Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 814 Promoting Forbidden Curse!!! Burning Fire Calamity!

Chapter 814 Promoting Forbidden Curse!!!
Little Flame Fairy's breakthrough was also part of Mo Yinge's strength. During this period of time, she not only maintained the normal meditation practice of each magic system, but also focused on the summoning system, and pushed it to the super-level level relatively easily. .

With her Nine Realm mental strength and magic accumulation and previous breakthrough experience, this is not a difficult task.

She gave Xiao Yanji all the first pure magic energy born in the super-level summoning star sea.

Poor little Yan Ji followed Mo Yingge and never had the milk of the summoning system. Now Mo Yingge directly breastfeeds her own daughter, and milked her to the level of a great monarch!

Lan Miaoyi built a wooden villa on the nearby mountain using the plant-based method. I heard that this is an interesting magic developed by an old wood-based mage. It is called "Three Bedrooms and Two Halls Method".

It's extremely tasteless, but I heard that many botanical mages went to learn it.
High-level mages can only come to a three-bedroom and one living room, but for a super-level mage like her, it is naturally a villa.

She felt the violent fluctuations not far away, and her eyes were a little sad.

"If you don't work hard, you won't even be able to beat her daughter!"

Lan Miaoyi laughed at herself, but immediately a firm belief surged in her heart, and a Zhilan grew, bloomed, and withered from her hands out of thin air.
In an instant, all the plants around seemed to be flourishing, and then the whole wooden villa was turned into debris in an instant, exuding a little bit of green magic aura, which drifted to the entire mountain with the mountain wind. I believe that in the coming year, this place will become The appearance of blooming flowers.

Moyingge is not the only one who is making progress!

At the foot of the mountain, a mountain suddenly moved.

During this period of time, the Fire Mine Melting Vein Giant Monster's intelligence has grown a lot. Although its "brain" is still muddled, at least it can distinguish the head from the tail.

Thirsty to drink magma, hungry to eat rocks.

It devoured and supplemented the unclean body that had been purified by Moyinger, but its size did not return to its original size, but "shrunk" a lot, and now it is only four kilometers long.

Mo Yinge withheld some of the more precious ores from it, and piled them up in the newly expanded "room" for it. Anyway, these things are just a layer of attachment to it, and it has no effect if they are deducted.

"Let's go, it's time to go to the Flame Mountain." Mo Yinge showed a bright smile under the sun.

Bringing Lan Miaoyi, Ding Yumian, and Empress Yanji, who was still excited after breaking through, they continued westward.

A group of people walked in the demon land without any danger, seeing the magnificence of the western region.

Lan Miaoyi and Ding Yumian found that Moyingge's aura became more and more peaceful, and the magical aura on his body was almost invisible.

Sometimes she would stop suddenly and practice a spell on a whim, and then she would inexplicably provoke a group of demons.

However, this guy doesn't use super-level magic, saying that he wants to remember the bitterness and sweetness, showing off a lot of magic systems, and all kinds of high-level and middle-level magic are flying all over the sky!

"It's over, it's over, isn't my Momo a sand sculpture?" Lan Miaoyi patted her forehead and sighed.

Ding Yumian smiled slightly, and said: "I think Sister Mo seems to have found her own heart. In this uninhabited world in the west, she is releasing her nature and seeking that little opportunity for breakthrough."

Although Moyingge kept saying that she was just a little bit away from the forbidden spell, they didn't know what it was to break through the forbidden spell, so they could only play around with her.

It is conceivable that these breakthroughs beyond human limits will definitely not be as simple as before.
There are many people who are at the top, and they are often stuck on the last step for most of their lives!

It doesn't mean that if you step into the semi-forbidden curse and start the transformation of the forbidden curse, you will definitely be able to complete this transformation.

The semi-forbidden curse only means that you are qualified to break through the forbidden curse.

Half of one foot enters the supreme hall of the forbidden curse, but after all, half of the body is stuck outside the door. Some people just need to push the door lightly to get in, while others are stuck on the door and cannot move.
"Just wait for me on the periphery, I will go to the depths to see by myself."

One day, Moyingge suddenly left Lan Miaoyi and Ding Yumian behind, and walked to the deepest part of the Flaming Mountain alone.

There was a shocking look in her eyes, and her breath seemed to be accompanied by the elemental fluctuations of the entire volcanic mountain range.

