Chapter 106

The night was dark, the moon was dim, and there was silence around Harrenhal.If you listen carefully, you can discern a few wolf howls in the distance.

This is the voice from Qianmianyu, the island in the center of God's Eye Lake. If there is no accident, this is Arya's direwolf female and her offspring.

Robert Glover, Hostyn Frey and four attendants were lying under a wood, waiting for the Lannister cavalry patrolling with torches to pass by.

The former was the younger brother of Galbert Glover, Earl of Deepwood Moor. He was tall and thin, with a chiseled face.

A two-handed sword was hung on his waist, and a crimson cloak was fastened on his shoulders with a heavy silver buckle in the shape of a steel armor and iron fist. Even though he was lying on the ground, his head was still raised high.

The latter was Lord Walder Frey's sixth son. He was tall, with a square face with a pointed chin, and was also called "Sir Fool" because he was slow and unstoppable when provoked.

The four squires consisted of two Deepwood soldiers and Frey infantry, each in chain mail and round helmets.

The only thing that can distinguish them is the burqa on their bodies. The soldiers of Deepwood Castle are covered with silver armored iron fists on a red background, and the burqas of the Frey infantrymen are patterned with blue tower bridges on a silver and white background.

"The old lion is willing to let the cavalry patrol the city at night, his family is really rich." Robert Glover sighed in a low voice.

He is a nobleman in the north, and he is naturally much poorer than the southern nobles. Seeing the enemy patrolling the night with precious cavalry, he is naturally envious.

Hostyn Frey snorted coldly, and said in a low voice, "Maybe he was afraid that the infantry would not be able to get out of the attack range of our river people in time. After all, there are quite a few river warriors in Harrenhal, such as Marco Ser Piper, Lord Arthur Bracken, and others."

Robert shook his high head and didn't take it seriously: "If you Hejian nobles are really so fierce as rumors say, it's our turn to rescue from the north? Judging from the current situation in Nanhejian, most of the people in Hejian It's a softie."

"Of course, except for the Bracken who captured the Kingslayer among the hosts, I barely regard him as a warrior like the northerners."

Hosting glanced sharply at Robert, a northerner, and said after taking a few deep breaths:

"Don't laugh at us either. You people from the north fought well on the south bank of Twin River City. During the duel during the day, your troops far exceeded Kevan's. The ratio of soldiers killed in battle was one to one."

When Robert heard his companion expose the shortcomings of the northerners, he treated him politely:

"Why don't you talk about the battle outside the city of Benliu? Nearly 5000 people were killed in one battle, and the chief general Edmure was seriously injured. Then the major earls led their troops away, and the remaining thousands of soldiers huddled in the In the city, let the soldiers from the Western Region gallop on your territory. As for us, we won a small victory during the day and chase the Western Regions at night, isn’t it much better than you?”

The two nobles favored each other's record and began to argue.

A soldier behind the two of them saw the lion cavalry on night watch walking away, and reminded in a low voice: "My lords, it's time to go."

Only then did the two stop arguing, and bent over to slip away to the huge castle not far away.

After trotting all the way to the foot of the city wall, the familiar Hosteen Frey took the lead, and the six of them moved towards the east gate.

When they arrived, the two soldiers began to knock on the iron door, while Hosting and Robert watched the surrounding nervously with the remaining two soldiers.

According to the rumors, Harrenhal was tightly surrounded, even at night there were always people staring at the two city gates, so they naturally didn't dare to be careless.

"Who? Tell me the lord and noble you belong to." There was a burst of impatient shouting from inside the door.

Naturally, the person who knocked on the door at this time could not be a soldier from the Western Territory. If it was a civilian, it would have to be let in according to Lord Arthur's order, and then verified.

"I am Hostyn Frey, sixth son of the Lord of the Twins, my lord is Lord Hoster Tully, and beside me is Robert Glover of Deepwood Moor in the North My lord, we have been sent to deliver some word."

The gatekeepers in the castle were quite annoyed, and no one was happy about having their dreams interrupted.

But when he heard the two names outside the door, he suddenly trembled.

The Freys had never responded to Lord Tully's call to join the war against Lannister.

The Hejian people were very unfamiliar with the nobles in the north, and the soldier was not sure if there was such a Glover.

Could it be the spies sent by the Westerners?

"Do you have a certificate?" The gatekeeper asked while pushing his sleeping companions awake.

"There are letters from my father, Lord Frey, and Lord Robb of the Stark family." Hosting continued to answer.

He was sure he saw a train of torches coming in the distance.

This means that the same number of Westland cavalry is approaching.

Robert also noticed that the enemy was approaching, and immediately became anxious. He raised his hand and slammed on the door: "Quickly open the door."

"Immediately." The guard soldier who spoke first replied.

After he and more than 20 Hejian soldiers took up their weapons, the iron gate was slowly opened a crack.

At this time, the Lannister cavalry who heard the news had already started shooting arrows at the few people in front of the iron gate.

"Come in." The guard shouted.

