Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 850 Mo Fan: IQ up to 25!

Yulai fanatically pursued magic, and later ran out to meet the sage privately. This was a betrayal of the Alps Academy, and even publicized it, making the entire Alps lose face. In the end, she committed suicide in Roja Garden inside.

"In fact, at that time, Dean Perry was planning to quietly remove her identity as an Alpine academy, and if it were not possible to join the Parthenon Temple with another identity, it would be an unimaginable lenient, but alas...she originally It's not like that..."

Blanche was also very envious of Yulai's ability to be on par with her in cultivation and get along well with everyone, but then she changed.

"The most impossible thing for a person who has an infinite pursuit of magic is to end her own life. Did she really kill herself?" Mo Yinge asked.

Blanche was silent for a while, and then said: "She came back by herself later, probably that female sage deceived her, or was using her to make our Alpine Academy a laughing stock of the world, she finally said that she never She has never joined the Parthenon, and she escaped only to tell the sage that she cannot keep the promise, and she will continue to stay in the Alps."

"So in order to prove herself, she separated her wrists and let the blood flow in the soil of Roja's garden." Blanche's tone was a little dazed, and she said to Moyingge: "I told you, Roja There is a forbidden spell in the garden, as long as a drop of blood speaks the truth, Roja flowers will bloom."

"Isn't it on?" Mo Fan asked.

"No, not until now." Blanche said.

"But Emily told us that there is something wrong with the soil there." Moyingo said.

"I went to check, and the soil is fine," Blanche said.

"Then you must not have looked carefully, I found that the soil there has been turned over by someone, maybe someone secretly changed the soil." Mu Bai said in a deep voice.

Blanche suddenly turned pale with shock, she really didn't look carefully at these things, it was also a sad place for her.

"So if you find out where the soil is in those Roja gardens, you will know who the murderer is!" Mo Yinge said.

"The school has a blood-seeking vessel, and I'll go get it right away. The soil in Roya's garden is soaked in Yulai's blood. If the soil is transferred, it will definitely be found," Blanche said.

Blanche left in a hurry, and Li Yuye also saw Amyla. The relationship between the two of them was indeed very good, but Moyingge had already taken her to leave before Amyla spoke up to defend her.

"I'm sorry, I know that person is not you." Amyla sincerely apologized to Li Yu'e.

"It's okay, I'm fine, and you're fine too, so that's the best!" Li Yumo smiled gently.

Amyla is a timid person, she has a bad past, she has many friends, and her schoolmates are kind to her, but Li Yuye, who joined the Alpine Academy not long ago, has the best relationship with her. Personally, I also have a relationship between a teacher and a friend, very close.

Seeing that Li Yu'e didn't blame her for alienating herself, Amyla cheered a little, hugged Li Yu'e and talked about her terrible experience.

Heidi was the only one left in the room. She was also a young girl who hadn't experienced much in the world. What happened in the past two days made her a little confused. Seeing Mo Fan and the other three elders staring at each other, Mo Fan couldn't help it. Yingge walked over and started talking with Heidi.

Mo Yinge has not forgotten that Heidi seems to be a three-dimensional magician.

"Are you really that bastard's sister?"

Heidi couldn't believe it, she felt that Moyingge and Mo Fan were completely different, okay, one is gentle, strong and protective, and the other is flamboyant, dirty and downhearted, could this be a pair of siblings? ?
"Don't be so formal, I'm only a few years older than you, but I'm indeed his biological sister, why, did he offend you before?" Mo Yinge raised her pretty brows slightly.

Heidi glanced at the absent-minded Mo Fan, seemed to understand something, and said with grievance: "I was practicing in the cave of Faerun Waterfall before, but that guy broke in suddenly, and I saw it."

At the end, Heidi's tone was a little choked, and these words naturally fell into Mo Fan's ears, and he shouted in fright: "I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

"Old sister, you have to trust me. I can only see her back at most. Westerners are quite open-minded. They won't lose a piece of meat if they are seen." Mo Fan is afraid that Heidi will talk nonsense again. If he complained about something black in front of his elder sister, he would be finished.

