Arcane Journey

Chapter 7 Mind Stab

Chapter 7 Mind Stab
The heavy stone door was pushed open by an invisible force.

A slim figure gradually emerged from the darkness.

Brian sat on the chair behind the stone table. He didn't get up, but just raised his head and looked over casually.

The first thing he saw was the graceful drow walking, full of grace and confidence, more unassuming than any fashion show supermodel he had ever seen.

Moreover, the faint murderous aura emanating from every gesture seems to belong only to experienced fighters.

This is the fact.

Never underestimate any female drow from the Underdark.

Whether it is a wizard or Rose's priestess, they are not as weak as they appear on the surface.

The force value of these female drows is also extremely strong, whether it is on the bed or off the bed.

Brian also inadvertently learned that in the dark city of the drow elves, half of the courses in the spider academy used to train priests of Rose are used to practice close combat skills.

Otherwise, how could those priestesses who had lost their magical powers suppress the male drow's uprising during the short period of time when the Spider God Queen was asleep.

The dim candlelight gradually presented the appearance of the female drow in his sight.

The cold, proud and charming delicate face, the dark but elastic and lustrous skin, and the shiny long hair, all the features showed her identity to Brian.

Looking at this female drow who was as beautiful as the surface elves, Brian saw in her pair of red eyes that were about to grow to the top of her head, but she seemed to be a survivor who had lost her soul.

Sometimes he couldn't help wondering what kind of way of life could thrive in such a dark and evil place.

Even after all the dangers and hardships he has experienced in his life, it is still difficult for him to understand how life in the Underdark can live in such a deep and oppressive place for a lifetime.

To him, the Underdark was an unbearable place that not only stole a person's hope, but imprisoned their soul.

However, none of these messy thoughts should be considered by him, because he already clearly felt that he was being stared at by a pair of vicious eyes.

"stand up!"

The female drow who walked into the stone room frowned and looked at Brian sitting on the chair coldly.

Brian didn't reply, just put down the magic book in his hand, and looked at her with interest.

From the moment he saw the other party for the first time, he knew that this was a female drow who was trying to tame him with her superior status.

He knew that apart from intimidating him, the other party also had the ability to test him.

Apparently, the idea definitely came from her mother, Jonara.

If that's the case, he doesn't mind satisfying their curiosity.

After all, Brian never thought that the other party would give him the antidote in good faith.

"You lowly male slave, didn't you hear what I said?"

Feeling Brian's calm appearance, the female drow was aroused, and her graceful voice became extremely sharp.

Her right hand unconsciously held a thorn whip carved with spider patterns at her waist.

Brian didn't bother to pay attention to her small movements. He had even seen the most terrifying snake-headed whip of Priest Rose, so how could he be afraid of such a level of weapon.

"Your mother should have told you the whole story."

He met the slightly distorted face of the other party, and said calmly, "In my opinion, the guide is unnecessary, all you need to do is to make a list of all the spells that Santilla has mastered. "

As a wizard, if he knew all the spells and hole cards of his opponent, then his winning rate would be increased by at least half in a magic duel with opponents of similar strength.

Although Brian is not optimistic about this duel, he still has to do what should be prepared.

It's just that if a woman with eyes on the top of her head can teach it, he might as well explore it by himself.

Besides, he didn't think the other party's magic creation could be very high.

After all, she was still too young and too immature.

He could even judge her approximate age from her tone of voice and angry eyes.

Impulsivity, irritability, jealousy, psychological distortion and other negative emotions are a link that every young drow must go through in the chaotic teachings of the spider queen Rose.

When they really know how to restrain their emotions and hide their truest thoughts, they already have the mentality like a spider spinning a web and patiently waiting for its prey.

As for those who couldn't learn it, they all paid a heavy price in the end.

This is also the real reason why the drow in the Underdark region occupy the best conditions, but their population cannot be raised from the beginning to the end.

Seeing Brian's calm demeanor, the drow elves were stunned from embarrassment, as if they realized something.

She gritted her teeth, suppressed the anger in her heart due to ignorance, and said coldly, "If I don't agree, what can you do to me."

Brian had expected it a long time ago. He leaned forward, crossed his fingers on the table, and looked at each other with a smile, his deep eyes shining brightly.

