Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 834 Easy access to the fire vein, the plan of the original soul fire, the passage to the oth

Chapter 834 Easy access to the fire vein, the plan of the original soul fire, the passage to the other side of the world!
The Fire Mine Melt Vein Giant Monster is so happy to drink the lava, just like drinking milk tea, the ordinary red lava is the milk tea, and the brown lava is the soft jelly hidden in it, and the collision can produce super-magic power The black molten paste is more like pearls with incomparable Q bombs, which are extremely chewy!

Mo Fan and the others watched in numbness as this monster forcibly drained the lava Tianchi. What kind of shit plan, how can it be straightforward to just drain it?
The fire ore melt vein seems to be a little overwhelmed. Although its body has a self-contained space, it can hold the lava, but its body has turned red, and the six big holes are constantly emitting heat. The whole monster is pulled The edge of the lava Tianchi is unwilling to move.

"You just rest on it, don't run around."

The fiery ore melting vein monster moved its body to the edge of Tianchi Lake, just enough to form a half circle.

"Let's go." Mo Yinge turned around and said.

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded obediently.

The lava Tianchi, which is several kilometers in diameter, now has only a thin layer left. Although the temperature is still not low, without those terrifying lava, the danger can be said to be reduced to a minimum.

Just jump and you're done!
Of course, this pond is also 400 meters deep, and Mo Yinge still thoughtfully cast a wind-treading spell on everyone, and with a light touch on his feet, he could draw strength out of thin air, and Xiaolu could amaze everyone with just one hand.

Mo Yinge stood directly on the last layer of lava. If she wanted, she could even take a bath in the lava pool just now. Naturally, she would not be touched by stepping on it.

"There is still a layer of heavy air below here." Mu Guangqing said, originally he didn't have to come down, but now that the pool has been drained, he must take a look.

"Go ahead, I'll just open a shield." Mo Yinge took a look and knew it was not dangerous.

She casually released a light system guardian, similar to a sphere, but the surface is not smooth, it is made up of hexagons and pentagons, and the whole looks like a golden translucent football, enveloping a group of them in the middle.

"This looks quite solid and reliable. I wonder when I will be able to achieve this state?" Zhao Manyan enviously said.

"This is Bucky's ball defense, it's just a small method that has been widely spread. You don't have to worry, I can teach you when you reach a super level." Mo Ying said with a smile.

"Thank you, sister!" Zhao Manyan called out to his sister shamelessly, causing Mo Fan to almost give him his favorite big mouth.

Moyingge also thoughtfully dispelled the fire breath deposited underneath. As a Forbidden Curse Mage, it was just a small matter of thought, not worth mentioning.

This makes everyone enter the fire veins like sightseeing.

The heavy air slowly fades away, and under the fire vein is a maze-like brown crystal cave, which is unimaginably large, and the fork roads extend in all directions. This is the original unopened fire vein, and the fire mine melting vein monster was born here In the burrow.

The difference is that the fire vein was formed because a fire-type real dragon sprinkled blood and buried its bones, so the fire mine molten vein monster had a chance to be born with wisdom. In a sense, it also condensed the remnant soul of a real dragon , the existence of gathering dragon bones and dragon blood.

As a matter of fact, the body surface of the Molten Vessel monster, which is sleeping outside paralyzed, is slowly changing on its own, its size is shrinking, and the extremely hard minerals are arranged in a more orderly manner, giving it a feeling similar to dragon scales.
"Uh, we did a lot of deduction originally, planning to find a Serkin Stone, break it and use the space scroll to open and teleport away," Mu Guangqing said.

"That's it, let's follow your plan. Are you going to set up a space channel to mine directly? Although the overlord of the fire wing has been solved, there are still other monarchs coming to Baobuqi. It is also very troublesome to dig the mountain directly. Don't want me to set up a space portal for you?" Mo Yinge turned his head and asked.

"Ah, you will also arrange space portals?" Mu Guangqing said in surprise.

"Know it a little bit, you can try it, if it doesn't work, you can call someone for help." Moyingge didn't promise it either.

Well, during her trip to Kunlun Mountains, she met two masters of the space system. A wanted criminal has recovered his freedom. The existence of the Zenith star in the space system, Moyingge felt that he could also learn from it.

