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Chapter 164 Little Rose Volunteers

Chapter 164 Little Rose Volunteers
Cersei Lannister has done more to the world in her death than in all her lifetimes combined.

Considering that she only lived to be 34 years old, Queen Cersei didn't contribute much to the world during her lifetime, she just cultivated an enterprising King Joffrey.

For the lion soldiers stationed in the Red Fort and King's Landing, the death of the Queen Mother saved their lives even more.

In the room of the 34-year-old queen mother, Arthur found the false Tommen, a boy of five or six years old.

After the King of the Rivers snapped and pretended to ask, the boy admitted that his name was not Tommen.

"My name is Levi Lanney!" he said timidly.

According to the child's surname, he should be a distant relative of the Lion family in Lannisport. Although he has a surname, he has no land or castle, not much different from a commoner without a surname.

Arthur handed the big knife to the soldier behind him, picked up the child, "I'll take you to meet a few people, and then I'll send you home, okay?"

Although the child's face could not be seen clearly in the dark, judging from his constantly shaking small body, the child was still very scared.

"Okay... okay."

After Levi agreed, Arthur hugged him and walked out with the soldiers who followed him.

The river king's goal is the Prime Minister's Tower, which has been captured by hundreds of Redwyne soldiers.

It was now the middle of the night, and only those Lannister soldiers stationed in the Red Keep were wearing armor, and the rest were resting as usual, so the soldiers led by Sir Willow fought extremely smoothly.

Currently, the Maegor Tower, the Prime Minister's Tower, and the White Sword Tower are firmly under the control of Redwyne's soldiers, and the throne room, garden, stables, and traitor corridor to the west are being fought back and forth by soldiers from the two groups.

Although there are many Lion soldiers, the news that the Queen Mother Cersei is dead has already spread. After the Lando Army breaks through the Lion Gate, it is estimated that these Westerners will not want to fight.

After climbing up the hundreds of steps in front of the Prime Minister's Tower, Arthur walked towards the "small hall" with Levi in ​​his arms.

Although it is named "Small Hall", this large room is really not small. The long tables and chairs are neatly arranged, and it can accommodate 200 people.When Ed was prime minister, the Stark family ate here, and Sister Mordane and Sansa were female celebrities here. Once the dining table was withdrawn, it was the place where Arya and Water Dancer practiced their swords.

At this moment, hundreds of candles are burning in the tower candlesticks, dispelling the darkness that covers the world.

Hopper was reporting the movement of the Riverbend Army in front of his grandmother and aunt, Ms. Olenna. The Knight of Flowers in a large brocade robe was standing behind his grandmother. A dozen Redwyne soldiers were scattered in the small hall, and the soldiers on the steps outside the tower Soldiers built a tight line of defense.

Little Rose Margaery, who was wearing a dark blue dress, was sitting beside the Queen of Thorns, listening to her cousin talking about important military and political affairs.

Although she is not very interested in these, as a participant in the power game, she should also know some important things.

"...After being reminded by the Dragonbearer, we came in from the secret passage of the Red Keep, and then...Cersei has been killed, and Lord Randyll Tarly is leading an army to attack from the east gate. Our situation is very good."

Hopper briefly explained the previous situation.

Because the Tyrell family, the lord of the River Bend, did not swear allegiance to the King of the River, so Hobber still adopted the title of Dragon Bearer when facing his grandmother.

"Secret way..." The Queen of Thorns pondered for a moment, then exchanged glances with her granddaughter Margaery.

Apart from Chief Intelligence Officer Varys, only members of the Targaryen can know the secret passages of the Red Castle.

This lends credence to the rumors that the Dragonbearer is Rhaegar's bastard son.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

The guarding soldiers immediately became vigilant, but when they saw that they were allies, they returned to their original positions.

Arthur said loudly: "This is the fake Tommen. His real name is Levi Lanney."

While speaking, he walked towards several nobles, and gave the child to Huo Bo.

The latter took it over, looked at it several times, and said to the grandmother: "The facial features are indeed very similar, but the size is much different. No wonder Cersei felt guilty, and she did it directly in the throne room."

Mrs. Olenna also held the child, and began to inquire carefully.

Of course, she didn't forget to wink quietly at her granddaughter.

The smart and beautiful Margaery naturally understood what her grandmother meant, so her face suddenly became sad and wronged, then she stood up, threw herself on Arthur, and wrapped her white arms around Arthur's neck.

