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Chapter 203 The Dream of the Year

"The intention of the rebel army is very obvious. It is to concentrate the main force on Storm's End and wait for the reinforcements sent by Volantis."

Arthur pointed to Storm's End on the north side of Shipbreaker Bay, and then pointed to Cape Wrath on the south side of Shipbreaker Bay.

"But it's late autumn now, and the storms in the Narrow Sea are not familiar to Volantis captains who are used to sailing in the summer seas, not to mention the need to pass through the notorious Shipwreck Bay directly to reach Storm's End, so even Volantene's advance fleet arrives to support young Aegon, and their landing site will only be in the rainforest this week."

Cape Wrath is a large peninsula jutting out from the Stormlands into the Narrow Sea, bounded by Shipbreaker Bay to the north, the Dorne Sea to the south, and the Isle of Ismond across the sea.

A jazz named Bruce Buckler cleverly patted the king's ass: "What your majesty said is that we must not only defeat the rebels of the Golden Regiment, but also block possible reinforcements."

Matus Rowan agreed with this, "Since we have reinforcements from Dorne, why don't we send some to Cape Wrath, to recover the castle and cut off the route for the Golden Group to escape south."

This is also a reasonable suggestion. In the face of nearly two to three times the strength, even the experienced Golden Company has little hope of victory, so apart from sticking to Storm's End, little Aegon and the Golden Company who supported him It can also develop to the south.

The south of Cape Wrath is a flat river, and the climate is rainy and the land is fertile. There are quite a lot of food reserves in the lord's castle and the countryside.

The northern part of the peninsula is a forest called "Rainforest", which is most suitable for fighting in pieces. If the golden group cannot escape, it will be even more troublesome to deal with them.

"That's right, so I decided to send you to command a reinforcement from Dorne."

Arthur pointed to the location of Nightsong City, "There is a Dorne army of about 5000 people here, and its commander is the knight of High Hidden City, Jero Dayne. I am worried about him. You go and take over the command, and then take this army The army attacked in the direction of the rainforest, and while recovering the castles everywhere, captured any members of the slave hunting team, hanged the leader of the slave hunting team, and the rest stayed behind, waiting to be exiled to Castle Black."

The Dornish vanguard marched up near Prince's Pass, and stayed there in the name of taking Nightsong.

Arthur guessed that the dark star Geraldine might want to preserve the power he controlled and make troubles after the situation became clear.

You know, this dark star is more poisonous than the red viper. Prince Oberyn has always wanted to kill Jero Dayne, but he has been unable to find a reason.

And Matus Rowan once shed tears at the tragic death of Rhaegar's son, and he himself was more loyal to the silver-haired and purple-eyed Targaryen. He might change sides because of Arthur's hair color and eye color, so he was called Sent south.

The lord of Jinshu City had no opinion on this, but expressed his doubts appropriately:
"Your Majesty, I will absolutely obey your orders. But I am from the Reach, and this is the army of the Dornishmen. Is it not appropriate for me to command?"

The millennium old feud between the Dornish people and the Hewan people is indeed a bit difficult.

Arthur smiled and called out a Dornishman.

"Nymeria Sand."

This is the second illegitimate daughter of Prince Oberyn, known as Miss Nyme, who has been following her cousin Arianne Martell.

Coincidentally, his mother was a Black City nobleman from Volantis.

Arthur pointed to the Sand Snake and said to Matus: "Miss Nymeria is the second daughter of Prince Oberyn. She has a high status among the Dornish people and can represent Princess Arianne. After you go, If the many benefactors disobey your order, you can ask Miss Nymeria to give the order in the name of Princess Arianne. Anyone who disobeys will be dealt with as violating the order of the lord. die."

Matus is capable enough to command an army of 5000 men, and a Sand Snake can also improve the execution ability of Dornish soldiers. This combination is the most suitable.

After the arrangements were made, Arthur directly ordered Matus to pack up and set off with his own soldiers and Nymeria Sand.

Their route was to start from the vicinity of Tongmen City, pass through the boundary between the Royal Forest and the Crimson Mountains, enter the Dorne Borderlands, and arrive at Nightsong City along the northern side of the Borderlands.

After driving away Matus, Arthur I began to formally issue orders to this army.

"There are basically no hidden places at the end of the King's Road, and it is not easy for the enemy to ambush us. So we marched quickly, cleared the small group of the Golden Company along the way, and then set up camp a few leagues north of Storm's End."

It is basically impossible to take Storm's End by force. What 17 people in the Reach failed to do 6 years ago, the 3 people who are about to arrive will not be able to do it.

But it is still possible to besiege without attacking, and Arthur still has some clever means to use.

The king's order was relatively completely implemented in the long-rested military camp.

It took more than an hour for the nobles and knights to ride southward on horseback.The conscripts and logistical servants were busy loading the tents onto the bullock carts and carts. They set off late, but they had to arrive at the camp tonight at about the same time as the knights, otherwise they might be rewarded with a whip.


The Stormlands, Storm's End.

It is one of the strongest castles in the Seven Kingdoms.The castle was surrounded by a heavy outer wall, about a hundred feet high at its thickest point, forty feet thick, and about eighty feet thick on the seaward side.The walls consist of two layers of rock and an interlayer of sand and gravel so compact that not even a breath of wind can get out.

