Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 880 Chapter 875 I'm just a passing human curse...

Chapter 880 Chapter 875 I'm just a passing human curse
Among the ruins at the original place, Yuri Ellie's figure had disappeared.

It looked like it was turned into flying ash by the mother of Medusa's destructive eyes, but after a little thought, it was impossible. After all, the mother of Medusa would not kill her daughter directly.

Yuri Allie was rescued by the mother of Medusa.

This made Moyingge's eyes become indifferent, no one has ever been able to snatch prey from her hands, not to mention the killing intent carried in that gaze is undisguised!

If she hadn't dodged just now, even a Forbidden Curse Mage would have been petrified and shattered in an instant!

"Apas, you go back to rest first." Moyingge said.

"I don't want it." Apas still wanted to resist.

"This is an order!" Mo Yinge said in a tone that could not be refused, forcibly opened the contract space, stuffed Apas in, and couldn't help but refuse.

Looking at each other from a distance, Mo Yinge also held his head high, and his fiery eyes were not inferior to that of the mother of Medusa.

Chaos and mist, the eyes of the mother of Medusa quickly dissipated in the sky of the evil temple world. It was just an illusion just now, but Moyingge knew very well that it had indeed come just now.

The evil temple is a small world of its own, belonging to a kind of demiplane, attached to the real world, and the mother of Medusa is the master of this small world. thief.

Moyingge actually knew about Apasi's little thoughts, and knew that when she brought herself into the evil temple, she actually wanted to take away her mother and mother, but she didn't care, or she really wanted to see that she was still pregnant. human emotion.

But it's different now, because I just bumped into Yuri Ellie, and was disguised by it for a while, causing the mother of Medusa to find herself, and then Moyingge was going to face the emperor. Fortunately, there was a scorpion outside. The empress holds the mother of Medusa in check.

It is meaningless to hide in the evil temple. If the mother of Medusa returns, she will have no place to hide. Moreover, Moyingge also despises the resources collected by the Medusa clan in this small world, not to say It is not necessary, but she knows that the greatest treasure here is hidden in the body of the mother of Medusa.

The Eye of Medusa is the power it obtained from refining that desert God's Eye! !
In the evil temple, a violent golden-red light streaked across the sky, shining extremely brightly in this dark world, and the long flame tail was like a rain of flame meteors.

The light broke through the barriers of the small world, came to the present world, and stood tall in the sky.

Mo Yinge took a closer look and found that as expected, the mother of Medusa had already fought a fierce battle with the Scorpion Queen. There were several deep scratches on the mother of Medusa, and no blood flowed from the wound, showing a petrified appearance.

The Scorpion Queen's injury seemed more serious. After all, she was not a real emperor-level creature. She dared to confront the Mother of Medusa head-on because she was very weak. The front leg of the scorpion had been completely petrified and shattered.

Although she was injured by a severed limb, Queen Scorpion not only did not back down, but her fighting spirit became more and more high.

Because the tragic experience hundreds of years ago is still vivid in my mind. At that time, the mother of Medusa beat herself in a few blows. After two rounds of beatings, all six of her scorpion legs were gone. Now she only broke one leg. It shows that the strength of Medusa's mother is indeed far inferior to that of back then!

Half of its snake body is about to be buried in the yellow sand. If you fight it yourself, you might be able to kill the emperor successfully, and then bathe in the emperor's blood to complete the final transformation and ascension! !

The Scorpion Queen raised her head to the sky and roared, as the huge black scorpion pincers opened and closed, even the space trembled faintly.

The mother of Medusa is much more indifferent, the defeated will be the defeated after all, and the emperor will always be the emperor, even if it is already dying, it is not something that half-baked can touch!

Not to mention that this scorpion was defeated by him once, and he forced it to give birth to offspring for him. How dare such a weak person show his teeth and claws in front of it?

The only thing that Medusa's mother cared more about was which of its good daughters spread the news that she was going to die forever.

As it realized that violent magic fluctuations had occurred in its evil temple, the Mother of Medusa distractedly hit half of the power of the petrified eye of destruction at the intruders, and rescued Yuri Ellie, who was seriously injured and dying. Well, Probably not the unlucky kid who leaked the news.

