Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 822 Lu meets Kunlun Zuhu and is forced to sacrifice Mo Yinge?

Chapter 822 Lu meets Kunlun Zuhu and is forced to sacrifice Mo Yinge?

"The hair of this fire mouse is pretty good. It doesn't hurt a bit in the flames, and it even becomes softer and cleaner after being burned." Mo Yinge has already thought of various styles of fur coats in his mind.

Returning quickly, everyone was not surprised to see her dragging back the corpse of a fire rat, but the speed was very fast, and she deserved to be the most famous young fire mage in China in recent years.

The strength is extraordinary!
"I took a look. The fur of these fire rats has a strong fireproof effect, which can directly isolate the infestation of mountain fires. We can quickly pass through this fire tree hill by peeling off its fur, and avoid unnecessary fire. battle," said Moyingo.

Her words were accepted, and poor Rat was quickly skinned.

Mo Yinge pulled out the anti-flame arrow stuck on the ground. The arrow had already absorbed a considerable amount of flame power, and the energy was already bursting. I believe that the next time I shoot it, it will definitely be a shocking arrow!
This brought a smile to her lips.

Wearing Huohuoshu Lord's fur, a group of people walked quickly through the mountains and forests on the ground waves.

The mountain fire was isolated by the fur of the fire mouse, and some strange creatures that could live in this mountain range turned a blind eye to them wearing the skin of the mouse, and regarded them as a lively fire rat running around.

Seeing that they were about to step out of this forest of flames without wearing a mouse skin, Mo Yinge's expression suddenly changed drastically.

The super high spiritual power endows her with a strong sense of danger!

"There is a situation!!"

Moyingge yelled, and directly threw off the mouse skin covering his body.

Something's around, and it's extremely dangerous!
The others also realized that there was a powerful monster staring at them, and they also concentrated their attention, with magical radiance already shining on their bodies.

"There is a tiger's head on the mountain on the right." Ding Yumian's soft voice came, and Mo Yinge turned around slowly, and his eyes just happened to be on a hill more than 100 meters high on the right.

"Kunlun Zuhu!!" Zhao Jing suddenly exclaimed.

In the mysterious and unpredictable Kunlun Mountains, it is difficult for outsiders to know everything here, but there is a supreme and powerful creature that must be known to everyone, and that is the Kunlun Zuhu named Kunlun!

The Kunlun Mountains have a huge difference in altitude and a myriad of weather conditions. From swamps, forests, valleys to mountains, plateaus, and snow peaks, all kinds of monsters can be bred. Thousands of beasts and birds form countless branches of monsters, which are collectively called Kunlun Demon Vein, Kunlun Demon Country.
But in fact, the entire Kunlun Mountains can be roughly divided into three parts, namely East Kunlun Mountains, Central Kunlun Mountains and West Kunlun Mountains.

Some people say that the overlord of the Eastern Kunlun Mountains is a fox, but no one has seen her real appearance, it is just a story made up by some people.

And Moyingge and the others entered the Kunlun Mountains this time, taking the route of Central Kunlun, directly interspersed from the Taklama Desert in the north, passing through the Death Valley, over the plateau pastures and down to the Kunlun Ruins, and then crossed the Ruoshui River, Only after passing through the Huoyan forest for hundreds of miles can we finally reach the real hinterland of Kunlun Mountain.

Don't look at the many difficulties they have overcome along the way, but they actually took some "shortcuts" in order to hurry, but the price of taking shortcuts is more dangerous. Otherwise, how could they have arrived here directly in more than a week?

There are still two safer routes to enter Kunlun Mountains, that is to enter along the dividing line of the eastern, central and western mountain systems, so that there will be more monsters encountered on the road, but it will not be too exaggerated. There are not too many dangers for the team to enter, but it takes a lot of time to hurry.

Mo Yinge and the others belonged to the art masters, so bold!

Having said that, it seems that no one knows who is the overlord of Zhongkunlun Mountain?
It is the West Kunlun Mountains, which is the real territory of Kunlun Zuhu, or the ancestral land.

Of course, races with extremely high dominance like the Kunlun Zuhu will definitely not be limited to one place. In the West Kunlun Mountains, they are the real overlords. When they reach the Central Kunlun Mountains, they can still dominate, even in the East Kunlun Mountains. The same goes for mountains!

They are the most dominant monster race in Kunlun Mountains!
It is always their strength that determines this transcendent status. Strong is strong. The blood of the Kunlun Zuhu is by no means inferior to that of the Western True Dragon. Even an existence like the Yazuhu with only half blood will reach the level of a monarch after adulthood .