He is not afraid of anything like Mo Fan, but he has been afraid of one person since he was a child
"What did you see?" Mo Yinge narrowed his long and narrow phoenix eyes slightly, with a dangerous light shining in them.

"It's just the back!" Mo Fan said.

"I have a habit. When I meditate deeply on the dimensional law, I like to feel the rhythm of the dimension without barriers." Seeing Mo Fan's terrified expression, Heidi raised her head and glanced at him.

Mo Fan looked at the inexplicably proud Heidi, and wished he could jump up and fight her immediately. This crazy woman's brain is not very easy to use, can she be so tall while practicing naked?
"That was just an accident, and how can there be any cultivation method that needs to be naked??" Mo Fan said.

Mo Yinge gave him a blank look when he heard the words, and said calmly: "I am ignorant, but there is really such a cultivation method, and there is even an ancient method that thinks so."

"Ah? Really?! Could it be that you have also practiced, old lady?" Mo Fan's eyes fell out of shock.


Mu Bai and Zhao Manyan looked at Mo Fan who was flying upside down, and there was no pity in their eyes. This guy sometimes has an IQ of [-], capable of killing demons and hunting demons;

"Huh~ The world is so beautiful, but I treat it so tenderly" Mo Yinge said softly.

"Mr. Mo, do you know that ancient method?" Heidi didn't care, but asked her for knowledge with a serious face.

"I know a thing or two, but the practical effect of that method is not very big, it's just copying what others say, if you want to learn, I can teach you." Mo Yinge said.

"Is it really possible? Thank you so much!" Heidi thanked.

"Well, by the way, where's that student of Blanche, why didn't he see her?" Mo Yinge asked casually.

"You mean Shirley, right? She has the best relationship with Edith, so I should go to her?" Heidi said.

And outside the door, Blanche, who was about to come back, grabbed an "unidentified object" flying towards her, and said to them with Mo Fan, "I have already obtained the blood-seeking vessel."

The physique of a super mage is astonishing, and Blanche is tall and tall, slightly taller than Mo Fan, so she is really holding onto Mo Fan.

Mo Fan said in embarrassment: "Mr. Blanche, can you put me down first?"

Blanche let go of his hand, and Mo Fan turned around and stood up. How could there be any embarrassment on his face?


Just when a large group of them were about to set off to find the real culprit, Shirley suddenly ran over. She was not surprised to see Moyinger and the others, as she seemed to be unaware of what happened in Fehrenburg.

Shirley said to Blanche and Heidi: "The people from the Casa family have come early, and they are already at the foot of the mountain. Dean Perry asked Mrs. Blanche and Heidi to receive them."

Blanche couldn't help frowning, she was busy looking for the murderer now, how could she have the heart to receive someone from the Casa family?
She looked at Shirley, then at Heidi, and said to her, "Heidi, you go first and tell Dean Perry that I don't have time for now."

Heidi nodded and followed Shirley to leave.

"Hmph, that old woman is just a follower!" Mo Fan snorted coldly.

Blanche opened her mouth, although she wanted to say something, but thinking of what happened to him before, she didn't say anything. She sighed softly and said, "Let's find the murderer."

The blood-seeking utensil is very useful. As long as there is a blood sample, it can automatically lock the blood stain reaction within a certain range. No matter how clean it is, as long as it is contaminated with blood, it will definitely be found.

This is also the reason why Li Yuye will be used as a scapegoat. She does have Amyla's blood on her body. Regardless of whether Amyla has any wounds on her body, as long as Dean Perry operates quickly enough to cut through the mess, It will be able to conclude the matter.

"More than a week ago, I was cut by the rose sword grass, and I probably accidentally got blood on you at that time." Amyla said to Li Yu'e.

"It's all in the past, it's okay, and the grievances will be cleared when the murderer is found." Li Yu'e smiled. She didn't expect that Emily had been thinking about it for so long just to think about this matter.