The one responsible for writing down the route was a girl named Dongfang Linlin. She had a nice name. She was a space mage, so her memory was naturally excellent.

It has to be said that the preparatory work done by these two companies in the early stage was indeed in place. There was basically no problem with the inferred mine vein map, and they soon found the location of the Serkin Stone.

Serkin stone is a product of every elemental vein. Apart from being extremely hard, its biggest feature is that it can isolate dimensions. The stones and rocks in the elemental veins and mountains all contain serkin stone.

Moyingge shattered a large area with a slap. The isolation of the dimension only affects the teleportation, but it does not mean that it will not be affected by the power of the space system. A slap with a thought almost collapsed the cave.

"Sure enough, it doesn't have the effect of isolating the dimension. Let me pass it on for a try." Before Mo Yingge finished speaking, the person disappeared. With her strength, even if there is an underground rock formation blocking it, it is nothing to cross this thousand-meter mountain. Difficult.

After she left, a young man in the team lowered his head and showed an anxious expression. Qi Shan had already secretly joined the Mu family, but he didn't expect Mo Yinge and the others to come over halfway. pumping magma.

Now, even if Mu Xumian comes here, he can't beat Dongfangmo, an old-fashioned mage, let alone Mo Yinge and the others are even more outrageously strong, so Qi Shan is praying that Mu Xumian will be safe at this time. Do not come!
In case there is a confrontation, they all have to explain here.

It's a pity that Qi Shan didn't know, Mu Xumian turned around and ran away the moment she recognized Mo Yinge, and didn't care about him at all.
Those who break their trust are destined not to be trusted and accepted.

Ding Yumian who was standing in front suddenly turned his head and looked at Qi Shan with a thoughtful expression.

Moyingge came back quickly, seeing her unstressed appearance, Mu Guangqing flattered her again.

Then, under the guidance of Lingling, they found the way down to the scorching white lava, and finally saw a scorching white lava waterfall in a big blue rock cave!

The cyanite rock is like a whole, spread from the ground to the top of the cave, and the white molten lava is completely in the shape of a curtain, covering the 100-meter area in the center of the Qingyan Abyss, like an enchantment, guarding What in that little world.

"As long as we don't touch it, the white molten lava won't hurt us," Mu Guangqing said.

Moyingge ignored his words, stood at the bottom and looked up again. The white molten lava was more like a 360° abyss fire waterfall. On the dome of the cave, the incomparably magnificent white molten lava was continuously rushing upwards against the current, but there was no trace of sparks or tongues of fire surging outwards, it was extremely calm.


Little Flame Fairy also ran out, and got very close curiously, her big eyes blinked, and she stretched out her little hand to reach out
Moyingge saw it and didn't stop it, but the hand that Little Flame Fairy stretched out was bounced away, which made the little guy very uncomfortable, jumped off Moyingge's shoulder, and turned into an adult form. Yan Empress Ji is alive!

After seeing the beautiful and graceful figure and unattainable noble temperament of Queen Yan Ji, it is difficult for everyone to associate this Queen of Flame with the little one just now, but this contrast is even more eye-catching.

"Excuse me!"

Empress Yan Ji let out a sigh, and stretched out her hand again with an unquestionable imperial spirit. Although there were still some obstacles this time, it was obvious that the hot white molten liquid could not stop Empress Yan Ji.

Using both hands together, she directly "teared open" the hot white lava waterfall, and rushed into the small space inside without waiting for Mo Yinge.

Moyingge didn't care either, her eyes just turned to the small cave beside it, there was a small tunnel that was continuously pumping out flames.

"There is still the original soul fire here, but unfortunately I don't need it anymore." Mo Yinge said.

She is already a Forbidden Curse Mage, and even has a variety of sky fires. Even if this primitive soul fire has the evolutionary traits that perfectly fit a mage, it will have no effect on her.

It is a rare and useless gadget.

Similarly, Mo Fan can't use this, his "five fire balls" soul fire is still quite easy to use.

"Although Senator Mo doesn't need this primitive soul fire, it's still rare after all. It's better to keep it, even if it's good to give it to others." Dongfang Mo said with a smile.

Mo Yinge took a deep look at him, and said: "Then it's disrespectful, and you don't have to be polite to call me a councilor, it makes me look very old."

