The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 318 Yoshio Shinozuka Is About to Cry

"Comrade Kong Jie is not arrogant in victory, nor discouraged in defeat..." the chief of staff continued.

"The battle report said: The Independence Regiment is using the captured weapons and equipment to quickly restore its strength to meet the next round of raids by the Japanese and puppet troops..."

"The above said that Yoshio Shinozuka would most likely seize the good opportunity of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi's heavy casualties, directly dispatch troops from Taiyuan to sweep Northwest Shanxi, and take Northwest Shanxi in one fell swoop!"

"This judgment is very consistent with some of the intelligence we have received!"

"After the defeat in the last big raid, the little devil's Shanxi garrison has been recovering its strength, replenishing recruits and equipment!"

"Still stealthily changing positions, replacing the Taiyuan garrison, which has replenished a large number of recruits, with the field troops in Southwest Shanxi!"

Although these movements are very careful, they were still noticed by our people! "

"If Yoshio Shinozuka hadn't made a big move, it would be impossible to rush and replace a bunch of recruits with veterans."

"Our base area has just been swept away by them, less than half a year has passed, Yoshio Shinozuka's next target of action is definitely not us!"

"Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, Ding Wei...successfully raided Taiyuan during the last anti-sweeping operation, and successfully broke through under the heavy siege of the Japanese army...not only made great contributions, but also made the devils lose face!"

"If I were Shinozuka Yoshio, I would definitely not be able to swallow this breath!"

"At that time, the Shanxi garrison lost troops and lost their generals. If they wanted to go to the northwest of Shanxi to hunt down Kong Jie, they had no soldiers to use."

"But Yoshio Shinozuka's desire to take revenge on Kong Jie will definitely not stop!"

"In such a hurry to replenish the troops, and even stealing a bunch of new recruits into field troops, it's probably out of revenge for Kong Jie and the others!"

"Kong Jie and the others just lost their soldiers and generals in the Battle of Ping'an. It was a time of weakness. If I were Yoshio Shinozuka, I would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack. I will kill you while you are sick. One battle will determine the world and take down Northwest Shanxi!"

Brigadier Chen took it seriously and said: "I am going to remind the three regiments when I receive the battle report from Kong Jie and Ding Wei, immediately switch from offense to defense, and prepare for the anti-mopping up!"

"I didn't expect Kong Jie to think of going ahead of us!"

"Call Kong Jie back immediately: The brigade has also received information that Yoshio Shinozuka is gathering heavy troops in Taiyuan. Their next target is likely to be Northwest Shanxi, and they may send troops at any time..."

"Demand them to replenish the loss immediately, retrain the troops, restore combat effectiveness, and prepare for anti-mopping up!"

"Send the same telegram to Li Yunlong and Ding Wei, especially Li Yunlong!"

"In the battle of Ping An, their regiment focused on attacking. They didn't accumulate a lot of defensive experience like the independent regiment and the new regiment. Everything had to start from scratch, so he must strengthen his guard and prepare for anti-mopping up!"

"Don't take down a Ping'an county and just float away, no one will pay attention to it!"

"Tell the three regiment leaders again that in a safe battle, all the spoils they seized will replenish their respective troops, and they don't need to be handed over to the brigade headquarters..."

"I hope that the three regiment leaders will make good use of the spoils so that the troops can recover their strength as soon as possible!"

Yoshio Shinozuka was in a very bad mood at the Taiyuan Japanese Army Headquarters.

The city of Ping'an County was breached, and the special agent team of Yamamoto, which he placed high hopes on, was wiped out. The initiator of the special operations, Yamamoto Osaku, was also killed in the battle...

He was almost out of breath under the pressure of one bad news after another.

Little did he know, there was even bigger bad news waiting for him.

"Sir, our losses in the Heian battle have been counted!" The chief of staff stood in front of Shinozuka Yoshio, lowered his head, and said in a low voice.

Yoshio Shinozuka was in a fit of anger, and when he heard the report of his subordinates buzzing like mosquitoes, he didn't vent his anger, and cursed in dissatisfaction.

"Bageyalu, haven't you eaten? You can't even say a word!"

"Isn't it just that Ping'an County was lost, and the entire army of the Yamamoto Special Forces was wiped out, so there is nothing to report..."

"Speak up, I can't hear what you're saying?"


Amid Shinozuka Yoshio's angry curses, the chief of staff finally raised his head, but the hesitant expression on his face did not change, and he spoke again after a while.

"Commander, please be mentally prepared... The losses of the Shanxi garrison in this war far exceeded our imagination?"

Yoshio Shinozuka's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition flashed through his mind, and he asked with disbelief on his face, "Could it be that the loss of the reinforcements is also huge?"

"How is this possible...they started to retreat after receiving the news that Ping'an County had been breached. There were planes covering the sky. Could it be that the Eighth Route Army who blocked them dared to encircle and annihilate our reinforcements under the cover of planes?"

"Speak clearly, don't scare me with such ambiguity!"

The chief of staff could only bite the bullet and continued: "We have sent a total of nine reinforcements. Up to now, there are still four reinforcements that have not heard from them. No matter whether they are sending radio signals or dispatching scouts, they cannot be contacted!"

"We suspect that these four reinforcements have encountered an accident..."

"The reinforcements with the least strength have [-] people, the largest has [-] people, and the remaining two reinforcements are [-] and [-] people respectively!"

"I checked, and they all disappeared in the Eighth Route Army Independent Regiment and Xinyi Regiment defense zone!"