Like the most devout magic believer, go to meet the supreme god of magic, and that "god" will not be someone else, but yourself standing on a higher place!

There is no well-prepared breakthrough ceremony, and there is no breakthrough vision of the hype falling from the sky and the golden lotus bursting from the ground, and even the flow of the fire element has not changed.
In the depths of the Flame Mountain, everything seemed to be the same as before.

"Sister Xiaolan, do you think Sister Mo will succeed?" Ding Yumian was always nervous about Mo Yinge.

"Don't worry about her, this guy is much more evil than we imagined, she is one year younger than me, only 25 years old, right? Tsk tsk, we are going to witness history soon!" Lan Miaoyi said with a smile.

Yes, in this flaming mountain, they spent the new international year, and it is already January.

Don't look at Mo Yinge's young age, but her career as a magician has reached ten years!

The common awakening standard in the world is generally 16 years old, but this standard is not absolute, it is just a strong suggestion, not a mandatory requirement. Of course, this standard is only limited to one year in advance.

Many people actually have stronger innate spiritual power, so there is no problem at all in awakening at the age of 15.

Moyingo undoubtedly belonged to this category of people.

Her excellent grades since she was a child made her stand out, and her strong mental strength after passing the test allowed her to directly enter the magic high school.

It has been ten years since she awakened the fire element at the age of 15!

Ten years is very short, so short that Mo Yinge is only 25 years old now, which is the best time in life;
Ten years is also a long time, it has taken up almost half of her life!

The waiting time is undoubtedly extremely long, because being at a loss will stretch the time scale in the dark, and days are like years.

Lan Miaoyi and Ding Yumian are like this now.

But they can only wait on the periphery.

One day. One ten days. One month.
Until one day, a tall and slender woman in colorful robes finally walked out of the mountain slowly.

She showed a clear and beautiful face, just like her youthful years.

There is no special look in his eyes, nor does he have the aura of looking down on the world.


The Qingyue voice came out of her mouth, as if the scorching heat of the Huoyan Mountain had cooled off a lot.

"Have you broken through?" Lan Miaoyi couldn't help asking.

Ding Yumian also looked at her nervously.

"Fortunately not humiliated!"

Mo Yinge smiled, and that bright smile amazed the two girls.

Lan Miaoyi and Ding Yumian have also seen Moyingge smile a lot. She is actually a girl who loves to laugh, but she has never been as gorgeous as today, so glamorous that she cannot be seen!
"Hee hee, let's go, two babies, we can go back!"

Mo Yinge directly stretched out her slender snow-white arms, wrapping each of Lan Miaoyi and Ding Yumian's shoulders.

"I'll sue you for being a hooligan!" Lan Miaoyi gave her a blank look. This guy has become unscrupulous since he broke through the forbidden spell.

"Then you scream, even if you scream in this place, no one will come to save you, my blue treasure!" Mo Yinge moved his left hand from her shoulder to her neck, hooked her with his backhand, and gently picked her up. His jaw broke into a smile.

Unexpectedly, Ding Yumian, a beautiful woman who has always been quiet, also whispered on the other side: "Broken throat, broken throat!"

Mo Yinge was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help pinching Ding Yumian's little cheek.

"When did my Yumian fail to behave? Uh huh?!"

On the way back, there was no need to be in a hurry, Mo Yinge didn't choose to take the plane directly and rushed home, but ran to the burning land with the two girls.

That's where Little Flame Fairy was born.

The place other than the Burning Plains is the territory of the Demon Tiger Clan. It is a land of monsters that even super mages dare not walk through directly, but they can't stop Mo Yinge and the others.

Of course, she didn't come to kill directly. There is no need to expend that effort, but it will cause chaos in the demons.

"Good girl, take this prism and go back to your hometown first"

Mo Yingge brought a dimensional triangle mirror to Xiao Yanji, and then took Lan Miaoyi and Ding Yumian to go shopping and eat in the urban area outside.

After eating and drinking enough, I directly asked Xiao Yanji to open the dimensional triangle mirror and teleport them there.

Little Flame Fairy also has the power of space. After being promoted to the Great Monarch, her ability in this area has increased significantly after becoming the Queen of Flame Fairy. It is natural to open the Dimensional Triangular Mirror.

