Who says knights can't backstab

Chapter 212 Mia's Chapter

Chapter 212 Mia's Words
Magic Plains.

As I said before, the magic plain is a special area formed by the magic power of treasures of a certain era.For example, Xiye Plain where Wind's Rest City is located is a magical plain that was awakened later.

This vocabulary is full of temptation for both players and NPCs. It represents endless wealth and legendary items——this started a wave of "archeology" after 1455. .Finding the information of the corresponding civilization, conquering it, and obtaining the treasures in it became everyone's obsession during that time.

No matter which profession you are in, even casual players, you can gain something in the Magic Plains.

This kind of product like "Oh, I can't think of a plot, so I just stuff something into the game for players to play" has greatly enriched the history of the world of [Road to Glory], bringing a continent of more than [-] years to life. The evolution of civilization is displayed in front of the players.

If it was a magic plain, the scene where this small garden suddenly turned into a forest would be understandable, but Christian's seniors directly turned a magic plain into their own manor, which is really sour and hateful.

After everyone recovered from the shock, Mia led the team forward slowly.The fluttering fireflies gathered together, like guiding lights, leading the way for them in the tree-lined avenue. It didn't take long for them to walk out of the dense tree-shade.

The bright galaxy flowed above their heads, and the gentle wind blowing from the green hill that replaced the forest gently patted their cheeks.The streams converge into a lake, and an exquisite castle stands beside the lake.There is the "true face" of Mia's manor.

At this time, the hearts of everyone who had just calmed down couldn't hold back anymore. Caroline and Nerola opened their arms and rushed down the low hill, jumping high all of a sudden, pretending that they could fly.Kelan knelt down and muttered to himself, and Misha simply sat on the ground, letting Alina, who could no longer bear it, lean on her shoulder, and began to slowly recite poems praising the God of Nature.

After a lot of unbridled frolic, they finally stepped into the exquisite little castle.The warm fire and the warm-colored walls in the main building made tiredness quickly flood their hearts.After simply allocating their residences, everyone went back to their rooms to rest and scattered in all directions.

After a while, only Cyril and Mia were left standing in the castle.

"Mr. Wei, are you still sleepy?"

"Not sleepy for the time being." Cyril thought to himself, entering the magic plain for the first time since reincarnation, how could it be so easy to get sleepy.

"Then why don't we go... outside for a walk?" Miss Mage extended the invitation generously.

So they returned to the green field bathed in the stars.The unmanned boat floated in the middle of the lake, and they walked along the river, and finally came to the green hill.

"Miss Mia." Cyril couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Don't you think this manor is too..."

And Mia blinked playfully, tilted her head and smiled, "Mr. Wei, don't you think this place is full of surprises?"

"It's really surprising..." Cyril sighed, and he could see that Mia's light steps just now were a manifestation of the "prank" mentality that had been severely suppressed in her heart. If they weren't watching, I'm afraid Mia's steps can fly.

"Actually, I only came here once, when I was young." Mia walked forward with her hands behind her back, and said softly: "My parents usually don't let me enter Midtown, I can only stay outside They all disappeared later, and they told me that if you want to learn spells, you should leave the capital, and I left.”

"You're really obedient." Cyril didn't know how to describe her. If it was him, knowing that there was such a manor, he would probably have moved in and been happy.

But Mia didn't seem to hear his words, she bent down, picked a few small pink and white wild flowers from the soft grass, and strung them together, not long after, a beautiful wreath appeared on her hands.

She stood up, raised her hands, put the wreath on Cyril's head, and suddenly said in surprise: "Ah, Mr. Wei, have you grown taller?"

It was only then that Cyril realized that Mia seemed to be taller than him in the Tower of the North Wind, but now he surpassed her in size.

But the girl didn't let go of her hands just like that, she fastened the wreath between Cyril's hair, combed Cyril's somewhat messy half-long hair, and inadvertently bumped into Cyril's far-beautiful hair a few times during the process. Common people grow many elf ears.

Her hands were a little wet, with the moisture from the grass and flowers, but warm.For a moment, Cyril didn't know where to put his eyes - forward?That stared at the girl's face, that seemed inappropriate.down?At such a close distance, it was a bit too rude.

In the end he could only try to look up until Mia let go of her hands.He thought that Mia had finally finished this "prank" and that it was time to call someone to watch "Lei Tiara Limited Cyril", so he looked forward again, only to find that the girl's hands were clenched into fists, her head was slightly lowered, and the tip of her nose was pressed to the front. On the fingers, it seems to be praying:
"Mr. Wei."

she called softly.

"Ah?" Cyril vaguely sensed that something was wrong, and before he could speak, he heard the girl continue:

"Without you, I don't think I would have the chance to come back here, so... I am grateful."

She still lowered her head, her tone was still as gentle as usual, but she was more serious and serious than usual:

"I don't know what to repay Mr. Wei. I originally wanted to follow you as your right-hand man, but now my strength is not enough to assist you."

"When I saw Mr. Wei riding the wind and slashing down from the sky with a sword, and I could only stand far away with my staff in my hands, I couldn't do anything. At that time, I wondered if I was too weak gone."

"Now that we have finally arrived in the capital, I am really happy, not only because we can come back here, but also because of the agreement between us—you should remember that you will find me a mage mentor."

She finally raised her head, there was no blushing, embarrassment or reserve on her beautiful cheeks, she quietly looked into Cyril's eyes, which seemed to reflect the sky full of stars.

"So, although I'm sorry, I... want to leave you for a while."

"Then I will improve myself as much as possible, and when I regain the qualification to assist you, I will come back to you."

Her tone was as firm as the pious prayers of priests, even if the fire was burning, there would be no tremor.

And Cyril looked directly into her eyes, and after a while, nodded slightly.

After he finished this action, he saw the girl in front of him suddenly lose her breath, and she became shorter. Then she touched her chest and gasped:

"Ah! Mr. Wei, do you know that I hesitated for a long time whether to say this to you, and finally said it! I was scared to death, and I thought you would be angry!"

Cyril looked at Mia's sudden change in astonishment, was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Miss Mage also laughed loudly, they laughed wantonly, their laughter was carried by the wind, and echoed on the lake, even the small boat swayed in the laughter.

Not long after, they fell down on the wet green hill and lay on their backs, looking at the galaxy above their heads.

And Mia looked at the stars one after another, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly sat up again:
"Mr. Wei, are you... hungry?"

 Calvin Mile.

(End of this chapter)

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