Although wearing a throat guard and neck armor seemed uncomfortable, Little Rose put it on without any hesitation.

"Without you, my grandmother and I would have been killed by the Lannisters."

The delicate words made Arthur tremble.

Can he resist the beauty acting like a baby?I can't resist it, I don't have that strength!

Arthur patted Little Rose's beautiful back with his hand wearing an iron glove, "Don't worry, I'm here."

There were many people in the small hall, and Margaery let Arthur go after she complained coquettishly for a while about the weakness of her brothers and the incompetence of the family soldiers.

The Queen of Thorns has already figured out all the details. "Tomen is really dead. Counting it, the Baratheon family no longer has the right to inherit the Iron Throne. Our Tyrell family was loyal to the Targaryen royal family before, and it will be in the future."

In the current situation, the Reach and the Lannister family are no longer fettered, and it is impossible for them to support Robert's real heir, Stannis, but because she is not very familiar with the King of the River, Lady Olenna speaks very reservedly .

Hobber Redwyne understood her aunt's meaning, "It doesn't matter whether it's red or black, a dragon is a dragon. Your Majesty Arthur, we people of the River Bend will always be loyal to you."

They didn't know how to count the relationship between the River King and Targaryen, so their words were very vague.

According to the rumors, the King of Hejian is Rhaegar's illegitimate son. Before King Targaryen ennobled him, he would not have the right to inherit the Dragon family. Moreover, this rumor has never been confirmed by Arthur himself.

"Great, with your joining, my kingdom can be renamed the Kingdom of Three Rivers and the Bend," Arthur said.

Earlier, in order to create momentum, the two Earls Tristan Legge and Claremont Piper ordered people to spread rumors in the bustling towns and crowded villages in the riverlands, but this is a muddled account, Arthur himself said I don't know, he couldn't just recognize Lei Jia as a wild father, right?So be vague.

His idea is to talk about it in detail after Daenerys is born in the storm, or he can learn from Dorne's Martell family and use a compound surname after marrying Dragon Mama.

The family's full name is Nameros Martell, where Nameros means Nymeria's bloodline, and Martell is the surname of the lord of Sandship City before Roy took the people.

The Queen of Thorns blinked, wondering what the handsome king meant.

Doesn't he want the claim to the Iron Throne?
But doubts are doubts, Mrs. Olenna still put forward her own demands.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you are not yet married. I think my granddaughter Margaery is a qualified queen, so..."

She and her grandchildren are under house arrest here, and it is not known that Arthur has married Sansa Stark.

"Ahem, ahem, er, His Majesty Arthur has married Miss Sansa." Hopper looked embarrassed and reminded his grandmother in a low voice.

When King Hejian heard this, he became anxious on the spot. How could Margaret fly?

How could such a big beauty, such a delicate little rose, be rejected by Huo Bo without saying a word?

"It's okay, it's okay, I believe in the ancient Valyrian gods, and they don't care how many wives I marry. For the stability of the king, I will work hard as an old farmer and cultivate an extra piece of land. "

Arthur waved his hands again and again, indicating that these were minor problems.

Several members of Rose's family looked at each other, and the Queen of Thorns didn't know how to deal with it.

The scene is a little more subtle.

Arthur decided to go outside for a while and let the Rose family decide for themselves.

He winked at Hobber, who had a good relationship, and said loudly: "Since there are still a lot of Lannister soldiers outside, I won't waste any time, you guys, come with me. Let's go hack Lion soldiers!"

After receiving the broadsword from the soldier behind him, King Hejian nodded to several members of the Tyrell family, pressed his lower armor, turned around and strode away.

The more than [-] soldiers he pointed out also came out, and this group of fresh troops quickly walked down the steps and killed them near the garden of the main battlefield.


In the small hall, Huo Bo, who was awakened, understood that King Hejian still wanted to marry his cousin.

He then changed his tone, "Belerion and other gods really don't care how many wives their believers marry. Now that the Seven Realms are in chaos, even if we Margaret married him later in the order, it's not too much of a grievance to my cousin."

Margaery is the face of the Tyrell family, and Hopper's words mean that the Tyrell family is not ashamed.

The decadent Loras didn't even care about the marriage contract. His relationship with Renly was already a very serious act of blasphemy.

"Grandmother, I also don't think it's a big deal. They are all queens, so they can be distinguished? Besides, Miss Sansa is the eldest daughter of Duke Stark. There are almost no daughters of nobles who are more noble than her. My sister married Arthur is really not wronged."

