Chapter 183 Celebration Banquet (Subscribe)
In the evening, Gu Feng came to a restaurant near the school by appointment.

I thought it was the principal having a meal with himself, but as soon as Gu Feng walked into the private room of the hotel, he saw the familiar faces of Professor Dong, Professor Li and Professor Lin. Besides them, there were also professors from various disciplines in the school. There were the director of the Propaganda Department, Associate Professor Liang Chunsheng whom Gu Feng was familiar with, and some people whose photos he had only seen on the school bulletin board.

This is simply a high-level gathering of the school, why did he call himself?

Gu Feng looked around and found that except for himself as a student, everyone else was from the old life.

Suddenly, I feel that they are all averagely older.

"Hello principal, hello professors."

Gu Feng greeted everyone present politely, Wei Chongming waved to him, "Come on, Xiao Feng, sit next to me."

The amiable vice-principal stepped aside and left an empty seat for Gu Feng.

It was the first time Gu Feng met the vice principal. This is a female principal in her 40s. She rarely shows up in public and has always kept a low profile.

After Wei Chongming retires, she should be the principal.

But judging by Wei Chongming's mental state, it is estimated that he will survive until the female principal retires, and he is still persisting.

Gu Feng sat next to the principal, a little cautious.

It was the first time for him to sit and eat with so many elders.

I feel like I went back to my relatives' house to pay New Year's greetings when I was a child. All the older relatives gathered around a table, waiting for him to kowtow and salute one by one, asking for New Year's money.

But this time there is no lucky money, and there is no need to kowtow.

There is gold under the man's knees, and it is impossible to kneel down unless money is added.

"Everyone is here, let's serve."

Wei Chongming said to the waiter, and the waiter arranged to serve the food immediately.

Someone else started pouring wine, Moutai sauce wine.

The small wine glasses in front of everyone were poured.

Gu Feng felt that Wei Chongming spent a lot of money on this meal, but it may be the school's public funds for eating and drinking. Let's see who are present, the school's backbone talents and teachers.

"I have treasured this wine for a long time and am reluctant to drink it, but for this celebration banquet, I must take it out and drink it."

Wei Chongming laughed.

Liang Chunsheng and others also echoed: "That's right, this is a big day for our school. Finally, we have completed the mission of upgrading from the second grade to the first grade. Our image will be different when we go out."

"That's right, everyone is a hero of the school, come, let's have a toast together."

Wei Chongming raised his wine glass. Although the dishes were not served yet, it did not affect everyone's mood.

Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate the moment.

Wei Chongming looked at Gu Feng, "Thank you especially, Xiao Feng, for giving Sanchuan University a face."

"No, it's all I should do."

Gu Feng said modestly.

"Xiao Gu is a down-to-earth kid."

Liang Chunsheng sighed.

The vice principal also smiled and nodded at Gu Feng, expressing his affirmation.

When all the dishes were served, the three tables in the private room began to eat.

It stands to reason that Gu Feng, a junior, should be the one to toast one by one, but he doesn't like drinking, and he doesn't like socializing too much, so these steps were omitted, and Wei Chongming kept praising him.

"Xiaofeng is really nice. To tell you the truth, I have already recognized Xiaofeng as my godson. Everyone should take good care of him in the future."

After Wei Chongming drank some wine, he said everything.

All the guests and friends looked at Wei Chongming meaningfully, old fox,
"It's better for the headmaster to start early."

"Hahaha, that is, you have no chance to recognize your son now."

Wei Chongming laughed.

"Little Gu, I heard that you have obtained the qualification for graduate studies from Yenching University."

Professor Dong raised his glass and took a sip slowly.

Gu Feng nodded: "Well, I originally planned to take the exam there, but I saved the steps of the exam."

"Not bad."

Professor Dong beamed, happier than he had won the lottery.

Because his precious daughter was there, Gu Feng happened to be able to watch Dong Xixi in the past.

Professor Lin looked at Gu Feng: "Xiao Gu, what are you going to do recently?"

