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Chapter 22 Westward Journey

Chapter 22 Westward Journey
The Blackwood soldiers were very clever, and most of them turned around in a mess and slipped away without looking back.

A bound captive and Santaja lying on the ground moaning were left behind.

Andrew was about to order the pursuit, but Arthur raised his hand to stop him.

"Why? We have enough advantages." Andrew was puzzled.

"Let's take Brynden to Riverrun as soon as possible." Arthur explained.

This was done to prevent Lord Tytos of Blackwood from sending an army to pursue Arthur.

Arthur's 35 armored soldiers and more than 20 peasant soldiers could not stop the thousands of troops in Raventree City.

You know, Shuangbu maintains a standing army of more than 3000 people.

Most of the vast land from the Blue Fork River in the north to the north bank of the Red Fork River belonged to the Blackwood family.

Others belonged to the Tullys.

However, considering that the Red Fork River and the Tumstone River further west divided the Tully family's territory into three parts, it was hard to say whether the Tully family could do better than Blackwood on the north bank of the Red Fork River.

But as long as he entered the territory of the Tully family in the west, Titos would not dare to use force on the lord's territory at will.

It's time to show Edmure the evidence and let him do justice.

Andrew scratched his helmet, "But Lord Hendry didn't order us to follow you to Riverrun."

"I will pay him a large sum of golden dragons as a reward for borrowing you. In addition, everyone present will be given three silver stags."

After hearing that they could get three silver stags, the Bracken soldiers immediately became excited.

"Everyone is Bracken, Lord Hendry will agree."

"That's right, Andrew, you are a knight, how dare you refuse Lord Arthur's request?"

"Don't you just go to Riverrun? We will accompany you."

"The Tully family is hospitable, so there's nothing wrong with going there."

These soldiers are all civilians in the river land, and many of them came out to serve as soldiers without any land. They only get four or five silver stags a month.

Three Silver Stags just for a trip to Riverrun is heaven.

In fact, this situation of maintaining a large standing army only appeared in the Riverlands and the Riverlands controlled by the Tyrell Rose family.

Because the two places are the second and the first grain producing areas of the seven countries respectively, there is enough grain to feed the extra population.

In addition, the climate is warm and suitable for reproduction, and uneducated farmers do not know how to control birth control, resulting in a large population increase in peacetime.

Robert has been king for 15 years, and a new round of population growth is about to begin.

Unfortunately, the long summer, which lasted for nearly ten years, is coming to an end, and the contradiction between food and population will be magnified wirelessly.

At that time, even if Robert is not dead, Westeros will be in chaos for a while.

During the Targaryen Dynasty, there were wars with Dorne that lasted for many years before, and there were several Blackfyre Rebellions later, which could consume the excess population to ensure that after the long summer, the food reserves in Westeros could make the remaining The next person eats until the next summer.

It is worth mentioning that the Bracken family is the main supporter of Damon Blackfyre, the illegitimate son of the Targaryen family, the so-called Black Dragon Party.

Facing the enthusiasm of the soldiers, Andrew couldn't refuse.

Anyway, Arthur explained to Hendry and Earl Janos that he was just the executor.

Andrew convinced himself so.

After tying Santaja and releasing the captives, more than five hundred people lined up and set off.

Soon, Arthur's castle appeared in front of him.

Several people were lying on the ground, a peasant-looking man hugged someone and cried loudly, while the supervisor Amber and some peasant soldiers stood aside.

Trotting on horseback, he brought Arthur to the front.

He recognized that this was Darren, a villager from Riverside Village, who followed him to arrest Brynden and his henchmen yesterday.

The three people on the ground seemed to be dead. They didn't even have a piece of good meat on their bodies, and they probably suffered a lot before they died.

Darren was holding a young woman with a conspicuously protruding belly. Apart from the bruised skin, a lot of blood flowed from between her legs.

Obviously a miscarriage.

"Seven Hells!" Arthur sighed loudly, "Did that Officer Blackwood do it?"

Darren was crying and unable to speak, Amber replied with some guilt:

"Yes, my lord. I am ashamed that you failed to protect your people when you went out. I was not a good steward."

"It's okay." Arthur reassured him.

Seeing the devastated Darren, Arthur also felt a little sad.

He jumped off his horse and went up to Darren. He said, "I am ashamed that I failed to protect you and your family. I swear the Blackwoods will pay for it."

The honest villagers in this He'an village should have their own small life. Maybe they are not very happy, but they also have a bright future.

It may be that just because of Brynden's act of pretending to be a bandit, three families were broken.

This is not a villager who can be robbed casually in Qiqiba, this is a real person.

Maybe a wife, maybe a daughter, maybe a mother, in short, she is a person with definite social relations.

In this way, he was tortured to death.

Arthur faintly hated Brynden and the officer.

"Amber, go and bring Brynden and his men out. I'll take them to Duke Hoster and let him deal with this matter fairly." Arthur ordered.

"Darren, are you willing to go to Riverrun to testify? The Duke will give you an explanation." Arthur bent down and asked.

Darren wiped his nose and looked at Arthur blankly, "I...I would, but can I bury my wife and children."

"They are evidence, and we will take them to Riverrun." Arthur said softly, "We can wrap your wife and children in salt so they won't rot quickly."

Darren's eyes were empty, and he neither nodded nor shook his head.

Arthur felt that he should have agreed, so he ordered the servants in the castle to bring out the salt and deal with the three corpses.

In addition, some soldiers of the master's family were also sent to carry food. It would take two or three days to walk from here to Riverrun City, and it would be impossible not to bring enough food.

Fortunately, enough food was stored in Arthur's Castle.

After instructing Amber to continue guarding the castle, Arthur set off with criminals, captives and five hundred soldiers.

Their destination is Riverrun City at the confluence of the Red Fork River and Tengshi River.


Raventree City.

"My lord, Master Brynden has been kidnapped by Arthur Bracken of the Moulin Rouge."

The escaped sentinel ran the fastest, and even ran back to Raventree City early the next morning, and reported the matter to Earl Titos.

"Huh~? Where's the soldiers around my son? Where's Santaga? Where's Roger? Are they idiots? More than 100 people can't do a small Moulin Rouge?" The earl was furious.

The sentinel didn't dare to tell the fact that Brinden was pretending to be a bandit, so he had to be vague: "They were all captured, and the rest of the brothers saw that something was wrong, and they all came back to report to you like me, and they are all on the road now. "

"What a waste, get out." The Earl obviously didn't believe this statement.

He stood up abruptly, wandered back and forth in the hall a few times, and then ordered to the panic-stricken manager beside him:

"Call all the soldiers around Raventree City, let's go and get my son back."

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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