So six people scrambled to squeeze in, and the last soldier from Deepwood Castle was almost shot in the ass by an arrow.

"It's finally safe." Robert held his head up and said something that didn't quite match his posture.

But in the next second, he changed his mind.

More than 20 people around them held half swords on the necks of the six of them.

Hosting turned around in embarrassment, and said to someone who looked like the captain: "Is there some misunderstanding? We are serious allies."

The squad leader snorted coldly, and waved his big hand: "The ones who are caught are friendly soldiers. They are all tied up, waiting for Sir Patrick to deal with them."

Since Ma Ke was injured in the battalion raid, Patrick has been in charge of the city gate.

Robert's eyes widened, and he roared angrily, "Is this how you Hejian people treat your allies? When the Marquis of Bolton brings his troops..."

This Glover was cursing and started greeting the mothers of the house governors in Hejian one by one.

Hosting, who was tied up together, was also suppressing his anger, but he did not speak rudely.

It's just that the soldiers of the Frey family, who are familiar with his character, feel bad. If this "sir" of his own family is completely angry, then this action may be bad.

Fortunately, the scene was not embarrassing for a long time. The sleepy Patrick was surrounded by soldiers and walked to the killing hole at the east gate.

When Hosting saw a familiar person approaching, his suppressed anger burst out immediately, "Patrick, you have to give us an explanation."

The heir of Haijiang City rubbed his eyes, confirmed that what he saw was the sixth son of the Frey family, and immediately ordered to untie him.

The Twin River City was not very far from his family's territory, so the two were fairly familiar with each other.

"Offended, offended. These days, people from the western region are always pretending to be various characters, trying to sneak into the city and open the city gate. It is reasonable for the subordinates to be a little nervous. Forgive me, forgive me." Patrick tried to smooth things over, The person who stepped forward to dress the two nobles personally untied the rope.

Hosting and Robert were very angry by this, but for the sake of Patrick's humility, they didn't attack for the time being.

The two quickly explained why they had come, hoping to see the person in charge at Harrenhal and give him some orders from Robb Stark.

Knowing the situation, Patrick nodded and said, "No problem. To be honest, we are also waiting for news from the north."

He instructed several soldiers to go to the Burning King Pagoda to wake up the sleeping nobles in Hejian, and he accompanied the two guests on foot to the meeting place.


Arthur, who had just put on his linen robe, hurriedly put on two soft leather boots, stroked his already long hair, and walked out of the room, and walked down to the Hundred Furnace Hall with the screaming soldiers.

After going down three floors, he arrived at his destination.

The few lights in the hall were from the torches carried by the soldiers.

Near the main seat of the city lord, many people have gathered.

Except for Raymond who went out to ask for soldiers, Berry the Lightning Queen who left with the Brotherhood Without Banners, basically all the nobles in the river who could come came.

Even Ma Ke, who was seriously injured, was carried down by two soldiers.

Robert Glover, who was chatting enthusiastically with the nobleman in the river, caught a glimpse of a tall and handsome long-haired young man approaching from the corner of his eye, so he asked Bracken next to him, "That is the famous Arthur. Bracken! When I was in Cailin Bay, I heard the legend of him capturing the Kingslayer alone every day."

Although it was an inquiry sentence, the tone was firm like an exclamation sentence.

Hendry's eyes were full of sourness, but he still replied to Robert: "Exactly, he is also my cousin."

Arthur strode towards them and said loudly, "These two are friends of the Frey family and the Glover family, right? What do we need in the north?"

Robert took out the letter paper with the wax seal of a severed wolf pattern from the package on his back, and handed it to Arthur.

"That's what Lord Robb wants you to do."

Arthur glanced at it hastily. It said that the Riverside Army near Harrenhal would hold back Tywin's [-]st Division until the Northern Territory - Frey's [-] Allied Forces crossed the Trident River.

As soon as he saw it, he knew that the letter was half true and half false.

Leaving aside where the northern border troops went south, just one [-] army is enough to prove it is a fake.

There are more than [-] people in the Northern Territory - Frey Allied Forces.

The purpose of writing this letter may be to prevent the sender from being captured by the enemy and then reveal the secret.

But these two people traveled hundreds of leagues to deliver the letter, so it is naturally impossible to send a fake letter, the real letter should be in their minds.

After all, in the war in Westeros, the treatment of the captured nobles was basically good. Even in wartime, both sides of the battle could exchange prisoners with golden dragons.

Therefore, there are often high-status nobles who send letters and discuss major issues. For example, in the original book, Mrs. Stark went through the combat zone and arrived at Renly's camp next to Bitter Bridge to seek an alliance.

After reading it, Arthur passed the letter to Patrick beside him.

As soon as the latter saw the words that the [-] army was about to go south, he shouted excitedly: "We have [-] reinforcements. When the time comes, we will defeat the old lion in one fell swoop and go to his hometown, Casterly Rock City."

Most of the nobles in Hejian became happy when they heard the news.

It's just that Hosting and Robert didn't speak.

