Gangcun Ningji, like other little devils, is a person who must take revenge.

Although it has been a long time since the humiliation brought to him by the Beiping guerrilla detachment, he still remembers it vividly. Every time he thinks about it, he is full of anger.

After learning that the Beiping guerrilla detachment was disguised as the Yizhong Eighth Route Army and had withdrawn from Peiping, I regretted it for a long time.I felt that I was too cautious at the time, so I should let the reinforcements go directly into the mountains to hunt them down. Maybe the Eighth Route Army would be left in Beiping by me, gathered and wiped out.

But there is no medicine for regret in the world, he can only pin his hopes of washing away his shame on the Baoding Mixed Brigade, hoping that they will wipe out the Yizhong Eighth Route Army in the next big sweep, and eliminate the culprit who humiliated him in Peiping.

As a result, before the sweep began, the mixed brigades participating in the sweep were severely damaged by the Yizhong Eighth Route Army and had to be temporarily terminated.

The anger in my heart can hardly be described in words. I was about to send the five thousand elite reinforcements from Fangshan back to Baoding on the spot to continue to sweep the Eighth Route Army in Yizhong, but the chief of staff stopped me on the grounds that there were not enough troops in Beiping.

However, Neiji Okamura never stopped wanting to wipe out the Eighth Route Army in Yizhong and wash away his shame. Instead, he became more and more determined as time went by.

Knowing that the Yizhong Eighth Route Army that had attacked Beiping was likely to return to Fangshan, the first reaction was that they should not be allowed to slip away again.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the head of the brigade waited for the first scout returning to the city, and the result was exactly as they predicted. Not only did the third brigade not have a single soldier in the garrison, but many Eighth Route Army troops were hidden.

The scouts and messengers sent by the county town all went wild, and never came out again after entering the garrison.

The captain of the investigation team he was in was very smart. He divided the troops into two. Half of the investigators went deep into the station to conduct investigations, and the other half stayed outside to respond. When they found something wrong, they retreated immediately.

There were originally three people, but on the way to retreat, they met another Eighth Route Army, and he was the only one left alive to return to the county.

There were dozens of people in the brigade headquarters, and only the brigade leader believed that the third brigade had encountered an accident from the beginning.

Now that there is definite evidence, everyone is flushed with shame.

Especially the chief of staff, he wanted to persuade the brigade chief not to be too cautious, but it turned out that the brigade chief's prudence was not a problem at all, but they underestimated the enemy.

The head of the brigade didn't give them too much time to digest the news, and directly said with a dissatisfied expression: "It took so long to find out this news, don't you think the speed is too slow?"

"More than 1000 imperial troops were wiped out, the scale of the battle must be very large, and our investigators and intelligence personnel have not found a soldier's body, not even the battlefield. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Your Excellency the Commander asked us to wipe out the enemy at all costs. If even who the opponent is, how many people have not figured out how we can win this battle, and how can we give an explanation to Your Excellency the Commander."

Half an hour later, the chief of staff hurried to the head of the brigade and hurriedly reported before he could stand still: "Sir, have we found the battlefield where the third brigade was wiped out by the enemy?"

"One kilometer to the east of the garrison, fierce fighting broke out there in the middle of the night yesterday, and the sound of gunfire lasted for half an hour before it stopped."

"A large number of explosions were also heard from the third brigade station, which lasted for 10 minutes."

"The corpses of soldiers killed in the third brigade were hidden in the bushes near the battlefield. The investigators saw with their own eyes that the total number of corpses exceeded [-]."

The head of the brigade shifted his gaze to the sand table again, and asked while locking the position of the battlefield: "Have you found out the enemy's identity, strength, and equipment situation..."

"What's the situation with the remaining half of the third brigade? There are also five hundred imperial troops there. No matter how powerful the Eighth Route Army is, it's impossible for them to see people alive and dead."

The chief of staff shook his head: "The battlefield is far away from the town. Our intelligence personnel lurking in the town dare not approach the battlefield rashly. We can only judge the approximate number of heavy weapons the enemy participated in the battle through the sound of firefights."

"The enemy used more than a dozen mortars, about ten heavy machine guns, and more than twenty light machine guns in the battle. Otherwise, it would be impossible to end the battle in just half an hour."

While taking a breath, the head of the brigade became more convinced of his previous deduction and said very firmly.

"As far as I know, it is impossible for the most elite main force of the Eighth Route Army to be equipped with so many weapons."

"So the enemy who attacked the third brigade last night must have been more than three guerrillas, and there must have been the main force sent by the Eighth Route Army in the wing."

"At least one regiment's main force participated in the siege of the third brigade's garrison. If an accident happened to the other brigades that entered the mountain, there would be no chance to send someone for help. There must be a regiment of the Eighth Route Army hidden in the mountain."

"Then our opponent has two main groups."

"Fortunately, we didn't rashly send troops to reinforce the Guanjiabao stronghold. Otherwise, the little troops sent by the county will probably go to the tiger's mouth and never return."

"You immediately summarize the information we have found and report it to the headquarters."

"Others continue to investigate, they must find out the opponent's situation, and then launch a precise attack, a fatal blow. Instead of running around like a headless chicken around the Guanjiabao stronghold, or being taken into the mountains by them to circle around , use guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare against us."