The mother of Medusa also found Moyingge at the same time. Its eyes can't go wrong. It is a human being with a curse. Her favorite little daughter is also by her side. There is even a soul connection between the two. Being seen by it, this can only show that her daughter with the youngest experience ran out and was captured by humans, and even succumbed to the despotic power of humans, which really embarrasses Medusa!
So it directly attacked without hesitation. If it died like this, it would be regarded as washing away the shame of Apas. If it didn't die, it would prove that the human being still has some strength.

Forbidden curses, in its eyes, the mother of Medusa has seen countless human forbidden curses for thousands of years, and no one has ever been able to withstand its destructive evil eyes.

"So, the leaker is Trishina?"

Both the second daughter and the younger daughter are here, but the mother of Medusa suspects the only eldest daughter who was not present. Well, it is the offspring of Queen Scorpion, who inherited the two largest races of demons in Africa - snakes. With the blood of the scorpion, it should be his best heir, but why did he expect him to die so early?
She is really my good daughter!

"Good morning, two empresses, I'm just a forbidden curse passing by, so I won't disturb the passionate communication between you!" Moyingge hovered high in the sky, waved his left hand, and made a gesture to leave.

The next moment, a pair of black pincers and a gorgeous snake tail appeared in front of her, but Moyingge had already prepared the space to teleport, and with a flicker, his figure appeared two kilometers away.

The pincers and the snake tail also turned slightly and collided violently, stirring up endless space ripples, and a deep space crack opened suddenly. If Moyingge's teleportation was slower for half an instant, he might be trapped in this space In the turbulence.

After a tacit attack, the Mother of Medusa and the Scorpion Queen also temporarily stopped.

Although they usually look down on those fragile human curses, but now when they restrain each other, they have to realize that this human curse can affect the situation of the battle.

It would be fine if he was shot to death just now, but since he didn't, he needs to be careful.

The human forbidden spell itself is nothing to fear, but if another emperor finds the opportunity, it will be a big trouble, so they can no longer act rashly.

Mo Yinge raised her brows lightly, she knew this would happen, her lips raised slightly, quickly shaping the forbidden curse star.

Although there is a big lake next to it, it doesn't affect Moyingge's ability to cast forbidden spells.

At her level, unless it is like going to a place of eternal silence like the North and South Poles, the environmental factors will be very small.

Thousands of kilometers of fire energy from the surrounding surged and converged, forming a magnificent fire cloud in the sky. Mo Yinge raised his left hand high, snapped his fingers lightly, and a small flame ignited at the fingertips.

The flames swayed slightly, but ignited the majestic fire elements that gathered!
With a "boom", it was like the first sound when the world opened up, and a blazing sun was lit up over the giant lake.

Moyingge's long hair was as fierce as silk.

Her figure was surrounded by layers of flames.

Her beautiful eyes are as bright as rubies at this moment!
Empress Yan Ji is possessed, and the level of little Yan Ji is far inferior to these two queens who rule the desert, but as long as she is with Ma Ma, she has endless power, and she will not have the slightest fear to defeat powerful enemies , Only then can Nirvana transform and become stronger in the flames!

Facing the twin emperors, Mo Yingge didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and directly summoned the light-forged holy armor to possess him, wearing a seven-colored phoenix feather robe.

The final version of the Lightforged Sacred Armor is dark gold, but overall it is very slim and slim.

Magnificent star palaces appeared one after another around Moyingge, and countless stars were dotted into beautiful palaces of stars, and each star would draw three star trails.

A star on a star track is no longer a single fixed position, but is linked with other complete star maps, constellations, and horoscopes.


Back shape!

in parallel!

This means that Moyingge has mastered the real forbidden curse method, it is no longer using the divine endowment to achieve the forbidden curse effect, and it is not a "forbidden curse-level method". This is the real forbidden curse, the supreme magic method for human beings ! ! !
Seven star palaces appeared in a row, and these star palaces finally formed a huge and shocking constellation.

Mysterious, peaceful, and tranquil, the golden-red Sun of the Forbidden Curse is suspended over the second largest lake in the world. The endless water vapor is transpiring, but it can't stop the brilliance.

It was as if a real sun had fallen into this small human world, and before it burst into flames, it was already unbearably hot for life.