Arthur didn't have the confidence to hit everyone, so he turned his head and asked how the battle in the north was going.

The two came to make you talk to each other, and described the situation before they set off to everyone.

Eight or nine days ago, Robb joined forces with the Frey family to fight against Kevan who went north. Although they won a small victory by relying on their numerical advantage, the coalition forces also lost nearly 3000 people.

That night, the coalition forces backed by the direwolves launched an attack on Kaivan's Western Division again, and this time the results were much more fruitful.

Kaifeng's partial division lost 3000 men during the day, and only maintained a strength of over [-].During the riots at night, all the western divisions were dispersed, and most of the soldiers only cared about fleeing for their lives, without forming a formation to fight at all.

In this battle, the coalition forces killed more than [-] enemies, and captured thousands of soldiers from the Western Territory and dozens of prominent nobles in the Western Territory, such as Earl Gavin Westerling of Cliff City and Damon Marr of Brand City. Lord Bran, Lord Andros Brax of Horndale, etc.

Only less than [-] soldiers from the western border fled to the south, which made the battle situation in Xihejian suddenly clear.

Robb made a decisive decision and personally led [-] cavalrymen from the coalition army to chase after the fleeing Western soldiers, and of course there were Lannisters such as Kevan and James.

The remaining [-] infantrymen were led by the Marquis of Roose Bolton in the north, crossed the Twin River City, went south along the King's Road, and headed straight for the ruby ​​beach of the Trident River.

And at the same time Robb made such an order, the two were sent to the south to let Harrenhal, Maiden Springs and other places that were still standing firm keep the ferry across the river.

In order to seize the time to send orders, the two went south directly in a small boat on the Green Fork River, and all the crows along Kaifeng's route were shot and killed by the Northern Territory-Hejian coalition forces, so the Western Territory Army on the south bank of the Red Fork River probably didn't know that Kaifeng News of Feng's defeat.

"The mission given to you by Lord Robb and the Marquess of Bolton is to prevent the ferry of Earl Harroway's town from falling into the hands of the westerners, so that it will be convenient for the northern infantry to cross the river." Robert Grove Buddha explained it this way.

"It's the coalition infantry, and my family also has [-] infantry." Hosting reminded.

"One meaning." Robert held his head up and waved his hand to show that he didn't care. "After the northern infantry arrives, we can stab Tywin's ass with a fierce general like Mr. Arthur."

He still hadn't changed the word Confederate, much to the chagrin of Hosteen Frey.

"When you went south and passed the town, what was the situation there?" Arthur asked.

Robert thought for a while, and expressed his impression: "Soldiers from Maiden Springs and a large mercenary group control the town."

"That mercenary group is your subordinate, Mr. Arthur." Hosting added.

Arthur was stunned when he was called, he didn't send a mercenary group to control the town of Earl Harroway.

All the members of the blood troupe have died in battle. Bill's King's Landing mercenaries are all in Harrenhal, and Carey's Reach mercenaries are in the territory of Moulin Rouge in the middle of the Red Fork River.

He thought about it over and over again, and only the backbone of the blood troupe sent in Shire Village two months ago could match this mercenary.

The situation at the time was that Wagger Hott promised to send a backbone to the continent of Essos to shake people, and he could shake more than 200 mercenaries.

Calculate the time, it should be here.

I just don't know why it appeared here in the Trident River.

"Understood, does Robb have anything else to say?"

Hosting slapped his forehead, and suddenly said: "I still remember something. Lord Robb said that if Tywin leads the army back to the west, all the troops in the South River will follow Lord Bolton and attack King's Landing City in the southeast direction. attack."

Robert nodded, "That's right."

Arthur made a circle with his right thumb and index finger, signaling that he knew.

It seems that Robb's combat intention is similar to the plot of the original book.

If Tywin and Bolton and the Allied River Army entangled in God's Eye Lake, the cavalry unit of the Allied Fish and Wolf Army led by Robb would go straight to the hinterland of the West along the River Road.

If Tywin returns to help, let Roose Bolton lead the infantry of the Northern Territory-River Allied Forces to attack the king's land and King's Landing City all the way.

Anyway, the two basic markets of the Lion Family - the Western Territory and the Royal Territory - one east and one west, is a good time for Master Taiwen to focus on his head and ignore his back.

In this way, as long as the town of Earl Harroway is in his hands, the fifteen thousand army led by Old Skinny Bolton can cross the river and confront Tywin's main force in the west.

The fish-wolf alliance will temporarily have the upper hand.

However, Stannis of the Deer family and some of the Redwyne longships supporting Renly are still competing in the sea areas such as Shipwreck Bay and Blackwater Bay, and they really have no time to intervene in the land battle between the Lion House and the Fish Wolf House.

And after so many days of confrontation, the soldiers of the Western Region really did not have the ability and tools to attack the walls of Harrenhal, so there was no need to worry about this place.

"In this case, let's set off tomorrow, with 500 people, to defend the ferry town." Arthur made a decision.

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(End of this chapter)

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