Chapter 121 Alduin

In Arthur's world, magic is rare, but it's by no means non-existent.

Not to mention, among the group of mercenaries around them, there are more than a dozen of them wearing bronze plate armor with magic runes.

In general, the magic of the whole world can be divided into blood magic, water magic, shadow magic, fire magic, and special abilities such as "Alien" and "Green Prophet" among the ancestors.

The most famous blood magic is that Daenerys, the mother of the dragon, endowed three dragon eggs with inner souls with the three lives of the horse king, the witch, and the child in her belly, and three dragons hatched from these dragon egg fossils.

The more famous shadow magic is that the witch Melisandre of the Lord of Light in the original book used the shadow of Stannis to attack and kill Renly and Cortanay Penrose, the acting lord of Storm's End.

Of course, the Lord of Light also has other magical abilities such as resurrection, prophecy in fire, and burning swords.

Water magic is exclusive to the Rhoynar people. The last time the Rhoynar people were driven to Dorne by the Valyrians, the surviving leader Nymeria manifested several oases.

Aliens and green prophets are the most common magic methods. It is said that only one alien appears in a thousand ancestors, and one green prophet appears in a thousand aliens.The so-called aliens are those who can easily enter the consciousness of animals, and then control the actions of animals.

Among the six members of the younger generation of the wolf family, Robb, Jon, Bran, Arya, and Rickon all have the ability of aliens, which shows the strength of the Stark family blood.

Arthur guessed that this may have something to do with Ed's father, Rickard, marrying a Stark, which strengthened the blood of the wolf family.

Where there is magic, there are magical creatures.

White ghosts, children of the forest, and dragons are some of the more common magical creatures.

As far as Arthur knew, the ghosts were transformed from living people, and the owner of Fort Custer, north of the Great Wall, sacrificed his sons to the ghosts.

Considering that Craster himself was born of a Stark ranger and wildling, and Craster took his own daughters as wives, many of the White Walkers are Starks.

The children of the forest lived in this land before the ancestors conquered Westeros, and the origin of the dragon is very mysterious.

One theory is that magical creatures do not arise naturally, and require magic to be cast on the prototype creature to be born.

There is a kind of dragon creature called long pterosaur in the continent of Sothros, which is smaller than Valyrian dragon and can't breathe fire.A Bath monk believes that dragons were created by Valyrian blood witches using long pterosaurs.

Of course, there are other theories about the origin of the dragon.

The same Brother Bath, he once recorded a legend of Asshai: a mysterious people tamed dragons in the Shadowlands, and then gave the art of dragon control to Valyria.

It is also recorded that the Valyrians discovered dragons in the Fourteen Fire Peaks on the ring peninsula and learned how to control them.

But that doesn't explain why only Valyria's forty noble families can ride dragons, and ordinary Var people don't get preferential treatment from dragons.

And judging from the birth situation of Aegon I's son Maegor, a Dragon King family like Targaryen should have a big secret.

Maegor had six wives, three of whom were wives, and one Pentos courtesan.These four wives are all good at giving birth, but after marrying Maegor, they can only give birth to lizard-shaped, half-dragon, half-human dead babies.

Although Maegor had the effect of being poisoned by the courtesan Tiana of Pentos, the lizard-like shape of the dead baby is not something that poison can do.

This is enough to show that the blood of the forty dragon king families is different from that of ordinary humans.

Closer to home.

After picking the largest black dragon egg, Arthur ordered people to find a lot of branches, hay, firewood, etc. to form a circle, and then placed the black dragon egg and Emperor Joe in the center of the fire sacrifice pile.

Of course, in order to ensure that the hatched dragon recognized his master, Arthur deliberately cut his hand, and blood dripped onto the black dragon egg.

Joffrey was gagged all the way, unable to speak, and the only time he could threaten and curse was when he was resting and eating.

No matter how ignorant he is right now, he also knows that it is time for life and death.

So he twisted his body desperately, and pushed out the rag that was stuck in his mouth with his tongue.

"Let me go, I will give you whatever you want. I am the king, the Guardian of the Realm, and the owner of the Iron Throne..."

"Forget it." Arthur ordered someone to light the fire, "If you're dead, won't I be able to steal your things?"

Black smoke rose from the dry grass first, and then red flames floated up, and the flames rushed like snakes to the branches and firewood, which began to burn.


