Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 819 Fengzhang Road Turns, Kunlun Ruins

Chapter 819 Turning around, Kunlun Ruins

After passing Death Valley, the real Kunlun Mountain is inside!

Born out of nowhere, Mang Kunlun, reading all the spring scenery in the world, flying 300 million jade dragons, making Zhou Tian cold.

The vast Kunlun is majestic, with four seasons of cold winter, covered with silver, mountains and mountains, and thousands of skyscrapers.

The mighty Kunlun, who was born out of the sky, is here, and what comes to his face is awe-inspiring righteousness, shock and awe!

"This is the real Kunlun Mountain!"

I don't know who sighed.

However, their journey is not over yet, they have just passed the outermost periphery, and they are still far away from finding the truth of the turmoil.

It's getting late, rest the night

The next day when the sun rose, everyone entered a state of alert. After all, this is Kunlun Mountain, and there is no trace of the road ahead, only some unknown legends.
Throughout the day, the sun was abundant, and the expected dangers did not appear. I just encountered some monster groups and tribes. If you can avoid them, try to avoid them as much as possible. Appearing, it is difficult to stop their footsteps.

Mo Yinge and the others did not let down their vigilance.

According to the theory of relativity of an unknown hunter, if there is no danger now, it means that there will be a greater crisis in the future!
I don’t know if this thing is accurate, anyway, many people have always believed in this set of words.

Passing through the vast alpine pastures and hills, they finally approached another mountain range at night.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind like the howling of the abyss among the mountains.

The tent that was built could not be supported at all, and fell apart in an instant under the subsequent gust of more intense wind.

"Light curtain protection!"

With a soft shout, a holy light curtain wall appeared in the windward direction of several tents, and the light curtain that reached the super-level defense capability was constantly deformed in the raging wind, which made Moyingge's face change slightly.

"It's so powerful that it even blows the super-level defense!" Lan Miaoyi exclaimed.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!!!!"

The strong wind was more wanton. It seemed that there was no obstacle during the day. After all, they accidentally let down their vigilance. The campsite they chose was not very good, and it happened to be on a mountain vent.

The wind blowing from farther south passed through the mountain canyon and formed a force like the breath of a giant wind dragon, and hit them hard on the uninvited guests who set foot in the pure land.

But this just caused some small troubles for Mo Yinge and the others. It was nothing more than the dissatisfaction after being awakened after preparing for a rest. We are not ordinary little mages. It can only be said that it was a bit unexpected. Losing some tents is not a loss.

"The wind is still increasing. I heard something in the wind. We can't stay in this place anymore. Let's spend the night in another place." Mo Yinge said to everyone.

Kunlun Mountain at night is definitely more dangerous without thinking about it. Perhaps the reason why it looks prosperous during the day is actually to cover up the dangers at night!
Moyingge not only smelled a bloody smell, but also bursts of roars and wailings from the distant mountains at night.
The Kunlun Mountains at night seem to be the real dangerous place! !
"Turn rock into mud, mud into rock!"

Lan Miaoyi demonstrated her exquisite life magic, and directly opened a cave on the mountain wall. Uh, it should be said that it has three rooms and one living room.

"Xiaolan, did you secretly take the exam for the soil construction engineer certificate behind my back?" Mo Yingge slightly complained.

From the wooden attic before to now opening up three bedrooms and one living room casually, Mo Yinge is really afraid that Xiaolan will accidentally go astray.

"Hmph, I know how to make a splash, what's the use of studying these fancy magic?" Zhao Jing showed a contemptuous smile on his face.

"If you want, Mr. Zhao can live outside." Mo Yinge rolled his eyes.

Zhao Jing didn't reply, are you kidding me, is the gloomy wind outside a person tolerable?
"I'm on duty tonight, you guys go to rest first." Lian Jiusheng said.

After finishing speaking, regardless of other people, he took out a futon and sat on it.

Seeing that he was so active, Moyingge didn't say anything, and dragged Xiaolan and Yumian to a side hall.

Looking at the somewhat silent Lan Miaoyi, Mo Yinge squeezed her delicate hands, and said with a little concern: "Miaoyi, don't take that guy's nonsense to heart."

Lan Miaoyi smiled, shook her head lightly, looked at Moyingge's concerned eyes and suddenly smiled and said, "Really, who do you take me for? Am I so fragile in my heart? Or, in fact, you are also Think so?"

She first gave Mo Yinge a slap with a light smile, and then pretended to cover her heart in sadness.

