Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 897 Conclusion of the contract, true dragon knight! !

Chapter 897 Conclusion of the contract, true dragon knight! ! (final chapter of this volume)
The eyes of the Black Dragon Emperor turned, and the trauma of the soul was the most difficult to repair. The new goddess of the Parthenon Temple was still pending, and it might be difficult for it to wait until then. Indeed, he has fallen into a trough of strength, which is even more critical than after killing his old enemy back then.

Well, let's make a contract first.
Asha Ruiya's beautiful eyes suddenly showed unbelievable eyes.

"Austin, you want to make a contract with me?!"

It is not a summoning contract or a dark contract, but a soul contract initiated by a real dragon, just like the contract concluded between the Black Dragon Emperor and the Parthenon Goddess thousands of years ago.

The signing of the contract means that Asharuya really has the power to drive the Black Dragon Emperor, and it also means that the Black Dragon Emperor is really willing to believe in Asharuya.

The Black Dragon Emperor is only willing to believe in Asharuya now.

The soul bond, Asharuya saw that the towering mountain-like dragon soul of the Black Dragon Emperor was covered with cracks, it was the dark curse, the whipping of the soul, and the evil contract of blood sacrifice that it had just received.
There was also a large bloody wound on his forehead, and blood was dripping continuously.

But the Black Dragon Emperor looked at Asharuya in a completely different posture. It was not a human posture, but a hazy black shadow reaching the sky, carrying black wings, full of dark and profound meaning.

The dragon soul of the Black Dragon Emperor suddenly screamed. It didn't expect that Wen Tai's adopted daughter would be a dark angel. Originally, it only wanted to sign a contract of spiritual equality, but now it changed its mind.

It wants to sign a higher standard soul contract with Asharuya!

Even though the strength of the Dark Angel's soul is not enough, it is still enough to form a real contract with its dragon soul.

The contract is two-way, Asha Ruiya can get the blessing of the dragon soul, and the Black Dragon Emperor can also get the nourishment of the soul, but this is not just for anyone, even if it is some forbidden curse mages, the Black Dragon Emperor can't see it, but the dark angel His soul is definitely enough, which is a surprise to the Black Dragon Emperor.

A drop of real dragon's brow blood dripped and wet Asha Ruiya's body. Her aura continued to rise, as if the noble soul in her body was about to leave this weak body. Although her body was small, her aura was a little Not lost to the Black Dragon Emperor!
Moyingge was amazed when he saw it. Su Lu tried his best to find a contract with the black dragon, but in the end it was the Black Dragon Emperor himself who concluded the contract with Asharuya.

A real dragon knight will indeed be born today, but the protagonist is not the ambitious Su Lu, but the saint of the Parthenon—Asharuya!
People are insignificant.

The dragon is as majestic as a mountain.

But when Asharuya's hand touched the scales of the Black Dragon Emperor, the difference in body size instead outlined a thrilling beauty!
This made Moyingge amazed, this situation, this scene, is probably an unforgettable scene in her life.

The head of the Black Dragon Emperor was at the same level as the cliff, and Asha Ruiya stepped up to its dragon head, turned her head and stretched out her hand to Moyingge who was standing there, and said with a smile: "My lady knight, what are you waiting for?" , we should go back."

"Follow my Highness!"

Mo Yinge saluted decently, and was pulled onto the head of the Black Dragon Emperor by Asha Ruiya.

Asha Ruiya asked the Black Dragon Emperor to find the frontal bone that he had dropped before, which is the top forging material and cannot be wasted.

Then the black dragon raised its head to the sky and screamed, plunged headlong into the Mediterranean Sea, took a bath to clean its wounds, spread its wide dragon wings and flew back to the Parthenon Temple.

The body of the black dragon passed over the Acropolis, and the majestic coercion shook the whole city.

Everyone looked up and felt heartbroken, and a dragon chant silenced the whole city.

On the side of the Parthenon Temple, someone just discovered that part of their ancestral temple was stolen, which frightened them. After some searching, they found that it was Asharuya, so someone reported Yizhi Yarn.

Yi Zhisha was about to come to Xingshi to question her, but when she saw a black dragon flying towards the temple, which was injured but still imposing, she stopped in her tracks.

Asharuya's return naturally caused a lot of attention and dissatisfaction, but she didn't care, and just said a word: "I have really contracted the black dragon."