A little older is an orthodox monarch!
And the real Kunlun Zuhu is probably at the level of a great monarch when he is an adult, and it is not impossible for a powerful existence to step into the supreme monarch! !
The Kunlun Zuhu has been king in the Kunlun Mountains for tens of thousands of years. There are legends about this point from the earliest rise of human beings.
For thousands of years, when the former facts became legends, and when the legends became myths, the vast majority of people only heard the name of this creature in story books, and even thought that this creature had long been extinct.

But right now, a real Kunlun Zuhu stood in front of Mo Yinge and the others.

And this is a genuine supreme monarch!

Yong Zun was already defending himself with rattan armor. Facing the Supreme Sovereign, especially such a prestigious race as the Kunlun Zuhu, even the forbidden curse was very stressful.

Most importantly, the distance between them is too close!

The visual inspection does not exceed 300 meters. For the supreme monarch, this distance can be regarded as non-existent!
This group of mages thought they were complacent when they successfully crossed the weak water and the fiery forest, and thought that Kunlun Mountain was nothing more than that, but they ran into a Kunlun ancestor tiger before they were complacent.

This is just like the fairy tale about waiting for a rabbit, except that this time they became the "rabbits" in the story.

And Kunlun Zuhu is the real hunter who takes care of himself.

Kunlun Zuhu was on the hill, so he naturally found this group of unexpected guests.

There was a cruel smile on its tiger face. It was hard to imagine why a monster could make such a vivid expression on its face.

The Kunlun Zuhu stood up slowly. It did not stand on all fours like an ordinary tiger or beast, but stood upright like a human, with a more three-dimensional face. There was a domineering "king"-shaped tiger pattern on its forehead. A pair of The thick tiger feet are on the ground, and the whole body is yellow and shining like wearing a brave tiger-shaped battle suit!


He just stood up and let out a low growl, and the creatures within a hundred miles were suddenly terrified, and all spirits retreated. The flame forest that had been burning fiercely was stunned, and the terrifying mountain fire unexpectedly burst into flames under a low growl. Started to retreat.
This is simply a shock of the tiger's body, and everything surrenders, it is so terrifying!
"It probably doesn't intend to directly attack us." Ding Yumian said in surprise after feeling Kunlun Zuhu's emotions.

"I know, otherwise it would have killed it long ago." Moyingge said in a deep voice.

Aside from the current rather dangerous situation, Kunlun Zuhu's cool image is really handsome!

The yellow animal aura pervades the whole body, and the wild and noble demonic aura is overwhelming.

Even Mo Yinge, a girl, is almost staring at her eyes now, such a handsome big cat, I really want to come over and pet her!
If Kunlun Zuhu knew what Mo Yingge was thinking, he would definitely explode and kill him immediately.

It is the overlord of the Kunlun Mountains, and it becomes a handsome big cat when it comes to you? !
The cat can't bear the tiger but can't bear it, meow! !

"Teacher, how do we fight?"

Zhao Jing was already thinking about how to fight in his mind. Although he was at most marginally obstinate against the Supreme Sovereign, it didn't prevent him from getting a little hot-blooded.

He is not very good, but his teacher Yong Zun is a Forbidden Curse Mage, isn't it easy to beat the Supreme Monarch?

If Yong Zun had a spiritual system, he would definitely give this traitor a big mouth.

All things are equal under the forbidden spell, the Supreme Sovereign is naturally not his opponent, but the premise is to give him time and distance, how can he make casual moves with such a face-to-face distance?

No one knows the strength of the legendary Kunlun Zuhu. What if it is the kind of existence that is said to be invincible among monarchs, what if he is killed before he even makes a move?
As a Forbidden Curse Mage of the plant department, Yong Zun has always been the most life-saving, as long as there are no disasters, he can live longer than others.
Coming to Kunlun this time was also a helpless choice. If it wasn't for helping Zhao Jing obtain the Heavenly Seed Thunder, how could he stay in the west for so long and then be arrested?
In addition to some of his own considerations, in order to wash away the bad reputation on his body and to avoid the greater crisis that may occur on the eastern coast, Yongzun held his nose and took the job.

Do you really think he is so noble? !
He has already anticipated the crisis on the eastern coast, and he will definitely recruit Forbidden Curse Mage at that time. He has been a little too active these years, and he will definitely be the first to be called.

But if I walked around the Kunlun Mountains first, then the Forbidden Curse Society would not have much reason to take the lead in recruiting myself
After all, the curse is not a mule, you can go wherever you want.

