Arcane Journey

Chapter 128 Silver Wings

Chapter 128 Silver Wings
The underground arena of the Skullbreaker Tavern has many hidden rooms for private parties, which can meet the dual needs of various business meetings and pleasure-seeking.

While Baleris was discussing the details of the action against the Zhentarim with the Dragon Skeleton Mercenary Group, Brian led the moon elf Tongyu to another secret room.

"It's really you. It's so simple that the Dragon Skeleton Mercenary Group has turned their backs."

Sitting against the wall, with his slender legs resting on another chair, showing off his amazingly seductive curves, he looked at Brian with a smile, "Brian, to be honest, I'm starting to be a little interested in you .”

"That's really my honor." Brian closed the door and began to set up the warning magic again.

If the real "Fox Xing Dawn" Tong Yan is interested in him, he doesn't mind at all.

After all, this moon elf shadow dancer is even the god of elves and half-elf wanderers. From time to time, he uses dreams to descend on the main material world to favor his chosen one.

He once stayed in Waterdeep City for a period of time in order to participate in the resurrection plan of the dark girl Eilistraee, and he knew the so-called 'Dawn of the Fox' very well.

The so-called "Fox Xing Dawn" can also be called "Fox Spirit". This chaotic moon elf shadow dancer belongs to the Appearance Association.

Any man he likes will try his best to spend the spring night with him, and he is jokingly called by the players: a chosen man who greens out the temple of the god of elves and half-elf wanderers into a green prairie.

Meeting each other again, Brian had to admit that this ancient silver dragon played Tong Yu very well.

It can be seen from this that this guy definitely patronizes her boudoir a lot.

After setting up the magic circle, he pulled out a chair, sat opposite to the moon elf girl, and said a little seriously, "Now you can tell me about the demon believer."

In fact, he already had a rough guess in his mind, and the only thing he was curious about was the true identity of the demon believer.

If it was a Graz'zt servant he was familiar with, he would need to make a few more preparations when he responded.

"I'm very curious about what kind of cultists are trying to attract my attention." Before the other party could speak, he continued, "You must know that the specialty of Mokou Town is cults."

"Abyss Chizi Club."

Tong Yan blinked at Brian with his ever-changing gray eyes, and said with a smile, "I warn you, this group of people is not easy to mess with. They worship Graz'zt, the dark monarch."

"You know so well." Brian thought for a moment, then looked at the moon elves, "Did you make some kind of deal with these demons?"

"Do you want to ask me if I'm with them, right? No! Absurd! They only know about pursuing power, worshiping evil, and demagoguery. They have no sense of humor." Tong Yan shook his calf, curled his lips, Disdainfully said:
"Demons are so boring. When have you ever heard a demon lord tell you a joke? Of course, you may have never seen a real demon lord, so listen to me, Grazte, Demogogan and Oro They are completely rigid and rigid, and the only thing worse than them is the Devil Lord, especially Mephistopheles."

Mephistopheles is the ruler of the eighth layer of hell. Apart from Asmodeus, the lord of the nine hells, he belongs to the most powerful devil.

The real Tong Yun had once provoked the demon lord, and was driven mad at one point, and if the god of elves and half-elf wanderers hadn't acted in time, she would have thrown herself into the arms of the devil.

Since then, this adventure-loving and thrill-seeking moon elf girl has been living in seclusion in Waterdeep City.

To Brian's surprise, this silver dragon even knew these secrets clearly, and he just opened his mouth.

"Who is the leader of the Abyss Children's Association?" He recovered and continued to ask.

He is relatively clear about Graz'zt's sect in the material world, even a certain secret temple in the Mokou Mountains, so he wants to know if their leader is the same person.

"A female drow from the city of Ancient Orens." Tong Tong poured himself a glass of elven mead, and said, "It seems to be called Xierlin."

"How did you find them?" Brian's eyelids twitched when he heard the familiar name, and he was slightly relieved at the same time.

Because it was relatively easy for him to deal with a female drow with a big chest and no brains who liked to pretend to be smart.