"Recently, I am going to start developing a game."


The professors shook their heads one after another, they didn't expect that Gu Feng had just won the first prize of CMC, and instead of concentrating on academics, he wanted to play games.

"Hahaha, children, they have their own hobbies."

Wei Chongming looked at it very openly, and patted Gu Feng on the shoulder, "Godfather supports you, do what you like to do."

"Thank you, principal...godfather."

Gu Feng changed his words in time, and Wei Chongming smiled even brighter.

"Actually, I think you are very talented in physics. There is a physics competition recently. Do you want to participate?"

Professor Lin suggested.

"Ah? I don't want to participate in the competition for the time being. It took a long time to participate in the competition, but recently I submitted another SCI physics paper, and I will share it with Professor Lin."

Gu Feng said casually.

Professor Lin nodded in satisfaction.

Professor Li coughed twice: "Ahem, Xiaofeng, do you have any papers on mathematics recently?"

"No, professor, I've been busy with cmc recently, and I don't have time to write math papers."

Gu Feng replied.

Professor Li and Professor Dong sighed at the same time.

Professor Guo also coughed twice: "Ahem, Xiaofeng, if you encounter codes that you don't understand when developing games, you can ask me."

"Thank you Professor Guo."

Professor Bai touched his chin and asked, "Xiao Gu, have you published any papers on biochemistry recently?"

"No, Professor."

Professor Bai shook his head in disappointment.

Professor Tian of Psychology also looked at Gu Feng expectantly: "What about the papers on psychology?"

"Neither, Professor."

Gu Feng answered honestly, Professor Tian shook his head in disappointment.

It can be seen that the professors are looking forward to his publication.

But Gu Feng failed to live up to this expectation, there was no other way, he didn't have enough time, and he spent most of his time in the imperial capital playing around.

Sometimes falling in love really consumes a lot of time, but Gu Feng believes that these times are precious memories and indispensable.

If there is no senior sister in my life, how boring my life will be.

Professor Tong from the School of Art asked, "Little Gu, are you interested in learning acting? I've seen your promotional video and you are very talented."

"Huh? Professor, I secretly took your class, you don't remember."

Gu Feng said.

In fact, many of the professors present, Gu Feng, have gone to class.

"Are you that scumbag?"

The professors unanimously realized that it turned out that Gu Feng was the master of the class.

But thinking about it, how could it be possible for Sanchuan University to have two such outstanding scholars at once?
"it is me."

Gu Feng smiled, "When everyone sees me in the future, please don't drive me out."


The professors laughed heartily, and the celebration banquet was filled with a peaceful atmosphere.

"Xiaofeng, why do your hands have Parkinson's disease?"

Professor Dong's attention was sharp, and he noticed that Gu Feng's right hand was trembling.

"Huh? After class today, a group of fans came to me to ask for autographs. It's all because of autographs."

Gu Feng felt that this was not something to hide, so he said it directly.

Professor Dong shook his head: "Little Gu, don't gather people to sign in the future, what kind of fan circles are you doing, and be careful of the popularity."

Professor Tong was displeased, "Only when Xiao Gu is popular will someone ask him to sign for him. This is actually a very normal thing, and artists have to face it."

"Xiao Gu is not an artist, he will be a scientist in the future."

Professor Dong and Professor Tong argued.

The two old professors refused to give in to each other, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

Gu Feng wanted to persuade him to fight, but Wei Chongming pulled him to drink.

"Today is such a happy day, I must drink a few more glasses."

"Godfather, I really can't drink."

"What are you afraid of? Get your godfather drunk and ask the driver to take you back."

Wei Chongming didn't give Gu Feng a chance to refuse. On this festive day, he insisted on Gu Feng drinking a few more glasses.

Gu Feng could only taste a few cups of Moutai with aggrievedness, and soon passed out.

When Gu Feng woke up again, he found that he was already in the dormitory.

Bai Tongxin was playing games with Liu Tianming and Tian Jingrui in the dormitory, and the three of them were abused badly by the other side because they were scolding their mothers.

