Chapter 101 Leapfrog command (for subscription)

"Boom..." The gun tower in front of it was quickly hit by the second shell.

In the splashing flames, the two-story gun tower standing in the middle of the wall collapsed, sending up a lot of smoke and dust...

Koizumi Ichiro was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and his pale face turned into despair at this moment.

Judging from the firepower, there were at least ten secret service members hidden in the collapsed gun tower.

Now they are all buried in the ruins. Looking at the entire Yamamoto special team, there are almost no members who died more unjustly than them.

"Let the team members in the other blockhouses retreat quickly... The Eighth Route Army will definitely use infantry artillery to call the remaining two blockhouses one by one... If they don't withdraw, they will be buried in the ruins!" Koizumi Ichiro thought of holding on to the other two blockhouses The subordinate suddenly gained strength, and shouted anxiously at the top of his voice.

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly raised the binoculars and looked at the other two blockhouses.

A shell just hit near the entrance and exit of the gun tower, and the splashing flames instantly engulfed the entrance and exit. Two soldiers who were just about to rush out fell to the ground, one of them was a reserve member of the secret service team...

"The Eighth Route Army wants to block the entrance and exit of the blockhouse with artillery fire, and block our soldiers in the blockhouse to be bombed!" Koizumi Ichiro shouted with a desperate expression.

"It's better to let the soldiers in the gun tower ignore the shelling and rush out, as many as they can escape, than to bury them all in the ruins!"

A subordinate hurriedly ran towards the stairs, wanting to quickly pass on the major's latest order to the troops.


The third infantry artillery shell quickly hit the outer wall of the gun tower I was observing.

A large hole was blown out of the sturdy gun tower on the spot, bricks and stones were flying, and thick smoke billowed out of the hole at the same time.

"Let the rest of the soldiers rush out, the next shell will definitely blow up the gun tower... If you don't run away, it will be too late!" Koizumi Ichiro shouted anxiously like an ant on a hot pot.


No matter how fast the subordinates can transmit orders, it can't compare with the flying speed of cannonballs.

The orderly had just reached the landing when the fourth shell exploded.

In the dense gunpowder smoke, the six-meter-high gun tower crashed to the ground, turning into a pile of three-meter-high ruins, and all the soldiers who did not escape were buried in the ruins.

Koizumi Ichiro's heart is bleeding...

He had been staring at the entrance and exit of the blockhouse for more than ten seconds just now, but he avoided the artillery fire. The total number of soldiers who successfully escaped from the blockhouse was less than ten, and the replacement members of the secret service team accounted for less than half of them.

It means that the turret that just collapsed buried at least six secret service members.

Koizumi Ichiro didn't have time to feel sorry for those buried subordinates, and immediately looked to the third blockhouse, where there were still a dozen or so supplementary members of the secret service team hiding.

If they were also buried, the dozens of supplementary players carefully selected by Mr. Yamamoto would be completely finished.

The order to evacuate the blockhouse has been issued, and whether they can successfully evacuate the blockhouse in the end depends on how fast they react, and whether they have the courage and determination to rush out under the artillery fire.

"Boom boom boom..."

The situation there was similar to that of the second blockhouse. Cannonballs and grenades fell continuously, and the splashing flames continuously engulfed the entrance and exit of the blockhouse, which was very dangerous.

If someone rushed out of the gun tower at this time, it would be good if ten out of ten could survive five.

But Koizumi Ichiro still expects a miracle to happen, and the subordinates in the blockhouse can pluck up the courage to rush out.

It's like the second turret that has collapsed!
There is still a [-]% chance of surviving if you rush out. If you don't rush out, everyone will be buried in the ruins.

Two figures suddenly flashed into Ichiro Koizumi's field of vision, quickly rushed out of the gun tower, and went straight to the central gun tower.

This was the scene Koizumi Ichiro wanted to see the most at the moment, his nerves were tense, and he silently prayed in his heart that they could escape the artillery blockade of the Eighth Route Army smoothly.

What they were afraid of happened to come: a grenade and a shell fell from the sky, hitting the two soldiers right next to them.

"Boom..." The explosion sounded, and the two of them were instantly blown away like paper toy figures.

"Baga..." Koizumi Ichiro cursed angrily, his fists were so tense that they were about to bleed.

Two more soldiers took the opportunity to rush out of the gun tower, one of them was a supplementary member of the secret service team.

Seeing his subordinates, Koizumi Ichiro was even more nervous than before, his heart was almost in his throat, his eyes were motionless, staring at his subordinates.

His luck was very good, shells and grenades fell from the sky, but his transfer speed was faster, just running out of the shell's killing radius, and he survived by luck.

Another garrison soldier was not as lucky as him. The grenade fell directly beside him, and he was blown up with his gun.

Then another eight soldiers rushed out of the turret, three died, five survived, and only three were supplementary members of the secret service team.

Good luck can't always be on the devil's side.

Koizumi Ichiro was expecting more men to escape from the gun tower, when the sound of infantry artillery firing that he least wanted to hear sounded again.

With a shooting distance of less than [-] meters, the shell hit the target, and a big hole was blown in the outer wall of the first floor of the gun tower!

After the explosion, there were no soldiers running out of the gun tower for several seconds. It is likely that the shells killed all the soldiers gathered on the first floor just now.

The hope that had just been ignited in Koizumi Ichiro's heart was instantly shattered...


A sixth shell exploded at the same time, blowing the third tower into a heap of ruins.

