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Chapter 196 Shield Money

Chapter 196 Shield Money

The inheritance system in any region is an important tool to maintain social stability. For example, the eldest son inherits political status and sacrificial rights, and the remaining sons share the property with the eldest son.

Obviously, this kind of institutional system will weaken the power of the family a lot during the transition period, or even collapse, thereby strengthening the authority of the government, the emperor, etc.

And the lords of Westeros have tried their best to avoid the situation that the second and youngest sons will take away the family assets and territories from the time of the ancestors, and be taken advantage of by the rival family, so usually one heir gets all the family resources.

When the Andals came across the narrow sea with the seven-star belief and iron weapons in their hands, the Andal inheritance law of the eldest son became popular in Westeros, and quite a few families of the ancestors were affected by this, and also Start lowering the eldest daughter's line of succession.

The Dorne region joined by the Rhoynar is not affected by this, and they still retain the inheritance method of the eldest daughter and the eldest son without distinction.

But no matter in Dorne, the five central countries, or in the northern border, the second sons could not get family resources. They could only lose their status as backup heirs after the eldest brother's child was born, and were kicked out of the house to survive alone. .

Of course, the second sons of the great nobles don’t have to be so embarrassed. Their families can provide positions for the second sons who have received aristocratic military training, so that they can continue to serve the family, but Westeros has more than 600 noble surnames that are not repeated. One, there are only fifty or sixty big noble families, and the second sons of the remaining families can only go out to be wandering knights or mercenaries.

A slightly richer and more generous family can give the second sons an armor and even a war horse, while the less wealthy or more iron-blooded families just drive them out without even decent clothes.

Jules Bracken is a substandard example, because his military strength is not worthy of his status as an armed nobleman, but his rich wandering experience is worthy of any second son.

This is true for the nobles, but the second sons of the property knight families are even more cruel. They were born to fight for the superior lords.

But fortunately, the second son of a property-owning knight would not threaten the eldest son's inheritance rights, so generally he didn't need to leave his birthplace too far, and he could just find a job in the guard of a nearby lord.

For example, the Hound Sandor Clegane, he joined the Lannister family's army after his brother Magic Mountain inherited the family property, and made great achievements in the Usurper War at the age of 14, so he was awarded by Duke Tywin. Sent to be Cersei's bodyguard, and then Cersei assigned her eldest son, Prince Joffrey, to be her personal bodyguard.

"The second, youngest, and illegitimate sons of small families and property knights often have good military training, but because they conflict with the eldest son's inheritance rights, they are kicked out of the house and go to the Eastern Continent as mercenaries. They stay away from their hometown and relatives all their lives. The people of the city-state with strange customs are struggling to survive. As a king, I can't bear to see this kind of cold-blooded and ruthless tradition."

Arthur first expressed his regret for the wandering of the second son and the illegitimate son, and then changed the subject, emphasizing that it is a situation of mutual benefit for the second son to be included in the royal standing army.

"So the second sons over the age of 15 and the illegitimate children of the nobles must come to King's Landing to join the royal standing army in accordance with the Kingdom Act. The Iron Throne will generously give them salaries and officer positions, as well as the chance to get promoted according to their military merits."

"Of course, some second sons are still the heirs of their elder brothers. The royal army will consider this situation and provide such people with easier civilian or logistical positions."

"This bill will come into force next month, which is the first month of the 300th year of Aegon's conquest. Let's call it the 300 Years Second Son Act!"

Arthur clarified the details of the second son's bill one by one, and the faces of the courtiers also changed accordingly. The most obvious change was the little devil.

The new Duke of Lannister is obviously wise enough. The king's move will surely win over a large number of excellent warriors who received military training since childhood, but were later in the succession sequence.

The strengthening of kingship means the reduction of lord's power.

Earl Redwyne, who just wore the badge of Queen of the King, did not have Tyrion's wisdom. He only cared about one thing:

"Your Majesty, does my son Hope also need to abide by this act?"

