The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 194 Amazing Coincidence

Chapter 194 An Amazing Coincidence (Subscribe)
"Chief of Staff, I agree with the suggestion of the regiment leader!" Huang Yu came over after hearing the news, and supported Li Wensheng while watching.

"There are very few troops left behind by the devils, and they alone cannot threaten our safety!"

"Even if the Independence Regiment really becomes blind and deaf, we can still block and kill Buddhas, block ghosts and kill ghosts, and kill all the Japanese and puppet troops who want to attack us!"

"If the devils mobilize mopping up troops to chase and intercept us, with the current strength and firepower of the independent regiment, as long as the opponent does not exceed one brigade, they can easily defeat them without affecting the marching speed of the troops, so why not do it..."

"Okay!" Li Wensheng had to compromise: "You have convinced me!"

"As long as there is no more than one brigade of Japanese and puppet troops chasing and intercepting us, we will kill them on the way!"

"I'll send out the reconnaissance company right now, focusing on the mopping up troops behind the situation as soon as possible!"

Kong Jie followed the order: "Don't the communication platoon still have three radio stations?"

"Split out a radio team, transfer a guard squad from the guard battalion to protect them, and follow the reconnaissance company commander!"

"When you find the devil, immediately use the radio to contact the regiment headquarters!"

At [-] o'clock in the evening, the independent regiment, which had recovered its strength, embarked on the journey again and went straight to Jinzhong.

Major General Miyazawa turned into an angry lion and raged at the brigade headquarters.

"A group of trash... so many planes and scouts have been dispatched, and there is no trace of the independent regiment. What do I want you to do?"

"There are so many Eighth Route Army, they can't disappear out of thin air!"

"You must have missed something, which allowed the independent group to avoid your search!"

Harada Nakazuo was very aggrieved. Seeing that the brigade commander was getting more and more scolded, he couldn't help retorting: "General, calm down..."

"With Duanjiagou as the center, we searched all the villages, towns and groves within a radius of [-] kilometers, and found no trace of the activities of the Independence Regiment! I dare to judge: The Independence Regiment's breakout troops are not hiding in this area!"

"Either I really walked sixty-five kilometers last night and hid in the mountains!"

"Either we guessed in advance that we would search the villages around Duanjiagou, and deliberately slowed down the marching speed. We only walked [-] to [-] kilometers last night!"

Major General Gong Ze frowned and replied: "The imperial army can't even march [-] kilometers with a heavy load for nine hours, let alone the Eighth Route Army who usually can't even eat enough..."

"I'm more inclined to the guess behind you!"

"The head of the independent regiment is very cunning. It is very likely that he deliberately slowed down the march and hid in a village that we couldn't think of, avoiding our aircraft detection and search team!"

"Immediately send someone to search back along the highway, and keep an eye on them after you find the independent group!"

"Wait for the reinforcements to be in place, gather heavy troops to encircle and annihilate them!"

"General, we have found the independent regiment..." An exclamation from the door suddenly reached Major General Miyazawa's ears, interrupting his unfinished order, and then saw a combat staff officer rushing towards him.

"Is the independent regiment hiding in the village in front of Duanjiagou?" Major General Gong Ze subconsciously asked.

The combat staff officer was embarrassed and said, "They didn't hide in the village..."

"The whole army is hiding in the mountainous area where we first judged..."

"Half an hour ago, I suddenly got out of the mountain and marched along the road!"

"Mountain area!" Major General Miyazawa was stunned, and then his face turned red with shame.

This morning, I vowed to overthrow the judgment of the chief of staff, thinking that it is impossible for the independent regiment to march sixty-five kilometers overnight and hide in the mountains.

Ten minutes ago, I once again overturned the inference that the independent regiment hid in the mountains, thinking that the independent regiment deliberately slowed down the march and hid in the village in front of Duanjiagou! "

Reality slapped him hard...

The independent group actually hid in a place he thought was impossible twice... This is too embarrassing!
After the combat staff officer finished his report, he felt that the expressions of his subordinates looking at him had changed.

I was aggrieved and annoyed, but as the head of the brigade, Major General Miyazawa's psychological quality was absolutely outstanding.

He quickly adjusted his mentality and explained with a frown: "I underestimated the strength of the independent regiment too much. I didn't expect them to be able to march sixty-five kilometers in one night!"

"But no matter how powerful they are, their fighting power is beyond our imagination!"

"As long as you are exposed, you will not be able to escape our siege!"

After finishing speaking, he stared at the combat staff officer who came to report and asked, "Did the reconnaissance team of the Independence Regiment continue to stare at them?"

"Ha Yi!" The combat staff officer nodded.

"The humble official took the initiative and sent two investigation teams to monitor them!"

"Too few!" Major General Miyazawa shook his head and ordered: "Three more reconnaissance teams will be dispatched!"

"A total of six reconnaissance teams, in groups of two and two, staring at the independent regiment in turn, we must not let them out of our sight again!"

After finishing speaking, he shifted his gaze to the chief of staff: "Harada-kun, where did the three brigades transferred from the sweeping force go?"

"It's less than [-] kilometers away from the independent regiment!" Zuo Harada faintly guessed the purpose of the brigade leader's question, and immediately answered with an expectant expression.

Sure enough, Major General Miyazawa walked to the sand table as soon as he heard it, and asked while watching, "Is the marching speed of the independent regiment fast tonight?"

