Chen Daliang grabbed Huang Yu's hands, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and asked expectantly and nervously: "Officer Huang, what you said is true? There are really gunners I need among the prisoners!"

Kong Jie interrupted suddenly: "Could it be that Xiao Huang will still lie to you!"

"Don't forget, the master weapon of the Artillery Battalion was brought back by Xiao Huang. He wants the Artillery Battalion to grow and develop more than anyone else!"

As soon as Chen Daliang heard it, he knew that the matter was almost indistinguishable, as if he had eaten candied fruit, his face was full of smiles.

Holding Huang Yu's hands, he was reluctant to let go, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Staff Officer Huang, for your good are the benefactor of my artillery battalion, and the lucky star of my Chen Daliang...I will go to the prisoner camp to find someone now!"

"Wait a minute!" Huang Yu continued.

"After finding enough gunners in the prisoner camp, the artillery battalion cannot immediately become an army!"

"You have too few veterans and cadres!"

"As soon as the people are recruited, the gunners poached from the artillery battalion of each battalion will be gathered together, and the gunners will be reassigned to each battalion according to the principle of one veteran leading a recruit. Form combat power as soon as possible!"

"This arrangement is ready!" Kong Jie interjected again.

"Just do what Xiao Huang suggested...go to the prisoner camp to find people now...I'll tell the chief of staff again: After the artillery goes to the prisoner camp to pick people up, the main battalions can go to pick people up!"

"Regimental Commander, don't forget Zhang Dashan from the cavalry company!" Huang Yu reminded suddenly.

"In the land temple blocking battle, the cavalry company suffered more than half of the casualties, but there are still more than [-] horses. More than [-] soldiers need to be added to make the cavalry company full!"

"The main force of the regiment was fighting in the base area. Although they didn't encounter the little devil cavalry, they eliminated many devil cavalry scouts and horse-riding messengers, plus the mounts of Japanese and puppet army officers. Sixteen horses..."

"If all these horses are equipped with cavalry troops, the cavalry company is fully capable of expanding the cavalry battalion!"

"I originally thought that cavalry could only be slaughtered in front of heavy machine guns and chariots, and their role on the battlefield would become smaller and smaller!"

"In the battle of the Earth Temple, I suddenly realized that I was wrong."

"On a local battlefield, as long as the conditions are right, a cavalry company is no less important than a main battalion, and can even determine the outcome of a battle!"

"When I led the assault battalion to block the Miyamoto Alliance head-on, if the cavalry company hadn't taken down the Devil's artillery position with lightning speed, and forcibly raided the Japanese and puppet army's offensive positions under the cover of artillery fire, not only would we not have defeated the Miyamoto Alliance. team, they may be wiped out in the Earth Temple!"

"Afterwards, I deliberately replayed the entire blocking battle. If the cavalry company was replaced by a main battalion, we would lose the suddenness of attacking the artillery position, and the odds of winning would drop to [-]-[-]% because the infantry's attack speed was too slow!"

Kong Jie didn't have Huang Yu's advanced thinking, and didn't know that the cavalry would soon be eliminated by the armor.

In his eyes, the cavalry has always been an invincible existence, coming and going without a trace, rivaling everything.

Whether he was a regiment commander in the Red Army or the Eighth Route Army, he always dreamed of having a cavalry unit in his hands.

Now the dream has not only come true, but it is also possible to expand the cavalry company into a cavalry battalion. The joy in my heart cannot be described in words.

Staring at Huang Yu, he asked, "Did the main force of the regiment capture more than a hundred horses?"

Huang Yu answered very firmly: "Even if there is no special cavalry unit, each infantry brigade of the Japanese army will be equipped with more than [-] horses for reconnaissance and external contact!"

"Including the mounts of officers above the squadron leader, an infantry brigade must have at least thirty war horses."

"We wiped out more than [-] little devils, and captured hundreds of horses from them alone!"

"The puppet regiment commander and some battalion commanders are also equipped with horses!"

"Dozens of horses were seized from them, adding up to exactly 126 horses!"

Kong Jie was so excited that he almost jumped up from the ground, and ordered on the spot: "Since we have all the horses, what are you waiting for!"

"The regiment headquarters will find a way to gather a few horses, supplement the cavalry company with the captured horses, and immediately expand the cavalry company into a cavalry battalion, with three cavalry companies under its jurisdiction!"

"Let Zhang Dashan immediately go to the prison camp to pick people..."

"After the artillery has finished picking, he will pick..."

"If the troops are not enough, recruit recruits directly from the defense zone!"

"There are many young people from Shaanxi and Gansu in Northwest Shanxi. Many of them can ride horses. Recruit them to the army and build a cavalry camp for me as soon as possible!"

After solving the two small episodes of the cavalry battalion and the artillery battalion, Kong Jie quickly returned to the subject and turned his attention to the map in front of him: "Xiao Huang, according to our previous thinking..."

"In the battle of Ping'an, our three regiments cooperated with each other, not only took down Ping'an County, but also severely damaged the reinforcements of the Japanese and puppet troops!"

"It must have caused a huge shock to Shinozuka Yoshio, realizing the powerful fighting power of our three regiments working together."

"If he really decides to send troops to sweep Northwest Shanxi, he will definitely cut off the connection between the Independent Regiment, the New First Regiment, and the New Second Regiment, and will not give us a chance to reinforce each other!"

"If the devils focus on attacking a certain regiment again, the pressure on this regiment will be great!"