The castle itself was a massive tower topped with fortified battlements, making it appear from a distance to be a giant, spiked fist thrusting into the sky to defy the enemy.

On the spacious area on both sides of the King's Road on the north side of Storm's End, a military camp that was three parts chaotic and seven parts neat was experiencing a small commotion.

A messenger galloped out of the huge castle and went directly to the Chinese army tent in the barracks outside the city, and then all the officers in the barracks, big and small, were summoned to obey the order.

Moreau Jayne, a senior officer of the Golden Regiment with brown skin and a pale beard, was temporarily in charge of the barracks outside the city after Captain Harry Strickland led some infantry into Storm's End.

"Captain Harry ordered all the food to be moved into the castle, and the knights took their attendants to the various castles in the south to supervise the food transfer."

"Sir Axell Florent, you lead the soldiers from Brightwater to build trebuchets. Sir Roland Cullen, take your soldiers to cut down all the trees in the vicinity, and don't leave any for us enemy."

"The rest of the soldiers, move our supplies and tents into the castle. Storm's End is big enough to accommodate us without any problem."

Although he didn't know what decisions the people in power in the castle made, based on the orders he received, it was not difficult for Moreau Jayne to come to the conclusion that Captain Harry wanted to stick to Storm's End.

The low-ranking officers who received the order stepped out of the tent one by one to carry out the order. Moreau Jain stopped the four officers who also went out with the crowd:
"Sir Axell Florent, Sir Bened Berenne, Sir Dick Cole, Ser Franklin Flowers, Your Majesty and the Captain have summoned us to town for a council of war."

By convention, the military meeting of the Golden Regiment is only attended by the head, deputy heads, and the top-ranked senior officers, usually only nine people.

Mo Luo Jain didn't know how the people who were invited to participate in the military meeting were determined, but the number of people was more than before.

The five knights led their own soldiers through the barracks that was about to become chaotic, entered the north gate of Storm's End, and then, led by the guards, entered the lord's hall of this huge castle.

"Attack to the north, our soldiers surpass the enemies attacking in any direction, and we can defeat them one by one, just like what we did in the past in disputed places." As soon as he entered the door, a loud voice came to Morrow In Jayne's ears.

There are currently only seven or eight people in the hall that can accommodate hundreds of people. Even with the addition of the next five people, the hall looks extremely empty.

Moreau Jayne and the others walked for a while before reaching the long table near the main seat.

The man who was speaking was named Tristan Rivers, who, as far as Morrow knew, was known for his short temper.

And based on his red hair and River's surname, Tristan is likely to be the illegitimate son of one of the lords of Harrenhal.

Captain Harry Strickland vetoed this proposal, "According to scouts, the number of the army in the north is much more than 1, at least between 2 and [-]. We cannot defeat them quickly." At best, they can defeat them. And while we are going north, the other two armies of the false king Arthur will capture the castle in the south of the Stormlands, and even Storm's End may be lost."

"Aegon Targaryen", who was sitting on the main seat, also opposed the military adventure of going north: "Our loyal ally, Illyrio Mopatis, has received the support of Volantis. Mala of the Tiger Party Joe Megia has sent a rather large fleet to support us, and it is more appropriate to stick to Storm's End."

In fact, he didn't know how many Volantenes' aid Illyrio had received, but in order to stabilize the morale of the army, little Aegon lied.

"Yes." Harry Strickland nodded, "We have been wandering in foreign lands for more than a hundred years. 88 years ago, Sir Aigor Rivers established the Golden Company in order to prevent us from being scattered. For more than a hundred years We have survived all the hardships, and now it is time to set foot on our homeland, can't we bear it for a while longer?"

In the 212th year of Aegon's conquest, the second Blackfyre Rebellion took place, and the Golden Company was founded by the loyal rebel Aigor River.

Since the first Blackfyre Rebellion in 300, the families of the main officers of the Golden Regiment have been exiled to the mainland of Essos. In the past [-] years and [-] years, four generations have taken over successively, namely In order to return home.

Moreau Jayne secretly agreed with the leader's statement. Although Harry Strickland looked like a fool without resourcefulness, anyone who knew him well knew that the fourth member of the regiment who was promoted from the treasurer The leader is definitely the most intelligent head of the Golden Group.

Before doing anything, the homeless Harry will take into account all possible favorable conditions and plan what he thinks is the most rigorous plan.

This is also the reason why Harry, who is not high in force, can be the head of the mercenary group of more than 1 people.

Tristan Rivers looked resentful, "We tried several times to hatch dragon eggs and failed. Before the big battle, we didn't seem to be able to hatch dragons. And I, a heroic warrior, should not only defend one egg, please Adjust my position, at least let me personally participate in the battle."

It looks like he's calling for a fight, but in reality Tristan Rivers is running away from the priceless gem.

Staying with the dragon egg again, Tristan felt that he would find a way to steal the dragon egg and betray his comrades who had fought for five years.

"I will never question your courage to fight for His Majesty Aegon and the Golden Company, but the dragon egg is the most important thing for His Majesty. I can only rest assured that Sir Tristan defends the dragon egg in a battle like this."

Harry praised Tristan Rivers eloquently, and asked him to guard the dragon's egg with two other senior officers.

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