Returning to the stronghold eastward, the captain of the garrison, Captain Murata, had already fallen asleep.

There are less than [-] Japanese and puppet soldiers patrolling the huge stronghold.

"Dinglingling..." The rapid phone ringing suddenly rang in the next room, instantly waking up Captain Murata who was sleeping.

"Moshi Moxi..." Captain Murata grabbed the microphone without even wearing clothes, as if standing in front of his captain, and said respectfully.

"Hi..." Hearing the voice from the microphone, Captain Murata became even more respectful, almost bent at ninety degrees, more respectful than meeting the captain.

"Hayi... I will immediately dispatch troops to reinforce the Zhuma Village stronghold..." Captain Murata's compliment suddenly turned into a promise.

"No, I personally led troops to reinforce the Zhuma village stronghold, and killed the Eighth Route Army there at all costs. Please rest assured, sir..."

Put down the phone and yell at the door: "Raise the alarm immediately, the whole army muster!"

"Captain, what's the matter?" The deputy captain hurried over with three second lieutenants and asked.

Captain Murata was fully armed and ready to attack. Seeing that his subordinates were all there, he ordered as he walked out: "Infantry Artillery Detachment, First Squad, First Combat Team, and the Royal Association Army left a row to protect the stronghold and the railway line. Others Take all the weapons and ammunition and set off with me, marching quickly to reinforce the Zhuma Village stronghold."

"The first team, Takahashi-kun, stays here and is in charge of commanding all the remaining troops to protect the stronghold and the railway line. There must be no mistakes!"

"Captain think twice!" The deputy captain didn't know what happened, and he didn't know why the captain led troops to reinforce the Zhuma Village stronghold, but he knew that the squadron leader's troops left in the stronghold were not enough to protect the stronghold.

Quickly reminded: "I think there are too few troops left behind. Do you want to keep all the first squad and leave one more row of the Imperial Association Army!"

"Execute the order!" Captain Murata snorted coldly.

Seeing that the deputy still wanted to speak, he asked directly: "Do you know who gave me the reinforcement order just now?"

The deputy shook his head in confusion.

"Shanxi Garrison Headquarters... His Excellency the Chief of Staff personally called me and asked us to go to the Zhuma Village stronghold within three hours, otherwise the military law will be enforced!" Captain Murata took a deep breath and replied.

Up to now, I still have lingering fears about the phone call just now. I didn't expect that I, a little captain, would have the opportunity to talk to the chief of staff of the major general.

The deputy captain and the three second lieutenant captains all showed shocked expressions.

If the captain hadn't said the words Shanxi Garrison Headquarters himself, they wouldn't have believed that the chief of staff of the army would have passed the division chief, brigade chief, regimental captain, battalion chief... and directly gave orders to a squadron leader.

At the same time, I understand why the squadron attaches so much importance to the next reinforcements.

The chief of staff of the military department leapfrogged to give them an order. If he didn't execute it well, he could cut off the future of everyone in the stronghold...

There was no need for the squadron leader to continue to explain, and everyone followed him to the troops with a serious face.

Five minutes later, more than a hundred devils and more than a hundred puppet troops left the stronghold in mighty force
Huang Yu and several squad leaders lay in ambush in a forest beside the road, silently recording the troops dispatched from the Donghui stronghold.

As soon as the Japanese and puppet troops walked away, Zhong Chengjun smiled: "Platoon leader, we will win the battle tonight!"

"An infantry squadron, two companies of Ergouzi, and an infantry artillery unit are permanently stationed in the Donghui stronghold!"

"The Japanese puppet army that passed in front of us just now is missing only one infantry artillery unit, one combat unit, and one platoon of Ergouzi. The total number is less than [-], and the puppet army and artillery are still the main ones!"

"As long as we kill thirty or forty Japanese and puppet troops outside the stronghold, the remaining Japanese and puppet troops will definitely not be able to defend the Donghui stronghold!"

Huang Yu is also full of confidence in the next attack.Tightening the armed belt on his waist, he began to give orders: "Since everyone has no objections, we will start to act according to the plan!"

"Destroy the railway in an hour and force the devils to send troops to attack us!"

Second Lieutenant Takahashi stood on the top of the central gun tower. After the squadron leader left, his nerves were tense, for fear of accidents between the stronghold and the nearby railway line.

Not only did all the left behind troops be arranged in various positions, but two groups of two watched every move around them.

I also lead by example, guarding the top of the turret and observing the surrounding situation with binoculars.

As usual, there was not even a shadow of the Eighth Route Army around the stronghold, and it was very quiet. After thinking about it for a while, I was relieved. .

Six months ago, there was an Eighth Route Army who wanted to fight back to the east.

At the beginning, their attack was very smooth.

After the squadron leader took out the infantry artillery strengthened by his superiors, the situation on the battlefield changed immediately.

One artillery shell took the lives of several Eighth Route Army troops, and dozens of shells were fired, and this Eighth Route Army immediately withdrew from the battle because of heavy casualties.

Since then, no Eighth Route Army has tried to return to the eastward stronghold.

The guerrillas and local armed forces who were active in the vicinity dared not touch the brows of the Donghui stronghold, and marched around the Donghui stronghold.

The squadron leader's reinforcement of Zhuma Village was a sudden action, and no one could have expected it.

It is even less likely that the nearby Eighth Route Army guerrillas and local armed forces will know that the East Hui stronghold is empty, so there will probably be no accidents tonight! "

After thinking about it, Second Lieutenant Takahashi's tense nerves slowly eased down.

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(End of this chapter)

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