Everyone was in an uproar, and there was no need to say anything else.

Yi Zhisha watched Asharuya leave with cold eyes, but she didn't dare to say anything about guilt.

"My dearest brother, you left your soul to your own daughter, and the guardian dragon of the temple to your adopted daughter, but you left all this mess to me!"

"That's great, that's great!!"

The divine soul and the real dragon should have belonged to the Parthenon goddess, but now they have been obtained by other people early, and Yizhisha has suddenly become a somewhat weaker party.

As soon as Asha Ruiya came back, she showed her contract with the Black Dragon Emperor, and was recognized by everyone in the Parthenon Temple. All kinds of holy medicines were eaten by the Black Dragon as snacks, and all kinds of healing, blessings, and praises of the soul. Great magic does not cost money It fell on the black dragon's wound.

At the same time, this news will also be announced to the whole world. Goddess candidate Asharuya has been approved by the Black Dragon Emperor and has successfully concluded a contract with him. This is something that some goddesses have never received.

This means that the Parthenon has regained the world's top combat power, and is no longer just a holy place for healing. They will be more awe-inspiring by the world!
Of course, the saint Asha Ruiya also said that she was able to successfully contract, and she would also like to thank Councilor Su Lu of the Magic Association for her "full support". In the future, she will definitely send a "big gift" in person.

At the same time, she also revealed what Su Lu did. If the conspiracy of the black dragon only aroused the dissatisfaction of the Parthenon Temple and even the people of Hilla, then he finally used taboo sorcery, and even killed the staff of the Asian Magic Association , violated the greatest taboo.

Using that kind of sorcery will definitely be sanctioned by the Five Continents Magic Association and the Holy Inquisition Court! !

In fact, Su Lu knew that something was wrong when he returned to Tibai.

"Hey, isn't this our Great Councilor Su Lu? What about the members of the association you took away? Why did you come back alone?"

Under the Burj Khalifa, Zu Huanyao "just happened" to pass by, and asked the embarrassed Su Lu with a smile.


Su Lu didn't show Zu Huanyao any face, he knew that he was basically safe when he returned to Burj Khalifa, at least it was impossible for the crazy Black Dragon Emperor to catch up.

But the problem now is how to deal with the accountability of the Asian Magic Association. After all, he took away so many high-ranking people from the association, and they are all super-level magicians, each of whom has an extraordinary status.

The most important thing is that these people have not died yet, so he must not be able to cover up the fact that he used sorcery to sacrifice his colleagues, and those who were invited by him are mostly unreliable. Try to separate yourself from the relationship, then betraying yourself is the best choice.

Of course, even if these people don't say it, Asharuiya will definitely say it.

The fact is also true, not long after Su Lu came back, a team of Holy Inquisition and Abnormal Inquisition rushed to Burj Khalifa.

Zu Huanyao stood in front of the tall floor-to-ceiling windows and witnessed the scene of Su Lu being taken away, and remained silent.

"My lord, Su Lu has been taken away by the Holy Inquisition Court, look" his assistant walked over carefully and asked.

"It's not the Holy Inquisition, it's the Abnormal Inquisition."

Zu Huanyao's eyes flashed, he turned around slowly, and said, "In my name, apply for an immediate sky meeting. I want to discuss with all other councilors what Su Lu committed."

"Also, contact the holy city, I ask the archangel to personally judge this matter!"

The assistant's heart trembled. Yesterday Su Lu took away nearly half of the super power of the association, but today he was the only one who came back. It is said that there are very few people who can be contacted at present. In addition, Councilor Zu wants to let the holy city intervene. I'm afraid things are going to happen a lot!
Soon some people came to the sky meeting room at the top of the Burj Khalifa, but because of time constraints, many people participated in the meeting in the form of remote video. The Great Speaker Shao Zheng was on the list, but he Li Deyuan didn't have any information, but he just found out that something serious happened to his old enemy Su Lu, so he looked at Zu Huanyao from the video with some doubts.

"Everyone, I believe that you have heard about Mr. Sulu. He took the association personnel to try to capture the Black Dragon Emperor and failed. The Parthenon has already condemned the whole world, and the saint Asha Rui Ya has signed a contract with Heilong, and we will face unimaginable pressure next!" Zu Huanyao said expressionlessly.

In fact, whether Su Lu went to slay the dragon or wanted to capture the black dragon, if you succeed, you will not dare to fart in the Parthenon Temple now. After all, this world speaks with strength.

