Chapter 902 Nordic Sacred Bear
Fengdu has a long history, from which the ancient Silk Road extended to foreign countries in the Western Regions.

The current Fengfeng is all rebuilt on the old site, but in the older ages, the remains of Gufengdu have already been buried in this desert Gobi.

Although the coming of the black storm brought great harm to Fengdu, it also allowed the ruins of the ancient Fengdu to reappear in the world.

This is an underground relic, in other words, an underground sand city.

Someone got lost in the black storm, but fortunately hid in the ruins that happened to be exposed at a corner, and when the storm dissipated, the news spread like wildfire after returning.

"The strong wind moved endless sand and stones, and buried it in an instant. The dome above should be the trace left when the city's protective barrier was opened, so this ancient city can be kept relatively intact underground."

Entering the underground space, Mo Yinge casually shot a ray of light into the sky, without any lethality, it only illuminated the dome area.

"Student Mo, this will attract the attention of a lot of monsters, so you should be more careful in the future." Lan Miaoyi said suddenly, turning her eyes.

Moyingge blinked her big eyes, pretended to cough twice, whistled and left.

Don't listen or listen to bastard chant scriptures
There are collapsed houses everywhere in the ruins of the ancient city. A black shadow suddenly flashed in a dark corner, and a ray of light suddenly fell on the black shadow, revealing its figure.

This is a humanoid sand monster with a slender body and four limbs. It can also turn into a pool of sand to hide itself. Unfortunately, it is impossible to hide after being marked with the cursor by Moyingge.

"Vine Bind!"

Apas pointed to the collapsed earth wall, and the dark green magic radiance fell on it, and immediately grew several slender vines winding like snakes, and they quickly bound the sand man's body under the control of Apas , Wrap it into a big rice dumpling.

"How about it, my magic is not bad, right?" Apas smiled with small canine teeth on his face, and asked Moyingge for credit triumphantly.

Although it was only the elementary magic of the plant system, the timing and accuracy were almost impeccable.

It's just that Apasi's talent as a magician is really not that good, otherwise, with her strong mental power, she shouldn't be stuck as a junior magician.

But Apas herself didn't care much about it, instead she was eager to study magic.

Weak is weak, but it's really fun!
Mo Yinge pointed helplessly and said, "Your vines seem to be unable to control the sand and soil."

Sure enough, the sand man bound by the vines by Apas turned into fine sand flowing from the gaps in the vines, and then changed back into a human form again, without thinking about leaving, as if silently mocking Apa Silky.

Apas was furious in an instant. How dare this lowly sand elemental creature dare to mock a pure-blooded Medusa?
There was a hint of gold in her eyes, and the sand man's body became stiff in an instant, as if he had been petrified.

Oh, that's not right, this thing was originally gravel, and it's really not easy to tell whether it has been petrified with the naked eye.

"It's a bit overkill." Mo Yinge commented.

"Hmph, what about my high-level magic rock pupil petrification technique?" Apas asked proudly.

"It's amazing. It can petrify sand elemental creatures that are almost immune to petrification magic. High-level magicians can't do this!" Lan Miaoyi said honestly.

Medusa's petrified pupil is the strongest petrified eye in the world. The rock demon imitated by the high-level earth magic of human beings is a younger brother in front of the real Medusa.

"However, the sand man can be firmly entangled with only vines. We only need to catalyze the growth of the roots of the vines, and use the power of the roots to lock the sand, so that the sand man will be completely imprisoned." Lan Miaoyi Immediately after the on-site guidance, he also grabbed another sandman for demonstration.

Since she said in front of others that she was the team leader, Lan Miaoyi felt that she should teach her lovely "students."

Apas nodded, expressing that she had been taught, and quickly went to grab the sand man again for experimentation.

There is no light in the dark underground, and the only creatures here seem to be those sandmen. Elemental creatures do not rely on their eyes to move around, but humans cannot.

Moyingge lit a few lamps all over her body to illuminate the surroundings, and those sand people were very sensitive to these magic fluctuations, and they came to her door one after another to die, which made her feel embarrassed to do anything, only Apas enthusiastically took the My poor mana energy was exhausted.

This underground city is actually not big, and most of it was buried by wind and sand. There are broken walls and ruins everywhere, and there is not much search value.

Even if there were any, they were all emptied by the people who came before, so how could they get their turn.