"I was wandering on the street and accidentally saw a drow appearing in Mokou Town, so I followed it out of curiosity."

Tongyu put down his wine glass, crossed his slender legs, leaned forward slightly, stared at Brian with a smile in his eyes, "Intuition, the intuition of a woman and the intuition of a wanderer, let me judge that there is something wrong with this female drow .”

Brian met her gaze, but suddenly found that the two buttons on the neckline of this sweet-looking moon elf girl had been undone at some point, so he was deeply attracted by the plump whiteness revealed by her neckline up.

Thinking of her real identity, he couldn't help but feel a chill, he quickly came back to his senses, and said to her in a meaningful tone, "Thank you for the news, Miss Tongyu, I have to say, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Feminine woman."

When mentioning women, he deliberately emphasized his tone.

Hearing Brian's meaningful words, Tong Yu suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and even subconsciously wanted to look away from him.

Noticing the half-smile of the other party, she suddenly realized that Brian might have doubted his identity before meeting the Dragon Skeleton Mercenary Group.

Thinking that her plan might have been declared bankrupt, although she was a little reluctant, but in order not to be seen through in person, or to fall into some of his traps, she felt that it was the most correct way to go back to the Northland as soon as possible at this time.

After all, the person she should be looking for has been found, and her mission has been successfully completed.

With such a high efficiency, when he returns to Silvermoon City, he will definitely be able to gain the favor of that beautiful elf chick.

Although the other party has his own ideal, he doesn't mind at all.

He can wait, the lifespan of a half-elf is only two hundred years old.

At the beginning, in order to win the heart of the previous silver moon city lord, the supreme lady Alastriol, she had killed six lovers of the magic goddess elect.

"Always such a pleasure talking to you, Brian."

Thinking of the happy place, Tong Yu showed a charming smile, "Okay, I've already told you what I need to tell you, and now I'm going to go back to Deep Water City."

Seeing that the other party got up and was about to leave, Brian was taken aback for a moment. Naturally, he couldn't let her go at this time. He immediately grabbed her sleeve and said with a smile:
"Didn't you say you wanted to play a few rounds of Lafayette with me? Now I have time, just as you asked, I will not attack your wings, but only attack from the front."

As he said, he moved his hand along her arm skillfully to her tight belly, rubbing it gently.

Didn't he see through my identity?

There was a murmur in Tong Yun's heart, a smirk curled up on the corner of her mouth, she suppressed the thought of leaving, and planned to have a good time with him.

"Dear Brian." She brushed aside the black hair that was blocking her view with her other hand, and said with a smile, "Didn't you say before that you can't offend my god of mischief and change, can you afford it? "

"Because it suddenly occurred to me that He is an enlightened god, and he certainly doesn't care about such trivial matters."

Brian pulled the limp and boneless delicate body onto his lap and sat down, leaned close to her pointed ear, and whispered eagerly: "If you don't mind, let him come too?"

"of course can."

With a chuckle, the graceful delicate body relaxed, twisted and leaned against Brian's arms, looked up at him, pouted coquettishly, and said in a sweet voice: "However, kind Brian, let's go Let’s go up, the basement is wet and cold, I’m not used to it.”

"To be honest, I like your hesitant and delicate appearance so much."

Brian's fingers caressed her vest, reaching higher and higher, and finally dragging her white chin, forming a graceful curve on her neck, "I think you will also like my performance of keeping improving in and out."

"If you look like this, if you let your Dragon Queen know about your incident with a group of Suna priestesses at the Midsummer Festival celebration in the Silver Year of the Dark Night."

"My dragon queen is very enlightened." Tong Yu seemed to enjoy Brian's touch very much, but did not realize the meaning of his words.

She found that Brian's hands seemed to possess some kind of magic.

Just walking past my body, a tingling feeling spread from there, spreading to every corner of my body.

So much so that her body began to tremble involuntarily, and her body temperature gradually began to rise.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that since the death of the Lord Protector of Neverwinter, she hadn't experienced the wonderful feeling of transforming into a woman for a long time.