Whether his son stayed in King's Landing was a secondary matter. Paxter's concern was that because of this bill, the youngest son Hopper lost some of his freedom.

Such as inability to control where to go independently.

Prince Oberyn, Tyrion and others sitting on one side of the round table looked at the king with their necks tilted, wondering how far this bill would go.

In order to win the support of the Redwyne family, Hobber may not be bound by this, Tyrion thought to himself.

But Tyrion was disappointed.

The king declared clearly: "As the Hand of the King and Prime Minister of the Imperial Council, Lord Paxter must take the lead in setting an example. Your second son, Hobber Redwyne, must join the royal standing army."

Earl Paxter's face was cloudy, and he couldn't guess whether it was good or bad.

Arthur noticed this, so he gave him a little comfort: "But please rest assured, as a member of the top nobles, Hopper will naturally not be subject to strict requirements like members of small families. He only needs to express his opinion to join, and follow-up In the name of protecting his cousin, Queen Margaery, let Sir Hopper reside in the Red Keep."

Hearing this arrangement, Paxter finally felt relieved.

"You are truly a wise king!" After his own interests were protected, Earl Redwyne would never be stingy with compliments.

He has established his eldest son, Horror Sir Horace, as his heir, and Hooper's mission is to consolidate the rights and interests of the family.

As the queen's cousin, Hobber's stay at the Red Keep is the most suitable choice. Firstly, he can consolidate the relationship with the Tyrell family. Second, he can get acquainted with the royal family and lay a foundation for him to enter the imperial council smoothly when he is old. .

Tyrion raised the inseparable wine glass in his hand, and casually echoed: "Cheers to the wise Arthur I!"

The king squinted at him, thinking that the Lord of Lannister was more interested in drinking while he was taking the opportunity than in flattering him.

The matter of the second son's act came to an end, and Minister of War Aenys took the lead in talking about the war in the Stormlands.

"Your Majesty, Earl Matus' advance is a bit slow. His barracks have only reached the edge of the territory directly under Storm's End, and there is no sign of going south to besiege the castle. Those big families in the northern part of the Stormlands, such as Hay Hall, Bronze Gate City, Fort Felwood and other places did not send soldiers to fight."

Countess Sheila Ellor of Hay Hall, Lord Heywood Fell of Felwood Castle (also translated as Fallen Wood City), Ralph Buckler, Earl of Bronze Gate City, and the Lord of Evening Hall, Twilight The star, Selwyn Tarth, basically supports Renly first, and then turns to Stannis.

After the death of Stannis, these people fell back to the Iron Throne, that is, Arthur I with the "orthodox" Targaryen blood. The families in the north of the Stormlands basically swore before and after the wedding of the king and Queen Margaery, but It seems that they are not very supportive of going south to attack the golden regiment.

The harsher Earl Randall Tarly expressed his opinion, "Your Majesty, I suggest sending an envoy from the Iron Throne directly to warn these families severely. They charge shield money."

Arthur pondered that the shield money in Landau's mouth was slightly different from the "shield money" in England in his previous life.

The shield money that Earl Tarly said was the protection fee charged by the Iron Throne. According to the oath sworn by the lower-level lord when he swore allegiance to the higher-level lord, the main military interaction between the two sides is that the higher-level lord is summoned, and the lower-level lord has to lead the army to fight; the lower-level lord is in trouble. The superior lord has to come forward to solve it or lead troops to help out.

The shield money in ancient England was to exempt the king from the [-]-day military service, allowing knights who could not participate in the war to spend money to exempt themselves from the length of service.

This reminded Arthur that if the second son of a wealthy family does not want to join the royal standing army in the future, he can use money as a substitute for service reduction.

It's also a way to increase your income.

"A reasonable proposal. These families have to send troops or food, anyway, it can't be the same as now." Arthur looked around, "Do you have any suitable candidates to go to the northern part of the storm?"