"Normal march, much slower than last night's rapid march!" The combat staff replied.

Major General Miyazawa immediately became enthusiastic, analyzing while watching the sand table: "Our chance has come!"

"The Independence Regiment marched normally, we marched in a hurry... at most we can catch up with them in five hours!"

"Harada-kun, contact the rescue team immediately..."

"Let them speed up the pursuit of the independent regiment, try to stick to them within five hours, and then divide the troops into three groups, one brigade will follow and attack, and the two brigades will circle around and outflank them, and wipe them out in the Xingling area!"

"The independent regiment marched normally, and arrived at Xingling just after five hours!"

"As long as there are no accidents, Xingling will be the burial place of the Independence Regiment!"

"Contact all the artillery towers and strongholds around Xingling again, let our troops prepare for battle, and rely on the strongholds and artillery towers to form a large encirclement around Xingling... to block all the Eighth Route Army that may break through from Xingling..."

"I want to wipe out the breakout troops of the Independent Regiment here!"

As he spoke, the baton held by Major General Miyazawa had already hit Xingling on the sand table!
In order to prevent the Japanese and puppet troops from finding out the reality of the troops, the independent regiment kept advancing in the dark.

Huang Yu protected Kong Jie and walked in the middle of the team, and Li Wensheng, who was at the end of the team, suddenly caught up...

"Head, the marching speed of the team seems to be getting slower and slower!"

"The devil's chasing troops are fifteen kilometers behind us...according to the current marching speed of the two sides, they can catch up with us in five hours!"

"Although I agree to kill the devils and return the carbine, it is only limited to the Japanese army of the size of the brigade!"

"There are three whole brigades of little devils chasing after us. You don't want to eat all three brigades in one bite, right?"

Kong Jie shook his head and explained: "I don't have such a big appetite. This idea was proposed by Huang Yu and convinced me!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Huang Yu: "Xiao Huang, please repeat the reasons just now, and convince the chief of staff that the three of us will work together to defeat the three brigades sent by the Japanese army to chase and intercept us, and then go to raid Jinzhong!"

Huang Yu immediately explained: "Chief of Staff, attacking the little devils one by one can indeed minimize our losses, but there is also a big disadvantage hidden in it!"

"After killing one infantry brigade, the remaining two brigades will probably not dare to get too close because they are afraid of us, and will only dare to stare at us from a distance. Our goal of continuously fighting to catch them all will not be realized, and we may even It will affect our raid on Jinzhong!"

"The two infantry brigades hang far behind us. No matter how powerful the troops are, they can't concentrate on attacking Jinzhong!"

"Maybe we have to divide our troops to stop the two brigades, and pay a higher price."

"Instead of making our subsequent raids full of risks and unknowns, it is better to find a place and concentrate our forces to round up the three brigades at once!"

Li Wencheng was silent for a while and asked back: "The idea is correct, but there are too many devils in the three brigades..."

"The overall combat power must be stronger than ours, but how can we eat them in one bite?"

"This is another reason why the regiment leader asked the troops to slow down their march!" Huang Yu continued to explain.

"You just said that according to the current marching speed of the two sides, the Japanese army can chase us in only five hours!"

"Five hours later, we happened to arrive at Xingling..."

"It's a mountain with an altitude of more than [-] meters, and the momentum is very slow. The road passes through the top of the mountain. If we rely on Xingling to build a defensive position, what do you think the devil will do!"

"The troops are divided into three groups..." Li Wensheng blurted out...

"One line of troops followed us and attacked us, and two lines of devils circled us, blocked us in Xingling, gathered and wiped them out!"

"Then our chance has come!" Huang Yu answered confidently.

"After the devils divide their forces, the outflanking troops on the left and right will be handed over to several main battalions, and it will be enough to block their offensive!"

"The devils who followed us and attacked us will be handed over to the artillery, assault company, and cavalry company to deal with them!"

"We attacked the Kurokawa Battalion with infantry and artillery. The chief of staff should still remember!"

"The Kurokawa Brigade has trenches for defense, and they are waiting for work at leisure. They are vulnerable to infantry coordination!"

"The little devils who followed and attacked us had no position to protect, and ran for most of the night. They were exhausted and rushed to fight. What do you think will happen to them in front of the infantry coordination?"

"It will collapse at the touch of a finger!" Li Wensheng blurted out again, and then showed a shocked expression.

Staring at Huang Yu, he muttered to himself: "After defeating the little devils who followed and attacked us, the assault company and artillery can continue to use the infantry coordinated attack to defeat the Japanese army's detour troops!"

"Even if there is no infantry coordination, there are more than [-] mortars providing fire cover, and several main battalions can take the opportunity to launch a counterattack and kill them all!"

"The cavalry company is guarding the periphery of the battlefield, raiding those little devils who may escape from the battlefield, and expanding the results of the battle!"

"Even if we don't have the strength to wipe out all three brigades, we can still kill one of them..."

"When the battle is over, there will be no devils in the enemy-occupied area that could threaten our safety."

"Even if the devils send troops from the front again, they won't be able to catch up with us!"

"The independent regiment can attack Jinzhong without any scruples and take Jinzhong!"

"I agree to fight this battle..."

“A bit risky, but well worth it!”

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(End of this chapter)

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