But this ancient ruin is not so simple.

Many people have speculated that the horrible black storms that happened before were actually the result of someone finding the key to the real Ancient Wind Capital, which attracted a terrifying black storm that has only been recorded in history to destroy everything!
The local mage hunters have already discovered another dungeon under the underground wind capital!

That's where the real ancient ruins lie, the subterranean cities where the First Men lived while sheltering from mighty storms! !

In comparison, the upper layer of the "city above ground" just proves that there is a city here, which can come out to breathe when there is no storm.

Apas used up all the mana, so everyone naturally didn't stay any longer.

They quickly found the entrance to the underground—it was a big hole pierced by super magic!
"These people don't cherish the ancient ruins at all. If the scholars who study and pursue ancient magic know about this, they must not be scolded to death!" Lan Miaoyi complained.

Several of them are magicians above the super level, not to mention Apas. The so-called high-tech people are bold, and a few of them jumped directly.

Moyingge's body fell for a while, and he fell for more than 100 meters before approaching the ground.

She has strong perception, and with a swipe of the sound system magic, she can see the whole picture of her surroundings, and a gentle wind rises gently, lifting the others, causing them to fall to the ground like pieces of feathers.

The vicinity is very dark, with a dry breath flowing slightly, and the world at the bottom of the cave is very vast.

There is a thick layer of dust on the ground, and there are many messy footprints on it. There are some tall stone pillars around, and some glowing minerals seem to be deliberately inlaid on them, making this dark underground world a little bit strange. There was some dim light.

These footprints lead to different directions, Mo Yinge snapped his fingers, and a soft light slowly lit up.

"Where shall we go next, Teacher Xiaolan?" Mo Yinge handed the problem to Lan Miaoyi.

"Tch~" Lan Miaoyi pursed her lips, carefully observed her surroundings, and then said, "As an excellent earth magician, it's essential to find a dragon's acupuncture point. I mean to see the direction of some rock formations is a basic skill, come with me!"

Lan Miaoyi's soil element has also reached a super-level level, theoretically speaking, she should be able to see something, but Mo Yinge, who is familiar with her, knows that Xiaolan was just talking nonsense.

But it doesn't matter, just find a direction to explore, but I don't know why this seemingly ordinary dungeon keeps the commander in chief unable to get out.


In fact, it's not that Jiang Shaoli didn't want to go out, but that he was trapped by someone!
Such a big change happened here in Fengdu. The black storm surrounded the whole city, making people mistakenly think it was the wind of the sky, or even the birth of the core of the wind.

And this place is on the western frontier, in order to prevent such a treasure from being taken away, so he rushed over early.

Then he discovered the traces of a group of suspicious people, and chased them all the way into the dungeon.

Unexpectedly, the other party has a master of the spiritual system, and he will be trapped every time he wants to catch up. Even though his strength is at the top in the super-level field, he is confident that there are not many opponents, but there is really no way to face the spiritual system!

He also carries a rare magic tool that resists psychic attacks, but the other party is not just one person, but also has several super-level helpers. After a little delay, he will be trapped by the psychic mage again, which is simply frustrating. People are in pain.

Of course, Jiang Shaoli was indeed strong enough to chase a group of people by himself, chasing them to the deepest part of the ruins.

"Hmph, why didn't you run away? Hand over what you got, maybe I can spare your life!" Jiang Shaoli snorted coldly.

"Why do you think we have nowhere to go? My lord from the Forbidden Army, maybe you can look back." An old man with a goatee in a tight-fitting tuxedo said with a slight smile on his face.

He is like an old gentleman from Ouzhou, even though he seems to be in an unfavorable environment and has been hunted down for two days, he still maintains the elegance in his bones.

"Do you think I will believe your nonsense?" Jiang Shaoli sneered, the blade of chaos in his hand stretched into a spear, exuding an extremely dangerous aura.

But at the next moment, a violent piercing sound came from behind him, and a huge roar of wind swept across the dungeon.

Jiang Shaoli's expression changed, and he turned around and threw the Chaos Spear in his hand back—this is the evolution of the super-magic "Universal Breaking Cone". All absorbed into the chaotic vortex.

Only then did he see clearly that the one who had sneaked up on him was actually a huge stone statue, and it looked very much like a griffin, which is more common in the West.