"What about the missionary mage 'Northern Bright Flame' Ms. Talina Tegla?" Brian smiled slightly, the strength in his hand suddenly increased, and he threw another sentence abruptly.

"What a joke."

Tong Yu was responding with a smile, when she suddenly realized something, her expression was startled, the blood on her face disappeared instantly, her soft delicate body suddenly tensed up, like a frightened rabbit, she stood up abruptly, and said angrily, "How do you know her "

When she finished speaking this sentence, she finally came to her senses. It turned out that this guy had already guessed her true identity, and had been deliberately molesting her here, and she was still enjoying it.
Thinking of this, she suddenly felt that she didn't know where to put her face, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground to get in.

If she had known that she would have run away just now, don't waste time with him here, she secretly regretted it.

"It seems that what I said is not bad at all." Brian looked at the other party's wonderful and rich expression, and suppressed a smile, "You really are the 'Silver Wing' Diszer Rodton."

Since the fall of the Cormyr Kingdom, he has been staying in Silvermoon City in the Northland, so he naturally knows the personality of this silver dragon very well.

'Silver Wing' Diszer Rodden, in the legend of the Northland, is called: the dragon of mercy.

Because he often helps humanoids.

Although he avoids human society and politics, he is fascinated by individuals.

He heals and protects a large number of people, and likes to take part in adventures under the condition of complete camouflage, and get acquainted with adventurers and explorers of various good camps.

Therefore, many people who received his help did not know his dragon nature.

However, he doesn't hesitate to employ tactics that reveal his true strength should his companions need help.

Silver Wing is a character with keen judgment, so he is rarely deceived or caught off guard.

What he enjoys most is frequent human contact in his own playful way.

Often in human form in the high forests of the North, spending a great deal of time posing as a lumberjack helping passing travelers or adventurers.

Although some veteran rangers or elven rangers may suspect that someone they encounter is actually Silverwing, since he tricked the Zhentarim, members of the Arcane Brotherhood, red wizards, and other enemies in the famous tavern story Sometimes, he appears in human form.

Brian once read the books in the library of Silvermoon City and accidentally learned that Silver Wing often pretended to be the previous lord of Silvermoon City, Alustri, so that the lord of the city appeared in two places at the same time to face the enemy, or with this behavior to improve her reputation.

On many occasions, he would often be with Alustriel, who had been keeping the secret that Silverwing often pretended to be himself from all but her sons and a few of the Chosen.

Even most veteran harpists don't know it.

The assistance given by the silver dragon is purely out of friendship, and although he approves of some of Alustriel's actions on the mainland, he refuses to assume any overt political role in Alustriel's court.

In return, Alustriel will help the Silver Wing and Dragon Queen when they encounter problems, while avoiding war with the metal dragons.

Silverwing also sometimes posed as a cloaked swordsman, accompanying her in Alustriel's palace, and secretly protecting her when she ventured outside the city.

Of course, on the bright side, most people see them as a pure friendship and partnership.

Silver Wing is a silver dragon, and Dragon Queen is a golden dragon.

But they were an unmistakable couple, with all sources pointing to Silverwing as the 'consort' of Vera Marrades, the Dragon Queen who dominated.

Although the Dragon Queen is rarely seen, the Silver Wing is often mixed into the folk.

He has an innate gift for imitation, and he specializes in the speech, movement, and mannerisms of both human and elf sexes.

The emphasis is on gender.

In other words, when you see a beautiful female elf, as long as you dare to tease her, she is likely to show her big baby, and you may get up the next day clutching your butt.

While the main character is benevolent, Silverwing personally enjoys gossip, secret knowledge, and the impact of witnessing human activity throughout the North.

Of course, he will try his best to restrain himself from being nosy. As a successful singer with an amazing memory for ancient lyrics and obscure chorus, Silver Wing enthusiastically pursues the careers and performances of those bards and wandering entertainers in mainland China.

It is often found by players that he pretends to be an audience in a tavern, listening and imitating.

