Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 75 Totem Fire, Shimmering Plume Flame

Chapter 75 Totem Fire, Shimmering Plume Flame


To be reasonable, Mo Yinge is very embarrassed now.

All the clothes on her body were burned by the flames, and even the storage bracelet was completely burned, leaving only the energy storage bracelet in her left hand, which was charged to the point of explosion, and it was a miracle that it was not destroyed.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing to have nothing after almost never using it?
However, the color of the bracelet turned into red blue, and Mo Yinge's expression was a bit complicated, it must have been specially reserved for him by the red blue magpie.

She couldn't imitate the scarlet blue spirit magpie to wrap herself in flames, so she could only pick up a few fragments dropped by the ghost corpse insects to barely cover her important parts.

The Nether Demon Corpse Worm is really powerful, even an explosion of that level can still leave some fragments, but weighing the black object in his hand, Mo Yinge felt that he would shatter with a little force.

Seeing that they are all useless, the underworld evil corpse must have gathered all the strength in its body to resist at that time, even if there are some residues left, they are still useless.

Don't even think about such a good baby as a different bone.

Moyingge sighed and staggered.

Walking barefoot in the basin, fortunately, after being calcined by the scarlet blue fire, her body physique has been strengthened by more than a little bit, and she is definitely not weaker than ordinary monsters. I feel that I can punch and cry more than a dozen Mo Fan now.

Not only has the physical fitness been greatly strengthened, but it is also like a free body maintenance. Some scars and dark wounds left in childhood have been repaired, and even the skin has become extremely fair, as if there is a glint of brilliance.

"Well, my healthy wheat color is gone!" Mo Yinge smiled sadly.

Suddenly her foot hit something, like a stone.

She kicked it casually, revealing a big black ball.

"Eh? Isn't this the eyeball of that big black bug?"

Moyingge looked at it for a while, then remembered what it was.

"Good baby, take it with you!"

But there is no place to put it, so I can only clamp it with my hands, anyway, she will not dislike it.

The relics of monarch-level creatures must be of great value, not to mention that she has seen that this thing can release light biubiubiu, if it can be made into a magic tool, it will make a lot of money.

Knowing the origin of this eye, she couldn't help thinking of Xu Yanhong.

"The people of the Black Beast and the Black Vatican, they really can do anything, are they planning all this?"

In fact, this is a bit wronged to the black church, but Xu Yanhong's death is really sad. After many years of hard planning, he was swallowed by the evil corpse worm.

How much hard work once dissipated, buried in the belly of evil insects.

After crossing the edge of the basin, Mo Yinge thought he could hide in the forest, but I ended up with a large forest?
Why is it gone? !


Stepping on the thick black ash, Moyingge's little feet were all blackened, making her frown.

Night fell, but there was not a single monster around Fangyuan, the aftermath of that devastating battle frightened all the monsters, even the existence on Tiandu Mountain just cast their eyes.

Not to mention some of the most warrior-level monsters around, they haven't stood up for a day, they might as well lie down for a few more days, they won't starve to death anyway.
With the help of moonlight, Mo Yinge continued to walk, and found a pile of rocks to repair.

It wasn't that she was tired from walking, she felt extremely energetic now, but that her own spiritual universe was throbbing.

Moyingge looked inside the spiritual universe, and the fire nebula reappeared, but it had turned into a burning red blue flame, and every star seemed to be strengthened, shining brightly.

It's almost impossible to see the wind nebula next to it.

This is the last gift left by the scarlet blue magpie divine bird, and it is its divine fire.

The current strength may only be the best spiritual species, but the future can be expected!

The reason for the throbbing is that his fire nebula has touched the confinement on the edge of the realm.

She directly skipped the third level of the intermediate level. In other words, as long as she is familiar with using the third level of magic, she can be called a full-fledged middle-level magician of the fire system.

"This is on the verge of a breakthrough?!"

Moyingge knew that only if she could pierce the invisible barrier that trapped Xingyun, she would be able to become a high-level mage!

But the idea is good, but how to achieve a small goal?

"The Pulse of the Galaxy"

There was once a powerful magician surnamed Wang who jokingly called the pulse of the galaxy worth [-] million "a small goal"!
So among the magicians, this saying spread out. Of course, it may only be a small goal for others, but it is an astronomical figure for all intermediate magicians.

This is also the reason why mid-level magicians are easy to obtain, while high-level magicians are not common.

Long nights, unintentional sleep.

Now that you know what's going on, let's continue on our way. Fortunately, there is no one in the deep mountains and old forests.

The next day, early in the morning.

The day was born, and the glory of Kyushu.

Mo Yinge walked on foot in the face of the red clouds in the sky, his tall figure was covered by black armor, but the faintly exposed whiteness was extremely attractive, and the scattered hair was as smooth as silk, exuding a kind of primitive beauty!
She found some broken human clothes under a rock, which looked very new and were torn off. Mo Yinge guessed that this was also the person who was scattered by the ghost wolf before, and was attacked in the black mist. Death.

Although it was very bad to say that, what made her extremely excited was that Mo Yinge saw a severed finger on the ground with a storage ring on it.

After imprinting his own spiritual brand, Mo Yinge took out spare clothes—this is normal, in fact, every magician will bring several sets of clothes when going out.

"Let me Kangkang have any clothes. I'll go, how come there are women's clothes?! So thin? The material is too little."

Moyingge saw some indescribable and simple clothes, and her cheeks were flushed, it turned out that these men are not pure and good people!

Putting on men's clothing, it looked rusty on her body, Mo Yinge didn't care at all, it would be nice to have some clothes to wear, if you can't go back naked, then how will you live in the future!

Besides, she used to wear unisex clothes, and she would throw them to Xiao Mofan and Xinxia after wearing them, so she didn't feel uncomfortable.

After digging a hole and burying the severed finger, Mo Yingge clasped his hands together, praying for the good person to have a safe journey.

He conveniently put away the black armor as a souvenir, and also put away the big eyeballs.

At this time, she was only in the mood to play with the flames she had just obtained.

The red-blue flame is the same style as the divine bird Spirit Magpie, but the power is much worse. She just got a trace of fire, or it was modified when she was possessed, so that the fire nebula has some red-blue flames essence.

The difference is that the red-blue fire possessed by Moyingge manifested in the shape of feathers, and the flame was like a layer of feathers superimposed and combusted. She released a fire seed, and the blue-core red fireball hit the mountain stone. Pieces of "feathers" are sputtered out, which is too gorgeous!
"Suppressing evil and driving away evil, purifying filth, scorching hot, and bursting through. This flame is too strong, almost comparable to the flame of the soul seed, and the power of my fire is almost three times faster!"

Moyingge was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth. As expected of the spark left by the divine bird, its power is so terrifying!
"Then I'll call you Shuoyu Liuyan!"


Second more!
Bless the book friends, stay healthy and long!
(o▽)ノHappy National Dayヾ(ε`*)
(End of this chapter)

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