The Black Dragon Emperor did not have a contract with the Parthenon before, and the Parthenon declared that the Black Dragon belonged to them, so they could ignore it, because at that time the Black Dragon was a wild emperor, and it made sense for the Magic Association to go to crusade.

But the problem is that Su Lu failed, and inexplicably made the Black Dragon Emperor and Asharuya sign a contract. When the people from the Parthenon bring the Black Dragon Emperor to the Burj Khalifa in person, they will be at the Asian Magic Association What should I do?
Of course, this is a question that needs to be considered in the future. The problem now is that the group of core members of the association brought by Su Lu is almost depleted, and they are all super-level mages. There are dozens of super-level mages. up!

In the same way, when these people are dead, they dare not trouble the Parthenon, because now the black dragon really belongs to them. If they insist on saying that they signed a contract with the black dragon a long time ago, no one can prove this , then Su Lu took the initiative to provoke and violate them, without any temper.

The most important thing is that Asha Ruiya testified that Su Lu used curse magic, and Su Lu drained the life of those mages to attack her and the black dragon! !
Now Su Lu has been taken away by the Supreme Court, and Xi Zhe who went with him was also taken away by the Holy Court in another place.

Well, it is worth mentioning that the member of the Ya Asian Association that Su Lu brought along, the member of the Fire Forbidden Curse, also testified against him in the Holy City, which is why Su Lu was taken away immediately.

The Fire Forbidden Curse cast aside Su Lu and chose to sneak away to pay respects. After hearing the news of Asharuya's contract with the black dragon, his eyes went dark, and then he was secretly found by the people of the Parthenon Temple, who made a move to him. Promise, as long as he is willing to testify against Su Lu, then the past can be ignored!

Fire Forbidden Curse thought for a while and agreed.

"Su Lu used taboo sorcery and cursed the members of the association to sacrifice to the darkness. This incident has too much impact and is too bad. If it is confirmed, our association will face the darkest moment!" Zu Huanyao said in a deep voice.

Some councilors cursed directly, and some remained silent. Shao Zheng was very happy to see his opponent fall, but he also felt extremely sorry for the association's sacrifice of so many people at once.

They could have dealt with the more serious ocean crisis that was coming, but because of Su Lu's selfish desires, Shao Zheng was a little bit heartbroken when he thought of so many super mages dying in vain.

If so many people give it to him, there is no need for any plan. Even if one person only casts one super-level magic, you can even wipe out a large tribe of sea monsters!
"Can this matter be confirmed?" a congressman asked.

"Case (Fire Forbidden Curse) told me that the situation was very chaotic at the time, and he couldn't tell whether it was Su Lu who killed the members of the association or was directly shot to death by the Black Dragon, but Su Lu used the Curse Forbidden Technique for sure. All the dead men who went there were sacrificed by him, Su Lu may use this as an excuse, but "

Zu Huanyao didn't go on with the next words, but everyone understood that even if Su Lu didn't die, he would never end well!

As long as Su Lu did use the forbidden curse technique, the Parthenon would insist on it.

"Su Lu's matter will be decided by the Holy Inquisition Court. Whether he can survive or not is up to him to defend himself, and we can't help much.

What we should do now is to appease the families of the victims. This is a great test of the trust within our association. " Shao Zheng said.

Members began to discuss again, and basically confirmed the same opinion.

The first is to separate the relationship with Su Lu, draw a clear line, explain and apologize to the Parthenon, and minimize the international influence as much as possible.

The second is to solve the upcoming internal conflicts. So many super mages who died are not Chinese cabbage.

At this time, someone suggested that the chairman of the Asian Magic Association had been vacant for a long time, and it was time to elect a leader who could lead them out of the predicament!
It was only at this time that Shao Zheng suddenly realized that he finally knew the real reason why Zu Huanyao was in a hurry to hold a meeting.

"This old guy actually wants to get his hands on the position of chairman of the association!" Shao Zheng lamented Zu Huanyao's cunning and cunning.

If his plan is successful, it may bring some relief to the pressure on the domestic coastline. After all, his ancestor Huanyao is also a Chinese.

But in this way, the momentum of the ancestors can't be suppressed a bit!

 I'm sorry I just finished writing, good night ^3^ my head is a little dizzy_Good night
  Bless the book friends, stay healthy and long!
(End of this chapter)

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