Because this place is close to the Dorne Sea, there is a lot of moisture in the branches and firewood, which makes billowing black smoke rise rapidly from the fire sacrifice pile, covering Joffrey's figure.


At dusk, amidst the thick smoke, this pure-blooded Lannister uttered the most tragic tearing cry since his birth.

More than 200 mercenaries were very interested in this scene, chatting in a circle.

Their hometown of Qohor also often holds fire rituals, and they are familiar with the blood magic that always fails.

"I think this master's approach is wrong, he should be killed first, and perform blood magic while the blood is hot."

"I don't know what it means to release dragon eggs? Does the master still want to hatch a dragon?"

The bachelor Keben who followed took out a small notebook, lay down on a big rock and began to record.

Arthur had brought him because the man knew some Valyrian, so he was prepared.

"What are you remembering?"

"My lord." Without raising his head, Cobain wrote with a feather brush, "I'm recording the discovery of the dragon egg fossil and the burning of the king and the dragon egg."

He actually wanted to use Joffrey for human experiments.

After all, not any bachelor has the opportunity to touch the king's body.

But now it seems that all he can get is the charred remains of the king.

Arthur thought about it and decided to let Cobain continue to record.

Among the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms, Hightower is the most negative.The upper school city in his family's territory is secretly eliminating traces of magic in this world.

Cobain was born in a school city, but he is very interested in living body experiments. Let him try in this area, maybe he can really discover some hidden truths.

The fire still had to burn for a long time, Arthur ordered the cooks in the team to start cooking dinner, and the whole team began to rest.

In the middle of the night, after adding more firewood to the fire sacrifice pile three or four times, there was a strange hissing from the fire pile.

The dragon finally hatched.

The fire sacrifice pile was almost extinguished, and a black biped pterosaur slowly crawled out, groping towards where Arthur was.

It was a young enough dragon, about the size of a two-and-a-half-year-old hen.But young dragons are significantly more aggressive than hens.

Its whole body is neatly arranged with small and sharp thorns, and the legs end with claws similar to falcons. The tail is long and winding, with thorns at the end, and barbs may grow out.

The red light from the young dragon's eyes is even more frightening.

It is worth mentioning that the wings of this dragon are surprisingly large, out of proportion to its small body.

This means it can carry more weight.

Maybe when they become adults, they can put on dragon armor, so as to reduce the damage from weapons such as bed crossbows and javelins on the ground.

【Please name your magic pet】

A blue light curtain appeared, reminding Arthur that it was time to name him.


Arthur mentally typed the name.

This is the name of a black dragon, and it is appropriate to name the young dragon hatched from the black dragon egg.

[Alduin (riding pet) has joined your team]

[Note: You can ride a dragon after the riding skill is greater than 10]

Arthur looked at the note and suddenly became happy.

Since many character skills are not available for the time being, his skill points are all added to running, iron bone, and strong attack.

There are three points in the riding skill when the system is activated, which has never been added.

And every level up has two skill points, and if you add ten points, you need to upgrade to at least four levels.

Although the leveling up was a bit slow, as long as he meets the requirement of a riding skill greater than ten, he will be able to ride a dragon. By then, Alduin must have grown up too.

Arthur had previously worried that he might not be able to ride the dragon.After all, according to Binghuo's world view, people who have the blood of the forty Dragon King families in Valyria can ride a dragon.

The conditions for riding a dragon of non-Dragon King blood are too harsh, and the price of life must be paid, which is not in his consideration.

He didn't expect the system to enable this hook for him, so that he didn't have to regret not being able to ride the dragon.

It was late at night, and only a few people saw the young dragon crawling on Arthur, which greatly shocked their conceptions.

The young man Gendry first knelt down and put his head on the ground. He was born in King's Landing, so he had naturally been to the scorched dragon's lair and knew what a dragon meant.

The few remaining mercenaries on watch knelt down, and they were not as pious as Gendry.

As people from the continent of Essos, the mercenaries have far less awe of dragons than the people of Westeros.

Arthur ordered them to get up, and then what to do.


The next day, basically everyone knew about the birth of the black baby dragon, which made Arthur's image suddenly mysterious.

Qyburn naturally didn't get the king's corpse he wanted, because Joffrey's body was burned to slag, not even a large bone.

Most of the team was discussing the birth of the baby dragon, and of course, they looked at Arthur with the same enthusiasm as they watched the baby dragon.