The commander of the garrison, Tristan Legge, who was basically speechless, cleared his throat, and then suggested: "Your Majesty, Queen Sansa's bodyguard, Brienne of Tarth is the most suitable choice, she is the only one in Evening Star. My child, the Tas family has a lot of influence in the Stormlands."

The successors of House Tarth are known as Evening Stars.

Tyrion also agreed with the proposal, "Yes, Your Majesty. As far as I know, Selwin and Brienne's father and daughter also have Targaryen blood, so they are perfectly suitable as representatives of the Iron Throne."

Marquis Aenys Frey, who didn't read much, was obviously a little surprised. He widened his brown eyes and asked, "Since when did the Tarth family have true dragon blood?"

This is also the doubt of the remaining semi-literate nobles.

Prince Oberyn, the only one who read the imperial council, answered this question, "During the time of Aegon V, there was a Targaryen princess who married into the Tarth family in Evening Hall. I remember that this princess was Aegon V. daughter of Daenerys Targaryen, my sister."

Daniela once had a marriage contract with Aegon V, but Geng Wu traveled half of the Seven Kingdoms with the legendary knight Duncan the Tall and fell in love freely with Beth Blackwood, so Daniela married an unknown character (most likely Duncan the Tall).

The Red Viper himself has Targaryen blood, and has read a lot of books, so he can say something about these entangled relatives.

The king was also surprised by this remote and unpopular blood relationship, "That's Brienne, and when she succeeds in getting the Stormlands family to send food and troops this time, I will specially order that a certain well-known knight seal her For a true knight."

Arthur himself is not a knight, so he cannot confer knighthood on others, even if he is forcibly conferred, other knights will not recognize it.

The imperial meeting continued. The king hadn't figured out how to deal with Mattus sending someone to remind Landau that something might be wrong, but before he led his army south, he would find an excuse to eliminate all unstable factors.


The Reach, Oldtown.

Even though it has been more than a month in late autumn, there is still a bountiful harvest on the green land, especially in the bustling old town.

As the sun rose and the morning fog began to lift, the second largest city and largest port in Westeros began to glow with vitality.

The farmers drove the ox carts to transport the surplus crops that could not be stored for a long time to the city to exchange some spare money. The peddlers carried their burdens and peddled along the mead river that passed through the old town. The monks and bachelors held their heads high. Apprentices pass through the crowd from time to time, going to the Temple of the Stars or the City of Learning from their own college or tavern. Rich merchants and sailors from major trading ports carry their wallets and look for the services they want in the streets and alleys.

The long winter is coming, but Oldtown is like a knight without armor, showing anyone who comes here what he has achieved in the long summer.

The war has been going on for almost a year, but this place has not been affected much. The only thing that can show the factors of war is the big iron chain across the mouth of the Mead River.

Crossing the river with iron chains is one of the main means for Westeros to deal with the enemy's attack from Shanghai. King's Landing City, hundreds of miles away, also built a winch tower to lock the Blackwater River when necessary.

Pate, with freckles on his face, looked coldly at the iron chains of the Hengjiang River shining metallic luster in the early morning sun and the towering tower standing at the mouth of the Meadow River, and then staggered towards the school city with the rest of the cider and go.

In the night that just passed, he and a few apprentices he knew drank the wine in the middle of the night at the "Quill Wine Bottle" on the small island in the Mijiu River.

He went to the tavern, which had existed for 600 years, to make an appointment with the alchemist to exchange a key of old doctor Wargrave for a golden dragon.

"Exchange black iron for golden dragon, black iron for golden dragon..." The parrot's voice sounded, but when it reached the guilty Pate's ear, it automatically changed into this sentence.

His purpose for asking for the golden dragon is also very simple, as long as he has a golden dragon, he can get the first night of the youngest maid Roxie of the "Feather Pen Wine Bottle".

That was Rosie, Rosie who would let him play with her tender feet.

Pate fantasizes about the wonderful life of running away with Rosey later, "A donkey can carry us both."

He didn't notice that he bumped into someone.

