

After being reminded by Mi Luo, the cultivators of the Curse Court, who had been prepared for a long time, clenched their hands tightly to the musical instruments such as bells, hairpins, bells, wooden fish, chimes, Dharma drums, cymbals, etc., and rang out one by one, making bursts of pleasant sounds.

Although the little novice's cultivation base was high, far superior to many monks in the Curse Court, but a dozen of them united together to form a formation, and with the cooperation of many talismans, they barely survived the first wave of shock.

But they only endured the shock. The changes brought about by the combination of the Sanskrit sound and the Buddha's light combined with the illusory realm disturbed the line of sight and aura, making it impossible for Qian Zhiwen to determine the real location of the little novice.

Yun An and the other guards were unable to lock on to each other.

Seeing this, Mi Luo took out the imperial bell and shook it violently.

The so-called Emperor Bell is also known as the Sanqing Bell in most illusory realms that contain the inheritance of immortality.

Because in the early years, there was no Sanqing legend in Hanxia, ​​and most of the emperor bell borrowed the emperor's divine power, so this object has always been called the emperor bell, and there is no such thing as the Sanqing bell.

Most of Hanxia's imperial bells are less than one foot high, and most of them have a diameter of about three inches.

The whole body is made of brass, with a handle, and the tail is shaped like a trident, and it also has a shape similar to a flame.

There is a tongue inside the bell, and its shape is like a small bell with a long handle, but the bottom of the emperor bell does not have the lotus-like curvature, but is flat.

The imperial bell in Miluo's hand is a typical small imperial bell, seven inches long and three inches wide. The body of the bell is engraved with the name of the emperor and gods, as well as many prayers. It is often taken out for use during morning classes. , When I have free time, I will practice one or two.

Although there are only sixteen Taoist prohibitions in it, combined with the blessings of mindfulness brought by many Taoists in Xiangyan Temple in the past three or four years, the sound of the emperor's bell also contains various mysteries.

With a slight shake, the Dao sound played by the monks of the Curse Court was immediately amplified, and the Sanskrit sound was suppressed.

As soon as the Sanskrit sound disappeared, the surrounding golden light also dimmed, and then all kinds of disturbances subsided a lot. Qian Zhiwen seized the opportunity, locked the position of the little novice, held the official seal, and shouted in a low voice: "Cut!"

Following Qian Zhiwen's order, Yun'an swung down the weapon in his hand, and the spirits and spirits of the Emperor Protectors surged. An illusory sword descended from the sky and slashed at the entrance of the illusory realm.

It's the last day, new book collection, monthly pass, follow-up, recommendation!Then it will be put on the shelves tomorrow, and no updates will be added today, and it will be put together tomorrow.

 The passage that Bai Niu recited in the article is based on a sentence in the "Six Patriarchs Altar Sutra": "The Buddhadharma is in the world, and you can't leave the world to realize it. Seeking Bodhi after leaving the world is just like asking for the horn of a rabbit." The last lang means beautiful jade, literally. It means that the horns of the cow are sawed off and covered with beautiful jade.

(End of this chapter)

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