The drow looked startled, and tensed up vigilantly, always guarding against the other party's sudden attack on her for no reason.

——"Mind stabbing!"

With a thought of Brian's mind, the spiritual energy was transmitted to the depths of her mind along the drow's tight thinking path.

A quick and heavy blow, like a sharp iron nail, pierced her fragile brain like a tofu block.


The shrill screams echoed in the closed stone room.

Suffering from Brian's mental blow, the drow sat on the ground, holding his head in his hands, his slender fingers sinking deep into the messy hair, and his tightly locked forehead was already dripping with cold sweat. Under the candlelight, there was a crystal clear shimmer.

Seeing his achievements, Brian nodded in satisfaction.

Psionic powers for psions do not require casting poses, spells, and casting materials like arcane spells.

They only need to concentrate, use their thoughts to control the surging energy in the depths of their hearts, and use the instructions of their eyes or some kind of guide to successfully display their abilities.

Therefore, Bryan's psychic energy seemed to be released quickly and accurately, but in fact he had concentrated his mind in advance and made preparations, which caught the opponent by surprise.

Moreover, the psion's ability, the more power points consumed, the more powerful it will be.

Originally, the first-level "Mind Stab" only needed to consume 1 point of spiritual energy, but his ready-to-go spiritual energy consumed 5 points of spiritual energy without reservation.

The power caused by it can be imagined.

Generally speaking.

The more emotional the enemy is, the more powerful the psionic spell will be.

Similarly, the emotional fluctuations of psions also determine whether they can successfully release their abilities.

This is why most psions prefer to be at their most sane and peaceful state of mind.

Because doing so can make them very smooth when casting psionic spells.

Seeing that the drow was about to recover from the severe pain in his heart, Brian didn't dare to waste time. He whispered a spell quickly and pointed to the wall of the stone chamber.

In an instant, light blue light flickered from the cold wall.

I saw the sticky spider silk on the wall made by him using the "Secondary Creation Technique", all activated by magic power, shooting out tough spider silk one after another, tightly entwining the limbs of the drow wizard who was caught off guard.

Let her be like a four-clawed spider with teeth and claws, struggling in vain on the spider web.

"Battle mage of the Kingdom of Cormyr, I swear in the name of Rose, I will never let you go."

The young drow gave up resisting, calmed down, raised his chin haughtily, and looked at him viciously with scarlet eyes.

Brian didn't care about the title of Battle Mage of the Kingdom of Cormyr.

After all, his profession is a battle mage, and Cormyr's battle mage is the most famous in the entire continent.

Therefore, when any knowledgeable person sees the Battle Mage profession, the first thing he thinks of is Cormyr, the forest kingdom along the coast of the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars.

As for the drow threat, Brian didn't even bother to reply.

It's pointless to quarrel with such a sick person, she will only pull her IQ to the same lower limit.

With that spare time, he might as well read more about magic knowledge.

"You should have read this book."

Brian still sat in the chair without moving. He picked up a book on the table, looked at the female drow who was entangled in spider webs, and said curiously:

"The book "Shadow Energy Septet" explains the knowledge of tentacles in detail. You said that if I summon a bunch of tentacles and let them penetrate any part of your body, do you think these tentacles are caused by shadows? What would a cold tentacles made of energy taste like?"

Brian's voice was very soft, but in this sealed stone room, people could hear it very clearly, even with a faint echo.

"If you dare to do this, Mistress Joanara won't let you go, are looking for death." The female drow's expression changed, and there was obvious panic and fear in her scarlet eyes.

"Why don't you try it?" Brian looked at every part of her body with interest.

In fact, when he saw the knowledge about tentacles introduced in such detail in this book, he thought that these female drows were all good at it.

It wasn't until now that he realized that they were also afraid sometimes.

This trick should be useless to those old drivers, he couldn't help thinking maliciously.

"Don't mess around, I will cooperate with you."

Being sized up by the other party's unscrupulous eyes, the drow finally panicked. She lowered her proud head and said in a voice of hatred through gritted teeth.

"That's about the same. If I said that earlier, there wouldn't be so many things."

Seeing that his intimidation had achieved good results, Brian took out a sheepskin scroll, picked up a quill, and began to record all the information about Santilla and the spells he had mastered by the female drow.

(End of this chapter)

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