This guardian dragon of the Northland spends most of his time wandering around in the woods all over the Northland, observing interesting things in the world, and at the same time using spells to divination individuals in the distance, planning what to do next.

He especially likes to look for rare, rare, and beautiful things, such as scenic spots and deeds, flowers, or other items, and uses the image crystal to record what he sees in the crystal, and share it with his dragon queen like watching a movie .

Silverwing and his dragon queen live on a floating island and have been together shamelessly for a long time.

Although it may exceed thousands of years, their love is deep and unshakable, and they enjoy the freedom to pursue personal interests and friendships, more like a pair of soul mates who pursue spiritual enjoyment.

Known by the players as the most romantic Dragon Hero in the mainland.

At present, Silver Wing's secret work has been contributing to the stability of the Northern Territory, and has continued to defeat the agents of the Red Robe Wizard, City of Shadows, Zhentalin Society and Dragon Cult who have wandered into the Northern Territory.

Silverwing is full of life and strength, selflessly loyal to his Dragon Queen, but his friendship with humans in the North also brings him bad luck.

In the end, in order to protect the floating island where the Dragon Queen lived, Silver Wing crashed. During the siege of three ghost princes from the City of Shadows, at the last moment of his life, he relied on his dragon body and strong will to forcefully support the floating island. , allowing it to land safely, avoiding the disaster of crashing.

"How did you know that preaching mage?" After being called out, Silver Wing no longer concealed his identity, but looked at Brian nervously.

"There is a book in the Tower of Elminster in the Valley of Shadows called "The Biography of the Preaching Mage." Brian said with a smile, "It records in detail the experience of every Preaching Mage."

The main reason why he was so impressed with this preaching mage was because of the aggrieved death of this female mage, second only to the preaching mage who was killed by a dung fork.

Evangelist 'Northern Bright Flame' Talina Tegla.

Known for his head of amber hair, beautiful black eyebrows and nimble movements.

She was a dancer and acrobat in her youth, and never gave up these hobbies, even in battle, her figure is as gorgeous as her dance.

She is known as one of the greatest preaching mages.

Her passion and the wealth of magic she created are still spoken of by bards and scholars to this day.

A famous poet (Silver Wing) gave Talina this evaluation: Talina loves everything about Faerun - her love is full of passion.

Wherever Talina went, people felt suffocated, and many men became the lovers of her life.

This period lasted almost ten years, and perhaps the words of the sage Nargos best illustrate the situation at that time: "All mages fear her, and all spellcasters love her."

When the former missionary mage Josén foolishly attacked and died at Talina's hands, Talina became the new missionary mage.

The sudden power seemed to make Talina even more reckless and reckless—as if Talina realized that she, like so many of her predecessors, would eventually die.

Talina completely let go of herself, becoming more passionate and willful, and more beautiful, no matter whether it was a prince or a paladin, they all bowed down under her pomegranate skirt.

Many spellcasters beat her head to pieces, vying to present new spells to her, just to make her laugh.

Talina also generously spreads magic to children, her suitors, and aspiring young apprentices who catch her eye.

Despite Talina's many admirers, there are some evil spellcasters who covet the position of priest mage and plot against her.

However, no one succeeded in the end-maybe it was because of the favor of Mystra and Azuth, or maybe it was just luck.

Some mages called Talina the "Queen of Magic" at magic fairs and carnivals, but Talina insisted that this title was only worthy of Mystra.

In the later period of Talina's tenure, as she grew older, she began to spend more time on research such as spell variants.

But what happened in the end made her research fruitless.

When Talina deliberately went to Waterdeep City (it is said that the goddess of magic entrusted Talina with a dream, asking her to go to Waterdeep City to find a famous mage in the future, and give guidance to the mage who was still an apprentice at that time).

A silver dragon in human form went to see the bright flames in the north.

One night, the silver dragon and Talina turned into giant dragons and soared in the northern sky, and they launched a passionate courtship ceremony in the air.

And this is the last time Talina casts her magic.