Although the Dimensional Triangular Mirror was roughly used by Leng Jue, resulting in many cracks on it, as long as there is no ultra-long-distance transmission across continents, the normal "short-distance" transmission of tens of kilometers or hundreds of kilometers will not put any pressure on it.

A beam of teleportation light hit a flat-topped mountain in the scorching plain.

On the top of this straight mountain is the place where Little Flame Fairy was born.

It was already night when Lan Miaoyi and the others came.

Looking up, I saw a huge cloud tree.

There is not a single leaf on the tree, the trunk is twisted and twisted, and there are many branches. Even without leaves, it looks graceful and graceful.

This giant tree stands alone under the night sky full of stars. The trunk is completely going to grow into the night sky. The dense branches bend in all directions. Looking up from their angle, one can feel the dense stars Dotted on the treetops.

It seems that the whole tree is hung with those bright stars, and as if these stars are the fruits it bears, the beauty makes people feel that their souls will be baptized by this natural beauty.

Not to mention that on the top of a tree, there is also a pretty and charming Flame Fairy girl looking back at them
Little Flame Fairy turned into the image of a girl named Flame Fairy, jumped down from the tree, and dragged them up the tree, as if introducing her home.

"It's a shocking scene, was Little Flame Fairy born here?"

Lan Miaoyi asked.

"Yes, she was born on this Xingyutian tree, conceived in the fruit of fire robbery, but it's a pity, she may be the last real flame princess in the world." Moyingge caressed the flame The female concubine's flaming hair said with pity.

"Ah? Why is that?" Ding Yumian was a little puzzled, Yan Ji, a holy spirit of heaven and earth, should be loved by nature.

"It should be because of this tree." Lan Miaoyi put her hand on the Xingyu Tianshu, and said slowly:
"This tree should also be the key to the birth of Yan Ji. Didn't you say that the Yan Ji here is conceived from the fruit of Fire Tribulation, presumably the fruit of Fire Tribulation is actually the fruit of Xingyu Tianshu. Connecting the scorching plains and the boundless starry sky above, the essence bred in the middle is the fruit of fire calamity, and the one born in it is the Flame Fairy."

"But now this Xingyu Tianshu is about to die!" Lan Miaoyi finally said.

"Is the tree going to die?" Mo Yinge couldn't help stroking the lonely sky tree.

That's right, it was so withered that there wasn't even a single leaf left, yet I didn't even notice it, thinking that this was its original appearance.

How is it possible, how can a tree have no leaves?
A tree without leaves is either wintering or dying!
This is the reason why Flame Fairies cannot conceive here. They were born on the Xingyutian tree in a flame basin in this vast desert.

The world is so big, everything is flourishing, only they violate the law of natural breeding a little bit, and use a special way of inheritance, can they be born continuously.

They are also the purest fairies who come to the world in this way, and they are the darlings of nature.


Yannv Ji shrinks into a little Yan Ji at once, she throws herself into Mo Yingge's arms and can't help sobbing, her crystal red tears keep falling down, until they scattered into two twinkling red crystal bead belts in mid-air.

"It's okay, when you become an emperor in the future, the law of the world will engrave the name of the Yan Ji family again, and a new Yan Ji will be born again in the world." Moyingge tried to comfort her daughter.

Little Flame Fairy is the last Flame Fairy in this world. If I want to find a flame holy spirit like her again, I am afraid I have to go to the summoning plane next door to find it. There may be fire elves similar to her on the Thousand Clan Spirit Tower king.

"Excuse me!!!"

When Little Flame Fairy heard Mo Yingge's words, her fighting spirit instantly ignited again!
Ascend to the emperor, put your own brand on the laws of the world, so that Yan Ji will be reborn in the holy land of fire in the world!

Although it is very difficult to become an emperor, but.
"We'll make it, won't we?" Moninga said to her.


Definitely will!

Little Flame Fairy rubbed her small body against Mo Yinge's face, her heart was extremely firm.

There is life and death, and everything has an end.

The Xingyu Tianshu has naturally come to the end of its life. It is really too old, standing here alone for thousands of years.

The holy totem Suzaku once stopped and rested on it, and the Flame Fairy was also conceived by it. The time has passed since ancient times, and finally ushered in the end in this generation.
Little Flame Fairy once again descended on Fire Tribulation, baptizing the scorched plain, this time she fully used her own power, she has grown up, and will go further in the future.
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(End of this chapter)

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