"How could it be, you don't feel wronged if you come to touch your head~" Mo Yinge made a gesture to touch her head.

Lan Miaoyi knocked her hand off with a "snap", curled her lips and said, "I'm actually thinking about what you said, maybe after I go back, I can indeed take a test for a certificate, don't think I'm weak Hey!"

"Okay, okay, my Xiaolan is the best, okay, let's rest now, we have to continue our journey tomorrow." Mo Yinge said.


With Lan Miao's finger, many vines rose from the ground, automatically weaving into a big bed, and even the whole room became full of vitality and flowers.

"Wonderful, my Yi!" Mo Yinge smiled, and told the two girls to go to bed quickly.

Of course, it is impossible to take off your clothes and sleep in the wild, and you still need to be vigilant, including these "teammates" outside, especially certain two enemies
I have nothing to say all night, so I won't show it for the time being.

It was dawn when the strong wind stopped outside, and Mo Yinge and the others had no idea where the inexplicable night strong wind came from.

But fortunately during the day, everything seemed to be back to normal.

The sky is gray, the wild is vast, and the wind blows the grass and sees demons.
After walking for another two days, the journey for these two days was quite "stable", at least for their top magic team.

It is absolutely impossible for a weaker super-order group to do it so easily.

Even Ding Yumian, who is the weakest, can sometimes play a big role, directly calming down a large group of demons and avoiding unnecessary battles.

It's still the same sentence, it's not that you can't beat it, but in Kunlun Mountains, there are no people who want to go all the way.

The monsters can't be killed no matter what, the fluctuations and bloody smell caused by the battle will only attract more monsters to come, even if they can easily destroy a tribe of monsters, so what, is it possible that they can kill through the Kunlun Monster Kingdom?Could it be possible to kill an emperor along the way?
The importance of Psychic Mage is self-evident.

"The altitude is rising one after another, and we can already see the snow line in front of us. We won't have to climb over the snow mountain to reach our destination?" Mo Yinge said, pointing to the front.

No one answered, because no one knew how to take the next road or what lay ahead.

Another night.

The howling wind continued.

"The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and we seem to be approaching the source of the wind." Mo Yinge stretched out his fingers, and a wisp of breeze lingered around the fingertips and slowly dissipated.

As we get closer to the snow-capped mountain line and the altitude gets higher and higher, the howling wind does not carry the coldness of the snow-covered plateau, but still carries a little bit of warmth.

More importantly, it was clearly daytime, and Moyingge could still feel the wind.

And just when they climbed over the mountains and were about to move forward, they suddenly realized that there was no way under their feet!

Looking far ahead is the snow-covered plateau, looking back at the alpine meadows behind, but looking down at the feet is a bottomless abyss! !
It's not a valley between two mountains, and it's not just a crack in the ground, but a long gap of hundreds of kilometers!

It was as if there should have been a mountain range in front of it, but this mountain range was taken away by a certain great god, leaving an abyss ruins very abruptly.

Mo Yinge looked down, saw a high mountain river flowing quietly, and saw the red hills and forests in the distant mountains
Looking around, the vast mountains and plateaus suddenly lost a large piece in the middle, like a god's graffiti, accidentally erasing a corner of the earth's canvas, giving people a shocking lost beauty.

At this time, Moyingge and the others suddenly realized that this is the real Kunlun. The alpine pastures before may be called the periphery, and the mountains they first climbed, that is, the road before Death Valley, were not entered at all. Kunlun Mountains!

The walls stand thousands of feet high, birds can't cross them, and animals can't climb them.

A group of tiny humans slowly descended from the top of the mountain.

It is not that there are no creatures on the cliff. A rock python hanging on the cliff suddenly opened its brown eyes. Its scales almost blended with the cliff, making it difficult to distinguish. Protruding cliff menhirs.

It is actually above Moyingo and the others, quietly waiting for the prey to reach the best ambush area
"Hiss hiss~~~~~~~"

But just when the rock python was trying to attack, it suddenly found some plants growing on its body.

The roots of these plants ruthlessly penetrated into the gaps between the rock scales of the rock python, just like the old pine on the mountain takes root in a solid rock. No matter how hard the rock is, the roots of the plants will always take root in it.

Then these roots are like a water pump, frantically absorbing the power of the rock python, and then growing clusters of flowers on its body.