Mo Yinge stood in this forbidden sun, her feathers were dusty, and the pattern of a three-legged golden crow on it was particularly clear. Inside was a dark golden armor, which was close to her body, and she could vaguely see the graceful curves, her posture and The temperament is extremely beautiful, just like the sun goddess descending into the world! !

The extremely coquettish human-like face of the mother of Medusa, who has a snake body, a human head, golden hair, and golden pupils, is slightly moved. Her long golden hair is dancing, and each strand of hair is like a desert python, showing that her heart is not peaceful. .

This human seems to be much stronger than it imagined. Not only can it independently and quickly complete the forbidden spell method, but its power also looks extraordinary. No wonder it can subdue Apas.

It already regretted why it didn't interrupt her spellcasting. It watched Moyingge complete the forbidden spell, but now that the fire spell was not activated, it made it a little jealous.

The Scorpion Queen apparently realized that just now it and the Mother of Medusa restrained each other, which gave Moyingge the opportunity to complete the forbidden spell.

The two rows of six black scorpion eyes on its head flickered slightly. It also had a lot of dealings with the mother of Medusa, and some indescribable stories had happened, so a "eyebrow" came to indicate The mother of Medusa and it will kill the human curse-forbidden who is in the way first, and then continue the queen's battle between them.

The mother of Medusa instantly understood that she is the most powerful spiritual master in the world, and she can understand many things with just one look.

It bared its teeth, and the hair of the python swept between her exaggerated features.

The Scorpion Queen suddenly turned to face Mo Yinge, and opened and closed the two terrifying black scorpion giant pincers vigorously, sending out a terrible shattering shock wave. Near the scorpion pincers, there was even a frightening spatial rift torn open.

The black shock wave pointed directly at Mo Yinge. The distance of two kilometers was not a big deal for the emperor class.

At the same time, the Mother of Medusa also stood upright little by little, and two brown-gold rays of light suddenly shot out from her eyes, like an ancient catastrophe, she wanted to completely turn everything into sand and stones without a trace of life!
It was also facing Mo Yinge, but at the last moment when the eyes were excited, the mother of Medusa suddenly turned her head and fixed her eyes on the Scorpion Queen.

"Karga, Karma, Karma~~~~~~~!!!!"

A falling leaf accidentally touched the edge of the eyes, its petiole began to harden, and then this hardening appeared on the entire leaf, and then it became as hard as a rock, suddenly fell to the ground, and shattered into dust.
To the shocking eyes of the mother of Medusa, this is only the most insignificant corner, and most of the power has been vented to the still self-righteous Scorpion Queen.

Naturally, the Scorpion Queen did not relax her vigilance against Medusa's mother, but Medusa's mother's destructive gaze was too direct and domineering, and the attack landed on her body as soon as she stared, it was impossible to guard against!

Moreover, the gaze of the Mother of Medusa has obviously been accumulated for a long time. After launching this attack, its momentum has obviously decreased a lot, and it finally has a feeling of twilight.

The Scorpion Queen only had time to raise the hardest pair of pincers on her body to resist in front of her body, but under the destructive gaze of the mother of Medusa, the scorpion pincers, which are indestructible even for forbidden spells, turned into silk. Strands of yellow sand dissipated, leaving only two sand dunes on the ground, proving traces of their existence.

The two rows of scorpion eyes are out of six, and only three of the six steel legs are left. There are petrification marks all over the body, and the scorpion armor, which is strong enough to compare with a real emperor's body, is full of corrosion marks, as if it was a piece of paper. Fragile porcelain covered with cracks, just needs to be touched lightly, and it will be smashed to pieces.

Moyingge's eyes flashed brightly, knowing that the opportunity was at this moment, and there was a diamond-shaped gemstone on his chest, which was a dimensional triangle mirror.

Spanning two kilometers, the Forbidden Curse Sunfire directly descended on the Scorpion Queen, as if it had been placed in a sun furnace from the very beginning.

The golden-red sunfire swept across the body of the Scorpion Queen. Its already broken scorpion armor was no longer enough to withstand much damage, and without this layer of black scorpion armor, it was nothing more than an invincible monarch.

 Thanks for the 6000 coin reward from "I Loved Her"! ! ! !love love love

  Thanks to "50.da" for the reward of 100 coins!
  Thank you "Young Master Ye Family" for the 100 coin reward!
  Bless the book friends, stay healthy and long!
(End of this chapter)

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