According to the "Biography of Master Chuandao".

When Talina was in deep communication with the human-shaped silver dragon in the room, Talina was too excited, and the dispelling magic on her body was automatically triggered, which caused the silver dragon's transfiguration to be dispelled.

Then, a terrible scene happened.

The silver dragon turned into a dragon shape, and because he couldn't control his body that soared suddenly, he accidentally killed the preaching mage.

According to the speculation of some brain-opening players, the cause of death of this missionary mage is likely to be due to
In fact, Brian didn't know that the silver dragon was the Silver Wing in front of him, so out of curiosity, he took the opportunity to test it out, but unexpectedly he guessed it right.

"No other meaning." He said to the angry Silver Wing, "I just want to keep you and do one more thing for me."

"You don't come here. It's impossible to ask me to be your free labor." Yin Yi sat down against the wall, crossed her legs, and refused without thinking about it. She completely lost the shy and sweet look just now.

"I'm not asking you to help me deal with the Zhentarim, maybe you can do this without doing anything." Brian didn't care, and continued, "Before I build the Wizard Tower, I hope You can stay in Mokou Town forever."

"About how long it will take." Hearing that the other party planned to build a wizard tower, Silver Wing's expression changed, and he couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, and asked subconsciously.

"About a month or so." Brian said truthfully.

He was going to deal with the Zhentarim soon, and when Mokou Town was fully ruled, the people of Shadow City would definitely not let it go, and it was very likely that they would face their large-scale attack.

Without the assistance of the wizard tower, Hajhorna, the Hand of the High King in charge of the Kingdom of Cormyr, and Desoud, Prince of Shadows, could almost hang him and beat him.

Faced with this situation, he originally planned to go to the Valley of Shadows to seek help from the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was a bit inappropriate to do so, so he drew the attention of the silver dragon.

In this way, with the help of the female lord Arab and an ancient silver dragon, he can repel the counterattack of the city of ghosts, and he only needs a month to build his wizard tower to stabilize his power.

"I'm only responsible for the safety of the Northland." Silver Wing rebuffed without thinking: "Don't try to take advantage of my sympathy, boy! You gave me a very bad first impression, so I won't be fooled by you."

In fact, the other party gave him a very good impression, and he was very willing to help with this kind of easy work, especially when dealing with people from the City of Shadows.

But just now this kid dared to tease him on purpose, which made him very upset.

"Really?" Brian glanced at him and said regretfully:
"Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to the Grand Duchess of Araby City. You must know that the Duchess of the Raul family is a rare intellectual beauty, with a noble status and a dignified posture. , the elegant and charming demeanor, and the charm she exudes are simply beyond words. It is a pity that this beautiful female mage lives in seclusion, and it is almost difficult to see her stepping out of her mage tower."

Noticing that the other party was listening, he deliberately paused, and then continued, "If you are willing to do me this favor, I will write a letter to the Grand Duchess right now and ask you to send it to Ala for me. Bay City."

"Of course, I won't let you do me this favor for nothing."

Brian thought about the thoughts in his heart and assured him: "If I can build the wizard tower safely, I will owe you a favor. If you have anything to do in the future, I will do it for you within my ability. thing."

"Cut! Is your favor valuable?"

Silver Wing looked at Brian carefully, his thoughts raced quickly, and finally he pretended to be reluctant and said, "Okay, okay, then I will stay in Mokou Town for another month, and help you go to Arabe A trip to the city. Let me declare in advance that I am just delivering the letter for you, and I have absolutely no other ideas, you have to figure this out.”

"Of course I know, otherwise you wouldn't be called the 'Benevolent Dragon of the Northland'." Brian quickly complimented, "After all, I have heard of it a long time ago, and your name has long been a legend in the Northland , Resounded through the clouds, and now I see it with my own eyes, it is as they said, your noble and kind character and your soul that shines like gold are completely worthy of the praise of the world."

"It's the truth about you kid." Silver Wing gave him an annoyed look, then nodded secretly smugly.

(End of this chapter)

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