"Good morning, Pete!" The person who was hit took the initiative to say hello.

Pate, who was sorting out the mud on his only robe, raised his head and saw a tall figure wearing a brown hooded cloak.

Although the oncoming sunlight made him unable to see the person's face clearly, the voice made him recognize that this was the "alchemist".

"You missed the appointment!" Pete was a little angry, but he didn't dare to show his anger in his tone.

After all, he still needs this golden dragon very much.

"I got there early and just saw you gathering with your companions, so I didn't bother you."

The former "Jia Kun", now the alchemist, stared at Pate with a casual but firm look, and before the apprentice could speak, he turned and walked towards the deep alley beside him.

Pate, who was in a hurry to use the golden dragon, had no choice but to follow.

If he misses this time, he won't have any chance to get a real golden dragon, and Rosie's flowering period is approaching, and another apprentice that Pate hates, Leo Tyrell, also claims to get Rosie's first night.

The two walked into the deepest part of the alley one after the other.

"Here is the key, where is the golden dragon?"

After all, Pate, who was still anxious to get the golden dragon, couldn't hold back, and broke the silence between the two of them first.

The alchemist who took off his hood reached into the purse at his waist, took out the largest coin, and then threw it to the apprentice who was watching eagerly.

Pate caught the gold coin across a perfect curve, "This is not theft, this is just an exchange, exchanging black iron for gold."

He comforted himself with poor excuses, and then began to identify the authenticity of the Golden Dragon Coin.

Like all gold dragon coins in Westeros, this one also bears the three dragons on one side and the upper body of a tall and handsome Targaryen king on the other.

Among the existing gold dragon coins, the ones with the upper body of Jaehaerys I, who has reigned the longest, are the most, while those of other kings are much less.

Although Pate had seen all the portraits of the Targaryen kings, he couldn't figure out whose upper body portrait was printed on the golden dragon coin in his hand.

Of course Pate would not know that the owner of this portrait, Daemon Blackfyre I, had never been on the Iron Throne.

The coin in his hand is the commemorative currency issued by the Golden Group on the continent of Essos.

Feeling the alchemist staring at him again, in order to pretend to be very experienced, Pate had no choice but to imitate the method of other people's identification of gold coins, put it in his mouth, and took a bite with his big teeth.

When he took out the gold coin, there was indeed a bite mark.

"Real gold coins!" After the golden dragon was in hand, Pate suddenly hesitated, "Are you going to steal the book?"

Old Dr. Wargrave's key unlocks a crypt where some of the last Valyrian scrolls left in the world are locked.

"It's none of your business!" the alchemist said coldly.

After getting the Golden Dragon Coin, Pate only thought about playing with Roxie, "Oh, then the deal!"

He handed the man the stolen key and turned to leave.

It's just that the cobblestone road under his feet suddenly floated up, "What's wrong, I don't understand."

"You'll never understand," someone replied.

After a few breaths, Pate fell down in the deep alley, and then the alchemist walked over quickly, replaced the hood and cloak on Pate, and began to peel off the poor apprentice's face.

Before the early morning fog completely dissipated, New Pate reappeared on the streets of Old Town. He imitated the previous Pate's shaking movements after drinking cider, and slowly moved towards the super-large building complex in the Academy City.

The "New Pate", who has been searching the school city for two months, is far more familiar with this place than the former owner of this face, and he entered the old Dr. Wargrave's residence with ease.

The old doctor was elected as the administrator of the school city this year, but due to his old age, a middle-aged doctor named Theobald was appointed as the administrator.

New Pate quietly walked into the old doctor's bedroom, listening to the conversation inside.

"Yes, Marwyn is not trustworthy. His mind is full of magic, which completely violates the philosophy of our school city." A deep voice said.

"I also support Dr. Ryan. He is a firm non-demon faction. It is most suitable for him to go to King's Landing City."

The second panting voice was clearly that of old Wargrave.

After the people in the bedroom finished talking, New Pate left quickly.

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket and ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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