Losing all its power, the elemental creatures like rock pythons are naturally like eroded rocks, weathered into a handful of dust and scattered.
Moyingge could not help admiring the green magical aura gradually dissipating from Lan Miaoyi's hands. Xiaolan's plant-based magic had obviously been practiced to a very high level, so she casually blew the dust away from her head.

"Not bad magic." Yong Zun glanced at it, as if admiring it.

"It's so flashy, it's far worse than me!" Zhao Jing dismissed it.

He is also a botanical mage, otherwise how could he be able to worship Yongzun, the wood forbidden curse, as a player who has cultivated the four elements for several years, Zhao Jing obviously has a little disdain for a small super mage like Lan Miaoyi In particular, this person also has magic coincidence with him.

It's definitely not because of that hateful woman Moyingge, let alone because my teacher praised her.

The stupid rock python thinks he is a hunter, but he doesn't know that it's just that Moyinger and the others don't care about it at all, even though it has already entered the threshold of the monarch level.
How ridiculous it is to take other people's indifference as capital for your own indulgence. *(Mark, highlight!)
Lan Miaoyi also saw that no one made a move, so she couldn't help but deal with this life-or-death rock python.

"Be careful, there seems to be something down there!"

At the last paragraph, Moyingge opened his mouth to remind.


Finally got down to the ground, Mo Yingge, who was already on guard, put a light shield on his body, a monster that looked like an insect and a dragon suddenly rushed out from behind, with its huge mouthparts opened, biting the light shield directly to shatter !
"Sound bow!"

Fang Yu waved his hand, and a bow-shaped crack instantly appeared on the abdomen of the worm demon.

"There is something hidden in the ground. If Xiao Mo hadn't reminded me, I really didn't notice it. I have to say that girls are careful!"

It's just shocking that the abdomen, which was supposed to be the most vulnerable, suffered such a terrifying blow, but it didn't completely break through the defense directly!

Although Fang Yu has always said that he is only a super-level full-time cultivator, no one believes his words. This guy is a proper top mage, and the power of a casual blow is definitely more than most super-level magic.

But this big bug is not a big deal, you must know that the magic of the sound system is extremely penetrating, and it has the ability to penetrate armor.

"This is an earth mole dragon. The scales on its abdomen are harder than the scales of ordinary sub-dragons. I thought this thing was only found in Central Asia, but I didn't expect it to be found in Kunlun Mountains!" Fang Yu frowned and said. Out of the name of the monster.

"The strength of this thing is not as strong as the Great Monarch, why is it so strong in defense?" Yang Yuxi's wind slash landed on the back armor of the earth mole dragon, leaving only a not deep mark.

If the attack fails to break through the defense, it means that no damage is caused!

"Earth dragons are actually not related to dragons, but the scales on their abdomen are shaped like dragon scales, and their jaws are like two dragon claws. The most powerful thing is their two tails. It is said that they look like dragon teeth, which can break through all defenses. !” Fang Yu said.

Seeing that this group of "demons" that he had never seen before were so powerful and stubborn, he turned his head and burrowed into the ground and ran away.

But no one is relaxing.

"Underground!" Mo Yinge said suddenly.

Lan Miao stomped her feet, and the concrete formed rocks, and the 500-meter radius instantly turned into a solid rocky place.

But a dragon tooth tail like a drill bit broke out of the rock, and the target was Zhao Jing who was standing aside.

Zhao Jing's complexion changed, he felt that the thief was unlucky recently, and all the bad things seemed to rush to him!
"Thunder penalty!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and Throwing Thunder confronted Longya Jianwei head-on.

The earth dragon was obviously in pain, but Zhao Jing obviously didn't hear clearly what Fang Yu said earlier was that the earth dragon had two tails. If it weren't for the power of his magic armor, he might have been stabbed by another tail that was ready to go. It's a heart-stopping experience!
 Note: The full text of this poem from a great man is as follows:
  "Nian Nujiao·Kunlun"

  He was born in the sky, Mang Kunlun, read all the spring in the world.

  Flying 300 million jade dragons made Zhou Tian cold.

  Dissolving in summer, rivers overflowing, people may be fish and turtles.

  Who has commented on the merits and sins of the past?
  Now I call Kunlun: not so high, not so snowy.

  An De Yitian drew his sword and cut you into three pieces?

  One is left to Europe, one is given to beauty, and the other is returned to the East.

  In the peaceful world, the world is the same as the hot and cold.


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  Bless the book friends, stay healthy and long!
(End of this chapter)

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