Huang Yu then said: "Leader, I think Yoshio Shinozuka's upcoming raid will be unprecedented, and the pressure faced by the independent group will be unprecedented!"

"The just-concluded blocking battle showed the Japanese army that without the support of heavy weapons, the puppet troops entering the base area by two thousand days would be a piece of fat in our mouths!"

"Eat a pit, gain wisdom, the Japanese and puppet troops who attacked us this time not only will not divide their troops easily, but will also carry a large number of heavy weapons..."

"A little carelessness will bring disaster to the independent regiment!"

"But it's not all bad for us!"

"The Japanese and puppet troops have a large number of troops and carry a lot of heavy weapons, so they can only enter our defense area by road."

"We can deploy defenses along the highway in advance, set up blocking positions, wait for work, and wait for the Japanese and puppet troops to come!"

Kong Jie's attention was quickly fixed on the three roads in the base area, and he analyzed while watching: "If Yoshio Shinozuka wants to attack us, he can only take these three roads..."

"I listen to you, arrange troops to establish a defense line on these three highways now!"

"One blocking position killed one hundred Japanese and puppet troops... I built seventy or eighty lines of defense on three highways, and I could kill seven or eight thousand Japanese and puppet troops even if I spent a lot of money..."

Huang Yu added: "It is necessary to strengthen the wall and clear the country..."

"Empty all the villages within [-] kilometers along the road, so that the devils can't find a grain of food, a well, and a local commoner!"

"Then the entire road and all the surrounding villages will be buried with landmines and set up as a battlefield, so that the Japanese and puppet troops will be attacked everywhere, and they will not even be able to sleep well!"

"In the past two days, I will go to the Jinsui Army and try to buy back all the landmines and grenades in their hands. I will cover the base area with mines and booby-traps, so that the Japanese and puppet troops can come in and cannot get out. All of them will be wiped out!"

Kong Jie was under a lot of pressure. After listening to Huang Yu's analysis, he suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was much lighter.

My mind became more and more active, and I suddenly thought of the blocking battle I fought when I ambushed the Japanese and puppet troops on the right. My eyes lit up and I said: "We also need to build a large number of one-time machine gun bunkers on the defense line..."

"It doesn't need to be too strong, as long as it can resist the attacks of ordinary mortars and grenades!"

"The machine gunner hid inside, and when the Japanese and puppet troops approached, they shot suddenly, killing and injuring the enemy in large numbers with powerful firepower!"

"If the enemy retreats, we will retreat...Leave an empty bunker for the devils to bombard..."

"One bunker can kill ten Japanese and puppet troops, and three or four hundred bunkers can kill three or four thousand Japanese and puppet troops!"

"Although it takes a lot of work to build these bunkers, and a lot of logs and planks will be wasted, it's better than letting the soldiers suffer grenades and mortar attacks and lose their lives!"

Kong Jieyue said that the happier he was, he thought for a while and continued: "We need to use the Feilei Cannon!"

"After the Feilei Cannon is fired, the two soldiers can carry it away, and it is very easy to transfer..."

"When the Japanese and puppet troops attacked, the Feilei cannons were specially selected to bomb places with a lot of people. One Feilei cannon explosive package killed three or four Japanese and puppet troops. Hundreds of thousands of explosive packages were thrown out, and thousands of Japanese and puppet troops were killed. We're gone!"

"The base area has been producing black powder, and with black powder in stock, thousands of explosive packs can be produced in a few days, which will never affect the anti-mopping up."

Speaking of explosives, Huang Yu suddenly thought of another question.

Explosive packs can not only be launched with flying thunder cannons, but also be buried in advance on the road that the Japanese and puppet troops must pass, and detonated with wires.

If explosives were buried on the way the devils must pass through and at the campsite, and when the devils got there, they would explode suddenly, no matter how powerful the devils were, they would be blown to pieces.

Say it right away.

Kong Jie was dumbfounded when he heard that, and gave Huang Yu a thumbs up and said with emotion: "You have a clever way of saying it!"

"I'll find a way to prepare two thousand catties of black powder for you, and then distribute the engineer company to you... It's up to you how many devils you can blow up, and I won't interfere!"

"Thank you for your trust!" Huang Yu immediately took the order.

At this moment, Kong Jie and Huang Yu are just like Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu. They don't pay attention to the mopping up troops of the Japanese puppet army at all, and wipe out the enemy with a snap of their fingers!

At the brigade headquarters of the [-]th Brigade, Chief of Staff Zhou suddenly walked into the headquarters with a tense expression, as if he had encountered something serious.

Seeing his old partner, he reported with a serious face: "Brigade Commander, we and Kong Jie are both right!"

"Yoshio Shinozuka, an old devil, really wants to take advantage of the fact that the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi has just experienced a big battle and has not had time to recover its strength, so as to mobilize heavy troops to sweep Northwest Shanxi."

"The seven or eight thousand Japanese troops stationed in Taiyuan have already started distributing ammunition and making marching rations..."

"The two infantry brigades rushing from the southwestern part of Shanxi to Taiyuan have been marching in concealment. Starting yesterday, they suddenly stopped hiding and marched to Taiyuan in a hurry. One day they will be able to enter Taiyuan City!"

"I doubt that these two brigades will also go to sweep Northwest Shanxi!"

"Yoshio Shinozuka also formed an independent heavy mountain artillery brigade, a heavy mortar squadron, a field artillery brigade, and a mountain artillery brigade in Taiyuan!"

"These troops are also distributing ammunition and making dry food... dispatched at any time!"

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