"In addition, the reinforcement troops commanded by Miyamoto were resolutely blocked by the Eighth Route Army at the Ping'an Earth Temple. Not only did they fail to take down the Earth Temple under the cover of aircraft, they were also counterattacked by the Eighth Route Army's blocking troops..."

"The reinforcements of more than [-] people only withdrew less than [-] people, and the other troops were all wiped out by the Eighth Route Army..."

Shinozuka Yoshio's face was full of shock, his open mouth could almost stuff an egg into it.

If it wasn't for the chief of staff saying what he said just now, he wouldn't believe it even if he killed him.

The chief of staff glanced at the content behind the battle report, and he really didn't want to continue to attack the commander.

But as the chief of staff, he must let Yoshio Shinozuka know the real losses of the Shanxi garrison in the peace battle. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles...

After a long sigh, he continued: "There is also a reinforcement force that passed through the independent regiment's defense area and suffered heavy losses!"

"Only [-] people were withdrawn from the [-]-man team, and all the other troops were wiped out by the independent regiment."

"Other reinforcements have also lost [-] to [-]% of their strength..."

"Accurate statistics show that in a safe battle, we lost a total of 7969 imperial troops and [-] imperial association troops. The price we paid was no less than a big raid!"


Shinozuka Yoshio finally recovered from the shock, punched the table in front of him, looked at the chief of staff and asked angrily: "How did the Eighth Route Army Independent Regiment and the New First Regiment do it..."

"In two days, we wiped out four of our reinforcement troops and severely damaged our two reinforcement troops... This is too unbelievable!"

The chief of staff quickly explained: "The current judgment is an ambush!"

"The reinforcements are in a hurry to rush to Ping An, and the scouting troops let down their vigilance in order to hurry..."

"The Eighth Route Army first used guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare to consume our troops and hit the morale of the reinforcements..."

"When you encounter a suitable terrain, gather heavy troops and annihilate them!"

"Among the three regiments entrenched in Northwest Shanxi, the Independent Regiment destroyed the most reinforcements."

"The main force wiped out our two reinforcements in the defense zone, and severely damaged our reinforcements along the way..."

"The Assault Battalion under the Independence Regiment fought against the Cavalry Company at the Earth Temple, and severely damaged our other reinforcements, almost wiped them all out!"

"Intelligence also shows that the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi seized a large number of weapons and ammunition in this battle!"

"As soon as the battle was over, the three regiments began to re-equip the troops and replenish heavy weapons!"

"Mortars are directly equipped to the battalion, and there are quite a few... The troops directly under the regiment are either equipped with mountain artillery or infantry artillery!"

"The heavy machine guns that were equipped to the battalion before have now been equipped to the company, and the firepower level has increased by at least [-]% compared to before!"

Shinozuka Yoshio pondered for a while with a sullen face before continuing to ask: "Is the Eighth Route Army's losses big..."

"How many combatable soldiers are left in the three regiments... We lost so many troops in one battle, no matter what, we have to fight half of the Eighth Route Army, otherwise those troops will be lost in vain!"

When it came to this question, the Chief of Staff's face was much more normal, and he reported with a serious face: "Li Yunlong's new second regiment focuses on the first offensive battle, and directly lost more than [-] people. There should be more than [-] main troops!"

"But if they recruit recruits from the local army to supplement the main force..."

"The main force of the independent regiment should be able to recover to [-] people in a short period of time, and the combat power must be far higher than the previous [-] people!"

"Ding Wei's new regiment fought two ambush battles, and the others were mainly sneak attacks and blocking. They lost [-] people directly, and there are still more than [-] battle-ready soldiers left..."

"But they captured more than a thousand Imperial Association troops!"

"With the mobilization ability of the Eighth Route Army, many captive soldiers will join the Eighth Route Army in a short period of time to supplement the new regiment... plus the recruits they transferred from the local army, the new regiment should be able to recover to [-] people in a short period of time. The overall The combat power is stronger than before, not weaker!"

"Kong Jie's independent regiment fought the most. There were two ambush battles, two large-scale blocking battles, and a pursuit battle after we issued the retreat order."

"Nearly [-] people were lost directly, and more than [-] prisoners were captured!"

"As long as they do the ideological work of the captives well, it will definitely be no problem to recruit [-] soldiers!"

"Add more than [-] new recruits from the local army to supplement the main force, and the total strength of the independent regiment will immediately increase to [-]. It belongs to the main force regiment with the largest number of troops, the best equipment, and the strongest combat effectiveness among all the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi!"

The result reported by the Chief of Staff once again surprised Yoshio Shinozuka.

The direct losses of the Eighth Route Army were actually equal to the losses of the Imperial Army in the First Battle of Ping An... No, it should be a little less...

This means that the thousands of imperial association troops lost by the Shanxi garrison were lost in vain, without any results.

On other battlefields in North China, no matter how poorly the imperial army performed, one soldier could fight off two Eighth Route armies. He had never fought a one-to-one loss ratio, and he never thought that he would actually start this in Northwest Shanxi.

When the news spread, the Shanxi garrison would definitely become the laughing stock of the North China Front Army again, which is too shameful.

In connection with the humiliation brought to the Shanxi garrison when the Independent Regiment raided Taiyuan, Yoshio Shinozuka’s hatred for the Independent Regiment, the New First Regiment, and the New Second Regiment became stronger and stronger, especially Kong Jie’s Independent Regiment, and he wanted to be skinned and cramped on the spot !

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