Bracken didn't care about the fiery eyes of the group of people looking at him, ordered to clean up the traces of the fire sacrifice pile, and took the whole team, Alduin and the remaining six dragon eggs to the north.

The death of Emperor Qiao and the origin of the dragon were ordered by him to be strictly kept secret.

During the process of hatching the dragon, basically no outsiders participated, which allowed this matter to be circulated only among this group of people for the time being.

As for Joffrey's death, Arthur said that Emperor Joffrey wanted to escape at night, but ran into the imperial forest and was killed by a group of wild boars.

After another ten days of riding, this group of people arrived near the Heishui River.

Here, Arthur learned about the latest mainland situation.

Inspired by the siege of King's Landing by the Northern-River Allied Forces, Stannis headed south with more than 100 longships, defeated part of the Redwyne family's fleet along the way, and reached Shipbreaker Bay, preparing to besiege Storm's End.

As for Xihejian, Robb first sent a few groups of lures outside the Golden Tooth City, which made James, who was defending the city, very irritable, so he went out of the city to hunt down the small group of troops from the north, but he was caught in the encirclement.

James was captured again.

Then Robb took the hostages to Golden Tooth City to persuade him to surrender, but was rejected by the defenders, so Lord Young Wolf led his troops to attack the western region from the path discovered by the direwolf, and approached Lannister Port all the way.

The interception campaign organized by Edmure did not have much effect. Tywin's army crossed the Red Fork River smoothly, and then chased to Golden Tooth City.

In order to let Robb's army retreat to the West River to fight against the army of the West, Lord Tywin then sent a large number of small troops to implement the "scorched earth policy", which made the farmers in the West River miserable.

The response method of the Fish Wolf Alliance is to let more than 1 people on the eastern front continue westward to fight against the small force of the Lions in Xihejian.

On the battlefields between Hejian and the Western Territory, the Fish-Wolf Alliance has the upper hand for the time being, but the Northern Territory is very worrying.

When Robb became king at Riverrun, he sent Theon Greyjoy to the Iron Islands to bring reinforcements.

Theon is the only living son of King Balon, the leader of the Iron Islands. After there were no hostages in the north, King Balon sent most of the ironmen to invade Cailin Bay. In order to let his father accept him, Theon was even more active. He personally led people deep into the hinterland of the northern border, and took down Deepwood Castle and Torun Fangcheng.

This made quite a few soldiers in the northern border start to homesick, and the morale of the army was slightly unstable.

On the southern border, Renly, who was stationed at Bitter Bridge, knew of the disastrous defeat at Shipbreaker Bay, so he led an advance force of nearly [-] cavalry to the east to rescue Storm's End.

Of course, Cersei in King's Landing was the worst. It is said that she was almost driven mad by Joffrey I's disappearance, and her curses and roars could be heard all day long in the Red Castle.

However, there is no news of her son in the "rebel army", the king's land, or the river land.

Arthur was not a cruel person either, and sent two mercenaries to King's Landing to inform Joffrey of his death, so that Cersei would stop thinking about her son's return.

"Just say that he was killed by a wild boar during his escape. Let Cersei remember Joffrey's death on my head, and don't trouble the wolf family."

Legend has it that after the former king Robert was seriously injured by a wild boar and died, Cersei loved wild boar very much.Now hearing that her eldest son was also killed by a wild boar, I don't know how she feels.

After King's Landing learned of Joffrey's death, they would definitely make Tommen king again.

Then the two brothers of the Lu family continued to compete with King's Landing for the Iron Throne.

In more than ten days, Alduin had doubled in size. Although he still couldn't breathe out flames, Arthur had already learned the pronunciation of flame in High Valyrian.


Although there are still little devils in King's Landing, without the coalition army as their thighs, Arthur didn't want to take such a small number of people to fight with four or five thousand gold robes, so after crossing the Blackwater River, he took people north to Heron fort.

Once there, he can decide what to do next.


Ten days later, Harrenhal.

The castle is not much different from when we left almost two months ago, except that there are more northern soldiers.

"Open the door quickly, the Earl of New Shili City is back." The soldier guarding the city shouted.

Arthur, the leader, was confused by this title.

He didn't remember that he had this title!

He didn't know what was going on until he entered the Hundred Hearth Hall and saw Sansa Stark, Herman Tallhart, Robert Glover and others stationed here.

(End of this chapter)

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