In the entire continent of Westeros, there are only two houses with a history of thousands of years: Hightower in Old Town and Dayne in Fallen Star City. These two are currently only earls.

The 8000-year-old nobles include: Lannister, Stark, and the Blue Hands of the Riverbend.

The Tyrell family, which has only been the lord of Highgarden for 300 years, does not have much respect compared to the top nobleman Stark for 8000 years.

The Queen of Thorns glared at her grandson Loras, "Your brains are all focused on the good ability of swallowing swords. I am not concerned about this. Why do dragon bearers say that their kingdom is the Kingdom of Three Rivers and the Bend of the River, not the Kingdom of Seven Kingdoms?" country?"

The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and the Queen of the Two Realms are two different things.

The Knight of Flowers, who was choked by his grandmother, smiled coyly and stopped talking.

Hopper continued to smooth things over for Arthur, "Grandmother, Arianne Martell, the eldest princess of Dorne, is already in his army, Miss Sansa has also married him, and the two most difficult realms in the Seven Kingdoms have won It’s down, the Western Territory has been crippled, and it’s only a matter of time before it’s taken down. Stannis and Aegon VI in the Stormlands are in a melee. We just need to wait for them to finish fighting before leaving. There’s nothing we can do about the Valley, but Pei Tyr Baelish is also a smart man, once we have settled the West and the Stormlands, how else can he choose?"

Although Aegon VI claimed to be the eldest son of Rhaegar, many people knew that the Mountain had indeed killed all of Rhaegar's heirs, so there were not many nobles in the entire Seven Kingdoms to support Aegon VI.

At present, there is only one great nobleman who publicly supports Aegon VI: Jon Connington, but he is the deputy head of the Golden Company, and the mad king has deprived the Clinton family of their territory and castle, and their influence is far less than that of Aegon VI. forward.

When the Queen of Thorns heard this, her expression changed slightly, "There is still Princess Dorne? How many does he want to marry? Is he healthy enough?"

Because of the many intermarriages between the Martell family and the Targaryen, Dorne is a die-hard member of the Dragon family. In order to gain the support of the princes, most dragon supporters will also marry Arianne.

They talked for a long time before the Lord Margaret whispered: "I don't care how many he marries, as long as I am the queen. When I give birth to his first son, everything will be in our hands."

From birth to now, this noble lady has been indoctrinated that the interests of the family are greater than her own interests, and her own ambitions are not small.

The Queen of Thorns looked at her granddaughter with relief, "You are much better than Garland and Loras, so it's settled. Since Miss Stark has married him, you must conceive his child as soon as possible, so that the birth time will not be too late." behind."

According to the inheritance law agreed by the six northern countries, the eldest son takes everything.

In the case where the king has two queens, whoever gives birth to the eldest son will win the battle without gunpowder.

Even the queen's family will benefit from it for a long time.

Little Rose nodded, remembering her grandmother's words, she was planning to go to Arthur to reveal her heart in just a few days.

Seeing that the matter had been accomplished, Hopper immediately felt that he was worthy of Arthur, so he said casually, "Anyway, we will occupy King's Landing City and the Red Castle in the future, so we might as well arrange servants and male servants to come in as soon as possible to make plans for the future."

In the past, the servants and guards of the entire Red Castle were divided up by Cersei, Varys, Littlefinger and others. Even the former king Robert didn't have many caring servants, so Lancel Lannister could only serve as an attendant.

The Queen of Thorns nodded, "After the situation stabilizes, Hobber will take care of this matter and pick people in from King's Landing. Loras should not be idle either. You can find someone to figure out the secret passage system of the Red Castle and write it down. Draw on canvas."

In the future visible to the naked eye, the Tyrell family and the people of the River Bend are one of the most important roles in King's Landing, and the Queen of Thorns is already thinking about how to run the Red Castle.

"By the way, after driving the Lannister soldiers out of King's Landing, you will send a few earls to welcome Mace here, and bring Miss Stark here as well. She is the queen, how can she live in Harrenhal? What about that near-ruin place?"

Madame Olenna arranged.

She already had several ways to keep Sansa from having children.

The members of Rose's family are planning for the future, but Arthur has to face the present.

The lion soldiers in the Red Castle are the main force of the serious Lannister, with a strong fighting spirit and high morale.

Although the news of the Queen Mother's death spread, these lion soldiers became more and more courageous, and they had pushed back from the garden to the throne room.

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket and ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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