Yongzun's eyes flickered, and it would not be difficult for the supreme monarch to kill him, but the problem is that there is more than one Kunlun Zuhu here.
Yes, behind that Kunlun Zuhu, two big tiger heads appeared again!
The same majesty, the same supreme monarch! !

Judging by their aura, they are only slightly inferior to the leader one.

This is the reason why Yongzun didn't dare to take action lightly. This group of Kunlun ancestor tigers was appointed to be a bit of cat cake, and the supreme monarchs were basking in the sun together?

There are only three of them, who knows that there are no brothers and sisters behind them, not to mention that this is already in the hinterland of Kunlun Mountain. If they fight, they may attract emperor-level monsters. Once that kind of existence appears, he will be alone. Forbidden Curse Mage, that is sure to die!

And no one knows if there is an ancestor tiger following these Kunlun ancestor tigers
The situation seemed to be at a stalemate for a while, and Kunlun Zuhu found that he hadn't launched an attack to deal with this group of people at the first time, which caused them to have time to accumulate magic power and was a little bit stuck; the human mage didn't dare to act rashly, and suddenly encountered three Only the Supreme Sovereign, they are the ones who panic the most, especially the distance is too scary.

"Yumian, tell it that we are just passing by, and hope they will let us pass by." Mo Yinge whispered to Ding Yumian.

At this time, you can't act rashly. The Kunlun Zuhu didn't burst out with killing intent, and at the same time, its wisdom is extremely high, which shows that things may still have a chance to turn around.

Ding Yumian was a little bit tricky, but he still turned Mo Yingge's meaning into a spiritual idea and passed it on to Kunlun Zuhu.

The mouth of the Kunlun Zuhu in the lead showed a big arc.

"It agreed!" Ding Yumian couldn't help exclaiming, she didn't expect Kunlun Zuhu to agree directly, and then quickly said: "But it also has conditions, we need to provide enough. offerings."

Mo Yinge breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't expect this to be a reasonable tiger.

"What does it want?" Fang Yu asked.

"We have all the valuable things in the outside world." Ding Yumian said.

"Impossible!" Zhao Jing shouted, it would not be unacceptable for him to pay some price, but he would never give up all his belongings just to get by.

"It's really inappropriate. If it's just to give way, then forgive us for coming to see the strength of the Kunlun overlord!" Mo Yinge said seriously: "Of course, it can also choose to trade with us and use some special products in Kunlun Mountains. .”

Kunlun Zuhu is obviously able to understand human speech, or they are born with the power of curse and can feel the meaning of words.

At this moment, its tiger eyes are staring at Mo Yinge closely, seeming to be very interested.

It naturally cannot appreciate the beauty of human beings, but why does this human being seem to have a force that it is quite familiar with.

This Kunlun ancestral tiger seems to have thought of what the ancestor told it when it came here. Could it be that this human is the one it is waiting for?

"Roar??" It turned to ask its brother.

"Ho Ho!!" The other two Kunlun Zuhu nodded.

The scene became a little weird for a while, and everyone saw the three Kunlun Zuhu seemed to be communicating with each other.


In the end Kunlun Zuhu pointed at Mo Yingge, and then at the others, the meaning was very simple.

It is to let Moyingge stay, and others can leave.

"Impossible! If you want to fight, hit it!!"

Lan Miaoyi was trembling with anger, what kind of drama are you a tiger playing to rob people's girls!
"Ahem, I think it's very appropriate to sacrifice one person in exchange for the rest of us to pass unscathed." Zhao Jingyin said tentatively.

"Shut up, I don't have much flesh on my body, but I can barely squeeze my teeth!" Mo Yinge snorted coldly.

Kunlun Zuhu's eyes lit up, he stroked his long beard, and nodded to indicate that it was okay.

Zhao Jing's face fell instantly, and he stared at Mo Yingge steadfastly. Could it be that this hateful woman really wanted to drag him to die together?

"Teacher!" Zhao Jing had no choice but to ask Yong Zun for help, as long as the forbidden curse opened his mouth, he would definitely be saved.

Yong Zun waved his hand, and Gu Jing said without a wave: "I know that your strength is far beyond what it appears on the surface. It seems that you are close to a super-level full cultivation, but you have a hole card that can threaten the forbidden spell. Now you are the one who is helping us. It's time for this team to die!"

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  Uh~ Maybe it wasn't handled very well, so let's make it easy, good night
  Bless the book friends, stay healthy and long!
(End of this chapter)

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