Until now, the brigade commander still has no intention of sending troops immediately.

The chief of staff originally wanted to encourage the brigade commander to hurry up and send troops, so as not to let the enemy run away.After listening to the brigade leader's analysis, he was also frightened.

If two elite regiments of the Eighth Route Army really ambushed near the Guanjiabao stronghold, the troops really couldn't rush to send troops before finding out the enemy's situation, otherwise they would follow in the footsteps of the third brigade.

Little did he know that what Zhang Xuan wanted was for the little devil to be cautious.

The more cautious they are, the less they dare to rush to send troops, the more room for the guerrilla brigade to operate.

If the mixed brigade was a little impulsive and sent troops directly to reinforce the Guanjiabao stronghold regardless, the guerrilla brigade would have nothing to do with them and had to retreat back to the mountains.

The devil couldn't even imagine that he had suffered losses at the hands of the Eighth Route Army because of his underestimation of the enemy.

Finally, I learned a lesson, and tried to be as cautious as possible when facing the Eighth Route Army, but in the end I still fell into the opponent's way.


In a village not far from the garrison of the Japanese Third Brigade, except for the troops that went out to intercept the devil scouts and messengers, the remaining 200 troops of the guerrilla brigade were all hiding here.

Looking at the darkening sky around him, Zhang Xuan's nerves, which had been tense all day long, were finally relieved.

Five cavalrymen suddenly appeared at the entrance of the village, galloped on their horses, and rushed all the way to the command department before stopping.

Zhang Xuan glanced at the soldiers and hurried out to greet them: "It's from the guard company, there must be news from the county."

"Report to the Chief of Staff, Company Commander Guo asked us to come back and report: the Japanese and puppet troops stationed in Fangshan County have not made any movement...the troops seized [-] horses during the day, and if there is any new enemy situation, they will send someone back to report immediately." The leader of the squad reported while saluting .

"The company commander also asked the five of us to stay at the headquarters as correspondents to help the chief of staff convey orders, and return to the team after the battle."

Zhang Xuan's tense nerves were completely relieved, and he patted the squad leader who had just spoken with emotion: "It's too timely for you to come back. From now on, you will be the squad leader of the cavalry communication squad of the guerrilla brigade. Just follow my command and don't need to return to the squad. I will go to Company Commander Guo." explain."

"You not only have to undertake the communication task of the guerrilla brigade, but also practice riding well to become a qualified cavalry commander."

"We don't have many horses right now. When we capture enough horses in the future, you will be the platoon leader of the cavalry communications platoon, or even the commander of the cavalry company."

The leader of the squad did not expect such a good thing to happen to him when he returned as an orderly. He was so happy that he almost jumped up from the ground and quickly took orders: "Please don't worry, chief of staff, I used to stay in the cavalry unit, otherwise I will learn from you." Can't ride a horse."

"As long as there are horses, I promise to train a qualified cavalry platoon for the guerrilla brigade."

Zhang Xuan replied confidently: "There will definitely be war horses. There is a cavalry brigade stationed in Fangshan County. There are more than 400 war horses. Sooner or later, they will become ours."

"Now I will give you the first combat mission: notify the troops of the [-]th company that are performing blockade missions to return to the formation immediately, and the headquarters has new missions for them."

"Arrange another correspondent to notify Company Commander Guo, and leave a guard squad to continue monitoring Fangshan County. If there is any situation, report to me as soon as possible, and other troops will gather here immediately."


The Meiling stronghold is a small stronghold six kilometers southwest of the Guanjiabao stronghold. Although it is not large in scale, more than 180 Japanese and puppet troops are stationed here, which is smaller than the Guanjiabao stronghold. Many, in addition to the most common light and heavy machine guns, the county specially strengthened them with two mortars.

The stronghold is located on the ridge of Meiling, overlooking the road at the foot of the mountain from a high position, with a heavy machine gun running upstairs, and no bird can enter or leave the mountain from under the eyes of the stronghold.

Also because the stronghold occupies the topographical advantage of Meiling, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. No matter how rampant the guerrillas are in the mountains, this place has never been attacked.

At one o'clock in the morning, the stronghold was surrounded by night as usual, only the lampposts from the searchlights were left dangling around the stronghold.

Several Japanese and puppet soldiers guarded the top of the gun tower. Except for the two soldiers who operated the searchlights, the others either leaned on the battlements and closed their eyes to rest, or squatted in the corner to keep warm, and even sat in the corner and fell asleep. ...without any vigilance.

It's not their fault either, from the moment the Coal Ridge stronghold was established, no battles have been fought here.

The long-term comfortable life has long smoothed out the vigilance and fighting spirit of the garrison.

"Bang... Boom..."

Gunshots and cannons suddenly sounded outside the stronghold, and the searchlights on the top of the gun tower were instantly extinguished. Two explosions also sounded under their feet, and the solid gun tower trembled twice during the explosion.

Several Japanese and puppet soldiers were awakened at the same time, like a group of frightened rabbits, their faces full of panic: some hid behind the battlements, raised their rifles and fired aimlessly outside, some were trembling with fright, and even fired the safety of their rifles in a panic. If it doesn't open, there are still people rushing to the alarm...

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