Mo Fan came here to work because he was idle and had nothing to do, just to gain some connections with his cottage. For the future development of this fire vein, Fan Xueshan will be sold as a resource, but it will be divided into [-]%.

And Mo Yingge appeared halfway and helped the two families a lot. This obviously cannot be confused with Mo Fan's. Even if they are siblings, they have to settle accounts clearly. Dongfang Mo is very clear about this.

So seeing that Moyingge was interested in the original soul fire, he decisively gave it away, regardless of whether Moyingge needed it or not, anyway, he gave this thing as a gift, and I believe that the Mu family would not have any doubts.

"Miss Mo, please!" Dongfang Mo said with a smile.

When Little Yanji turned into the Queen of Yanji, Mo Yinge stepped out and went straight into the side hole on the side. As a result, a big wave of flames rushed towards her face, but this little power could not help her at all. Sleeves, and they fell apart directly.

After walking 300 meters, Moyingge saw a smaller well, and when he raised his head, he saw a mass of molten fire falling. In the middle of the well, there was a piece of fire-colored glittering and translucent flakes like leaves Suspended quietly.

There is no doubt that this is the original soul fire born in the fire vein.

"You can't have the power of elements, otherwise the original soul fire will change if it is contaminated with other breaths, then use starlight to imprison it."

Moyingge muttered to himself, pointing at the top with one finger, the invisible force of thought prevented the molten fire from falling, and then extended many fine chains from the void, forming a starlight cage, which imprisoned the primitive soul fire. It fell into the hands of Moyingge.

This original soul fire that has been baptized for 300 years is definitely a top-notch treasure. At the same time, it has not yet been finalized and has infinite possibilities
"To be reasonable, this original soul fire can still continue to transform. If I add some precious materials, use the fire ore molten vein giant as a flame oven, and then use the holy light to illuminate it, and I will temper it with the little Flame Fairy." , maybe we can use this to artificially create a fire-type sky-seed!"

Mo Yinge suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, and the feasibility of this idea was very high.

There is no better forging furnace in the world than the fire ore melting monster; Shenghui has also been verified before, and has a powerful "catalytic" effect, which can transform objects and naturally transform other things; and Flame Fairy is The holy spirit of heaven and earth flames, she herself is the real forbidden curse of the fire element!
Such a top-level combination, plus a primitive soul fire with infinite possibilities, can completely create a fire-type sky-seed artificially!

Back at Dayuan, the people from the Dongfang family and the Mu family saw the smile on Mo Yinge's face, and they couldn't help but smile on their faces.

Asuka City and Modu can be regarded as neighbors, and it is very beneficial to deal with such a promising member of parliament in this increasingly chaotic era.

These years, everyone is getting more and more sad. There are top clans embezzling resources, and sea monsters making troubles to affect the industry. The life of these seemingly glamorous big families is getting more and more difficult. This time the joint development of Huomai is to find a As a way out, it is also an attempt to attract the emerging power of Fanxue Mountain, and the appearance of Moyingge is a surprise, and he is a character worthy of deep friendship.

And Mo Yingge herself is an important target for the two families to play together in Fanxue Mountain. Mo Fan's name is easier to use, but her sister obviously has long legs!

"Where's Little Flame Fairy?" Mo Yinge asked.

"She entered the curtain of fire." Lan Miaoyi said, pointing to the scorching white molten liquid.

"Don't wait for me." Mo Yinge said helplessly.

At this moment, the graceful and luxurious Empress Yan Ji lifted up the curtain and stepped out. Obviously, the hot white molten liquid did not hinder her, and as soon as she came out, she dragged Moyingge to have a look.

"Hey, don't be so anxious." Before Mo Yingge finished speaking, he was dragged into the curtain abruptly by Empress Yan Ji, seeming very anxious.

Mo Yinge could also feel the shock in Little Flame Fairy's heart, she seemed to see something extraordinary inside, so she had to force herself to go in.

Everyone outside looked at each other, wide-eyed.

They have no ability to enter it.

"Let's explore other places first, there won't be any problem with Ms. Mo's strength," Dongfang Mo said.

 Bless the book friends, stay healthy and long!

  November is also full of energy!

(End of this chapter)

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