The spear that broke the universe directly pierced through the head of the giant griffin, but such an injury is nothing to a giant that is hundreds of meters high, not to mention that the body of this griffin is still petrified.

"Hehehe, as expected, as in the legend, there are Griffins from the Wind Realm guarding here.

Legend has it that there is a place in the far east, where there is gold, the guardian of the griffins, and the north wind blows from the cave." Lao Shante led his people to hide in the corner, and there was a faint air current blowing in the ruins behind him.

Jiang Shaoli's heart trembled when he heard the words, it seemed that these guys knew more than he thought.

"What are you Nordic holy bears doing here? I advise you not to try to take anything away, otherwise don't blame it for being unpredictable!" Jiang Shaoli roared angrily.

"You should worry about yourself first, even if it is the Griffin of the Wind Realm that was made into a puppet, it is still not easy to solve, and there is another news that our two leaders are coming soon, and we had no intention of taking away here. Treasure, but who let it just be placed in front of you?" Lao Shante said in a melodious tone.

The Griffin of the Wind Realm was a great monarch before his death. After being made into a guardian puppet, his strength did not decrease much. Although he could not fly underground, the body of the puppet also meant that he had no flaws. It would be difficult for ordinary super magicians to deal with it. , even if it is the same as Jiang Shaoli's super-level full cultivation, it will definitely be a headache!
However, Jiang Shaoli's strength is extraordinary, and he is also one of the few Forbidden Curse Seed Mages in China who are expected to achieve the Forbidden Curse.

Especially the Magic Department he majored in, he is a rare strong Chaos Department!
Jiang Shaoli's eyes were lingering. He stared at the Wind Realm Griffin, while also paying attention to the Holy Bear Organization next to him.

The hazy star palace flashed away, showing his skilled release skills.

He shook hands suddenly, as if holding an invisible knife.

The space suddenly split apart terrifyingly, the chaotic and entangled force tore open the space, and a dark and distorted space crack continued to extend from his hand, like a black blade cutting the space, it can be described as shocking!
"Boundless Blade!"

The magic of the super-level third level of the chaos system, the world thinks that the holy sword of the light system is the most powerful single-body magic. In fact, it is because magicians of the chaos system are too rare, let alone cultivated to the extreme up.

The ultimate of chaos is to tear apart the space easily, and the damage caused ignores any defense!
The only thing limiting it is the size of the display.

After all, even if the defense is ignored, the middle-level chaos magic "Chaos Blade" can also do it, but the middle-level magician can only stretch a few meters long at most. Can't cut it down.

As the ultimate high-level magic of the Blade of Chaos, the Boundless Blade is too much, especially in the hands of Jiang Shaoli, it can really split everything!
"It's a dead puppet after all, and it doesn't even know how to dodge."

The Infinity Blade splits the Wind Realm Griffon puppet into two, and its solid puppet body is like a layer of paper under the power of Chaos Rift.

Just at this moment, Lao Shante led the people to open the stone gate buried by gravel, and a huge underground cavity appeared, and the howling north wind swept everyone away.
All fly!
This howling wind is simply the roar of the God of the North Wind. Compared with the wind roar cannon of the Griffin in the Wind Realm, it is simply the exhalation of a child, extremely small.

At this time, Mo Yinge and the others also felt the violent vibration from the underground space.

Mo Yinge could feel the air flow, Lan Miaoyi and Apas also sensed the source of the vibration, and Ding Yumian pointed to the side directly, saying: "There are two people near us, they are very strong, I can feel the source of the vibration." That sense of oppression should have followed us."

 I'm sorry, I should have finished writing this evening, but some accidents happened, and I felt a little depressed for a moment, and my mentality collapsed. I barely managed to finish this chapter. Maybe I didn't write well, and my mind was a little dizzy.
  I'm sorry, but I don't want to delay until noon tomorrow, alas, my dears, please forgive me, good night
  Bless the book friends, stay healthy and long!
  Good night, good night, sleep, sleep!
  (Oh, here again, Jiang Shaoli here is two years earlier than the original Modu. At that time, he was a fake forbidden curse. Now he is super full and is about to break through the semi-forbidden curse. There is enough time, so it should not be a big problem , let’s just Jiang Zi, or the character that Bai Baishu asked me to add~)
(End of this chapter)

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