"How long have I slept?"

Gu Feng covered his drowsy head and rubbed his eyes.

"You were sent back last night. It's rare to see you drink so much."

Bai Tongxin threw away his phone and complained.

"what time is it now?"

Gu Feng asked again.

"11 o'clock at noon, it's almost time for lunch, you pack up, let the four brothers go to bomb the street."

Tian Jingrui said.

Gu Feng got up from the bed, went into the toilet, took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and became much clearer.

"I won't go to Zhajie. I'm afraid of being recognized and asked for an autograph. I have to go to Senior Brother Qi Pinghai."

When Gu Feng came back, he made an appointment with Qi Pinghai and Wang Ruiqing, ready to start playing games together.

According to Gu Feng's past experience, the shorter the time spent on game development, the higher the evaluation.

So Gu Feng can no longer waste time.

Saying goodbye to the three Pippi shrimps, bought a piece of bread at the convenience store downstairs, ate the bread and went to the computer room. Qi Pinghai and Wang Ruiqing didn't do nothing during this time, they kept writing codes.

Gu Feng also occasionally raises opinions and fixes bugs in the WeChat group.

He downloaded the software needed by the original painter on the computer, and bought a second-hand drawing board.

Regardless of the fact that the hand-painted board is second-hand, it also cost 2000 yuan.

The small treasury balance dropped to 172000.

Gu Feng started to design the original painting, and the two code farmers watched his operation from time to time, and were dumbfounded.

They only knew that Gu Feng was amazingly talented in the field of science, but they didn't expect to be so good at painting.

"Student, you simply impress me."

Programmer Wang Ruiqing gave a thumbs up.

Qi Pinghai also felt that he was completely defeated by this almighty student master, who knew everything and was proficient in everything, and he simply didn't let the science guy live.

"How many years did you have to practice to have this level?"

Qi Pinghai asked in surprise.

"I only recently learned."

Gu Feng said frankly.

Qi Pinghai and Wang Ruiqing seemed to have suffered a critical blow.

I always feel that it is difficult to get along friendly with King Bi.

"Believe it or not, how could it be possible to paint like this after learning it in a short time? Do you really think we are easy to deceive?"

Wang Ruiqing wanted to expose Gu Feng's lies, but Gu Feng shook his head: "Well, I have liked drawing since I was a child, so you believe it?"

"That's about the same. You hid it deep enough before."

Qi Pinghai complained.

The psychology of the two is slightly balanced.


On the fifth day after the postgraduate entrance examination, Ling Xiaoxiao received an email, and seven days later received the admission notice.

She told her father the good news. Ling Cangsong was very satisfied with her daughter's grades, so she allocated a sum of living expenses to Ling Xiaoxiao first, allowing her to buy whatever she wanted, and to play wherever she wanted.

Ling Xiaoxiao, who regained her assets, voluntarily returned Gu Feng's meal card, and at the same time started to catch up on papers.

Gu Feng is also taking the time to draw the original setting. After the literary level has improved, his grasp of the main story and side stories has become more and more clear, and he has written a good script.

Among the characters set in the original words, he also substituted familiar female characters, such as Ling Xiaoxiao, Dong Xixi and others.

But it's not 100% the same, but the art department and creativity are added, after all, the game animation characters are set.

Thanks to the inspiration from the female fans, Gu Feng saved a lot of steps.

However, there are a lot of NCP characters in the game. The temporary setting is 180 NPCs, each of which is different, which still requires a lot of energy and time.

Fortunately, Gu Feng has a simulator. By consuming effort points to obtain ncp drawings, Gu Feng only needs to model.

This saves a lot of time.

After half a month, Gu Feng completed all the modeling of characters and scenes.

The programmer team also took out the game code, and now only the music is missing.

Various sound effects and dubbing, which are also an important part of the game, are related to the player's experience in the later stage.

Gu Feng was a little embarrassed, dubbing is not his strong point, let alone the two program development partners.

(End of this chapter)

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