Using the blood-seeking vessel, Blanche took Moyingge and the others around the Alps Academy, and finally stopped in another mountain dormitory...

It is said to be a dormitory, but it is actually a group of small villas, and each dormitory has a small yard.

The light of the blood-seeking vessel was shining on one of the backyards, and Yulai's blood was reflected as bright red as the sunset in the sky!
Blanche's hand holding the blood-seeking vessel trembled a little. At first, she thought that the murderer would transfer the soil from Roja's garden to an unknown corner of the Alps, and even prepared to search for it all night. Who knew it? It's actually in the Alpine Academy, or here in the student dormitory!
What this represents is self-evident, is it really the students of the Alps Academy?
she doesn't want to believe
"Whose residence is this?" Mo Yinge asked directly.

"There is information on the door plate, this is Edith's dormitory!" Mu Bai went to the front to check.

"Edith?!" Emily exclaimed.

Li Yu'e also opened her eyes slightly.

The one who reacted the most was Blanche. She subconsciously used the magic of the wind, and instantly arrived in front of the dormitory. Looking at the name on the door plate, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Impossible, impossible, how could it be Edith?!" Blanche still didn't want to believe it.

"I heard Heidi mention this name before, she seems to have a good relationship with Shirley?" Moyinger asked.

"Shirley is a student of Teacher Blanche, and Edith is a student of Dean Perry." Amyra whispered.

"Heh, when she received us that day, she was the one who tricked me into entering Faerun Waterfall, right?" Mo Fan snorted coldly.

Moyingge listened for a while, and there was no one in the dormitory, and they were unambiguous. They turned over the backyard directly, and the soil in the yard still had some traces of renovation, and the blood-seeking vessels were still functioning, reflecting the bright red in the yard. It's suffocating!

"What department is Edith a magician?" Mo Ying asked.

"Plant type, soil type, and ice type." Blanche said a little stiffly.

"Connect these clues together, and things will actually become very simple." Mu Bai said in a deep voice:
"Edith didn't know how to change the nature of the soil in Roja's garden, and killed Yulai. Then, in order to complete her masterpiece, Emily sneaked into the garden and caused her own death. And the wanton killing of those small animals is actually just to cover up people's eyes and ears, so that if Emily dies, no one will suspect the Roya Garden."

"And she failed to attack Emira last night, so she had to take the risk to transfer the soil in Roja's garden." Moyingge also continued.

Blanche leaned her whole body against the wall in the corner, with her eyes closed, her delicate body trembling slightly.
Her cultivation base is very high, but she has not experienced many things. She is like a nun in the mountains. This kind of thing was something she never dared to think about before, but it actually happened to her. The mind caused an unimaginable impact.

But after all, she is still a person with a firm heart, her eyelashes fluttered slightly, she let out a breath of foul air, and said to Mo Yinge and the others: "Sorry, I made you laugh, since the evidence is conclusive, let's go and catch it." Murderer, Edith, why did you do this?"

Blanche raised her head, revealing her snow-white and slender jade neck, the setting sun weeping like blood, Mo Yinge didn't know what she was thinking, but she knew that this nun from the mountains seemed to have grown a lot in an instant.

Everyone then went to look for Edith, but learned that she was called by Dean Perry to receive the members of the Casa family.

They have spent too much time walking around the Alpine Academy, and the sun has already set now.

Blanche and the others found Edith near Snow Moon Castle. This is the place to receive the Casa family. When Edith appeared, she was a little flustered, as if something bad happened just now. As soon as she came out, she saw a group of people blocking her.

"Mr. Blanche, are you here to visit the Casa family? They are about to rest, so hurry up at last." Edith tried her best to put on a smiling face.

"Your incident happened, stop pretending!" Mo Fan said.

Edith gradually stopped smiling.

"Why did you frame Yulai?" Blanche asked directly.

Edith was silent, her eyes had some complex changes.

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